Beautiful World of Arts

Fueling the human life experience in TRUTH by Karen Dover

namaste123 2015. 1. 31. 10:15

Fueling the human life experience in TRUTH

by Karen Dover

Many of you can feel the change and the shift in the frequencies that is now moving the entire human race further into expansion. As I have often blogged LOVE JUST IS and it cannot therefore be defined. Part of our walk in this human form is to experience what it is like to be in a human form and in what appears to be a separate vehicle from our spirit.  I used the term spirit for we are all spirit which has incarnated into a human form in order to have this human life experience. Not all of our spirit incarnates of course, we are too vast and too high a frequency for this to happen and if we did this there would be no point, there would be nothing to compare our human experience with.

So at this time we look out on to a world that seems to be crumbling, the reason for the crumbling is that the old 3d earth created construct has no stable fuel, it is fueled by the fear frequencies produced by the human race. We were all taught how to create and maintain these frequencies by the teachings of the old 3D earth created construct. The deepest teaching of all is that "love hurts". This seeks to teach us to fear the very frequency that our spirit in TRUTH IS as WE ARE LOVE IN TRUTH at SOURCE level.

At this time we are being asked to fuel our own human life experience in TRUTH. Within the old 3d earth created construct we are taught to reach out to those around us and to use them to fuel this human life experience. This sees the pressure put on those in our human lives, it is not possible to be for example a "victim" when we fuel our lives with the LOVE that IS. This never ending supply of LOVE in TRUTH is available to us at all moments of all moments and yet many are still defaulting to the old 3d earth created construct. Seeking to find and to be in relationships which they then use to fuel the human life experience. This is not TRUTH and is not supported in the New Earth.

Now many of you will read that last sentence and assume that I have stated that relationships are not supported in the New Earth, what I have actually stated is that the fueling of said relationships with anything other than LOVE in TRUTH is not supported. LOVE in TRUTH flows THROUGH people, it does not come from them. The difference is vital, within the old 3d earth created construct many found that marriages for example begin to crumble after a few years together and the reason for this is that we are taught to use the other person as fuel.  This creates the one plus one equals one equation which is containment and does not allow for expansion.

The New Earth equation is one plus one equals three which is eternal expansion. So where I hear you cry does this external which in TRUTH is internal LOVE in TRUTH come from? it comes from SOURCE , the SOURCE of the LOVE that IS in TRUTH in this universe is GOD, for GOD created the universe and everything within it.  It is obvious when looking at this in TRUTH why the old 3d earth created construct sought to teach religion as a way of fragmenting this TRUTH.  So many are in discussion and debate about religion which blinds to TRUTH, for GOD is an experience, GOD is a frequency and without GOD to fuel the human life experience then there can be no expansion.

Co creation is only possible when GOD is accepted and acknowledged and the LOVE that IS is permitted to flow through us, around us and within us. Within the old 3d earth created construct we are taught to fight for love and this is not TRUTH, it is not possible to fight for something that JUST IS because it JUST IS. The fight that we are taught to fight is the distortion, for LOVE in TRUTH flows, it is a natural part of the human life experience and a natural energetic frequency, it is the very fabric of the universe in TRUTH.  When we are taught we must fight it is to keep in place something that if not interacted with and fueled will begin to disintegrate.  ALL THAT IS TRUTH WILL STRENGTHEN and all that is not will dissolve. So if we are fighting to hold on and to fuel something we are trying to stop the disintegration of something, only something that is not TRUTH can dissolve.

This is filtered out by many and the filtering occurs as the belief and the teaching blinds completely. Many people state the phrase "if it is meant to be it will be" then set about holding it in place. This is distortion, for letting go and allowing TRUTH to expand is just this, letting go and allowing. Many at this time are "fighting battles" but why?  if we have to fight for something then it cannot be TRUTH. The fighting and the war is INTERNAL , within each and every human vehicle is the male /female energy which we have been taught to go to war with. In TRUTH the LOVE that IS FLOWS freely, any blocks, any walls that we have been taught to place there are therefore not TRUTH as they stop the free flow of something that JUST IS.

CHOICE is offered at this time and many are filtering out choice and what this means. To talk of GOD as the universe is not TRUTH, for GOD is not the universe, the universe is the CREATION OF GOD.  The representation of GOD on this planet is JESUS who walked this planet in a human form. Many talk of Christ Energy not understanding that this places Jesus in the etheric realms and not in the human outer waking physical reality where he will walk again.  CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS is the PHYSICAL return of CHRIST in human form. It is not an etheric frequency that will remain on an etheric level.

To choose the LOVE that IS in TRUTH is to choose GOD, to acknowledge GOD as CREATOR of the universe and to acknowledge that our human vehicles are the representation of him on this earth. The SPIRIT that we are energetically was created from SOURCE which  is GOD, GOD CREATED the HUMAN RACE.  To place this in the etheric realms and to have it only at an energy level is to make the choice to remain SEPARATE from the LOVE that IS and the flow cannot commence freely. The block is always a teaching from the old 3d earth created construct.

Religion is the smoke screen that seeks to prevent the anchoring of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS and GOD ACKNOWLEDGEMENT within the human race. GOD is NOT religion, CHRIST is NOT religion. Both are frequencies that exist out with the belief systems created around them. The belief systems created to blind the human race to TRUTH for TRUTH JUST IS. You do not have to believe in GOD to acknowledge GOD and to allow the LOVE that IS to flow through you for it is TRUTH and TRUTH is beyond belief, it does not need a belief to exist, for it JUST IS.   Christ is not a belief, CHRIST is TRUTH.

At this time we are asked to re route our fuel source to TRUTH. There is onLY onE FUEL SOURCE IN TRUTH and this is being filtered out by many deliberately by the old 3d earth created construct. To fuel our lives from any other source than the LOVE that IS in TRUTH is not supported and as many are now experiencing the chaos, the confusion and the physical tiredness that accompanies the distorted fuel sources may be overwhelming.

At this time we are asked to let go and be in full TRUST and FAITH of SELF and to allow the LOVE that IS to flow through us, around us and within us. only the LOVE that IS in TRUTH can heal all that we have been taught to hold on to after being repeatedly taught we are at war and that we must defend ourselves. Why would we need to defend ourselves from LOVE in TRUTH?

"LOVE is the answer, no matter the question"
