Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information

What is the ascension process?

namaste123 2022. 5. 24. 00:22

What is the ascension process?

Karen Doonan

Why do you read this blog? I ask because the answer may surprise you. Do you read it to “check” your “reality” or do you read it out of curiosity? do you even know why you read it?

As the New Earth energies anchor and heighten more and more chaos is “appearing” to spread through the lives of those who live on planet earth. I am always surprised by the amount of people who even with the force of these energies are determined to still hold on to the lives they had. I always take note of what people DO not necessarily what they say and yet still often I am taken aback by the sheer amount of energy they are using up running to stand still. Now you may think that I am sitting in judgement, not so, that is not my role nor may place, NONE sit in judgement of any other and that includes those who are now throwing their anger at me in an attempt to hold on to their lives.

The awakening process is a process that begins INSIDE of SELF, it is the moment that your SOUL begins to make itself consciously available to you in your human form. This may begin very slowly or very fast, again the rate of awakening always guided by your SOUL. If your SOUL was happy with the way you were experiencing your life at human conscious waking mind level it WOULD NOT WAKE UP. It would allow the life to play out and you would be none the wiser as it were until you passed from human form and went for a debriefing before deciding on your next incarnation.

The role I am here to play is one of mirror. I did not choose this role at human conscious waking mind level, indeed it has made my life at times very challenging, I appear not to need to say anything, just being in the same room as people seems to trigger them into behaviour they are still in effect blind to. It is NOT possible to begin to “search” for something “more” in your life whilst keeping your life in the neat little compartments that you appear to have placed it within. As you change your energy signature and I would highlight the “you” part strongly here, then you change EVERYTHING in your outer waking reality. This is not the influence of anyone else other than YOUR SOUL, Again I would underline this clearly also. NO onE can “take over” your life or exert their will on your life, at all times YOU are in full control no matter what it APPEARS is happening at human conscious waking mind level.

The Ascension process is not a slightly shinier version of the life that you are living at this moment, it is precisely because your SOUL does not align with the life you are living that you have “woken” up and many are filtering this out. This is allowing more chaos to unfold as the teaching of distortion tries to prove to you that it is. This will see you defend that which is there and attempt to build upon it, all the whilst filtering out that the foundation is a distortion. You cannot build a solid house on quicksand.

To begin the awakening process believing you can choose at human conscious waking mind level when you “fit” things in to your life, indeed believing that you can control ANY part of your life is to walk in the teachings of distortion. As part of my role is this lifetime is to highlight the teachings of distortion that does not make me the cause of the changes that appear in your life. It simply makes YOU more aware of YOUR SOUL who is guiding YOU to these changes. I cannot highlight this enough at this time.

In my personal life I have various people who spend a great deal of energy defending their lives to me, it appears that even trying to have a conversation at times is impossible. I realise I carry a strong energy signature but my energy signature cannot take over your life, that is the role of YOUr SOUL, for onLY YOUR SOUL is in charge of this human life experience. The whole process is one which the SOUL undertakes prior to incarnating. Under 3d earth you were taught to place the “blame” on others around you for all that unfolded within your life, this worked to lower your energy signature and to keep you from hearing the whisperings of your SOUL. This is now negated somewhat under the New Earth energies that allow this to dissolve and allow a deeper connection with SOUL at all times.

The life that you are here to live is created by you but it is created by your SOUL, it may appear to many of you at this time that you have no idea what is unfolding and as a result you are holding on tightly believing if you can make plans and choose when people enter or stay in your life then you are somehow ahead of the game. EVERYTHING is frequency, if you do not want people to enter or leave your life at this time then DO NOT ALTER YOUR FREQUENCY. It is not possible to alter your frequency and keep everything “same”, this is one of the biggest teachings of distortion that is anchored into the planet earth.

Many believe that to be “spiritual” is to spend the weekend reading some books, going to some events and dabbling in some hobbies. This is also distortion and was created to further lower frequency. The whole “spiritual” arena is akin to a religion. Let me state this very clearly to ALL who read my blog, spirituality has NOTHING to do with Ascension. The Ascension process is the evolution of the human race within the universe in which it resides. It does not matter whether you believe in god, angels or the second coming of christ, ALL is a 3d overlay created by your SOUL to allow you to process the evolution of the human race within the human life experience it is creating AROUND you.

Many people at this time are stating clearly to me that I am at a different stage in the ascension process than they are and are using this “statement” to justify their refusal to listen to their SOUL. It makes no difference at all to anything in my life what other people do, the people around me are simply the mirrors to reflect back to me the frequency that I am working with. So in essence stating that they see me, they can relate to me but they cannot live like I do is not TRUTH, I am a mirror as they are a mirror. So my frequency is their frequency no matter what the old earth tries to teach. The old 3d earth comes wrapped in very attractive wrapping paper but the wrapping paper is irrelevant when working with energetic signatures. Many are failing to see the wrapping paper merely hides the rattlesnake that sits within.

As the reality in which you born into begins to dissolve this TRUTH will show more clearly. It is not possible to live with one foot in the “reality” that is dissolving and “escape” to spirituality as it does not exist. ALL that exists is the overlay created by your SOUL. All of the life experience is created from within you and around you, it is not something you exist within, it is something that exists around you and is CREATED BY YOU as a response to the frequency of your energy signature. The human logical mind WILL try to prove to you that this is not TRUTH, it will try to show you people, places and events that justify its attempts to hold on tightly to the life that you had. But it is all smoke and mirrors. TRUTH JUST IS, all that is not TRUTH will dissolve and all that is will remain. Whether you agree at human conscious level or not with the remain part your SOUL is guiding you.

I realise that I may trigger many with this blog and I for that I take no responsibility for I am not here to live the lives of other people, I am not here to change the lives of other people, I am here to live the life that my SOUL is guiding me to create. Those who are in my life at this time may be due a reshuffle, I have no idea other than that I take full responsibility at all times for my frequency and I am working to elevate it once more. The result will be a further shift in my outer waking reality and at this moment with no reference points all I can do is TRUST this process. I cannot reach out to those around me and place anything upon them for they are reflections in the mirror which I am to my SOUL.

HUGE changes now unfold across and within the energetic signature of planet earth. If you are trying to hold on tightly to all that is within your human life experience then understand that at a deep level you have NO TRUST IN SELF. As SELF is guiding you from a higher vantage point this is akin to getting in a car blindfold and distrusting the guy in the helicopter who is feeding you directions of when to turn the wheel and when to stay on the left or the right hand side of the road and failing to see that the guy in the helicopter is YOU.

NOTHING in this life experience happens to you without authorisation from your SOUL who is at all times guiding you safely into the New Earth in TRUTH. If you do not want to give up “control” of your life then stop NOW. Read no further information and stop asking questions. Many of you may try this to somehow “prove” this blog right or wrong, it matters not for if your SOUL has a purpose for incarnating on this earth then it doesnt matter what you do next, you CANNOT FAIL AT WHAT YOU CAME HERE TO DO.



(c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved