Ascension/Spiritual Psychology

Frequency And How It Affects Your Reality (Part 1)

namaste123 2016. 8. 19. 03:33

Frequency And How It Affects Your Reality (Part 1)

I continually guide/blog and write about frequency, conversations had over the past few days have shown me that there appears to be a very low dimensional frequency that is blinding the anchoring of this information.  This blog is therefore dedicated to helping you understand at a very human level what is going on upon and within planet earth at this time for it is now vital that you are able to anchor WHY your frequency is so important and why raising your frequency is vital in order to understand what has affected the human life experience here upon this planet for all in human form.

Frequency resonates with frequency, many of you are more than familiar with the concept of a radio station which transmits at a certain frequency, this distinguishes it from other radio stations in the SAME AREA. In order to “pick up” the transmission you need only set your radio to the appropriate frequency matching your “radio” with the frequency that the radio station is transmitting their programme at and you can hear and interact with said programme.  The radio station will transmit across a certain bandwith and you will find that as you move your radio receiver to the edges of this bandwith then the radio station breaks up or may be lost altogether. I use this analogy deliberately for in the human life experience your “radio” is your human vehicle, the “radio station” is your reality. It IS this simple and it is precisely because it is this simple that the teachings of the old 3d earth paradigms were TAUGHT to you, for had you been given all of this information on incarnating into the human form you take at this moment you would have CHOSEN to by pass 3d earth and go straight to the frequency that supports your dreams.

Staying with the radio station and radio scenario, much like the radio programme if you move to a different “area” then you will not be able to pick up the same station, you will pick up whatever else transmits on the frequency where you found your radio programme. So say you move from one state to the other, again I am using human language in order to show you what is hidden in plain view.  ALL in the universe is frequency, energy IS FREQUENCY, just because you cannot see the frequency does not mean it does not exist and also does not mean that you will even be aware of it.  Each frequency that is transmitted by the old 3d earth covers a certain bandwith and each frequency transmits EMOTIONAL REACTIONS.

There are certain areas of the planet where there are more frequencies being transmitted than others and these are on the ley lines of Mother Earth, for the planet is also energy, she is a frequency, the frequency SHE IS also interacting with your human vehicle at all times. It is not for no reason that you are asked to ANKHOR INTO Mother Earth, as you TUNE in to the frequency of the planet she will help you stabilise for at all moments of all moments the frequencies try to find balance WITH each other. Frequency will try to resonate with the frequencies around it. Too far out of bandwith and they will REPEL each other, closer and they will MAGNETISE with each other. Hence in your outer waking life you will ATTRACT the frequencies that resonate with your frequency. This sees you have friends with similar interests/tastes, this sees you have the same opinions/thoughts as those around you.  For it is the FREQUENCY you resonate with and anchor that PRODUCES the thoughts and the feelings.

At this time upon and within planet earth the frequencies of the old 3d earth are being switched off. The planet herself does not support the lower dimensional frequencies, for the New Earth higher dimensional frequencies are now fully anchored and are expanding.  At a human level this will see CHAOS unfold around you and through you, for many of you have not moved the radio station dial, you wake up every day expecting to “tune” in to the radio station that you have always tuned into, except it is no longer on that wavelength.  This is done unconsciously and subconsciously. There is much that the old 3d earth neglected to tell you, hence it appeared to give you choice, but choice in TRUTH is having ALL the information not only part of a picture. As many of you are now able to anchor the bigger picture unfolds as you let go of the frequencies of the old 3d earth. YOU CANNOT USE THEM TO TUNE INTO THE NEW EARTH.

Many of you as you begin to dissolve the teachings of the old earth (which is what the frequencies manifest as) will FEEL a sense of loss, a sense of bewilderment as it appears that something is no longer there. This in the scenario that I am using is the radio station.  It is vital to understand the role of your frequency in relation to what can appear in your outer waking reality. Many of you may FEEL that you are going nowhere at this moment, it may APPEAR that people in your life have abandoned you and yet what has happened at an energy level is that your frequency NO LONGER RESONATES WITHIN THE BANDWITH of those who are no longer in your life. Attempts at keeping people in your life who no longer resonate to your frequency will see family arguments, fall outs and various dramas unfold as the frequencies that are beyond bandwiths they are located within will REPEL each other.

The old 3d earth knew this and the frequencies were created in such a way that as you begin to reach the end of one bandwith various teachings arise within you that try to PREVENT you from leaving the bandwith. As you cannot see the frequencies that are beyond where you are at this moment it may appear to you at a human waking level that there is nothing for you to experience. You may then allow great fear to arise and this will LOWER your frequency and push you back into the very bandwith you are attempting to leave.

HUMAN EXPERIENCE is created within these bandwiths. ALL who resonate at a certain bandwith will have the SAME thoughts and experiences around various THEMES as these are the manifestations of said frequencies. once you move OUT of a bandwith it is not possible to have the thoughts of the previous bandwith for they are not a manifestation of the higher frequencies. To state this simply the higher the frequency the LESS FEAR there is at that frequency for the manifestation of the higher frequencies is LOVE, JOY, PEACE and HARMONY.

So whilst it is vital to CHOOSE JOY, PEACE, HARMONY etc it is sometimes not possible to sustain these emotions unless you DISSOLVE the frequencies that are pulling you to a lower bandwith. The old 3d earth will seek to teach you that you are doing something wrong and many of you may be in confusion and be SELF policing yourself at this time. It is a manifestation of a frequency, the RESPONSIBILITY of the frequency that you run is YOUrs. At no point am I stating that you just sit back and allow this to run on unchallenged. However there are a lot of disinformation teachings within all sections of human society that seek to keep you from dissolving said frequencies. They encourage the discussion without promoting the dissolving of, hence keeping you in the very bandwith you are attempting to remove yourself from.

You can meditate as often as you wish, you can eat as healthily as you wish or you can lie in bed all day, if you are running a lower dimensional frequency it WILL interact and AFFECT ALL that you do until you REMOVE it from your energy signature.  How do you know you are running one?  Well firstly you will be in a human vehicle and incarnate upon planet earth for ALL who birthed onto this planet under the old 3d earth have these frequencies running within them. Secondly you will FEEL them, but only if you allow SELF to open your heart and to allow the FEELing to guide you beyond the edge of the bandwith you are currently resident in. This will see the outer waking life begin to shift and to expand as it reacts to the frequency change that you then work to anchor. ENERGY IS FREQUENCY AND ALL JUST IS ……. part 2 explains why you will not be able to see the races/realms that exist around you………..

Karen Dover
