
Orin and Daben: "A New Chapter In Your Life"

namaste123 2015. 3. 23. 01:44

Orin and Daben: 

"A New Chapter In Your Life"

Greetings from Orin, from my heart to yours. 

Let yourself grow very relaxed, taking a deep breath in. And feel yourself letting go at a deep level. This is your time; letting go of the outside world, and focusing on your inner world. Following your breath for a few moments, let your breath become deeper and more relaxed. Feel yourself slowing down, your thoughts becoming quieter.

Let your body relax. Scan your body right now, and adjust your posture and your position so that you feel more relaxed. Let every part of your body relax and be as comfortable as possible. And as you relax, you begin to go inward, into the core of your being, your true Self. This Self is always with you, guiding you, drawing you inward to Itself. Feel your higher self, your soul, your spirit, drawing you inward, into Its light, Its wisdom, Its purpose, Its power and strength; letting these qualities infuse your being.

At some deep level, you are feeling stronger, more peaceful. Sense a beautiful light above you, calling you, permeating your being, illuminating your path, awakening your inner vision, so that you are more aware now of this presence within you, this light.

Let this light move closer and closer until it is all around you, until you begin to dissolve into this light. Letting go of some resistance, some blockage, some limitation that has kept you from knowing your true Self as you surrender into this light, this radiant light of the Self, the divine Self that is you, that is the inner core of your being.

You are entering into a new chapter of your life. You have already felt the changes. You have already been aware of a shift in consciousness. Take a moment to acknowledge the new awareness that you have, the new understanding. Acknowledge this now.

Sense a greater clarity about who you are and what you want, that marks the new light, the new illumination, that you are living in. Feel the inner shift, the vision that is emerging of your life, of your potential, of your consciousness. Let that vision that has been emerging come to your consciousness right now and expand, showing you more of your potential, of the potential that you are unfolding right now in your life, and that will continue to grow.

As you merge and feel the divine Self within you shining this light outward through your being, as It has been doing to a greater and greater degree, sense how much more you are aware, of when you are on purpose. Take time right now to acknowledge a greater sense of purpose that is guiding your life and your thoughts, the people you meet, and the activities you are doing. Feel how much more these are now aligned with the essence of your being than ever before. 

Feel the new sense of Self that is emerging in your awareness, a greater awareness of who you are—your true Self. How much more able you are to express yourself in new ways. Appreciate how much more understanding you have, new perspectives of everything that is happening in your life. Acknowledge your greater wisdom, your ability to think in new ways, to perceive from a different level of compassion, as this new consciousness that you are is unfolding within you.

Reflect on that inner sense that something is guiding your life more clearly, more visibly, and more powerfully than ever before. That inner Self is making itself even more visible, your inner light beginning to shine more brightly. Bring into your awareness that sense and a recognition of how your life has become more balanced, more flowing, and more harmonious, and how you are able to stay centered and balanced in many more ways, more often.

You are embarking upon a new chapter in your life. Let your inner Self show you some other transformations that have occurred in your life and your consciousness so that you may appreciate and acknowledge that you are living now in a new level of light, of communion with your inner Self. The Divine within you is shining forth more brightly than ever before. 

And if you are ready and it is your intention, ask that this new level of illumination that you have been living in, infuse your being at an even deeper level. Open to it. Let this inner illumination grow brighter, dissolving even more of the energies that are not yours, of the thoughts that are ready to release, clearing the way for you to experience even more of the joy and harmony, abundance. Clearing the path, as you open now, to allow that illumination within you to shine forth even more brightly, clearly—opening the way to an even higher future. 

Imagine that you can sense yourself in the past. That you can perceive or see that you are now living in a higher level of light. That the light of the Divine within you is shining through more clearly, more powerfully, more visibly than ever before. And as you look at this past Self, begin to dissolve the past. All that represented a lesser level of illumination is leaving. And allow the past, and any memories that are not for your higher good to be dissolved in this great light that you are opening to, knowing that you always did the best you knew how, in the level of illumination you lived in. 

And you are now opening to and responding to the light of your inner being, the light of the All-That-Is that you are a part of. Be very silent right now, and ask the Divine presence within you to open your consciousness to a new understanding, a new vision, a fresh perspective, an inspiration, an illumination, and any gift that it has for you, as you grow very silent and open to this right now. 

And imagine this light blazing forth from you, as if you are taking off a garment that has veiled your inner light. Sending this light, imagining it going out to all who are in resonance with you and everyone you will meet in the coming year. Standing so radiant, imagine this light clearing the path, opening the new, bringing inspiration throughout the year to come. 

A new chapter in your life opening up—a new vision, a deeper understanding of your purpose, more compassion, an awakening heart, and a greater feeling of connection to your inner Self and to all life. Feeling your path open up now even more, the possibilities increasing, your potential unfolding. 

I am delighted to be here with you and to be invited in to be a part of your path. Know that you have all you need within you. 

And I bid you good day for now. 

Orin's Free Audio Meditation Link

product image Orin's Soul Linking Audio Meditation
   Length 14:50
Music: Thaddeus TH007 Blending with Your Soul
Transcript and Information
Listen and link soul to soul with another person. Soul linking lifts all energies between you and the person you soul link with into the heart. You will call upon the solar light of oneness, purpose and divine love, transforming your inner relationship to people and thus your outer relationship as well.

product image  Orin's Receiving and Radiating Divine Love Audio Meditation
  Length 28:05 
Music: Thaddeus TH065 Lord of Love
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  Orin's Starting a New Chapter in Your Life Audio Meditation
  Length 25:52 minutes 
Music:  Thaddeus TH024 Initiation
Transcript and Information.
You can work with this meditation by Orin if you are ready to start a new chapter in some area of your life, or to better sustain and maintain any positive changes you have recently made.

product image  Orin's Contacting the Sacred Transmuting Violet Flame  Audio Meditation
 Length 25:55 minutes
Music: Thaddeus TH070 Sanctuary of Peace
Transcript and Information. 
The Sacred Violet Flame transmutes negative human energy into positive, divine energy. Contact this Sacred Flame to release doubts, fears, and worries as they arise throughout the day. This Sacred Flame aids you in experiencing positive, clear thoughts; peaceful, loving emotions; and vitality and physical well-being. You can live in a higher vibration, attract positive circumstance and sustain major positive changes in your life.

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 Orin's  Opening to Your True Identity Audio Meditation
   27:36 minutes
Music:  Thaddeus TH047, Spiritual Sun Lifting
Transcript and Information
Contact with your true, Divine Self to lift the veils and permit yourself to express who you really are, deep within: a beautiful, radiant, confident, serene, and abundant being. 
