Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings

Pineal and Karmic Barrier

namaste123 2022. 6. 23. 01:00




Pineal and Karmic Barrier


The thrysus (above) is a staff of a giant fennel stalk covered with ivy and
other plants and always topped with a pine cone, resembling the shape of the
pineal gland. It was the standard bearer of the Great Mother, Cybele, that
Dionysus displayed in pre-Greek Arcadia. 

Activating the pineal involves a lot of factors affecting 

1) the species and
2) the individual. The "karmic barrier" is one of many factors. 


Let's take "karma" out of the philosophical stratosphere. "Karma" is the causes 

and effects of things 1) you should not have done but did and 2) you should
have done but did not. These can be causes and effects of things that
happened this week; or it can be hard-core subconscious events and memories
spanning lifetimes. 

Each chakra is connected to an endocrine gland, and the pineal is connected
to the crown chakra. As a species, humankind is heavily centered in the
lower three chakras and reptilian brain. The solar plexus, which manifests
in control issues, is the highest of the lower chakras. The lower chakras
are what feed power to the Controllers and constant war that keeps them
rich, and this is why the Controllers get away with what they do. 


When the heart chakra activates in more people -- which it will do in a natural 

curve-- the Controllers will lose power. Right now, a larger number of people
are fighting the Controllers for control because they're feeling the solar
plexus flex its muscle. 

The pineal gland, connected to the crown chakra, is not fully active in the
human species as a whole. Modern humans are a young species, only about
300,000 years old, which is a drop in the bucket compared to parent races
that are hundreds of millions of years old. The endocrines and seven chakra
centers simply are not fully activated in our young species as a whole. 

Greater activation of the pineal and crown chakra takes place on an
individual basis. The Nazis put fluoride in the water at concentration
camps to sedate the prisoners. Flouride is an ingredient in the psychiatric
drug Prozac and the nerve gas Sarin. Reverse osmosis is a good way to
remove it from public drinking water, but a better way is to live in an area
with no fluoride in the water.

Boron supplements help reduce fluoride build-up. I use Swanson's Triple
Boron Complex, and like it.

The crown chakra active with the pineal is the gateway to the soul star
above the head. The soul star is the soul's gateway to greater dimensions
of connection. 

Dionysus carrying a thyrsus in a mosaic at Pella in Greece. 

Named for the pine cone, which it resembles, the pineal is so important it
is prominently symbolized in gateway symbols the Ancients (Elohim) of
Lemuria use to communicate on Earth, which I write about in "Web of Life and
Cosmos: Human and Bigfoot Star Ancestors." 


A pineal-shaped basket is placed on the center of the forehead on Mexico's Sun Stone, 

used long before the Aztec arrived. In the Near East the pine cone was the icon of 

the Great Mother, Cybele, who reared Dionysus. Dionysus shared Delphi with Apollo 

six months out of the year. In pre-Greek Arcadia, Dionysus displayed the Great
Mother's thyrsus with a pine cone for his standard, which identified with
her esoteric lineage.

This image of Dionysus from Pella (left) is one of my all-time favorite
depictions of what being a True Human is all about. Sometimes called the
"in-sewn," because Zeus saved Dionysus when his human mother died before his
birth. Zeus sewed the fetus into his thigh and carried him to full-term
birth. After he was born, Dionysus was sent to the "east," where Cybele
reared him before he returned to Greece.

Best regards,
