The Seven Bodies of Man – Physicality and Beyond
Q: What is the meaning of the assemblage point? Does it have anything to do with our chakra system or acupuncture meridians?
Almine: Let’s talk about the Seven Bodies of Man…
Beyond the physical body, we have light bodies that are connected to the seven chakras. Before our seven chakras open, the mental body, which is connected to the ego, stands guard to block the information of the three higher spiritual bodies. The three spiritual bodies are the ones containing the blueprint for the full potential of our life.
Clearing the debris from the chakras and forming a unified field gives us access to this blueprint. We then receive information from all our bodies. The five light bodies that surround the physical body alternate between being masculine (linear) and feminine (flowing fields). They mimic the dimensions, with the outer-most one (the seventh body) and the physical body being neutral. (See the illustration above – “The Seven Bodies of Man”.)
Understanding the Seven Bodies
1. Physical Body: The physical body is the anchoring point for our Higher Self to explore the mystery of our being within physicality. It is highly susceptible to programming transmitted through touch for several minutes after birth. It holds the memories of this and other lives.
2. Etheric or Astral Body: The majority of karma, which is a constriction in the universal energy flow formed by incorrect perception, is held in the astral body. only a small portion is in the physical body. It consists of bluish lines of light. It produces the acupuncture points and the major and minor chakras by the energy lines crossing each other. Where they cross 7 times is anacupuncture point, 13 times is a minor chakra point and 20 times is a major chakra point. This body is linear and is located an inch out from the physical body.
3. Emotional body: Is the auric field. Past trauma is held in the first three bodies – the physical, astral and emotional bodies. Therefore, as we overcome our past and balance our sub-personalities, [1] this becomes clearer. This body is a flowing field, that extends about 14 inches out from the physical body.
4. Mental Body: As we balance the three minds, including the left and right brains, the mental body ceases to block access to the higher bodies. This linear body is located about 14 inches out from the body.
5. Spiritual Emotional Body: Access to this body allows us to live in eternal time, which aligns us with the intent of the Infinite. This body is a flowing field that extends about 19 inches out from the physical body.
6. Spiritual Mental Body: Information within this body contains specifics regarding the blueprint for this lifetime. When access to this body is achieved, we start to see from a cosmic perspective. We begin to see the innocence and value of each life as it mirrors to the Infinite either what it is or what it is not. We see there is no guilt so all judgment effortlessly dissolves. This body is linear and s located about 19 inches out from the physical body.
7. Spirit Body: It is trillions of little light fibers of light radiating out in all directions from the life-force center [2]. Every living creature within the cosmos has a band of awareness among these light fibers within our spirit body. That is why we are the microcosm of the macrocosm. Shamans use this body to shape shift into animals or other forms, in addition to accessing parallel realities. They move a point of illumination called the assemblage point located an arm’s length behind the heart and a little bit to the right. This body is a linear field radiating out from the center to an arm’s length from the physical body.
- The Assemblage Point is on the outer rim of the seventh light body(spirit body) and is an illuminated spot
that determines which reality we are in. If that point moves, this universe, which seems solid, disappears and
another reality assembles. It is as though we have accessed different holographic experiences. A slight movement
of the assemblage point puts us in an altered state, such as in meditation.
With practice, we can go into a temporary meditative state, even if we are just going to the end of the garden to
get the mail. It is a temporary disconnecting of the clamor of left brain that allows pure information from higher realms
to shed light on the situation and give us accurate information about the unknown.
Almine, Excerpt from A Life of Miracles
[1] See the role of sub-personalities in the book A Life of Miracles.
[2] The life-force center is a ball of white light about the size of a grapefruit that in May
2007, moved from the navel center to the heart center in all humanity.