
The Seven Rays represent our ideal of perfection

namaste123 2014. 1. 28. 05:55

The Seven Rays

The Seven Rays represent our ideal of perfection. 

They represent seven universal laws that act as seven divine impulses furthering the evolution of consciousness. They also constitute seven core lessons on the Spiritual path that every initiate has to pass to become an Integrated Enlightened Master and co-create Brotherhood, Sisterhood and peace on Earth.

For your meditation and contemplation, we have recorded these seven core lessons for you. Enjoy!

Ray 1WillFocus the power of your will into the conscious intent to serve Divine Purpose.
Ray 2


Transcend the illusion of fear and return your mind to the truth of love.
Ray 3ServiceEngage in a planned service activity to help manifest the Divine Plan for Earth.
Ray 4TransmutationTransmute the baser nature of the personality into the higher nature of the Soul.
Ray 5KnowledgeLearn to translate abstract Soul wisdom into concrete knowledge applicable to life on Earth.
Ray 6IdealismExchange the separative ideals of the personality for the divine ideals of the Soul.
Ray 7InitiativeInitiate Spiritual growth through self-imposed discipline and reach your evolutionary goal.


- Gift: Audio Recording of 7 Steps to Enlightenment and Peace on Earth

To listen to a preview and download your gift, please visit here.

To learn more about the Seven Rays, please visit here.

With love and light,

The goal of humanity is to step out of our humanity and into our Divinity. Our Divinity is sevenfold in character. By setting the goal to develop yourself in all seven characteristics, you are CONSCIOUSLY working towards reaching your evolutionary goal of perfecting or completing your consciousness. The Spirit of evolution within us pushes us on towards our evolutionary goal – however for many lifetimes that is mostly a totally UNCONSCIOUS process. By becoming conscious and strategic about your consciousness development goals and setting initiatives, which you do by choosing to work with these declarative affirmations, you become CONSCIOUS sooner, you AWAKEN faster! And at the end of the day, expanding your conscious awareness from “I am body” to “I am Soul” is your evolutionary goal and ticket to freedom from the wheel of rebirth. It is your ticket to enlightenment!

This Set Special contains:

Please click the links above to learn more about the respective declarations and to listen to previews. Total Playing Time: About 11 hours.

The purpose of life is to realize your Divinity. To realize your Divinity you have to affirm it. These affirmations help you to affirm and own the qualities of the First Ray of Spirit.

The Seven Rays are said to make up the Personality of our Creator. 

Our Creator is:

num1.png   Powerful (First Ray of Power, Will and Purpose) 

num2.png   Loving (Second Ray of Love, Wisdom and Understanding)

num3.png   Intelligent (Third Ray of Active Intelligence)

num4.png   Harmonious (Fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict)

num5.png   Knowing (Fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge)

num6.png   Devoted to His/Her Creation (Sixth Ray of Idealism and Devotion)

num7.jpg   Free (Seventh Ray of Ceremony, Law and Order)

In truth, being an extension of our Creator and therefore totally like our Creator, we also are powerful, loving, intelligent, harmonious, knowing, devoted to oneness and free! We are all extensions of Divinity, perfect and complete!

quote.jpgHowever, ever since the so-called Fall of Man (a phrase commonly used to describe humanity's collective decision to deny our Creator and our Divinity - in intuitive philosophy also referred to as the so-called Breaking of the Antahkarana), so ever since the so-called Fall of Man, in our awareness we all have been cut off from and therefore been denying our Divine Source. And along with the decision to deny our Creator and our Divine Source, we also chose to deny our own Divine Self. And along with the decision to deny our own Divine Self, we chose to deny and become ignorant of the Seven Rays making up our Spiritual constitution - with the necessary consequence of unconsciously misusing for selfish purposes all these Divine energies (out of our ignorance and unawareness). So our decision to deny Source was a decision to be imperfect and incomplete! Not in reality, but in our awareness of reality.

num1.png   And this is why hardly anybody in this world today has true personal power and why our motives are not aligned with Divine Purpose and Intent. (First Ray)

num2.png   And this is why hardly anybody in this world today has true self-love and self-worth and why we all live in fear. (Second Ray)

num3.png   And this is why hardly anybody in this world today actively demonstrates true higher intelligence in their daily life and why we mostly act unintelligently. (Third Ray)

num4.png   And this is why hardly anybody in this world today is right with self and in harmony with the world and why we have not yet transmuted or harmonized the dualities of the lower self into the oneness of the Higher Self. (Fourth Ray)

num5.png   And this is why hardly anybody in this world today knows that they are Divine and why we are all ignorant of our Divine Home and Source. (Fifth Ray)

num6.png   And this is why hardly anybody in this world today is truly devoted to their dharma (their Divine Purpose) and why people worship false gods and idols instead of the one Life. (Sixth Ray)

num7.jpg   And this is why hardly anybody in this world today is truly free, being victimzed by their own Source-denying mind and energies, and why we don't take the initiative to understand all the Divine Laws that maintain Divine Order throughout the Cosmos and in our lives. (Seventh Ray).

And this is exactly why these Seven Ray audio files are in truth indispensable for anyone who sincerely works on their integrated ascension. Why? Because as long as any of these Seven Ray energies are missing in our consciousness or misused for separative purposes, we will literally be imperfect and incomplete. Our consciousness will be fragmented. 

We undo this fragmentation through integration. And we integrate the Seven Rays by first claiming them. Claiming them is the first step because before we can express an energy, we have to "seize" it. one powerful way to claim or seize these energies is through the activities of affirmation and declaration. 

The Official I AM University Seven Ray Affirmations will help you to do precisely that! They will help you to (re)affirm the Seven Ray qualities so you may – once again – be powerful, loving, intelligent, harmonious, knowing, idealistic, and free – like Source, our Creator! They will help you to return your consciousness and awareness to perfection and completion. They help you reach your evolutionary goal which is to evolve your consciousness into the perfect expression of Divine Love.
