
The Top 10 Benefits Of Using Positive Affirmations Everyday

namaste123 2016. 3. 13. 01:00

The Top 10 Benefits Of Using Positive Affirmations Everyday

Ben Arion

Known as conscious thoughts, Affirmations are powerful and short statements which allow you to be in conscious control of your thoughts; these are thoughts that become incorporated into how you view and interact with your reality. Successfully changing negativity and declaring positive assertions is just a small example of what using Affirmations on a regular basis can do for you.

So here are the top 10 benefits of using Affirmations every day:

1. Increased Energy Levels

Using affirmations ever day can cause a significant increase in your energy levels. A happy person is almost always the result of positive programming of the mind. In addition to emotional health, positive affirmations can also have an impact on your physical health.

2. Affirmations Showcase What You're Capable Of

Using affirmations can consistently bring forth your talents, capabilities, strengths and skills. This can help you become very successful, as it keeps you one on point with goals you might have in mind.

3. You're Open To New Possibilities

Even though your affirmation may not seem true, it's absolutely normal. This feeling is actually a good thing. This introduces a new way of thinking for you that isn't automatic. It means you're finally thinking of possibilities you weren't open to in the first place.

4. Creating Your Own Happiness

Using affirmations is incredibly empowering. Essentially, you're choosing your own thoughts and no one else is interfering in your choices. Knowing that you're in charge of your own change of opinion and beliefs is a great support system to have for yourself.

5. Feel Free to be Creative

When using affirmations appropriately, you will successfully program yourself to learn exactly what you want to believe in. Whether it's relationships, financial situations or your own health, your affirmation can easily be tailored to your current situation.

6. Improved Problem Solving

With the positive reinforcements affirmations have to offer, it allows you to stop and think for a moment if you happen to be under pressure. Trying to solve a problem hot-headed isn't going to get you anywhere. Affirmations can help in getting you to that perfect point of calmness and ready to take the problem head on.

7. Staying Confident

Because confidence plays such an Important in our self-esteem, relationships and daily life, it's important for it to remain at a high level, right? Using affirmations regularly can help you get that confidence booster to better how you are as a person.

8. Get A Better Look At Your Intention

Affirmations can help out a lot with helping you create what you want in life, as well as your drive to get it. Affirmations can help you with positive attitudes, behaviors and the traits you possess.

9. Decrease in Depressive Symptoms

There are so many of us that take on a negative approach when something life- changing occurs and it's completely understandable. Breakups, pregnancies, job interviews, all things that can easily trigger stress, anxiety and depression. By using affirmations daily you can help yourself avoid these negative approaches which can lead to depression. Write your own affirmation to help you power through those stressful life events.

10. Keeping In Touch With Yourself

The use of affirmations allows you to interact and keep in touch with your inner self. Consistently knowing what your goals and ambitions are, as well as constantly staying on point with them and working hard to accomplish them, will play a big part in how you react to change and how you adapt to obstacles that might be thrown your way.

Self-Hypnosis & Affirmations: How to Program Your Subconscious

Are you ready to ditch some of your bad habits, but can't get yourself to do it? Self-hypnosis & Affirmations may be able to help you reprogram your behaviors with just a few relaxing minutes a day. It sounds intriguing, but can it work?

Unfortunately, when we think of hypnosis and affirmations, we associate it with a magician's trick or a form of mind control. It often means that we are under the suggestion of another person's choosing, rather than being in control.

This is not the case, however, when you use a self-hypnosis technique or affirmation. You are in complete awareness and control of your intentions. Although it may seem mysterious in nature, it is a very useful practice that can help you achieve your goals.

In fact, you experience this trance-like state in different ways. When you are listening intently to music, get lost in a project or zone out on movie night, you are slipping down to the level of the subconscious, which is easily influenced.

Think of it as a very relaxed place where time and space fade away with the worries of day-to-day life. The possibilities are endless, and you have the power to access your inner wisdom and strength through this practice.

The subconscious mind does not operate under the same limits and negative beliefs as the conscious mind, and it is responsible for our unconscious actions. It can be trained to help us achieve our goals and banish bad habits.

In order to program your subconscious mind, you need to be in a completely relaxed, receptive state. You must let go of negative thoughts and physical stress, allowing your body and mind to believe in the power of this technique.

It takes very little time and no special skills or knowledge, just a few quiet minutes each day and a positive, clear intention. Never underestimate the power of your subjective mind to create a new reality for you.

Set up Your Space

Before you begin, you must be clear about what you want to achieve. Use positive words that focus on what you want, rather than what you don't. Write your intention down, so you can stay focused on it.

Once you have a clear intention, prepare your meditation space. Find a quiet place where you can spend a few minutes alone. Straighten up the area, and turn off all distractions. You may light a candle or incense if you like.

Settle Your Mind and Body

Sit comfortably in a chair with your back straight and feet on the floor. You may rest your hands on your thighs or cradle them one on top of the other, whichever you prefer. Let your eyes look ahead with a relaxed gaze.

Take a few deep breaths. Try to breathe as evenly and as mindfully as possible, tracking the breath in and out of the body. Do this for a few minutes, and let yourself settle into relaxation.

When thoughts or worries arise, try not to be distracted by them. Rather than letting them run crazy, intend to let them go and return your focus to the breath.

Starting with your feet and working your way up the body, relax each body part, letting stress and tension melt away. Be thankful to each body part and the job it does for you every day. Go slowly and deliberately.

Program Your Intention

Once you have relaxed and are in a deeply receptive state, state your intention. For instance, if you want to lose weight, your intention may be something like, "I will make healthy food and exercise choices."

Keep your intentions focused on the positive rather than the negative, as you do not want to give power to what you do not want. Be clear and realistic, and break down larger goals into smaller steps, if possible.

Visualize yourself going through the steps needed to accomplish your goal, and imagine what it would be like to achieve it. Really feel it with every aspect of your being, knowing that it will come true.

Finish your intention with confidence, believing that you will realize your intention. Have faith that your subconscious mind will help you achieve your dreams, and be thankful for what you are about to receive.

You will need to set aside 25 minutes each day for this practice. It may seem like a long time at first, but you will find that it goes quickly and can easily fit into your schedule. once you start to see results, you will be hooked.

You may find that an ideal time for your practice is right before you go to bed. When you set your intentions and then drift off into sleep, you are much more receptive to the power of your intentions.

When you access the subconscious mind through self-hypnosis and affirmations, you will have less stress and anxiety and will be less influenced by negativity.

This keeps you from self-sabotaging thoughts, allowing you to reach your goals more quickly.

Listening to recordings can be an easy and powerful way to access the unlimited influence of the subconscious mind.

The power of your subconscious mind is available to you, so why not take advantage?