Birth of the New Earth into the waking reality of the human life experience
Under the old 3d earth paradigms and the linear time frame into which you have been TAUGHT to place your waking reality today is the “last day” of the linear year of 2013. Many of you may be caught up in the preparations that human society makes, the rituals that are gone through in order to ANKHOR linear time over and over again. The “end” of one year and the “beginning” of another, the transition period usually fueled by alcohol and replaying the “old” year. All of this works to ANKHOR within you the lower dimensional frequencies that are based within a linear context. As you go “back over” what has happened throughout what you are TAUGHT is a linear time frame, you begin to RE TRIGGER the emotional responses to the very frequencies that are attempting to re-embed themselves within your human vehicle. If this was not done then you may release the frequencies and the old 3d earth NEEDS them to run within you in order to continue its very existence, hence the rituals that are known as christmas and new year on planet earth.
For many of you this may have been a very unsettling “festive” period, where you tried to reference the outer and understand the inner and vice versa. Many of you may have been through intense emotions the past few linear days and weeks and many of you may now FEEL the increase in energies as they prepare to heighten once more for VAST change is now pouring out and across and within planet earth at this moment. The NOW moment is ALL that exists at any point, the linear construct made up by linking one experience within another and filtering all experiences through the teachings you have been TAUGHT to use to make sense of this your human life experience within the old 3d earth context.
Linear time dissolving is a personal experience, it is achieved by dissolving the patterns and frequencies that you have run within your human vehicle incarnation after incarnation, ALL occurring in the NOW moment and ALL triggering the NOW over and over. The intense emotions that are now flooding out from within the human race are the RELEASE of the lower dimensional frequencies at planetary level. Mother Earth releases through the earth itself, the weather patterns, the movement of the earth itself all working to release the pressure that she was TAUGHT to contain within her very structure. This is a direct reflection and a GIFT to you to help you release at a human conscious waking mind level the pressure YOU have been TAUGHT to ANKHOR within your human vehicle.
The New Earth is now born THROUGH, WITHIN and AROUND the human race, for those of you who are now walking in the space between spaces, leaving the “old” life behind and stepping into the unchartered territory that is the New Earth this is a time of vast emotion and I guide you strongly to release, to FEEL and to ANKHOR as you feel guided. Let go of the outside reflection for it serves no longer. ANKHORING the LIGHT, the LOVE that IS and holding the human race and SELF in the LOVE and compassion of TRUTH will see you move fully into place.
At times of vast energetic movement the human logical mind may interpret the outer waking life experience as being static and not moving and this may confuse you at a very human level. Everything you have experienced in EVERY moment of this human life experience has taken you to this moment by DESIGN. YOUr SOUL understood this path even when you walked in the darkness and now YOUr SOUL guides you back to the LIGHT for only in having “something” to compare “something” to can you give value to said “something”. At this time you are asked to BE, to stay centred and in balance, understanding that miracles are birthed when you LET GO of outcomes, LET GO of expectations and TRUST and have FAITH in SELF.
I send you ALL the LOVE that IS in TRUTH, for those who know me personally I send you LOVE and many blessings for ALL that you have reflected to me, supported me with and helped me ANKHOR to all levels of my BEing. To one person in particular I send you all my love and thank you for showing me that the LOVE that IS DOES exist at human conscious waking mind level despite the old 3d earth continually trying to prove to me that it does not. LOVE JUST IS and YOU ARE.
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