Ascension/Ascension Healing Resources

Release the Victim, Reconnect with Source

namaste123 2015. 8. 28. 20:02

Release the Victim, Reconnect with Source 

Saturday’s Super Full Moon in Pisces (August 29th, 2015)

pisces full moon

Collage/painting by Emily

How do you handle chaos? How comfortable are you with the Unknown? How do you deal with the intense FEELINGS that come up when faced with wildfires, drought, planetary destruction and threats of mass extinction?

Saturday’s Super Full Moon in Pisces (11:35am Pacific) pulls you into deep, chaotic and mysterious waters, stirring up strong feelings and opening your psychic sensors to collective energies. The Pisces Full Moon highlights and heightens your sensitivity to all living beings, increasing your capacity to feel the suffering of the world.

The Full Moon closely conjoins with Neptune, God/Goddess of the Ocean and modern ruler of the Fishes, amplifying these Piscean themes and specifically calling out your inner VICTIM. Any part of yourself that still feels and acts like a victim is likely to be lit up at this Full Moon, ready to seen, felt and dissolved as you reconnect with the truth of your infinite Source self.

neptuneNo need to go into shadow-Virgo shame or judgment, dear friends. Here at the end of the Age of Pisces, we’re ALL dealing with the Victim archetype as we collectively process and heal from the closing cycle. The ultimate lesson of Pisces is that we’re all one, and as long as we’re suffering from the illusion of separation, we’ll continue to project our divine power outside ourselves and play the victim.

The Pisces Full Moon calls you inward to reconnect with Source, your true place of power. Take a break from Virgo-season busyness and tend to your soul. Let yourself fully know and embrace and love your inner Victim (resistance and denial are not so useful). Feel your feelings, honor your sensitivity and be compassionate with yourself. Unplug from the energy of collective trauma and freak-out, and reconnect with the ultimate level of reality, where everything truly is in divine order (despite appearances to the contrary). Piscean paths to healing include music, dance, art, meditation, prayer, dream work and grief work.

While the Pisces Full Moon conjoins with Neptune, the Virgo Sun conjoins with Jupiter – a big hello to the Jupiter-Neptune opposition, which will be in effect through next spring. Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces (i.e., the planet associated with Pisces before Neptune was discovered in 1846), and its opposition with Neptune presents a challenge to embody your spiritual power, use your magical gifts, and live your ideals – walk the talk.

virgoThe Virgo-Pisces polarity, highlighted by the Full Moon and further amplified by the Jupiter-Neptune opposition, is the axis of SERVICE. As we face seemingly insurmountable global crises, it’s very tempting to check out, hide out, run for cover and hope it all blows over before we run out of canned goods. Not the most empowering or useful approach. Instead, we’re being called to serve at a higher level, to act as Planetary Priestesses and Priests, each doing our small but essential part in laying to rest the old paradigm and midwifing the new.

The Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Virgo brings the helpful quality of DISCERNMENT to the potentially mass-hysteria-producing Neptunian/Piscean chaotic deluge. The discernment of: What is real here? What do you know to be true in your BODY? (Trust it!) How can you best utilize your specific skills to respond effectively in the moment? 

For more insight into what this Full Moon means for YOU, find the house in your birth chart that contains 6 degrees Pisces. The areas of life represented by this house are where you’re invited to: recognize and release your inner Victim; reconnect with your spiritual source and receive an infusion of divine love; open to guidance from your dreams, intuition and imagination; surrender having to have all the answers or the perfect plan and trust the mysterious flow of life; and allow for more compassion and forgiveness.

Emily Trinkaus
