Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information

About The Ascended Masters

namaste123 2013. 9. 28. 00:30

About The Ascended Masters 

by Owen K Waters 

For many thousands of years, the eventual goal of life upon earth has been to reach the initiation of ascension. While ascension can refer to any major step forward in evolution, the kind pursued by spiritual adepts requires mastery of cosmic consciousness. 

Cosmic consciousness occurs when the kundalini life force is activated and rises in its entirety, traveling from the base of the spine up to the top of the head. Here, it activates the crown chakra and introduces the adept to the first level of consciousness beyond all human experience - that of the consciousness of the soul of a planet such as Gaia, the Mother Earth. 

The experience of cosmic consciousness can last for many days. During this time, the physical body of the adept - now a master - remains dormant and ready for reanimation when the kundalini is lowered once again for regular physical functioning. 

When the master is able to raise and lower the kundalini life force at will, they are ready for the initiation of full ascension. This is where the more advanced masters of the spiritual hierarchy are needed. 

While there are many hundreds of ascended masters in the spiritual hierarchy who work in daily devotion to the spiritual needs of humanity, there are also others even more advanced than them. This is why the term 'hierarchy' is appropriate, because of the varying degrees of ability that exist within this organization. At the highest level of the spiritual hierarchy are the archangels. While some of these have been named in the Bible, most have not because the Cosmic Plan advances over time. Today, with the Shift of global consciousness in full swing, many additions have been made to the senior ranks of the spiritual hierarchy. 

One such archangelic figure is the Lord Protector of The Shift. His assignment is to monitor humanity's progress through the Shift and to organize any assistance that becomes needed. Bear in mind, from the Creator's point of view, the earth is going through a 'harvest of souls' - a time when those who are ready can move into realms of greater freedom and more positive evolution. 

The term "Lord" is indicative of an intelligence who, by their archangelic nature, function as global spirits. A global spirit's field of awareness surrounds the physical world and all other realms of the planet. The essential nature of, for example, the Lord Jesus, the Lord Buddha, and the Lord Krishna is that of a global spirit. A moment's thought shows how this can be so. How else can Jesus become aware of the mental anguish of someone calling his name, whether that unfortunate person is somewhere on the physical earth or somewhere in the spirit realms of the afterlife? It is his global presence in all realms of existence which enables the Lord Jesus to support all those who call his name at a time of need. 

The Lord Protector of The Shift provided enormous support for the advanced courses run by the Spiritual Dynamics Academy in 2011 and 2012. This included providing wide-ranging support from teams of ascended masters during our attunement sessions. Yet again, in the upcoming Deep Soul Access course of October 2013, the Lord Protector is taking a highly active interest in making the course as enlightening as possible to as many cooperators as possible. 

Be prepared for an intense and highly uplifting set of experiences on the Deep Soul Access course! 

The immediate organization of the teams of ascended masters who will be helping us falls to Kala, the ascended master with whom I work every morning. Kala is an educational specialist who also calls in other specialists to help with my writing material as needed. For example, when I had ideas about a deeper aspect of numerology and wanted expert advice on this, she called in the master who had been incarnate as Pythagoras, the father of numbers! When it is time for important new information to be released to the public, it is Saint Germain who enters the picture and works with me for several days at a time. 

When ascended masters work with people, they visit by projecting their mental bodies while their ascended physical bodies remain in various retreats around the world. These retreats exist in a higher realm, in fourth-density physical existence, while we currently exist in third density. 

The primary function of the ascended masters is to 'hold the light' for humanity. This means that they channel spiritual energy in ways that balance the energetics of the human race in a spiritual direction. 

Lightworkers and ascended masters both share a function which is essential to the survival of the human race at its present level of evolution. If either group were to leave the planet today, it would not take the remainder of humanity long to find ways to destroy itself though conflict! 

As lightworkers, let us take the next step in spiritual evolution on behalf of humanity. Learning to reach the level of soul consciousness brings a light to the face of the planet which has not been seen in many thousands of years. 

Evolution is waiting for us to take the next step. Our souls are waiting for us to reunite with them in joyful, conscious connection. The ascended masters are standing by, ready to personally help each and every one of us to step into soul consciousness as many times as it takes for us to master the process and become independent, soul-enabled beings. 

Join us on the Deep Soul Access course, October 1-21, 2013. To register, go to: