Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information

Exiting the old 3D earth reality

namaste123 2015. 9. 13. 04:44

Exiting the old 3D earth reality 

There has been much discussion about the movement of the human race from one dimensional reality to another and much is hidden in plain view that is out with the human logical mind and the discussions that it is persuaded to entertain.  As we can only ever validate that which is shown to us to experience through personal experience our movement to another dimensional space is personal and unique.  

In order to move dimensionally we need to vibrate and resonate with a different set of frequencies, other wise our outer waking reality will appear to look different but what we are experiencing will remain stagnant and in a dimensional loop.

Let us use an example, say you move house or job or even country, the optical illusion that is presented to you through your human logical mind and your eyes is that all that changed. The people, the scenarios and the events may appear to be different but the experience of the reality in which you are existing remain.  

There are millions of variations of a frequency, so many millions that we have been fooled for eternity into believing that each new life incarnation that we have had has been different. Whilst we may have a different body, and appear to be interacting with people who are in different bodies the experience remains, it is a frequency.  

Going to the example of a radio station and bandwidth, said radio station may have many different programs and presenters but it is the same radio station. Therefore in the outer waking human life experience we are presented with these optical illusions repeatedly, all to convince us that we do not need to address the internal frequency that we send out.

All in the entire universe is a frequency and lower dimensional frequencies are just this, lower dimensional, they cannot  exist in the higher frequencies and as the old earth is a feeding ground for lower dimensional energies they do not want the human race to move to an expansive dimensional space where the frequency is out with THEIR bandwidth. So we are persuaded that all is changing and our eyes back up the illusion.  

When you begin to exit the old 3D earth created reality it is a shock to the system, our human vehicles have been taught to rely on our 5 senses which is distortion in itself, we have contained and suppressed our own human life experience by living within the boundaries of only 5 or even 6 senses.

To navigate the corridor to the expansive dimensional spaces we are asked to walk in FAITH and TRUST of the process and to use our heart as our navigation.  This may see us face many challenges not least the one continually pushed at us within said human life experience that of heart vs head. The logical mind has a TIGHT hold over this our human life experience and even experiencing something that you can FEEL will often still be rejected by the human logical mind if the programming that is in place is deep enough in relation to the experience.

In TRUTH nothing is impossible but we have been taught to place our trust in our human eyes and our human logical mind.  This is akin to walking down a highway with blinkers on.  There is a vast expanse of frequency in this universe but we cannot access it whilst running a lower, constricted bandwidth of frequency within our cellular structure. 

Karen Doonan
