
Increase Your Energy Frequency

namaste123 2014. 11. 9. 06:16

No amount of yoga, meditation, organic living or intentioned mantras will improve 

your life if you are not increasing your energy frequency.  

Learn how you can transcend duality, master your holographic mind as natural creators.

The amount of soul connection you experience is determined by how fast your energy 

frequency oscillates (spins). 

For the past twenty years I've worked as a Quantum Healer with thousands of clients and discovered 

the core 'root cause' of all dis-ease in life can be traced back to our disconnection from Spirit. This occurs 

in early childhood as we adapt and adjust to living in the 3D Matrix of Duality. 

Most people live their lives locked in limited experiences based on old energy blocks, incorrect 

assumptions and outworn patterns that no longer support their dreams. 

- Meg Benedicte

