Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings

Exodus by Karen Doonan

namaste123 2015. 10. 13. 00:40


by Karen Doonan

For many the outer waking world and the dissolving of the old earth construct is now approaching a level that no longer allows for the referencing and overlay of "control" to be put in position.  This of course may trigger huge anxiety and fear within the human vehicle as our human logical minds have been taught repeatedly to search for and identify patterns in order to reference "safe".  

By this I mean that the average human being will search for any pattern of behavior or events that occur and as long as they can be placed in a "logical" order giving the illusion of a picture to step into then said average human being will challenge the situation no further. The pattern has been identified and the self policing trigger of "safety" has been reset once more. This is how we were taught to live our life experiences within the old earth construct, as long as we could identify what "may" happen then we went about daily lives. This way of living is not TRUTH for it is a containment that prevents expansion and was created within said old earth construct.

As this is stripped away and the average human being can no longer make the pattern identification there occurs a fleeting panic that erupts with behaviors that are ignited that seek to "find" said pattern. This at a waking conscious everyday level sees people try to control those around them, the self policing in full triggered mode. It sees people attempt to regulate their own life experience by having those around them in certain roles, places or "boxes".  This behavior sits hidden within the entire human race, it is emotional manipulation that was taught from the moment we took our first breath in this our human form and it comes up now for release.

Only when actually triggered can the self policing be seen for that which it is. For many at this time the world is chaos, it is "out of control" and "something MUST be done", all of this of course is the self policing that seeks to have the human race hold on to the very behaviours that have contained them.  

There is in TRUTH no chaos, there is an outpouring of fear, grief and pain which requires a release in order for healing to take place. Many people fuel their lives through these very frequencies, we see this with those who choose to "own" their illness, who choose to "own" the pain that they have encountered within the old earth construct. Whilst we identify with the pain, trauma and grief we are holding on and we are seeking to define our outer waking reality through the experience that we have had. This does not allow for the NOW moment, it does not allow for healing and PREVENTS any expansion at any level.

As the ascension to evolution process is all about expansion there will come a moment where the expansion is held in place by said identification with the old earth construct internally.  It may be challenging to admit that we feel pain at any level especially emotional pain as the old earth construct likes to perpetuate the false teaching that "everyone else is okay and you are the only one struggling". 

This is not TRUTH and as the human race now move into expansion the very HUMANITY that has been used against us, the very emotions that make us human will free us. It is however only in the letting go, of the ability to release the tight grip of the human logical mind which will demand that we justify how we feel. This is not supported on any level as the human logical mind has no place in the actual feeling of emotion, it references our emotional landscape but it does not FEEL nor create our internal emotional landscape, the teachings of the old earth construct have molded our internal emotional landscape which is now being cleansed and cleared by these higher frequencies and the dissolving of the old earth construct.

At this time we are asked to "BE STILL and KNOW GOD" which is the dimensional space that resides deep within our heart. To understand that the "knee jerk reaction" is a TAUGHT reaction, one that was repeatedly taught and triggered within the old earth construct.  For those who are in total anxiety around having to "do something" then i would guide you to keep your human logical mind occupied.  Doing a crossword puzzle or something that taxes your human logical mind keeps it occupied and allows for some respite from the constant demands that it will make as this expansion begins.  

Allowing a picture to develop, a situation to evolve is often THE most challenging aspect of the ascension to evolution process as the old earth continually taught that we had to "take control" of our life experience. As we are moving into evolution we are moving into the understanding that comes with EXPERIENCE of the new earth realities which is that we are moving into working WITH the natural flow of energy in the wider universe.  The old earth taught us how to swim against the current, we are now allowing for natural balance which is beyond the scope of the human logical mind at this point.

ALL is not as it appears to our naked human eyes, the feeling of "anticipation" that many feel is the expansion that sits before us.  We are now preparing to EXIT the old earth construct at a very physical level and those who are called to make physical movement will now heed the call to EXODUS.

For those who reference biblical prophecy we have now completed the Book of Revelations and we prepare to move into the New Earth as promised and provided by GOD.

"LOVE is the answer, no matter the question"

Karen X

2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight.
