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"The Coming Golden Age and How to Prepare for It"

namaste123 2015. 2. 26. 10:10

"The Coming Golden Age 

and How to Prepare for It"

Dr. Richard I. Presser

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The Coming Golden Age and How to Prepare for it 

About 15 years ago, at a time when I had many of the trappings of success in this world - a successful 
business, money, respect, a marriage to a beautiful, intelligent, caring, humorous woman and with 
three gorgeous daughters, I suddenly realised that none of this addressed a hole I felt inside of me. 
In hindsight, I came to realise that I destroyed everything I had built on this foundation as I struggled 
to make sense of my life.

I was born and raised on a farm in Victoria, Australia. one day, whilst helping my father to cart hay, I 
was sitting on top of the load when suddenly one rear wheel of the truck fell into a hole. This caused 
half of the load to fall off and me with it. I remember climbing blindly over the hay bales, until they 
and I came to rest on the ground. I was unharmed, apart from some chaff down my neck and in 
every exposed orifice. Recently it struck me that the last 15 years have been like that experience. I 
have been scrambling all the way to the bedrock of myself as everything seemed to fall apart around 
me and every venture I touched turned to dust. I wept the first few times I watched Conversations 
with God – The  Movie on the life of Neale Donald Walsch, because there are so many parallels with 
my own.

My search has taken me into many spiritual and pseudo-spiritual places. I have tried many healing 
modalities, including training as a Reiki and Seichim practitioner - not to practise, to be able to heal 
myself. It also led me to investigate the links between science and spirituality. Finally, I am finding 
the way to master these energies.

Trained as an engineer, learning to listen to my intuition was a long, arduous journey, yet it has been 
that alone which has led me to finally begin to assemble the puzzle that is my life. I have long sensed 
that we live in a special time, an end time; that it was a time of clearing the past, yet I had no real 
evidence of this – until recently.

In the past year, I have come to understand that we live on the doorstep of a coming Golden Age for 
mankind, a time that has been foretold in many places and times and by many different people. As 
this understanding has emerged, I have felt like the time lock from Lara Croft - Tomb Raider, with 
lots of gear wheels in it. The gears have finally begun to line up and I have come to realise I am 
deeply connected to these coming changes.

What I have set out to do in this e-Book is to provide a link between reality as we “know” it and live 
it, to the underlying truth of the nature of life and the time in which we live. I know many people 
who, like I was, are living on the treadmill of life, wondering what it all means and how to make 
sense of their lives. There is a growing concern with the viability of life as we are living it, with our 
planet struggling to cope, with spiralling debt levels in developed countries and abject poverty and 
starvation in the undeveloped world. Hopefully, the bridge I am providing will help you connect with 
the underlying truth and join in this transition to the coming Golden Age.

Change is accelerating and by the time you read this, the signs of these changes may be more 
evident. I urge you to read what follows with an open mind and a sense of the compassion with 
which I offer this doorway to you.

The journey begins with an introduction to what modern science is telling us about the nature of our 
reality and its parallels with spiritual teachings. We then step into an introduction to what I have 
come to understand about what is unfolding, followed by the tangible evidence in this 3D 
space/time reality. From there, I will share with you some steps to move forward.

Welcome and enjoy the ride!! It is the ride of your life.

one last thing - you may find my style fairly “to the point”. Part of this is because in most cases I 
have chosen not to spell out the detail behind what I have stated – rather I have utilised the power 
of this technology and provided a direct link to the underlying material, so you can read it first hand. 
It is what I would want to do, so I have given you that opportunity. It is so much more effective and 
immediate than a compendium at the back. So if a particular point engages you or your incredulity 
gets triggered, just click on the link and check it out.

The nature of our reality – what modern science tells us

The great revolutions in physics of the 20th century were Einstein’s relativity theories, and quantum 
physics. These theories together turned our traditional (Newtonian) physics on its head as scientists 
began to look at the nature of time and space in the realms of lots of energy, tiny bits of matter, tiny 
amounts of time and speeds which approximate the speed of light.

This work showed us that when you begin to look at the fabric of our reality, it begins to look quite 
bizarre. The basic elements of matter, such as the electron are not simply particles, but waves of 
probability that are unbounded – until an observer chooses to look. And it depends on how the 
observer looks as to whether the electron shows up as a wave or a particle. In other words, the 
outcome or observation is inextricably “entangled” with the observer.

For those interested in studying this in detail, I recommend you watch What the Bleep!? – Down the 
Rabbit Hole (QUANTUM Three-Disc Special Edition) , which is the best, readily absorbable discussion 
of this I have seen. You may also like to read The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav or check out 
some of Dr Fed Alan Wolf’s work including Dr. Quantum Presents: A User's Guide To Your Universe 
and Dr. Quantum Presents: Meet the Real Creator - You! CD sets. There is also a wonderful new 
book by Marlyse Carroll entitled Am I Going Mad? the Unsettling Phenomena of Spiritual Evolution, 
which ties the spiritual journey, psychology, shamanism and quantum physics together, woven 
around Marlyse’s personal story.

Dr John Demartini says, ” ’Am I Going Mad?’ is more than just informative, entertaining and 
inspiring, it is a must read for anyone ready to integrate and self-actualize their spiritual existence – 
truly a physiological, psychological and spiritual masterpiece for the sake of human evolution.” 
For me, Marlyse’s book title says it all. This journey is not a journey that the rational mind takes and 
it can get freaked out by the experience.

What modern physics does, especially when correlated with spiritual and mystical experience, is 
have us realise that the reality we observe in day to day life is not what it seems. In particular, the 
Unified Field Theory has us realise that we are all one.

Rather than focus on the detail of this since it is well documented by the works listed above and 
many others, I will outline some less widely publicised work that provides some fascinating insights 
into the nature of our reality.

The DNA Phantom Effect - Vladimir Poponin

Vladimir Poponin inserted a strand of DNA into a stream of polarized light. What he found was that 
the light wrapped itself around the DNA strand. When he removed the DNA, the light continued to 
show the pattern of the DNA.

This tells us that our basic molecules have a special relationship with light and have a powerful 
ability to influence our environment and reality.

Libet and Feinstein, etc.

Some years ago, Libet and Feinstein conducted some fascinating experiments on patients who had 
their skullcaps removed for surgical reasons and with the agreement of the patients conducted some 
stimulus response experiments. The patients were conscious during these experiments.

For example, they stimulated, say, a person’s finger and then looked to see how long it was for that 
stimulation to show in the relevant area of the brain in a way that would produce a response. This 
state is called neural adequacy. They found a delay of about 500ms before neural adequacy was 
achieved. Now this is way longer than it takes for us to pull our finger away from something hot, for 
example. How come? It could be explained by this kind of “decision” being made within our bodies 
and this does appear to play a part. 
However, even more interesting is that when they provided the stimulus, then anaesthetised the 
relevant area of the brain, there was no longer a response to the stimulus. So something being done 
(anaesthetisation) after the response would have occurred normally, prevented the response that 
would otherwise have happened in the past.

A Fred Alan Wolf puts it, “we’re in Twilight Zone”. This tugs at our fundamental perception of reality. 
Fred discusses this work in detail and you can download his papers from his website.  
Further experiments by them were conducted which involved turning on a coloured light and asking 
the person being tested to decide when they saw the light to decide if they liked the light and if they 
did, press a button and if not, do nothing. The brainwave patterns of the subject were monitored. 
What emerged was that the brainwave activity began before the light was turned on. In other 
words, the subjects were making up their minds before they saw the light.

Dean Radin

Similar experiments have been conducted using randomly selected computer images by Dean Radin. 
Participants were asked to press a button, knowing that, 5 seconds later, a randomly selected image 
would be displayed.  The participants began to respond to the image, in a manner consistent with 
the image about to be displayed, before the image was displayed. This response was measured by 
way of heart rate changes, skin conductance, in the brain and systemically throughout the body. It 
was demonstrated in hundreds of trials and repeated by other experimenters. Radin discusses these 
and other experiments in detail in What the Bleep!? – Down the Rabbit Hole (QUANTUM Three-Disc 
Special Edition).

Radin says that this demonstrates that we are entangled with our future selves. He says that the 
thing we are most entangled with is ourselves – our past and our future.

This work tells us that our body and brain are not working the way we think they are. It points to our 
“reality” being like a mirage that is controlled in some way from outside of us, a mirage that we take 
to be real.

Bell’s Theorem

Bell’s Theorem tells us that the effects of an action are not restricted to the immediate environment 
of that action, ie they are non-local. For example, if two electrons are generated at the same time 
and shoot off in different directions, they will have opposite spins. Now, until someone looks, both 
electrons have an equal probability of having their spin up or spin down. However, the moment 
someone looks at one of them and hence determines its spin, instantaneously the other electron will 
be found to have the opposite spin, even if they are on the opposite side of the universe. Another 
term for this is entanglement and is described by Schrödinger as a fundamental characteristic of 
quantum mechanics.

Alain Aspect provided the experimental proof in 1982.

If our space/time reality works like our logical minds tell us it does, this can’t be true. Clearly, things 
are very different from our perceived reality. In some way, there is a connectedness, outside of our 
space and time that links things together. This is the phenomenon of “entanglement” I referred to

Science and Spirituality

It has been said that science was established to remove the mystical, the spiritual from our physical 
reality and certainly the science I was taught in the 60’s and 70’s was presented like that and, as I 
understand it, mostly continues to be.

The truth of the matter is that many of the great scientists of the early 20th century clearly 
acknowledged a spiritual aspect to reality.

Below are quotes from 2 pivotal and famous scientists from this period. In case you do not know of 
Schrödinger, he is considered by many to be the father of quantum physics. More specifically, he 
developed the equations which describe the probability waves of quantum mechanics

What is it that has called you so suddenly out of nothingness to enjoy for a brief 
while a spectacle which remains quite indifferent to you? The conditions for your 
existence are as old as the rocks. For thousands of years men have striven and 
suffered and begotten and women have brought forth in pain. A hundred years 
ago, perhaps, another man – or woman – sat on this spot; like you he gazed with 
awe and yearning in his heart at the dying of the glaciers. Like you he was 
begotten of man and born of woman. He felt pain and brief joy as you do. Was he 
someone else? Was it not you yourself? What is this Self of yours


"I cannot conceive of a personal God who would directly influence the actions of 
individuals, or would directly sit in judgment on creatures of his own creation. I 
cannot do this in spite of the fact that mechanistic causality has, to a certain 
extent, been placed in doubt by modern science. My religiosity consists in a 
humble admiration of the infinitely superior spirit that reveals itself in the little 
that we, with our weak and transitory understanding, can comprehend of 
reality. Morality is of the highest importance -- but for us, not for God." 
"I cannot believe that God would choose to play dice with the universe." 
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one


The last quote from Einstein illustrates that he understood what more recent science has confirmed 
about the nature of our 3D space/time reality.

Additionally Marlyse Carroll in Am I Going Mad? says (p100); “Several of the physicists w
discovered quantum physics in the first half of the twentieth century had a strong interest in various 
esoteric subjects. They hoped that science might one day be able to rationally explain what 
philosophers and mystics had intuitively known for thousands of years: the interconnectedness of all 
things throughout the universe.

Just to mention some of them: Erwin Schrödinger studied Hindu philosophy; Werner Heisenberg, the 
Platonic theory of Ancient Greece; Niels Bohr, the Tao and Chinese philosophy; Wolfgang Pauli, the 
Kabbalah, as well as psychoanalysis and archetype

Fred Alan Wolf also says that Kepler spent much of his income protecting his mother who was a 
witch! (Dr. Quantum Presents: A User's Guide To Your Universe).

What is fascinating is that as physics has progressed, like any pursuit conducted with focus, it has 
inevitably exposed the underlying spiritual reality of life, just as the various spiritual traditions have 

In a powerful illustration of this, Fred Alan Wolf, a well known quantum physicist has worked with 
shamans and spiritual elders in South America, Australia and elsewhere in his efforts to rationalise 
these differing, seemingly diverse aspects of life. Exciting and courageous work. You can find a list
Fred’s books and other material here. Marlyse Carroll has also participated in shamanic rituals and 
shares a wonderful story from that experien

Vibrational unive

one conclusion from this work is that everything consists of energy, that physical matter is simply 
coalesced energy and that it and everything else is vibrational in nature, including us. You will see 
this “reality” profoundly confirmed later in this e-Bo

The holographic br

In 1964, Karl Pribram proposed that our brains are holographic in nature. one of the supporting 
pieces for this is that memory is retained even when large parts of the brain are removed. However, 
the sharpness of the memory can be dimmed, which is a characteristic of a hologr

Our holographic world

David Bohm sought to understand the fundamental conflicts between quantum physics and 
relativity theory, the two great theories of physics of the 20th century. Quantum mechanics requires 
reality to be discontinuous, non-causal, and non-local, whereas relativity theory requires reality to 
be continuous, causal, and local. Bohm reconciled these differences by proposing that separateness 
was an illusion and the nature of that illusion is a hologram. Linking then with Pribram’s work,
proposed that our brains are a part of that hologram and as such contain the entire universe. This 
parallels the mystical view that the entire universe lies within us.

There is an excellent discussion of this by David S. Walonick called A Holographic View of Reali

one m

Ludvik Bass (paper available from Fred Alan Wolf’s website) demonstrates that even though we 
“think” we have separate minds, the only way to explain reality as we experience it is if there is in 
truth only one mind. Fred Alan Wolf illustrates this in a very easy to follow way in Dr. Quantum 
Presents: Meet the Real Creator - Y

Multiple Personality Disorder – our mind creates our b

Dr. Candace Pert is best known for her opiate receptor, endorphin and peptide research. Her work is 
based on how the bodymind functions as a single psychosomatic network of information molecules 
which control our health and physiology.

In Your Body is Your Subconscious Mind, Candace Pert says that we are more “like a flickering flame 
than a hunk of meat”. She outlines experiments conducted primarily by Dr Frank Putnam on 
individuals with multiple personality disorder. It turns out that one personality can be short sighted 
with severe allergies, whilst another can have perfect sight and no allergies – and the allergy 
differences have been confirmed with blood tests as little as 5 minutes apart. Candace says this 
shows that consciousness creates reality, because depending on what mind is in the body, the body 
changes. Our mind creates our bo

The mystical v

This is well expressed by Bill Harris in Lesson one of his Accelerated Change Maximizer cours

“For thousands of years, mystics have said that there is one energy in the universe. The Hindus and 
Buddhists call this principle Sat – one energy, everywhere, making up everything, always, past, 
present and futu

“They also said that this energy is aware of itself being everything and everywhere and every wh
that it is conscious, that it has consciousness. The mystics called this second characteristic of real

“There would be nothing to get, nothing you could lack, since you have everything. There would also 
be nowhere to go, no journey to take. You’re everything, always, everywhere, with nothing to wa
nothing to fear, nowhere to go. If you were established in this awareness of who you are, you wo
be.... Happy, peaceful, blissful. So the third characteristic of reality, according to the mystics, is cal
Ananda, which means bli

“The mystical explanation of reality is that reality is satchitananda, one energy, everywhere, out of 
which everything is made and everything comes, aware of itself being everything and everywh
and every when, and as a result of this awareness, it is blissful, happy, peacefu

The parallels with what modern science is telling us are inescapab

What is reality?

We are now in a position to say that modern science has demonstrated that the 3D time/space 
environment we take to be our “reality” is not truly reality. It seems very real, yet science is telling us 
it is not. In fact, how we experience our 3D reality is highly dependent on us.

Time is not what it seems, either and matter isn’t really solid. We are part of a conscious, 3D 
space/time hologram we call life, the universe. And physics is telling us we share one mind.... 
Both science and spirituality are telling us that we are actors in the drama of our own lives, a drama 
we have scripted as well as being the actors in.

All of this leaves us having to acknowledge that we are all part of the one conscious energy from 
which all arises. The ultimate reality is satchitananda, of which we are all an aspect, a holographic 
piece playing out a drama on Ear

Why do we and the cosmos exi

The mystics tell us that all of creation exists because God, Source, the Ultimate Creator, Allah, 
Yahweh (whatever term you prefer) can only know what It is through experiencing what It is n
Through contrast. So creation is a grand experience, a grand “experiment” created from the love
Source to know what it is in contrast to what it is not – Creation. Yet, by definition, Creation is part 
of Source. We are all an aspect of Source. And modern science has lifted the curtain on t


Whilst most people in the West have been slow to acknowledge it, we are spiritual beings. As 
Stephen Covey has said; “We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on 
a human journey.” It is a path our Eastern friends have long acknowledged, as have the traditional 
cultures of North and South America, Africa and Australia. This is different from being religious. 
Spirituality is about our relationship with Self. It does not rely or depend on a formalised, structured 
path that religion seeks to offer us.

For many, awakening to this reality can be traumatic and associated with crisis, as Marlyse Carroll so 
caringly and informatively describes. Marlyse also describes how this awakening is becoming more 
common and occurring at an earlier age (p223). This awakening involves reconnecting consciously 
with our higher spirituality, our soul, our Higher Self. It can also involve connecting with other 
spiritual beings not resident in our space/time reality. If this includes being able to speak for those 
beings, it is known as channellin


Channelling has become quite widespread in the last 20 years or so and is increasing rapidly. Some 
well known examples are JZ Knight channelling Ramtha and Esther Hicks channelling Abraham. 
Ramtha came to the public eye through the movie What the Bleep do we know!? and Abraham 
through the original version of The Secret, which has become a global phenomenon.

The existence of channelling and its now widespread practice demonstrates there is something 
beyond our 3D space/time reality – a lot of something! A quick Google on “Channelling” w
The Coming Golden Age and How to Prepare for
illustrate my point. It is now a widespread phenomenon, more commonly undertaken by our more 
intuitive and connected sex – women. This and similar explosions, including an amazing range of 
modes of energy healing have caused me to reflect that it is not too many years ago when these 
wonderful individuals would have been burned at the stake as witches. Many energy healers also 
channel entities in their healing work, in some cases completely giving over their bodies to the entity 
undertaking the healing.

Whilst the entities channelled can vary widely, many channel beings we have long known in human 
history – Jesus, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, St. Germain, Archangel Michael and other 
Archangels, Buddha, and many, many more.  Again, if you Google channelling in conjunction with 
any one of these, you will quickly see many exampl

Is this communication rea

Can it be verified in this domain? These are important questions for those of us who require a clear, 
rational, logical, explicable path to this emerging reality (though this is ultimately not a journey of 
the rational mind) - which is the bridge I am building here - and one I will come back to. However, 
the short answer is in some cases, yes. I have monitored many channellers for several years 
there is a story unfolding that I want to share with you that comes in part from channelling work, 
however it also comes from many other sources and for me is irrefutable. It is this that I want to 
share with you

The Emerging Real

Firstly, let me introduce Carolyn Evers to you.

I will let Carolyn tell her own sto

“I am a mother of five children, and now a grandmother for twelve grandchildren.  I was born in 
1937.  Things then were different.  Life was slower and families, along with the entire community, 
seemed closer.  People had time for one anothe

“When my children were young, I believed I should be home taking care of them. I thought t
needed me as a stabilizing force in their lives, and I devoted my life to my fami

“Before the children came, I held responsible jobs working for Insurance Companies, and also 
successful in the selling profession part time. After my children became school age and their need for 
me was less, I decided to go back to work.  Ultimately, I became securities licensed and obtained the 
designation of Certified Estate Planner, and currently am in the process of earning another 
designation of Certified Senior Advis

“I have had a satisfying career serving people for over twenty-five years giving investment advice and 
helping them plan for their financial future.  I would consider this a very stable, honourable, and 
responsible profession and have made many friends along the w

“A turning point in my life came when my son died in a tragic automobile accident when he was 
sixteen years old.  It was one of the most difficult times in my life.  It took a lot of adjustment to go on 
and face life again, much less trying to take care of my family and my care

“Several years after my son's death, I started communicating with him.  I could hear his voice as if he 
were transferring his thoughts to me. It was like conversing with an old friend, as his personality 
seemed the same to me along with his humou

“This didn’t happen suddenly, but rather gradually.  I was slowly being prepared for a role that my 
son and I had come into the world to do, and that was to bring information from the world of spirit 
for this time of our histor

“My son told me that before we entered this lifetime, we made the decision that one would be on 
each side of what we call life and death, and would bring information to the other.  He also said we 
were trusted friends and had done this many times befo

“There are records of all the events that have happened on Earth.  He would go to these records and 
give me the information so I could write stories about our history of being hum

“His stories begin at the beginning when we were created, follow us as we become a part of t
planet Earth, and point out our next step of development based upon our planned journey.  He also 
talks about our struggle as a people between the forces of light and da

“I would call my son my ‘guide’, as he is with me all the time, but mostly when I travel.  He holds a 
doorway open for me to the past, so I am able to get information from the places I vis

“Now there seems to be another doorway opening and that governs a stream of time directly to 
individuals from the past.  I am able to hear their stories, feel their emotions and understand their 
struggles.  As in the case of Julius Caesar, he confides to us in his own words his evaluation of his 
lifetime as Caesar from the point of view of the spiritual aspects of his mission, and spiritual laws 
pertaining to all li

“I believe that Conversations With Caesar brings us an important first hand story and observation of 
what it is like to plan a mission before coming to earth, how the plan can fail, and even after death 
how the individual must change the results of their deeds while they lived on earth.  I have found 
through this experience, that to advance on the other side means that there must be a healing of all 
parties involved with that lifetim

“What I learned from Caesar is that love and compassion is most important in the world of spirit.  He 
indicates that it is not so much what one accomplished in this lifetime, but rather what our intent 
was and if we tried to follow our mission or pre-birth plans that we made before coming into this 

“This skill that I have developed is not really as unusual as it may seem. I learned something that I 
think is very interesting. We don't really hear with our ears, but rather a place in our brain. The ear 
contains receptors, which transform sound waves into nerve impulses that can be interpreted as 
sounds by the brai

“It appears to me that all life seems to be levels of vibration.  I believe my son still exists on a level of 
vibration different from mine.  Hearing him speak to me doesn’t seem strange, but quite natu
now.  I am being told that this skill will be learned by others also as the levels of vibration are 
changing between our world and the world of spir

“My skills are still developing.  I am remembering more and more of my past lifetimes. I am finding 
from these memories, that there seems to be a thread running between them.  As I learn more about 
my past strengths and weaknesses, I discover a growing understanding of my relationship between 
myself and my creator and how I developed that relationship through my many lifetimes. As I relive 
some of the events of those past lifetimes, I am able to speak to those individuals that I was in my 
past and more books will come from those experiences and knowledg

Carolyn now regularly channels a number of beings we know well – Archangel Michael, Jesus, 
Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Master Kuthumi, Pope John Paul II and many others. She has 
channelled books from these and other beings no longer living on Earth. She has 3 radio shows on 
Internet radio at BBS Radio and has regular channelled conference calls. This work tells a story of 
which I will share some elements with you

What are we doing here on planet Earth?

As I pieced together the picture that science has painted, like Fred Alan Wolf, I began to want to 
make sense of this reality, my reality, my life. However, my path was different from his.

Yes, there is a spiritual side to us and we make up this reality, but what‘s the point?

I have long had an intuitive sense that we lived in a special time, though I could give no logical 
reason for this sense. Certainly I was clear that how we were living on planet Earth was 
unsustainable. Whilst the Club of Rome report Limits to Growth originally published in 1972 proved 
to be pessimistic in timeframe, it awakened the world to some of the issues and being overly 
pessimistic by 20, 50 or even 100 years in their predictions is not significant in the scheme of things. 
The status quo does not augur well for our children and grandchildren.

So are we living in a special time? For me, the answer is a resounding, “Yes!!” Let me show you wh
y I 

Earth History, Past Present & Fut

one of the books Carolyn has channelled is from Archangel Michael and is called, Earth History, Past 
Present & Future.  In it, he explains much of our history on this planet and where we are going. I will 
provide a brief synopsis here, however if this resonates with you, I recommend you go to the 
website and order a copy.

Why are we here? We volunteered to come into what is a very dense form of consciousness to 
participate in an experiment in emotion. Most beings in the cosmos live with a clear, direct link to 
Source energy. If you reflect on this, you may realise this will be a loving, blissful state. Given th
there is no opportunity to experience fear, hate, anger, rage, depression..... all the emotions we
human beings experience. We chose to live in this 3D space/time dualistic context so that we could, 
on behalf of Source, as an extension of Source, experience these emotio

To do this, we agreed to have a “veil” placed over our memories of who we truly are, for with
this, we couldn’t realistically play the game of life in this 3D space/time hologram.

All of creation is minutely planned. The end of the experiment was put in place at its beginning. The 
experiment has a lifetime of 200,000 years. We are the end of this cycle. The ending of the cycle 
means we have an opportunity to help clean up planet Earth, and the opportunity (not obligation) to 
clear our own energy fields and ascend to a higher level of consciousness with our bodies, referred 
to by many as the 5th dimension. Many refer to this as The Shift.

We lived at this higher vibrational level in Atlantis; however we became arrogant and believed we 
could create without Source. This led to a dramatic fall in human consciousness, a disconnection 
from Source and a reduction in our active DNA to 2 strands.

When consciousness fell, humanity was operating on a vibration level similar to a predatory group of 
beings who were able to successfully control humanity for their own ends. When we ascend, we will 
no longer be subject to their influence. By the time you read this, I expect much of what I am saying 
here will be becoming obvio

As part of this process, our bodies will change form, moving from a carbon based structure to a 
crystalline structure and the other strands of DNA (at least to a total of 12) will be reactivated, the 
hemispheres of the brain reconnected and the unused areas of our brain reactivated.


Far fetche

It is often said, “Truth is stranger than fiction”. It’s said with good reason from our human 3D 
space/time holographic perspecti

What’s the evidence for th

Firstly, let me acknowledge that the step I have just made will stretch many people’s sense of 
“reality” and that the Internet and a lot of other literature is peppered with lots of theories about 
the future of mankind. Believe me, I have seen plenty of them and spent time sifting through them 
to sort out what was real and what not, drawn by an inner drive to make sense of my own life. 
Secondly, I should mention there are many people in the world who know much of what I’ve j

So let’s look at the evidence to support 

Crop Circ

one of the most fascinating phenomena of our time and one largely ignored by the press, are crop 
circles.  Apparently, this phenomenon goes back thousands of years. The modern occurrence be
in the 70’s in the U.K. Crop circles combine ancient symbols with advanced geometry, sacred or 
Euclidean geometry. They also have sonic harmonics encoded in them and many people experience 
transformational energetic experiences when entering them.

The straw of the crop within the patterns or glyphs is often bent by 90 degrees, yet continues to 
grow normally. Experiments conducted growing grain taken from within the pattern grows 
dramatically more strongly than grain taken from nearby, outside of the patte

There have been over 10,000 crop circles since they began to appear in the 70’s and witnesses to 
their creation say they appear within seconds.

The crop circle glyphs have shown an increasing complexity over time.

There is a wonderful documentary on the crop circle phenomenon entitled Star Dreams.  It came to 
me through The Spiritual Cinema Circle as the feature on their August 2007 release. The Spiritual 
Cinema Circle is a fabulous source of feature length and short movies with a focus on our humanness 
and our spiritual natures. These are shipped monthly and provide an array of wonderful 
independent film makers a source of expression and funding. The Spiritual Cinema Circle was also 
the source of Conversations with God – The Movie that I mentioned earlier.

Star Dreams pulls together many threads of the crop circle story. The elements discussed below are 
all taken from this documenta

Many people interviewed on the documentary see crop circles as deeply connected to this time in 
history. It is mentioned that the Bible speaks of symbols above and below at a particular point in 
time. The Hopi Indians talk of symbols appearing when earth changes and changes in consciousness 
will take place.

When you look at a collection of these images together as this documentary does, given the scale of 
some of them at well over 100 metres across and with high degrees of complexity, it’s impossible
avoid the conclusion that the majority of crop circles are created by beings of greater scientific, 
spiritual and technological capability than we humans have at this stage of our development.

What is truly extraordinary about them, or more accurately our response to them, is they are almost 
entirely ignored by the mainstream press.

Morris Glickman, the author of a book on crop circles says; “Part of the reason we are be
addressed now is we are in the middle of a dimensional shift, a frequency shift, a density shift, a 
vibrational shift, which is shifting us from our current hard, mechanical Newtonian reality of solid 
objects and linear time to a 5th dimensional reality with which both time and matter crumble away to 
that which is more accessible to and manipulated by consciousnes

on November 16, 1974 a message was beamed into the universe by SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial 
Intelligence) scientists at Cornell University, including the late Carl Sagan. The message included 
details of the elements of life here on Earth. In August 2001, an image appeared in a wheat field in 
Chilbolton, England next door to a radio telescope. It was almost exactly the same as the image that 
was sent, though with 9 differences. Added to the elements needed for life was silicon. The DNA 
helix had another strand. The human form was altered. The reply said we were from Earth and Mars. 
In another book channelled by Carolyn Evers entitled Viva Papa, from Pope John Paul II after his 
death, on p109 sa

“Presently there are some individuals who are in the process of lighting the cells with additional 
light force. That light force is what changes the cells to a light-based cell that some call 
crystalline [having switched from carbon-based to silicon-base

This is consistent with the Chilbolton image having added silicon as an element needed for life. Also 
the added strand in the DNA is consistent with the predicted changes. 

Morris Glickman goes on to say; “There is no doubt that within the next 10 years we are going
have direct communication with our cousins. There is no doubt this will be an event which will 
crumble our political, religious, economic and scientific establishments. We are not going to be happy 
about that and indeed we are not going to be prepared for this cataclysm until the critical mass of 
humanity has moved comfortably into the coming 5th dimension and the circles, I believe, 
attempting to bring us to a stage where we can accept i

In August 2002 a crop circle was produced which included a humanoid with a globe. Inside the globe, 
written in ASCII computer language was the following message; “Beware the bearers of false gi
and their broken promises. Much pain but still time. Believe. There is good out there. We opp

The circles have included symbols showing the Mayan calendar. The long timeframe Mayan calendar 
ends in 2012 and the shorter timeframe calendars reportedly reset to zero in December 20
Many believe the images are being drawn by Arcturian “engineers”. Arcturus is one of the bright
stars in our sky. An artist named Janosh has been creating art which he says is channelled from the 
Arcturians. Some of the same symbols in the Janosh artwork are also occurring in the crop circles, 
strongly indicating they are from the same source.

one last quote from Glickman; “They (crop circles) are, if you like, playthings scattered on the 
nursery carpet to train us to play with the big boy

Again, this is a wonderful, timely, moving documentary and I encourage you to order it here and 
view it for yourself. If you want to look further into the crop circle phenomenon, here is a list of 
books and other material.

Not everyone agrees with this interpretation, however. For example - "Crop circles are made by 
people, straight and simple, and anyone who tells you otherwise is either misguided, a fool or a 
charlatan." - Dr David Whitehouse, BBC News onlin

For me, the evidence that they are not made by people is overwhelming.
Human blood on a statue of the Virgin Mary

Let's look at some further evidence. on April 23, 2006 Carolyn Evers received a channelled 
message from Mother Mary. It bega

“I have tried to call my children in the United States in Sacramento, California, but the interest has 
waned. Red rivers of blood came forth from my statue, but the church representatives would not test 
the blood on the statue to indicate if it were human blood or just a red dye placed there by some 
individual who wanted to get attention. I am trying very hard to have my children notice me and 
return to their faith and get closer to their God-selves, but I wasn’t successf

“Again, I have tried another country, and perhaps they will believe. And I might say that in Malta the 
church leaders did test the blood on the statue and declared that it was, indeed, human. Hopefully, 
this information will spread around the globe, but I do not think so. This will stay a local oddity. 
Imagine, I show signs of my motherly love to my children, and the world calls this a local oddi

“Times are quickly upon you that the Earth beneath your feet will be disruptive. I cry out to you to
in love, as that is the only force that will save you from great destruction. I do not come to have you 
mouth signs of ritual and express belief systems of dogma, but rather I come to engender the force of 
love within your hearts. It is the open heart that will protect you. It is your heart full of love that w
open your connection to your I AM Presence which will lead you to safety.

A report from Malta was as follows; 

Curia confirms human blood on statue of Virgin Mary 

By MaltaMedia News 
Apr 21, 2006, 12:42 CET 

The Archbishop’s Curia has confirmed that human blood was oozing from the eyes of the statue of 
Virgin Mary in a private residence in the last few weeks. 
A spokesman for the Curia said in a statement that the first report was examined by the Church 
Authorities and it transpired that the red liquid was human blood. 
The same phenomenon was reported a few weeks later and this second incident is still being 
investigated, the spokesman said. 
Local newspaper In-Nazzjon on Friday revealed that the statue is in a private residence in Birzebbugia. 
The owner of the statue of the Immaculate Conception reported the weeping of the red liquid to the 
parish priest on Monday. The latter advised the owner to report to the Curia. 
 © Copyright 2006 - MaltaMedia online Net
This is a powerful confirmation of the message Carolyn received.

Changes in our solar system

There is some powerful evidence in changes that are happening across the solar system. For the 
book Viva Papa, channelled by Carolyn Evers, Carolyn received the following from Jesus (p3
“At the very center of the mantle in the densest part of the molten rock there are windings t
would seem like the windings of an electrical motor. These windings have a relationship to the 
windings of your solar sun. At the time that Edgar Cayce discussed the change in the Earth’s core, 
windings in your solar sun had changed and the Earth, as its partner in space, had changed to 
harmonize with i

“This is the reason that the Russian scientists have found evidence of the planets in your solar system 
changing because these planets also work in tandem with the sun. This change shifted the entire 
planetary system. We discuss this event so you understand that we cannot reverse this process. O
begun, it cannot be altere

Have Russian scientists found this evidenc

Dr. Alexey Dmitriev has reported dramatic changes within the solar system. Quoting from this si

The following processes are taking place on the distant planets of our Solar System. But they are, 
essentially speaking, operationally driving the whole System.

Here are examples of these events:

1.1.1 A growth of dark spots on Pluto [7].

1.1.2 Reporting of auroras on Saturn [8].

1.1.3 Reporting of Uranus and Neptune polar shifts (They are magnetically conjugate planets), and 
the abrupt large-scale growth of Uranus' magnetosphere intensity.

1.1.4 A change in light intensity and light spot dynamics on Neptune [9, 10].

1.1.5 The doubling of the magnetic field intensity on Jupiter (based upon 1992 data), and a series of 
new states and processes observed on this planet as an aftermath of a series of explosions in July 
1994 [caused by "Comet" SL-9] [12]. That is, a relaxation of a plasmoid train [13, 14] which excited 
the Jovian magnetosphere, thus inducing excessive plasma generation [12] and its release in the 
same manner as Solar coronal holes [15] inducing an appearance of radiation belt brightening in 
decimetre band (13.2 and 36 cm), and the appearance of large auroral anomalies and a change of 
the Jupiter - Io system of currents [12, 14].

Update Note from A.N.D Nov. 1997:

A stream of ionized hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, etc. is being directed to Jupiter from the volcanic 
areas of Io through a one million amperes flux tube. It is affecting the character of Jupiter's magnetic 
process and intensifying its plasma genesis. {Z.I.Vselennaya "Earth and Universe" N3, 1997 plo-9 by 
NASA data}

1.1.6 A series of Martian atmosphere transformations increasing its biosphere quality. In particular, a 
cloudy growth in the equator area and an unusual growth of ozone concentration [1

Update Note: In September 1997 the Mars Surveyor Satellite encountered an atmospheric density 
double that projected by NASA upon entering a Mars orbit. This greater density bent one of the solar 
array arms beyond the full and open stop. This combination of events has delayed the beginning of 
the scheduled photo mission for one year.

1.1.7 A first stage atmosphere generation on the Moon, where a growing natrium atmosphere is 
detected that reaches 9,000 km in height. [17].
1.1.8 Significant physical, chemical and optical changes observed on Venus; an inversion of dark and 
light spots detected for the first time, and a sharp decrease of sulfur-containing gases in its 
atmosphere [1

I encourage you to read the rest of this material as it describes profound changes in the solar 
system, consistent with the channelled message from Jes

Changes on Earth

There is also some strong evidence related to changes on Earth. on p72 of Viva Papa, Pope John Paul 
II says the followi

“Awaken from the sleep of a world of commerce and self-indulgence. Remember. Go within and 
question the next time you hear of an Earthquake and unusual lights in the sky. The northern lights of 
the aurora borealis have been sighted in strange places. The reason for this is that the energy from 
the sun has been stepped up and the electrons of the solar wind have intensified so that these lights 
and energies have been seen by many as a new phenomenon. Make note of these two occurren
and then go within. I am here to point you in the right directio

If you go to NASA’s website, you will find a report headed The Day the Solar Wind Disappeared.  
Quoting from this si

From May 10-12, 1999, the solar wind that blows constantly from the Sun virtually disappeared -- the 
most drastic and longest-lasting decrease ever observed.
Dropping to a fraction of its normal density and to half its normal speed, the solar wind died down 
enough to allow physicists to observe particles flowing directly from the Sun's corona to Earth. This 
severe change in the solar wind also changed the shape of Earth's magnetic field and produced an 
unusual auroral display at the North Pole.  
Starting late on May 10 and continuing through the early hours of May 12, NASA's ACE and Wind 
spacecraft each observed that the density of the solar wind dropped by more than 98%. Because of 
the decrease, energetic electrons from the Sun were able to flow to Earth in narrow beams, known as 
the strahl. Under normal conditions, electrons from the Sun are diluted, mixed, and redirected in 
interplanetary space and by Earth's magnetic field (the magnetosphere). But in May 1999, several 
satellites detected electrons arriving at Earth with properties similar to those of electrons in the Sun's 
corona, suggesting that they were a direct sample of particles from the S

This matches with what Pope John Paul II spoke of.

On p24 of Earth History Archangel Michael says:

“Earth’s core has been changed by a blast of energy that came to the Earth in 1999, and it will not
back to the previous configuration, because the crystal material in the core has been restructure

Perhaps this is the same energy blast spoken about by NA

Changes in how we 

Now for some evidence related to how we age. on p109 of Viva Papa, Pope John Paul II speaks of 
the telomere and its role in agei

“Archangel Michael discussed the telomere earlier, and that is the basis for rejuvenation. As it is now, 
the carbon-based cell is able to divide, but the telomere oversees cell division to about fifty times, 
and then the cell dies. This is known as ageing. Cells die because they have lost the ability to replicate 

“When the cells become crystalline, or light-based, the telomere will be able to replicate ce
indefinitely without dying. This ability to replicate the cells of the body is the factor that will 
overcome ageing. Death might yet come through accidental causes, but death through organ failu
which is based upon cell replication, will be a thing of the pas

on p63 of Earth History, Archangel Michael sa

“You are almost to the point where the telomere will be restructured. The telomere is part of the 
chromosome structure in cells. Presently, after about fifty replications, the cell dies, and this is what 
causes ageing. For more information concerning this phenomenon, you can search for the work
Hayflick for a better understandin

A Google search on “Hayflick theory of aging” yields material on Dr. Leonard Hayflick, and 
Hayflick theory of aging – for example, Wikipedia. This theory attributes ageing to the role of the 
telomere, entirely consistent with the channellings from Archangel Michael & Pope John Paul 

The Indonesian tsunami

on December 26, 2004 an earthquake registering 9.1 occurred off the coast of Indonesia, producing 
a tidal wave with a reported 283,106 fatalities. This was followed on March 28, 2005 by a second 
earthquake which registered 8.6 and with only 1,313 fatalities. A significant tsunami was again 
expected, however it did not eventuate. A 3-meter tsunami damaged the port and airport
Simeulue, however it was localized. “Initial observations indicate about 1 meter of subsidence on the 
coast of Kepulauan Banyak as well as 1 meter of uplift on the coast of Simeulu

Why such a difference in outcom

on March 29, 2005 Carolyn Evers received the following channelled message from Archangel 
Michael following a group meditation she had organised at his request before the second 

“Yesterday (March 28, 2005) there was another movement of plates in Indonesia. As you have 
noticed, there was no tsunami that followed, even though it was expected that an earthquake in that 
area could cause such destructio

“We would like you to ponder the possibility that our call to the lightworkers was able to circumvent 
such a possibility. As you ponder that thought, we would like to add that even though the vibrational 
recording on instruments that showed the strength of the movement was very similar to the one on 
December 26th (2004), there was not the loss of life yesterday as in the earlier on

“This is an example of what can be possible when many think in unison. We gave the alarm in a sh
notice before the event so that the thoughts could be unified, but given at a time that you might 
consider a window of possibility. It was during that window that the thoughts were unified and met 
the event at the doorway of possibilit

“This is a metaphor, yes, but I use that thought picture so you can understand that events move upon 
a string. These strings are elements of possibilities and probabilities. After the first earthquake on 
December 26th, there was the possibility of a future earthquake. That could happen any time in your 
future string of tim

“As there was an additional structural collapse of more plate settlement lower in the layers of rock 
next to the mantle, this event became more of a probability. It was at the point of probability that 
your thoughts collectively met the event. So you might consider this a method of timing, and you 
would be close to the actual trut

“In addition to the event and your thoughts, also consider the belief system. You mighty warriors
light, you, who consciously believed that you could mould protection with your thoughts, intensified 
the outcome of your effectiveness a thousand-fold. Thoughts, actions, and belief systems are very 

“I bring these thoughts to your conscious mind so that you can use these events in your daily liv
patterns. When you send out a thought, what you might consider positive or negative, it gathers 
impetus in the unseen world. If the thought and desire is strong enough, it can overcome or at least 
mitigate thoughts at the doorway of possibilities. Use this process wisely. For every gift there is a 
responsibility. Remember to always play fair and hold each one in your palm of love. If you can use 
these tools with the power of love, all of you my friends will accelerate your growt

“I send this message not for myself and my own edification, but for you. Yet in your heart you know 
these things. There is nothing new that I tell you, but rather what I tell you reinforces your own light 
as the reasoning mind delivers truth to you. I honour you for a job well done, my warriors in the light. 
These words are in gratitude, not only for the help you extended to your brothers in Indonesia, but 
for your own strengthening of power and light-forc

“Re-read my words and as you do, consciously think of the sword I carry. It is your protection also. I 
knighted each and every one of you with its power as you came into the bubbles of biology that you 
are. The sword of light and truth is yours, and you can reactivate its power agai

“My friends, this is the real reason that I speak to you again this day. I wish you to reactivate your 
power rod of truth and light. It is within you and it is part of your thoughts and your intention. It is 
part of your destiny if you dare to use it wisely. I will not speak of those who did not use it wisely, 
because I speak to my warriors of ligh

“Your brothers and sisters in Indonesia would give you thanks if they understood the process that 
they were saved. I certainly thank you for following my request. But the real victors were those who 
participated in this group pattern which activated your own powe

“Namaste, in the true meaning of the wor
dArchangel Michael”

Note for Carolyn: “In reading information given on this earthquake, the U.S. Geological Survey said 
that Monday's quake was measured at a magnitude of 8.2, later revised to 8.7. The earthquake on 
December 26th measured 9.0. Meteorologists in Sydney, Australia, reported that within four hours 
there was a tiny tsunami at the Cocos Islands, 1400 miles west of Australia, and it was less tha
n 4 

I followed this up with the Seismology Research Centre here in Australia. Their advice was that you 
would expect a tsunami with an earthquake “in the high 7’s”; however it depended greatly on the 
depth of the earthquake, the location of the earthquake (e.g.  was it in the ocean) and whether it 
caused a significant shifting at the earth surface underneath sea. The two were quite close to each 
other , and both off the coast of Northern Sumatra. They are both shown to be at a depth of 30km, 
though this estimate probably reflects the accuracy of the monitoring equipment in the area.

A firm conclusion looking at this data as best I can, is not possible to draw, however, on the face of 
it, it does seem surprising there was not another substantial tsunami from this event. The fact that 
12 people were killed in the evacuation efforts in Sri Lanka indicates people were expecting o

Few animals killed by the Boxing Day 2004 tsun

There is further evidence related to the Boxing Day tsunami. A few days after the tsunami, the 
following was reported:

YALA NATIONAL PARK, Sri Lanka (AP) – “Wildlife officials in Sri Lanka expressed surprise Wednes
that they found no evidence of large-scale animal deaths from the tsunamis _ indicating that animals 
may have sensed the wave coming and fled to higher grou

“An Associated Press photographer who flew over Sri Lanka's Yala National Park in an air fo
helicopter saw abundant wildlife, including elephants, buffalo, deer, and not a single animal corps
The full report can be found here.

on p61 of Earth History, Archangel Michael said in relation to the tsuna

“There are others, for example, who are attuned to the Earth in such a fashion that they 
physically aware of the movement of plates, and they experience bodily symptoms that bring an 
awareness of impending events. This is true of animals, birds and even insects. They are more closely 
aligned to the Earth, and these signals become a steady urge to relocate, until the beings actually 
move to safer grou

“If people would become more aware of the difference in animal behaviour at these times, that in 
itself would be another signal of a great change in seismic activity or the approach of volcanic 
activity and tsunami

The diamond-shaped energy grid of the 5th dimens

Archangel Michael is also channelled by Celia Fenn. Here he has described the energy grid associated 
with the ascended state as being diamond-shaped. on Celia’s site, on her page entitled “Earth L
July 2007” you will see two examples that have shown up displaying this diamond-shaped pattern, 
one from an artist friend of Celia’s, Christina Bryer, and another as a crop circle which appeared on 
July 26th, 2007. This same shape turns up in the wonderful channelled imagery of Bryan De Flores, 
image #97, Diamond Consciousness. Coincidence? I think n

Fire the Gr

A powerful piece of evidence for the changes was provided by the "Fire the Grid" event. on July 17, 
2007, perhaps hundreds of thousands of people around the globe meditated at the same time for 
one hour. The event was inspired and driven by Shelley Yates, with the help of her friends Anael and 
Bradfield. Shelley’s personal story is truly extraordinary, with the drowning death of herself and her 
baby son and their recovery with the guidance to Shelley by whom she refers to as “light beings”
. I 
encourage you to visit the site and read Shelley’s story. With no money, these 3 people create
d a 
global phenomenon. The website was reportedly receiving 5,000 full reads/day in the weeks leading 
up to July 17. For me, it is no accident that this event happened at this time and I continue to be 
inspired by the music that Anael and Bradfield created for the event in the “Light and Love” CD. 
story of the creation of this CD is amazing in itself, with Shelley being guided on what tracks to sel
from Bradfield’s existing work, except for the first and last tracks, which Shelley was told Bradfield 
“would already have in his heart”. Shelley was told the music contained special activation tones, 
which Bradfield says he knows nothing about, though a number of people have told him they can 

Remote heal

An interesting illustration of our oneness, our entanglement is provided by the phenomenon of 
remote healing. Energy healers know that their healing capabilities do not require them to be in the 
same location as the patient. They can heal remotely. I have worked with this with NAET (see 
below), with Reiki and with other energy healing modalities and have experienced remote healing 
from a number of practitioners. This works because we are all connected, or entangled as the 
quantum physicists would s

ho 'oponopo

Another powerful illustration of this is the following - Joe Vitale is a man who has played a leading 
role in awakening people to their spiritual selves and the power of the Law of Attraction. His book 
The Attractor Factor was a powerful signpost on my journey. Joe recently published a book jointly 
with Ihaleakala Hew Len, entitled Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, 
Peace, and More. This is a powerful illustration of remote healing and that we are all one. I quote 
from Joe’s Zero Limits websi

“Two years ago, I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a complete ward of criminally insane 
patients--without ever seeing any of them. The psychologist would study an inmate's chart and then 
look within himself to see how he created that person's illness. As he improved himself, the patient 

“When I first heard this story, I thought it was an urban legend. How could anyone heal anyone else 
by healing himself? How could even the best self-improvement master cure the criminally insan

“It didn't make any sense. It wasn't logical, so I dismissed the stor

“However, I heard it again a year later. I heard that the therapist had used a Hawaiian healing 
process called ho 'oponopono. I had never heard of it, yet I couldn't let it leave my mind. If the story 
was at all true, I had to know more.

I had always understood "total responsibility" to mean that I am responsible for what I think and do. 
Beyond that, it's out of my hands. I think that most people think of total responsibility that way. 
We're responsible for what we do, not what anyone else does. The Hawaiian therapist who healed 
those mentally ill people would teach me an advanced new perspective about total responsibilit

“His name is Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. We probably spent an hour talking on our first phone call. I 
asked him to tell me the complete story of his work as a therapist. He explained that he worked at 
Hawaii State Hospital for four years. That ward where they kept the criminally insane was 
dangerous. Psychologists quit on a monthly basis. The staff called in sick a lot or simply quit. People 
would walk through that ward with their backs against the wall, afraid of being attacked by patients. 
It was not a pleasant place to live, work, or visi

“Dr. Len told me that he never saw patients. He agreed to have an office and to review their files. 
While he looked at those files, he would work on himself. As he worked on himself, patients began to 

‘After a few months, patients that had to be shackled were being allowed to walk freely,’ he told 
‘Others who had to be heavily medicated were getting off their medications. And those who had no 
chance of ever being released were being freed

“I was in aw

‘Not only that,’ he went on, ‘but the staff began to enjoy coming to work. Absenteeism and turnover 
disappeared. We ended up with more staff than we needed because patients were being released, 
and all the staff was showing up to work. Today, that ward is closed

“This is where I had to ask the million dollar question: ‘What were you doing within yourself that 
caused those people to change

‘I was simply healing the part of me that created them,’ he sai

“I didn't understan

“Dr. Len explained that total responsibility for your life means that everything in your life - simply 
because it is in your life--is your responsibility. In a literal sense the entire world is your creatio

“Whew. This is tough to swallow. Being responsible for what I say or do is one thing. Being 
responsible for what everyone in my life says or does is quite another. Yet, the truth is this: if you take 
complete responsibility for your life, then everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or in any way 
experience is your responsibility because it is in your lif

“This means that terrorist activity, the president, the economy--anything you experience and don't 
like--is up for you to heal. They don't exist, in a manner of speaking, except as projections from inside 
you. The problem isn't with them, it's with you, and to change them, you have to change yo

“I know this is tough to grasp, let alone accept or actually live. Blame is far easier than total 
responsibility, but as I spoke with Dr. Len, I began to realize that healing for him and in ho 
'oponopono means loving yourself. If you want to improve your life, you have to heal your life. If you 
want to cure anyone--even a mentally ill criminal--you do it by healing yo

“I asked Dr. Len how he went about healing himself. What was he doing, exactly, when he looked at 
those patients' files?

"I just kept saying, 'I'm sorry' and 'I love you' over and over again," he explaine

“That's it

“That's i

A powerful story that fits perfectly with what I’ve been describing and it is a similar sense of 
responsibility that has me producing this e-Bo

Indigo and Crystal Child

About 25 years ago, we began to see some very gifted children “show up” on the planet. Th
children have come to be known as Indigo children. Many of these have become channellers and 
healers and if you subscribe to the Lady Isis email I discuss later on, you will see several of them 
contributing articles.

In the last 7-10 years another group with different characteristics have begun to arrive with even 
greater gifts. These are referred to as Crystal children. I have not focussed on this phenomenon, 
however Celia Fenn has and also here for Crystal children.

It is no accident these gifted individuals have been incarnating at this time. They are here to help the 
rest of mankind with Ascension and to participate in perhaps the greatest event currently playing 
out in the Cosmos. And you are here for the same reason.

There is quite a bit of support for the view that many so-called ADD and ADHD children are th
gifted children who, in a sense, don’t fit into the current consciousness and our society’s solution is 
to drug them into submission. It will p
ass... Candace Pert says when we realise what we have been 
doing with these drug regimes in these years, especially with young children and teenagers since 
their bodies are still developing, we will look back in horror given how little we know of their true 
impact on the body mind syst

Our connection to mov

A more subtle illustration of our knowing all of this is contained in movies. Movies are a great vehicle 
to convey ideas and you may be able to see the reason we respond so strongly to some movies: 
The Matrix series is describing the nature of the conscious 3D space/time hologram in which we li

Epics such as Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter resonate with a deep truth in our 
psyches. It’s no surprise they have all been so popul

Personal evidence

Some of the calls that I have participated on with Carolyn Evers have involved healings by, for 
example Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene. In one case, Mary Magdalene warned those on the call 
that we may experience flu-like symptoms. Within 3 hours, I experienced symptoms similar to a 
virus. These symptoms lasted for about 24 hours; however I suffered no nasal or other mucus- 
related symptoms, which I inevitably suffer with a virus producing these symptoms. I have had 
similar effects from the energetic healing associated with the natural allergy healing modality known 
as NAET, so it was not a surprise to me. A second clearing by Mother Mary a few days later produced 
different symptoms, though just as powerful. In this case, there was no warning to expect them. For 
me, they were clear evidence of the veracity of this work.

As an aside, if anyone reading this suffers from allergies, I suggest you consider NAET as a powerful, 
natural, energy-based healing modali

Conclusion on the evide

I have presented you with a number of examples where channellings have been correlated with 
events in the world. I have also shared with you other examples which support what I have put 
forward. These examples are by no means an exhaustive list.

For me, there is no doubt and, perhaps most importantly, it resonates with a deep knowing inside 
me. Perhaps the most clear-cut pointer however is the crop circle phenomenon. It is an 
extraordinary occurrence unfolding in front of our eyes all over the globe and with some very clear 

I have maintained a strong sense of scepticism as I have walked this path and I encourage you to do 
the same. Ultimately, I encourage you to listen to your own internal sense of what is true and what 
is not. This is an inner journey, opening up your heart centre and listening to the truth of your own 
Self, your own soul, your own connection to Source.

The work Carolyn Evers is bringing forth is profoundly connected to this time in history and provides 
powerful support to those who participate to prepare us for what lies ahead in this special time on 
planet Earth. I am not saying it is the only path to this knowledge and preparation; however it is a 
powerful, extraordinary doorw

To sample Carolyn’s work, you may like to go to BBS Radio and download the archives of “The 
Messenger”, especially those beginning August 26, 2007.

Our cyclical real

Many cultures have believed that our reality passes through cycles. I became interested in cycles 
through studying the work of WD Gann, who is best known for his use of cycles to successfully 
forecast and trade the stock and commodity markets in the US during the first half of the 20th 
century. For example, he forecast the top of the stockmarket on September 3, 1929 to the day and 
the price exactly, a year in advance. In fact he coined the term “Black Friday” for the day of the f
publicly months in advance. When he died in 1956, he left assets of over US$50M as a result of his 
successful trading.

David Bowden used Gann’s methods to successfully forecast and trade the Australian Share Pr
Index, publishing several of his calls ahead of time. He retired from trading for health reasons, having 
also made tens of millions of dollars from trading using Gann analysis. Perhaps his most striking call 
was the Gulf War low, which he publicly forecast months ahead to the point in price and to the 
minute in time – 1184 on January 16, 1991 at 4

Gann’s interests were much broader than the stockmarket (see Tunnel Thru the Air). This book 
written in 1927, forecasts the early 1930’s as a time of great hardship in the US, as well as the per
of the 2nd world war, and forecast the nature of the attack on Pearl Harbour. Gann used the Bible 
and astrology extensively as guides in understanding cycles. He explained that when major and 
minor cycles come together, major change follows.

There are several cycles that I am aware of peaking or ending at this time in history and there may 
be m

Mayan Calen

The Mayans have been described as the master timekeepers. They had an array of calendars. The 
one of interest here is their long term calendar which ends in 2012 (see diagram below). This 
diagram has been created from a presentation by Ian Lungold.

Mayan Calendar 
16.4B Years            Cellular 
820M Years   Mammalian 
41M Years   Family 
2M Years   Tribal 
Day 7Day 6Day 5Day 4Day 3Day 2Day
Formation of 
solar system 
Life moved 
onto land 
Fire Ice Age 
1755 AD 
nal 400 
ears3115 BC 
All are Divine 
in – 
5thDay 5thN
ral 8,000 
ears102,000 Yrs 

This diagram illustrates a series of ages of consciousness. Each period is seven "days" in length, 
though the length of day varies from 1.26BN years to 20 da

Each period is 1/20th of the previous period. The 5th day and the 5th night are periods of significant 
change in each period and these are illustrated in the diagram. Importantly, all periods exist 
concurrently and they all end in 2012.
This diagram illustrates an extraordinary acceleration in the rate of change of consciousness. It is no 
surprise parents and children have struggled to relate in the last couple of generations. Ia
presentation is based on the work of Carl Calleman.

Besides the Mayans, the Hopi Indians, the ancient Egyptians and other ancient cultures predicted 
change in our times. The Hopis spoke of the emergence of the 5th world of peace and a Hopi elder
reported to have recently said, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting fo

Earth’s cycle around the great central 

The Earth makes an “orbit” around the great central sun every 26,000 years. Every 13,000 years, it 
passes through the photon belt, exposing us to what is known as Manasic Radiation. This lasts 
about 2,000 years. We entered such a period in the 1990’s. Many consider these energies to be 
responsible for the upliftment and changes that are occurring, for example this website. 


200,000 years of mankind’s living in dual

I mentioned that Archangel Michael, through Carolyn Evers spoke of the 200,000 year cycle
mankind’s duality. He also explained that the ending of the cycle was planned at the outset and 
energies for its completion began to arrive in 1987 with Supernova 1987a. The explosion that 
produced these energies occurred ...... 200, 000 years a

The Eye of I

Within the cosmos, there is a direct path to Source energy at the centre of the cosmos. This path 
passes around the entire cosmos approximately once every million years. It is known as the Eye of 
Isis. This direct path is arriving in our area of the cosmos now.

Pope John Paul II is the soul who ushers the Eye of Isis into new areas of the cosmos and since his 
death has been working to ground this energy on the Earth plane. This is why he channelled Viva 
Papa to Carolyn Evers and is participating in the current wo

Atlantis revisi

In many ways, we are repeating the cycle of Atlantis. We are again in control of technologies which 
have the ability to destroy our planet and humanity along with it. Some of the history and work done 
so far can be found here.

We have the technology to tinker with the genetic makeup and blend human and animal DNA, as 
was done in Atlantis.

The spiritual hierarchy have warned us through the channellings of Carolyn Evers of the dangers to 
the planet arising from the use of HAARP technology. This website and also this website look at its 

And we still do not have the development in consciousness to understand what we are tinkering 
with. We are walking a knife edge in many, many ways as we embrace this opportunity to advance 
our consciousne

Stock market cy

Using Gann analysis, there are long term tops forecast for around September 2007 in both the 
Australian and US markets. I am writing this in early September 2007, so I am watching the markets 
with great interest. This analysis would suggest a high likelihood of a significant drop in these 
markets in coming months.

In summary, there are several cycles coming together in late 2007 and extending forward. The 
confluence of these cycles portends a significant change in direction for planet Earth and those of us 
who live upon her

What is special about this time?

I mentioned earlier that man’s time in duality, the great cosmic experiment in emotion, is coming to 
an end.

We are being provided with the opportunity in the next few years to ascend from our current 3D 
space/time context, with our bodies, to a new context in which we will be re-connected to Source 

Where our bodies will not age as they currently do.

Where the emotions of fear, dread, anger and doubt will be left behind.

Where we will reawaken our ability to create from Source energy as we could do when we lived in 

Where we will remember the masters of light that we truly are as the veils of forgetfulness are 

Where we will remember all of our positive experiences in all of our lifetimes on planet Earth.

This is truly an extraordinary time to be living on Earth. We are about to enter the foretold Golden 
Age and all of us living on Earth at this time chose to be here to participate in some way in this 
extraordinary event.

It is likely that there will be some trauma and confusion in the transition. on p29 of Earth History, 
Archangel Michael sa

“There is also a group which works outside of universal law, in the sense that they pirate or steal 
Light from others and do not, or rather are not able to, utilize the light from spiritual sources because 
they are in opposition to the light and will not use that source to survive. Naturally they would use 
power and control to strengthen their ends, but they also use subterfuge as their main mode

Then from p30; “Every force that has any interest in this life wave and this solar system understands 
that the path of renewal is at hand. Every setback of the Light is considered a victory, and every inch 
of ground will be fought for. Prime Creator will not destroy souls, but will divide them. This is the path 
that will be taken on this planet – a division – and it is at hand. All forces understand thi

“Those who must pirate Light from those who cooperate with the Light understand just how grave 
their situation is. They would rather destroy than submit. It has been their way for aeon

Then from p32; “Before it is finished, though, you will hear of much confusion, sabre rattli
economic setbacks, corruption, deceit, and betrayal. That is not the way of the world. It is just a short 
struggle. The Light will win because it is irresistible to the world of creation, and all will underst
their place in unity

Again, I encourage you to go here and order a copy of Earth History and read it in fu

The Warn

If we really are living in such a time, then how will mankind in general get to know about 
This is a question which has sat there for me for some time and whilst this e-book may alert some, I 
have felt something more profound, more obvious, more inclusive, more certain is required. Well, it 
turns out just such an event is planned. It is referred to as The Warning.

Master Kuthumi spoke of this in a recent conference ca

“We haven’t spoken too much about the warning in our messages, but the religious community has 
spoken of this and attributed this concept to Mother Mary’s words at several of her apparitions 
namely, Fatima.

 “The children of Fatima never really discussed what that meant in words that you could understand, 
but Julius Caesar in his work Conversations with Caesar and later as listed on the website by the same 
name discusses this.

 “The warning is an energy that is about to come to this planet. It is from Source and it will open the 
memory banks of humans so that they can see their relationship with Source. For those who have not 
paid attention to their spiritual standing, this will be a devastating blow to them as they will face this 
judgment all alone without their angels to comfort them.

 “When one crosses over that divide you call death, there is this same review and it is very quick, but 
the recently departed soul has their guardian angel to help the soul to judge their actions from a 
universal perspective meaning that the actions of others that interfered with their goals will be 
pointed out and discussed. So in a sense this review is balanced in its interpretation. This warning will 
come to pass without any outside help in guiding the actions and reactions of others to their deeds.

......There is nothing to fear if when you wake up in the morning and as a morning ritual, align your 
being with Source and be willing to assist Source in carrying out their agenda for bringing forth 
Heaven on Eart

You can find the complete message he gave here as part of the message called The Light Circle Ezine 

To read the webpage Master Kuthumi refers to, go to here. The following are quotes from this 

From the Angels - “The day is coming and it is soon to be revealed on your doorstep that there is a 
God.  There is a creator who rules all life, who loves all life and there are angels who carry out God’s 
will and protect God’s creations

“This day is quickly coming when those on earth who do not feel that love will be faced with it and 
there will be no denying that God exists.  This is not a threat of suffering but rather an energy that is 
on its way that is coming from the most high in the center of the cosmos.  This energy will be an 
awakening.  All will see themselves as they really are.  They will see it in their soul.  It will seem as if 
there was a mirror being held up by the angels for you to gaze upon your soul

“This awakening has been foretold by masters such as Mary the mother of Jesus who is part and 
parcel of the Divine feminine.  She works tirelessly to warn her children that this miracle is coming.  
No one who lives in that moment on earth and becomes aware of this energy will stay the same.  
They will be forever chang

“The light and life of the Creator will be upon you.  You will not be able to resist it.  You will be able to 
run away, but if you do, you will not live on this planet.  You will pass into the state of death and exist 
where you will have company in your refusal to love.  This will not happen immediately, but it will 
come.  There will be a division of this life wave and only love will be allowed to stay here
From Caesar -“This message was given to me by angels who sit close to God and act as their 
messengers, but I have seen this energy.  I am very interested in energy and it was shown to be this 
energy that waits for you.  I was able to experience it.  I stood within its midst and I could see my own 

“I want to tell you what it was like.  I remembered when I was created.  I followed that line of 
creation and saw myself as I evolved from the hand of God and moved through the clouds of creation 
and found myself eventually as Caesar upon this beautiful planet.  I understood all my thoughts and 
desires and experiences as a soul and as a human reincarnating many, many times on this planet and 

“I could remember all my experiences and it seemed as if it were one moment.  The enormity of it is 
not to be underestimated.  It was frightening and it was awesome.  I asked for this experience so I 
could come back and tell you of its magnificence.  This is so important that you understand that this 
is on the way.  For too long you have been wandering in ignorance of the magnificent possibilities of 
who and what you a

“I rejoice with the heavenly hosts as I can see the moment when this energy comes into the world.  
Human endeavours have nothing to do with its arrival.  It will come no matter what humanity does or 
how they try to stop it.  Those in power understand on a soul level that their time has ended on your 
earth.  Love will rein supreme and it is coming and will be here soon. Do not despair, your suffer
will end and soo

What does this all of this mean to you?

This time is an opportunity for every one of us to acknowledge our relationship with Source and 
choose to ascend from the experience of 3D space/time duality to the 5th dimension as I have briefly 
described. The key is to decide that you want to take this opportunity and set the intention to do so. 
Intention is a much more powerful capability than we generally recognize. We are not alone in this 
transition – we are never alone – and the help you need will be forthcoming. However, the journey is 
ours to undertake. It will not be done for us.

one of the key things it means is a change in focus for your medium term planning. When your 
year plan now reads, “I will ascend to the 5th dimension”, it sort of changes things..... This is 
where most of us on Planet Earth are focussed, even many people who have some awareness
what’s unfolding. We are all creatures of deep habits. In a way we are addicted to how we live life. 
When you reflect on this, you quickly realise why the Warning is such an essential part of this 
process, to wake us all up to the truth of who we are and what we are part 

What about my children?

This an automatic question for most parents, especially mothers when this question comes up. It 
was for me. How will my kids know? Will they come with me? What do I need to do to take care of 

Firstly, it’s important to acknowledge their free will. They will have a choice. They will experience 
Warning as we all will and know their true nature as a result. Also, perhaps more importantly, 
acknowledge their choice to be here at this time. It’s hard to see and own the choice we all made
be here from inside this context, however it is so. Given the nature of this time, there have been no 
inexperienced souls incarnating on Earth in recent times. It is not the time and place. Again, it’s h
to hold our young children as old souls and Masters as they struggle to master this 3D space/time 

In my view – and experience – our children are often teaching us. They know why they are here, 
even if not yet consciously. So please put your concern for them aside. They will almost certainly 
handle it all better than you wil

Taking care of your b

The work you need to undertake will be more easily carried out if your body is healt


As you move forward, you may find your diet changing. Things you used to enjoy, you will find 
unpleasant and vice versa. You are likely to eat less meat and more fruit, nuts and vegetables. The 
key in this is following your inner guidance. Your body will tell you what to eat. I find I am eating very 
little meat and mostly raw vegetables, fruit and nuts. I am also using an excellent herbal meal 
replacement and nutritional supplementation to support my body and details can be found here. 

Your body will be healthier and more aligned with this work if it is alkaline rather than acid. Your 
objective should be for your body’s pH to be 6.8-7, two hours after you have eaten. If you Goo

“alkaline food chart”, you will find several lists of foods showing those which are alkaline-producing 
and those which are acid-producing for your body. You will also find details of the benefits of having 
your body in an alkaline state. Provided your body is not strongly acid, a dessertspoonful of le
juice in a glass of water first thing in the morning and last thing at night can help your body quickly 
move to a an alkaline sta


Keeping your body flexible and fit is also important in this work. I have recently found an excellent 
combination of ancient yoga-based and modern exercise science routines that enable you to 
establish a great level of strength, fitness and flexibility, which you can do at home without any 
equipment. They have been developed by Ric Isaac and you can find details here. Ric’s tools a
powerfully help to manage body fat levels without dietin

Clearing your karmic hist

Archangel Michael has explained that it was anticipated that we would clear any negative emotional 
issues and experiences in each lifetime. This has not been the case. Because these energies need to 
remain on this level of consciousness, they are retained, like a seed, in this dimension and which we 
collect when we reincarnate. As we approach Ascension, we need to clear all of our karmic history 
from our experiences on Earth so that we can ascend with our bodies.

It is no surprise, then that we see so many people working on clearing this history, even though 
many had not realised why it felt so important in this lifetime. It is also no surprise we have seen an 
explosion in healing modalities to help people with this and I expect they will continue to appear. A 
number of energy workers have also told me that, without any conscious change of practice on their 
part, the nature of their healing work has changed. This is consistent with the changing energies 
coming to the planet.

Some people have been working on clearing their karmic issues for many years, others have not 
really begun. Some of this is stored in our DNA, other parts in our cellular structure and other 
aspects in our emotional bodies. All of this needs to be cleared. Some of this is likely to relate to 
times before incarnating on Ear

There is no right or wrong way to go about this. Again, trust what feels right for you. Everyon
journey is different. Usually it is a multi-step process. Be willing to keep working with it. You will 
gradually begin to feel lighter and freer. You may find you need a range of healing modalities. I have 
probably employed over 10 different healing modalities with varying effectiveness over 15 years. In 
many cases, it was what was right for me at the time. Perhaps unsurprisingly, some of the deepest 
and most rapid clearing work I have done has been in the last couple of months. As the saying go
“It’s time.”

For some, it can be a fairly simple process, for others it goes very deep and the healing can be drawn 
out as in my case, though I expect as the energies change and because of the work already done by 
so many, the clearing process will become easier for othe


Meditation is a key tool in preparing yourself for the coming Ascension. There is no one way to 
meditate. If you are already meditating and you find it effective, stay with what you are doing. If you 
are not, you will readily find somebody who teaches meditation nearby to where you liv

The rest of the e-book go to:
