Ascension/Ascension Healing Resources

Heal Your Karma – Heal Your Life

namaste123 2016. 7. 3. 19:19

Heal Your Karma – Heal Your Life

Alexandra Dittmann

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to experience the same stories over and over again in their lives? Some have recurring health challenges or financial difficulties whilst others cannot seem to maintain a long-term romantic relationship, or they go from one workplace to the other and run into the same kind of trouble again and again.

I agree with some spiritual authors who say this is because these people have not given the energy-packages (aka karma) lodged in their auric field that causes those repeating experiences back to the Universe / Source / their Higher Being. Therefore, the same events keep on playing out, much like a tape that has gotten stuck and is repeating the same song over and over again.

However, understanding this phenomenon does not automatically stop it, in fact, many people spend a lot of time and money on attempting to release these dense karmic patterns and get frustrated because nothing they try seems to work: The problems they are experiencing in their lives are still very much present. I completely understand the frustration, as I have been there myself.

Only after many years of digging deeply into what seemed at times an endless supply of karma did I come out the other end. I discovered a certain way of combining ancient healing methods that are little known to our modern Western world with modern approaches that allows for a very quick and efficient clearing of karmic energies.

Some of these methods require face-to-face training, but there is one simple technique that everyone can use right now in order to help heal their energy field from unpleasant karmic residues. You only need yourself and a a few crystals:

Find a place and a time where you will not be disturbed for at least one hour and change into comfortable, loose clothing. Now, take three or more simple quartz crystals as in the picture below and lie down comfortably.

Ideally, you will have cleaned them before by holding them under cold running water and charged them by exposing them to the sun for a few hours. As karma is mostly lodged within the lower three Chakras (Base, Sacral and Solarplexus), these are the ones to focus on. Place one or more crystals onto each chakra, if possible, directly on the skin. Then, relax your entire body and allow your breath to slow and deepen.

Feel your awareness sink from your head down into your heart and feel your Heart Chakra gently unfold like a beautiful pink rose blossom. Feel a current of love flow down from your heart to your Solarplexus, filling it up with pink light and gently opening it up, then let if flow deeper into your Sacral and eventually your Base Chakra. 

Allow each chakra to unfold like a beautiful rose blossom in the colour associated with it: Yellow for the Solarplexus, orange for the Sacral and Red for the Base. Then, invite the clear and strong healing energy of the crystals into each chakra. Keep your heart as open as you can and allow it to send its love to the crystals, in return for the help they are providing for you.

Breath deeply into each chakra, feeling the clear white light of the crystals sink into and fill up each chakra in turn. Allow the rhythm of your breath to shift and change intuitively – your breath in itself is a great help in dislodging karmic blockages. With practise, this becomes easier. Simply relax into the process, letting yourself sink deeper and deeper within yourself. Stay with the crystals as long as you wish, then thank them for their assistance, remove them and slowly, gently get up. I would advise to stay on your own and in silence for some time after that, reflecting upon your experience.

You may notice some unpleasant emotional or even physical sensation coming up during or after the self-healing session. This is a very good sign, it means that a karmic knot is being dislodged for conscious processing. Do not be alarmed by the unpleasant sensation, but relax, breath white crystal light into it and say to it something like this: 

“I accept you. I forgive you. I forgive myself for having created you. I let you go.”  Feel the disturbance expand in size, loosing its density and darkness, and then dissipating into white light.

Repeat these self-healing sessions as often as you want. After you feel you are finished with each one, breath in light in any colour that feels right to you, with the purpose of filling up the places in your energy field that have been occupied by the karmic blockage that you have just successfully released.

Be gentle and loving with yourself throughout this process and be careful whom you share your experiences with: Karmic self-healing is a very personal and intimate process. Honour the process, honour yourself and enjoy knowing that you can heal your life by healing your energy field.

Best wishes,


Alexandra specializes in remote healing, helping people to permanently remove the deeper causes of physical and emotional illness with the help of crystals, advanced pendulum-work and a combination of other methods.

If you wish to work with Alexandra, you will have one in-depth email consultation as well as e-mail support for seven days. Depending on your needs, one or more remote healing sessions will be performed in that time. Also, you are invited to give feedback and ask for advice on what measures you can take yourself to ensure a continuous improvement of you physical and emotional well-being.

The investment for Remote Healing / E-mail Consultation With Alexandra is GBP 250 and can be arranged here with Paypal.

After receiving your payment, Alexandra will contact you by email to begin the process with you.
