Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
In Ra’s terms, we currently exist in the third density. As we learn, grow and evolve, we’ll eventually be ‘harvested’ into the fourth density, and from there, we’ll continue our journey upward (or rather, inward) until we’re eventually back in seventh density, where complete and total unity will trump the physical and even spiritual identities we’re used to.
Third density offers some of the most intense lessons we’ll learn throughout our journey back to Source, and our stay in this density is also shorter than the densities we have yet to experience. Most of us will spend less time here in third density than we spent in the first and second, but this sphere still has a lot to teach us about ourselves and our spiritual nature.
Here, we’ll hear from Ra about third density and the densities directly beyond it.
We’ll learn about our purpose for being in this sphere, along with the necessity to experience third density life with other people so we can gain an essential understanding of ourselves. We’ll also learn about our eventual ascent into higher spheres, where we’ll continue to learn about the inherent spirituality that comprises everything existence.
As Ra’s told us before, the famed ‘love’ and ‘light’ we hear so much about are technically distortions that were created by Source to sustain the lower and higher spheres, and these tools have not only created these spheres – they’ll help us explore them when our time comes.
For now, most of us are still incarnate in third density and have a lot of work to do before we can be back in the higher spheres, but after our inner work here is complete, we’ll ascend and see what they have to offer.
The third density’s apparently important to experience, and some of the most intense lessons are learned here that help us in our higher-dimensional travels later on. We learn things here that just can’t be learned anywhere else, and I’m sure this can especially be said for the earth, which is one of the more intense lower-dimensional planets out there.
I obviously haven’t been to any other planets, but we’ve heard from a lot of discarnate sources that the earth is among the most difficult and intense lower-vibrational planets to incarnate on. We experience a lot of darkness here on earth, but there’s also a lot of light here that we’d benefit from opening up to.
The darkness can only keep us down if we let it, and the intensity of both polarities makes it possible to find the light and spiritually excel right here on earth.
As Ra tells us, the third density’s much more intense than the others, and in the fourth, we’re refined to take in a greater spiritual perception.
“The 3rd density being, having the potential for complete self-awareness, thus has the potential for minimum activation of all energy centers. The 4th, 5th, and 6th densities are those refining the higher energy centers. The 7th density is a density of completion and turning towards timelessness or foreverness.
“This is a type of intensity which is not the property of 4th, 5th, 6th or 7th densities.” (1)
Positive fourth and fifth density entities can function without the need for negative polarity, they tell us.
“In the 4th and 5th densities the positive polarity functions without any need of the negative polarity and vice versa. It is to be noted that in attempting to sway 3rd density entities in choosing polarity there evolves a good bit of interaction between the two polarities.
“In 6th density, the density of unity, the 2 paths must take in each other. This is not difficult for the positive polarity which sends light/love to all otherselves. For the service-to self polarized entities it is difficult enough that at some point the negative polarity must be abandoned.” (2)
The purpose of being in third density, Ra shares, is to “…learn the ways of love.” (3)
When asked a question about why we spend less time in third density than the others, Ra tells us that our choice to come here in the first place was just that – a choice, and our journey here will take as long as required. They also share that there are other third density spheres that take longer to evolve from.
Question: “The 3rd density is, comparatively speaking, the twinkling of an eye, the snap of a finger in time compared to the others. Why is it so short compared to 1st and 2nd density?
“The 3rd density is a choice. The prelude to choice must encompass the laying of the foundation, the establishment of the illusion and the viability of that which can be made spiritually viable.
“The remainder of the densities is continuous refining of the choice. The choice is, as you put it, the work of a moment but is the axis upon which the creation turns.
“We are aware of creations in which 3rd density is lengthier to give a variant experience of the Creator. This creation is somewhat more condensed by its Logos than some other logoi have chosen. This creation is seen by us to be quite vivid.” (4)
As difficult as it could be to fathom, we chose to come to the third dimension so we could learn the intense yet necessary lessons that’d refine us and help us handle the fourth through seventh spheres more easily.
There are things we need to learn here; experiences that are essential if we want to greet the higher spheres with any degree of readiness. When we can realize that even the hardest things we experience here are necessary, we can be thankful for the difficult polarity we’ve incarnated under as we recognize its importance.
I’m sure most of us will continue to choose the higher polarity; the distortions of love and light, as we continue to evolve and greet higher and purer dimensions, but there are apparently other entities who stick to negativity right up until the point where they simply can’t any longer.
At some point, negativity will have to be abandoned – there’s no way around it.
The higher ‘distortions’ that lead us to infinity and complete un-distortion will have to be chosen at some point or another, and we can make it easier on ourselves by choosing these higher qualities now instead of miserably clinging to the older, more outdated qualities as we ascend up through the densities.
I think David Wilcock has said before that in order to experience any degree of negative ‘enlightenment’ from the third density, we’d have to perform so many self-serving acts that we basically become the evilest, most malevolent people around. You know, like the cabal.
I’d prefer not to describe some of the things he said we’d have to do in order to achieve this.
We’ll make things easier by choosing light and love now, and like I’ve said plenty of times before, the terms ‘light’ and ‘love’ mean more than most people give them credit for. They’re important distortions that Source created to help us progress and excel, and they aren’t the airy, new agey terms they’ve been made out to be.
Self-awareness is essential here in third density, Ra tells us. If you think about it, it’s the only reason we chose to come here.
Question: “What is needed to be in 3rd density?
“There is one necessity for 3rd density, namely, self-awareness or self-consciousness. The body must be capable of abstract thought. The fundamental necessity is the combination of rational and intuitive thinking.” (5)
Relationships are necessary in the third density, Ra shares, because they help us know ourselves in a deeper sense by interacting with others.
“Consider a 2nd density entity, the tree for instance. It is self-sufficient. Consider a 3rd density entity. The weakening of its physical vehicle, or body, was designed to distort entities towards a predisposition to deal with each other. Thus, the lessons which approach a knowing of love can be begin.
“The quickest way to learn is to deal with other-selves. This is a much greater catalyst than dealing with the self. Dealing with the self without otherselves is akin to living without mirrors. Then the self cannot see the fruits of its beingness.” (6)
Even though we don’t usually stay in the third density as long as the rest of them, Ra advises that “There is very little work in consciousness in 4th and in 5th densities compared to the work done in 3rd density.” (7)
The fact that we don’t stay here as long but do far more inner work than the rest of the densities goes to show that this sphere’s very intense.
We learn very important lessons here, and we learn them quickly, intensely, and in some cases, difficultly. Our third density journey’s nothing if not difficult, but this takes us back to the idea that it can also be lovely and enjoyable if we let it.
We can’t avoid learning difficult and potentially painful lessons here. There are experiences we simply have to undergo so our illusory perceptions of ourselves and the reality around us can be dissolved, and sometimes, this means taking on experiences or challenges that, at the surface, we might not feel like we can handle.
We can handle them, but we have to have faith in ourselves and in Source who, if we connect with him/her to the best of our third density abilities, will help us through our difficulties and challenges.
I think we’d all benefit from at least attempting to hold a strong link with Source, because even from third density, we can receive His/Her gracious and loving assistance.
We can connect with Source from any sphere – we just have to be willing to believe we’re capable of connecting and receiving divine assistance. We’re only as limited as we let ourselves be, even in third density, and every difficulty and challenge we face can be easier with this loving, everlasting spiritual link.
Ra then tells us that within the third density overall, there are seven main levels with infinite sub-levels.
Question: “How many levels do we have then in the 3rd density at this time?
“The 3rd density has an infinite number of levels. [Bob Childers Note: Elsewhere Ra explains that there are infinite octaves within octaves for every level of density.]
Question: “I’ve read that there are 7 astral planes and 7 devachanic levels. Is this correct?
“You speak of some of the more large distinctions in levels in your inner planes. That is correct.” (8)
This is just an educated guess that’s based off of what others have told me about Ra’s ‘densities’ being different from the traditional ‘dimensions’, but I wonder if Ra refers to the fourth dimension when we talks about the inner levels of third density.
‘Density’ and ‘dimension’ don’t mean the same thing, apparently, and when Ra talks about third density astral levels and sub levels, they might refer to what those involved in the spiritualist movement (and similar movements) have called the fourth dimension.
I’ve studied and reported on channeled messages through spiritualists, and their messages talk consistently about the conditions of the fourth dimension, which include lower and higher astral planes.
Ra’s definitions may be different, but they could be talking about the same thing as the spiritualists and their fourth-dimensional sources. I couldn’t say for sure, but Ra’s mention of inner astral planes makes me wonder.
This quote seems to support the idea that Ra could be referring to what some of us know as the fourth dimension.
“The astral planes vary from thought-forms in the lower extremities to enlightened beings who become dedicated to teaching and learning in the higher astral planes. In the devachanic planes are those even more close to the primal distortions of love/light.
“Beyond these planes there are others.
“The invisible, or inner, 3rd density planes are inhabited by those who do not have body complexes such as yours; they do not collect about their spirit/mind complexes a chemical body. In the upper levels, desire to communicate knowledge back down to the outer planes of existence becomes less due to the intensive learn/teaching which occurs on these levels.” (9)
It seems that there are plenty of enlightened beings in the inner third density levels who do want to communicate with humanity and share wisdom and guidance about spirituality and the best ways we can traverse the densities. Others on more evolved planes, however, have little desire to communicate because they’re also learning and growing.
They’re learning too many lessons to be bothered with the idea of communicating what they’ve learned to others, but I’m sure they’ll eventually reach a stage where they can take a break from their growing and help others in the lower spheres.
Ra’s probably on a higher level than the enlightened beings they speak of, and they have chosen to communicate with humanity, so I’m sure every enlightened being is eventually given an opportunity to communicate with others in lower densities – even if it takes longer for some.
The fourth-dimensional sources who were channeled during the heyday of the spiritualist movement were certainly enthusiastic about speaking with humanity, and they’ve given us a lot of descriptive information about their spheres and what life after death is like.
According to Ra, reincarnation happens when an entity attempts to ‘follow the light’ and ascend into higher spheres but finds that they aren’t quite ready, at which point they either manually or automatically incarnate into the sphere that resonates with their current level of understanding.
“The illusion is created of light, or more properly but less understandably, light/love. This is in varying degrees of intensity.
“The spirit complex of an entity moves along the (spiraling) line of light until the light grows too glaring, at which time the entity stops. The entity may have barely reached 3rd density or may be very, very close to the ending of the 3rd density experience.
“Some incarnate automatically, that is without any conscious self-awareness of the process of spiritual evolution. They are under the Guardians, beings whom you may call angelic.” (10)
Once an entity realizes they have some work to do in lower spheres before they can reach the higher, they set up the right conditions and circumstances to complete their learning. The only downside is that some will be so enthusiastic that they plan to learn too much and overload themselves after they take on the veil of forgetfulness.
“When the entity becomes aware of the mechanism for spiritual evolution, it will arrange and place those entities and lessons necessary for maximum growth and expression of polarity in the incarnative experience before the forgetting occurs.
“The only disadvantage of this is that some entities will attempt to learn [too]much during one incarnative experience that the intensity of the catalyst disarranges the entity and is not maximally used as intended.” (11)
The entities who need to experience certain things before they inevitably evolve from third density are usually given priority over those who are likely to stay here for a while.
“Entities wishing to obtain critically needed experience in order to become harvestable are incarnated with priority over those who will, without too much probable/possible doubt, need to re-experience this density.” (12)
Some will have to stay in third density for a while before they can grow into the higher spheres, but some only have a few lessons to learn before they can evolve. They’re allowed to incarnate here more often than those who still have a lot of learning to do, because the potential for them to evolve directly after (or during) their incarnation is greater.
They aren’t favored by the entities who help them plan out their incarnations, but soul growth is always a priority in the higher realms. If any ‘council’ can help an entity reach the higher planes faster, I’m sure they’ll do everything they can to achieve this goal – even if it means letting them incarnate instead of someone who still has a lot to learn.
We can choose who our parents will be when we decide to come to third density, Ra tells us, and over half of the entities who incarnate here do it manually (as opposed to automatically).
Question: “When incarnation ceases to be automatic, can an entity decide when he needs to incarnate for the benefit of his own learning. Does he select his parents?
“This is correct.
Question: “At this time what percentage of the entities incarnating are making their own choices?
“About 54%.” (13)
In our final quote, Jim McCarty, who was partially responsible for bringing Ra’s material to the world, distinguishes between seeking worldly information from beings in the earth’s inner planes and seeking universal information from more evolved or enlightened beings.
“The personal guides and teachers of the inner planes of our planet have much more leeway in offering personal information. Go to them for readings on your health and [other] specific issues. Go to outer sources with questions that transcend space and time. If it will matter less in 10,000 years than it does now, it is probably not a universal question.” (14)
I don’t want to put down modern channeling, but I’ll admit that some well-meaning seekers might receive information from beings in the inner planes who they think are universally enlightened.
It’s understandable, and we even run the potential of connecting with negativity charged beings who’ll deliver misinformation and attempt to sway our beliefs or opinions of various issues.
This doesn’t mean a lot of the channelings we receive in this day and age aren’t pure or genuine, but I think any channel should put mental/spiritual safeguards around themselves to make sure they don’t connect with an entity of malevolent intent.
I think there needs to be a little more oversight in the channeling community so the information that’s brought through is aligned with the pure truths of the Law of one instead of misaligned or distorted in any way.
Like I’ve said before, if channeling’s our direct link to the higher realms and all of the beings in them, we’ll want to make sure the people who practice it are taking measures to ensure they don’t connect with a negative entity or their own mind.
I’ve read a lot of genuine channelings, but I’ve also read some channelings that weren’t so pure or aligned. As with anything, safety and levelheadedness is appropriate.
I’m sure the channeling community will soon weed out those who are bringing through distorted messages while encouraging beginners (instead of slandering them) and focusing on the development of the ability so everyone can feel included and we can have multiple, pure higher-dimensional connections to choose from.
Channeling can be a tricky subject, but I think there are right and wrong ways to do it.
Ra has plenty more interesting and insightful information to give us, so we’ll pick up our reports next time with more information about the necessity to exist in third density with a human body and the requirements for ascending into fourth density.
I hope to see more people awaken to the pure channelings we receive in this day and age, like Ra’s and plenty of others. When all of humanity can understand that higher dimensions exist and boast entities who genuinely want to assist us along our growth and evolution, our collective spiritual exploration will become infinite.
Some minds will have to be opened before humanity can even consider the idea that higher realms exist with entities who want to assist us, but as the planetary consciousness rises, spiritual awareness will rise too.
Humanity’s widespread awakening is inevitable, but those of us who’ve already awakened will have to continue to lighten the collective vibration by producing as many spiritually focused works as we can.
We still have a lot of work to do, and genuine channeled entities will help us with all of it as long as we can remember that the greatest source of inspiration and spirituality lies within – not in the words of any channeled source. Spiritual growth is our responsibility, and everything becomes possible when we look within.
- Ra, channeled through Carla Rueckert: “The Law of one”, All four of the Law of one books can be found at the LL Research website (http://llresearch.org) in full: http://llresearch.org/library/the_law_of_one_pdf/the_law_of_one_pdf.aspx Thanks to Bob Childers and David Wilcock at Divine Cosmos for their ‘Law of one Study Guide’ The quotes for this article were taken from Section 3: http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/books-free-online/23-the-law-of-one-study-guide
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