Ascension/Ascension Healing Resources

The Forgotten Identity and Karmic Relationships

namaste123 2014. 10. 8. 01:30

Katie Gallanti

- Humanity’s Forgotten Identity
Humanity has forgotten, somewhere along the way, its twelfth-dimensionally-stranded DNA nature. It has forgotten its own nature as energetic being that spans many dimensions simultaneously beyond the physical. It has forgotten its own ability to work with reality as energy and its eternal connection to its Soul as a living entity, stemming from Source energy. And it has forgotten its own true history and the many incarnations of its collective being prior to the Altantean fall. It has forgotten its galactic origins and galactic seeding from light-based blueprints of being that precede the colonization of the hidden ones. And it ticks along, at one fraction of the voltage, energy and potential it can embody, with most of its original codes damaged or dormant, in a state of powerless, somnambulism and hypnosis.
As the energies of the Galactic-Solar Field knock yet again at the doors of consciousness, however, the codes are triggered and re-awakened. The sleep is stirred and disturbed and the lights of humanity’s true identity flicker back into being, if yet tentative. The relationship with one’s true being and one’s power come back online. And the journey into the healthy power of the light and into the multidimensional expansion begins. And as that identity and light are restored, gradually, the spell is broken. As we remember the true being and its ability to shift realities, a new collective reality is formed.
It is a time of monumental change. Caterpillars are turning into butterflies, worldwide.

- The Shift and Karmic Relationships
On a personal level, this pulse often manifests as major drama as we attempt to clean up karmic tracks and stubborn engrained ways of being that we have been dragging along for many lifetimes. Mirroring the collective story, you may find yourself playing out themes revolving around power, powerlessness, control, abuse, identity, self-esteem, freedom, restriction, limitation, judgment, survival fears, psychic boundary violations and psychic tampering with situations and people in your own life. This is the journey back to self, personal power and personal light that is occurring at the collective level being played out in your own field. Often with people to whom you lost your power before, in past lives, during the time of the fall.
Many relationships at this time are heavily karmic. These relationships and how they are resolved are a part of this process of re-awakening. Know that if you are dealing with crazy-making relationship patterns right now, you are not alone, its epidemic. About 90% of the people that I know right now are dancing in some kind of karmic pattern with another, be it with family members, friends, coworkers or romantic partners. Some of this is a journey of reclaiming pieces that were lost, so your original light may be restored. As each of us engages in this journey and reclaims the lost parts of the self, as well as journeys back into balance through forgiveness and healing, the light is returned to both the self and the whole.
If you find yourself in these kind of dynamics, it is worthwhile exploring your past life and karmic issues with others at this time, as you may find that by doing so 
1- You reach some kind of closure with unfinished multi-lifetime business that has been holding you both back for a long time; 
2- You may find that in doing so you can call back to yourself parts of your being, energy, DNA and energy that was split off and lost and that you are now ready to re-integrate. 
3- You may find that as you do so you clear the decks for the next stage of your life, in which these issues are dealt with and a new harmony and flow returns to all your relationships and to your being, as you integrate your original soul seed into being. 
This in turn then also helps the collective to integrate its collective soul. Personal work is always collective work, as each of is an atom of the whole and as we heal, so does our collective being. If you are stuck and do not know how to do this alone, find a healer with past life and DNA-work skills, such as myself, that can help you. Sometimes a bit of help can save a lot of strife and a lot of time. Find here a link to my own past life work and relationship work.
In general it is wise to co-operate with the shift as much as you can at this time. If something crazy is taking place in your life invest time into shifting it, clearing it, dealing with it. Nothing gets to be swept under rugs at this time. The only way to go forward is to deal with things in head on and thorough ways. Ask universe for support and you will get it. As long as you are clear about your intent to grow, you will always get the support you need. 
Many of you are Souls from other galactic places and dimensions incarnated here at this time, to help unblock the post- Atlantean blockade. If so, you did not come here alone and you have big teams on other levels of reality that are right behind you, even if you have no awareness of them. And these teams have your back. Remember to call on your teams for support as you work through your stuff, at all times.

An Excerpt from the "Planetray Cycles and The Reboot of Civilizations" by Katie Gallanti
