Ascension/Ascension Healing Resources

Trauma and Abuse

namaste123 2013. 9. 1. 09:28

Trauma and Abuse

Karen Doonan

From time to time I will reference various scenarios that come under the very human definition of “trauma/abuse”. All of your lifetimes upon planet earth in various karmic dimensional timelines will have followed this definition for the human race was taught that in order to “learn” it had to suffer. This is not TRUTH and is not supported by the new earth energetic frequencies. In order to walk the new earth in TRUTH ALL trauma/abuse patterning must be dissolved in ALL dimensional timelines in which you exist. 

ALL is frequency and it is not enough to just highlight or recognise the patterns, they exist in various formats but follow the same frequency. Dissolving the frequency will allow access to the deeper patterning that was created and placed within the energy signature of mother earth at the beginning of the karmic dimensional realities.

This process is a process that is undergone and moved through under guidance from your SOUL. There is no way to circumvent this or bypass this, a bit like an onion the human life experience and beyond is layered. You move through the layers dissolving to gain access to the deeper layers and then dissolving them. This is a natural process that is ongoing at all times until you dissolve to the point of being able to fully dissolve from 3D earth in TRUTH.

There is no servitude in trauma/abuse and pain. This time has now ended, be wary of teachings that try to teach you that you must suffer in order to ascend, these teachings were created by those who sought to contain and suppress the human race as they knew that this moment would arrive for the human race in relation to the expansion of their consciousness. JOY, PEACE, HARMONY and LOVE are the frequencies that must now be anchored, their vibration high and expansive.
