Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information

Insight From the Blue Whale

namaste123 2014. 7. 5. 02:00

Insight From the Blue Whale




Blue Whale

Questions from the Audience

During Jack’s last message I had a meeting with the Blue Whale and just before posting, I decided to ask the Blue Whale some questions.  I really didn’t expect a response and was surprised when I did get one and boy did I get one! Due to her powerful healing energy and her ability to evoke emotion, I quickly found myself overcome and ended the connection and deferred to Jack to finish.   

When I initially connected to the Blue Whale I had a deep sense that she had much more to say so I decided to try to have another visit with her.  In addition to easily answering my questions, The Blue Whale extended an invitation to our readers to ask her some questions, which I thought was wonderful! 

I must also mention that my cat William also added his energy to this message.  His job has something to do with the Sacred Light but that’s all he will say on the subject.  

Ahh Jean, you have returned!  So glad, and I trust you are enjoying the release of emotional energy?  You have seen growth have you not? 

I could feel emotion welling up within me again and she disengaged somewhat at this point.

Yes I have, and I would be honored if you would answer some questions for me and if you have more healing to share. Can we add that when I post the message?

That would make me very happy.

Let me begin by saying that Jack and many other Watchers will be working tirelessly over your summer months. This also includes those humans who are already elevated and have contracted to clear energy on behalf of the Planet.  Jack has released all of the energies that have been given to him thus far and is now working to integrate the powerful energies being introduced.  Until now, all of the energies that Jack has shared were not only to assist his readers but also to transmit this energy to the Watchers who needed those energies.  These are Energies that assisted in the creation of a new foundation, the root chakra- the clearing and reconfiguration of the physical body- for not only Earth’s Children but for the Earth herself.

The clearing of the physical body is well underway and for some began as long as a decade ago.   It is now time to progress to the emotional body, the sacral chakra. The emotional body is where the deepest pain resides and what prevents valuable energy from integrating into the higher energy centers of the human body. 

For most, the healing I shared in your last message released emotional trauma connected to this lifetime, specifically childhood trauma. This is energy which was programmed into the being and needed to be released through the physical body as well as the emotional body. Emotional pain and the cleansing of the emotional body will have inexplicable positive ramifications. Almost all dis-ease is caused by suppressed emotional trauma that has become encoded within your DNA.  

As the layers of emotional trauma are built up over lifetimes, the Law of Attraction activates to draw in more of the same suffering.  Over lifetimes, this habitual pain becomes engrained within your DNA. As you continually and unwillingly draw into your environment and being more of the same negative events, there will come a time when it reaches a preset point of activation.  It is at that predetermined point when the encoding is released within your DNA resulting in dis-ease. 

Although many of you have worked to release trauma from this lifetime, the karmic trauma, encoded within your DNA, may still be eluding you but will begin to surface over your summer.  We are entering a time when many of these energies are being offered for release so that we can further along in the Ascension process.  Over your summer, (When the Blue says “your summer” she is referring to summer in the Northern Hemisphere) the veil of illusion will continue to fade for humanity and you will be able to see things as they really are not only globally but in your own lives as well.   

How have your efforts to assist in the Ascension process been thwarted?

They, the dark ones, have tried to contain us by polluting our home on land and in water they have sought to target the most powerful animals for extermination.  For instance, the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was an attempt to kill vital sea and land animals as well as poison valuable estuaries. Not only did they allow oil to be leaked, they used harmful chemicals to “contain” the spread of oil, leaving a toxic sludge on the bottom of the ocean. This sludge has killed oases under the ocean that were homes for a myriad of marine life. The shores were cleaned to perpetuate the illusion that everything was made right but at the bottom of the sea floor and farther out to sea a much different picture exists.        

The Blue Whale guided me to this map which depicts the areas in the oceans where there are “trash islands.” 


She will explain…

There are 5 major Trash islands floating around the ocean and each one corresponds to a vital area in the oceans for fish, fowl, mammals, or Underwater Dwellers. This, along with pollution, toxic waste, oil spills, sonar, and nuclear testing is how we are continually threatened by dark forces. The dark ones will continue to cause disruption despite the weakening of their collective power.  As humanity awakens and continues to Ascend, the dark ones will continue to exert their illusions through interference.    This does not mean that we should sit back and do nothing, quite the contrary.  It is our collective efforts, in addition to our prayers of peace and our calm show of solidarity that will cause them to disengage.  An image just formed in your mind? 

One did, I saw space ships leaving in large numbers. I didn’t know if this was an actual coming event or a representation but I realized that many of the inter-dimensional dark beings had already been extricated from this planet.  However, the most powerful and tenacious ones were still here. 

This is just one of the wars that the dark ones have waged against us.  They are also influencing the weather.  In essence they are heating the planet, scorching it, flooding it, poisoning it, and excavating it.   However there are many factions that are working to balance these forces.

At this point I was getting a little melancholy, because I know the Earth is in bad shape but to realize it whole heartedly would be overwhelming I also knew that there was a whole lot going on out there of which I was unaware.  An image of an ostrich with her head in the sand came to mind. 

Thank you, but all of that sounds a little grim, is there any good news? 

Oh my Dear!  Right now, in your dualistic world, in the minds of many there is only good and bad. However, know that there are forces, entities, and civilizations who are engaging the dark ones on your behalf.   We, the Animals, the Watchers, are an entire force of highly evolved, sentient beings who are acting on your behalf.  We are the purified source of Good that is balancing, releasing, enhancing, recalibrating, collecting and redistributing energy for all whom exist on this Planet and we are doing this under the radar, so to speak. At this point in time, Humanity has little concept of the power that resides within the Animal, Plant and Mineral kingdoms and this is by design.  When the time is deemed appropriate, our mission, power and intent will be revealed in its true form.  Until that time, know that we are assisting Ascension, not only for this Planet but for many worlds and civilizations. I must also mention that humanity knows not of the power that lies buried deep within them but that realization is beginning to come to the surface.  That is most evident in the mass up rises that are currently taking place around the Globe and will continue as humanity furthers along in the Ascension process. 

That explains the turbulence I feel, is there anything else that we can expect this summer?

During your summer, many records will be broken pertaining to the weather and we are already gearing up to balance an increase in the number of destructive hurricanes.  In a previous message, Too-Lah and Jack spoke of the Cords of Duality. For those who are ready begin to release the Cords of Duality, a recoil of sorts will occur.  As the Cords are released and spring back towards you, (picture an image of a rubber band being stretched to its limit and then released) you will begin to see feel and know the fear and illusion that you have been living under.  This is offered so you realize how your ego and the illusion it has created has affected your life.   Meaning, the inauthenticity’s that exist in your outer world that were created by your ego, will begin to pull back towards you as they are released.   Mercury will be in retrograde until July 20th, having an additive affect in releasing the Cords of Duality.  For now, know that you are being offered a window to release long standing karmic issues that you have struggled with.  These are issues that that you know are not in alignment with your Heart, Higher Self and hinder your well-being.  They are most likely matters you have been working tirelessly to release but have seen little progress.  It is simply because they were buried too deeply and the energy was not available to assist you.   I am referring to addictions, habits, and negative thoughts that are not in alignment with your Higher Self. You can amplify this offering by adding the strength afforded to you by your Divine Will. Your Divine Will offers you the determination to not allow anything to deter your from your intended path.   

Expect an undulating energy from now until the autumnal equinox.  Physically this means that you will be receiving almost constant energy upgrades and that will have physical effects as your bodies adjust.  Joy followed by tears of sadness, bursts of physical energy followed by lethargy, quick bursts of pain, disruptions in sleep, weight gain and short term memory loss.  It should bring one solace knowing that this is occurring because it means that energy is moving, things are happening and the world is changing.  The process by which we release and integrate energy is also changing.  

Do not accept past paradigms as the norm.  It is no longer necessary to spend hours, days, or years in down time to incorporate and integrate new energies.  This now can happen much more quickly and easily so declare that this be so.      

I snuck in healing energy but waited until we were near the end for you to realize it, as you requested. May I add more energy now? 

Please do! 

With much Gratitude and Reverence to the Blue Whale and to all of You!

It is at this point that the Blue Whale offered to answer questions posed by Jack’s friends. I extended this invitation on Jack’s FaceBook page. 

Terri asks:

Do you have a pineal gland or some physical structure that is a portal to other dimensions? If so, how does your multidimensional communication work? If humans have a pineal gland, do apes have a pineal gland? Is a pineal gland/some other structure unique to Self-referencing organisms? Thank you, Blue Whale.

Hello Terri!!!Oh My, YES!!! All those in the Animal Kingdom have pineal glands. It is our navigation system as well as our Universal translator.  It is how we connect to the Earth to sense and follow pathways for migration and track our movement and positioning on the Earth.  It is through our pineal gland that we are able to telepathically communicate to each other, to you, and our Star Family as well.  

The pineal gland is what is most greatly affected by sonar and the like.  Humans have had their pineal glands poisoned mostly by the widespread release of fluoride in your water supplies. Fluoride, in addition to the other chemicals that have been placed in the water supply to render it “clean”, cause the pineal gland to harden and shut down.  This perpetuates the flock mentality by crushing the intuition, and most importantly, suppresses the production of melatonin.  Low levels of melatonin contribute not only to disruptions in sleep but cause cells in the body to mutate. 

The pineal gland also calibrates your aging process which is why humans live for a relatively short period. You could easily live a healthy existence of 140 years or more.  As you continue to Ascend, your pineal glands along with other vital centers in your bodies will clear and recalibrate offering a longer and healthier existence.  I am energetically working on your pineal glands right now as you read this passage.  You can continue to receive this energy to clear your pineal gland simply through intention.  Bubbles of Joy to you, Terri! 

Nan asks:

Are there civilizations, other than the sea creatures, living in or under the seas at this time? Does Atlantis still exist in some form?

Helloooo Nan! and you already know the answer to this question as you were here with me not too long ago.  But for those who do not remember their water connection or do not have one, the answer to both questions is yes.  There are 5 continents of Atlantis that currently exist in the oceans but these areas are not like the Atlantis that was so long ago.  To delve into the history of Atlantis would take much time and is not necessary as there is much accurate information available regarding Atlantis and Lemuria. Most Whale and Dolphin species can trace their origins back to Atlantis and Lemuria and further back to the Stars.

Ewa Lee asks:

 Where does a whale race originate from ?

We, the high level creatures of the ocean come from 5 different areas in the cosmos and it not solely from Sirius B as widely reported but to keep things simple I will agree with this fact for now. As is with Jack, the lineage of many underwater Watchers is convoluted and complicated. When Atlantis sank, many of us became the Underwater Dwellers that Too-Lah spoke of in her first message. Too-Lah, although once a Land Walker, is currently an Underwater Dweller and can easily be contacted.  

There are multiple civilizations that are thriving under water.  Many are working to facilitate Ascension while some are working to defeat Ascension.  And there are others are living underwater that have no purpose in Ascension, they are neutral and disengaged from the current happenings. Follow me in your dream state and I will show you your home! May no sootah, Ha, Dear Ewa.

Camilla asks:

I pose two questions that Blue Whale can choose from: 1) What is the greatest strength of the human race ? … or … 2) How is it that sharks can heal and alleviate cancer/disease and how can we cooperate better with sharks ?

Thank You for your questions Dearest Camilla.  I will not answer your question succinctly but will do the best I can. 

I will speak on behalf of the Shark as She cannot speak at this time and this is because not only is she the apex predator of the ocean but she is also the apex sentient being of the ocean.  The Great White and the Greenland Shark currently hold the most power among the Sharks and they are truly the top dogs of the Oceans (as my friend Java would say).  Almost All who covet the most Light on this Planet are not given the reverence that they deserve but I am certain that this will change soon.     

I will also mention that there is a species of shark in the high latitude waters that has yet to be discovered. Currently, the energy of the shark is being passed onto humanity in order to assist in balancing the cancer energy that is exploding on land and in the water.  There are humans who have the ability to cure cancer through simple and natural means and that information can be found if searched for.  The planet Mercury will be released on July 20th and after this time; information to heal naturally will begin come to the surface and be given needed validity.    

Sharks do not hold the capacity to get cancer  and this is one clue as to their high level existence.  Their only predator is Man.  They were sent to Earth to be a balancing force for the opposition and this is why they have been surrounded in a veil of fear simply becauseThey are so powerful.

The shark has an incredible extra sensory perception. They have specialized glands receptors,the Ampullae of Lorenzini,(also present in Skates and Rays) which allows them to detect energies that not one other animal on this planet can sense.   This Extra Sensory Perception is incredibly powerful and is what enables them to connect directly to the Earth and the Sun and are in constant communication with each of these entities.  They are Underwater Generals, and Dear Friends, They are your allies!  In addition, being an apex predator, they assist in keeping all life under water in balance and without them, we would be in a grave state.   

Now onto your other question… I believe Humanity’s greatest strength right now to be your resilience.  No matter what happens to you, somewhere deep within your being, you find and connect to the fortitude that resides within.  This enables you to move forward despite insurmountable odds.  It is that resilience that is most important now.  Because time does not exist, you perceive events not moving forward in a timely fashion but I can assure you that immense change is occurring at this time.   

Deborah asks:

When will we have the chance to meet our out of space friends? Why do I feel that most animals on the planet happen to be them?

Oh my Dear you are most correct!  Animals are from the stars and they are well aware of this and gain strength from this knowing.  Does this not mean that you have already met some space friends? I will speak more of this at another time…To na aasoh tenoma tee, to you! 

Keith asks:

Other than the standard “white-knuckling” it, are there easier & gentler ways to break bad habits? What is the best resource or faculty to use when encountering subconscious resistance (i.e. fear, doubt, worry, shame, etc) to creating one’s life from a Soul/Heart level?

Oh my Dear Keith-you are asking this question bravely on behalf of many.  And in doing so have released much energy of shame connected to this question.  I have already skimmed the surface of this question but will dive a little deeper.  I am assuming you are referring to addiction as repeated negative thoughts and behavior with the inability to change it is what I deem an addiction.   

Addiction is a karmic issue and its origins are multifaceted and most likely encoded within your DNA.  Thankfully, you will be given an opportunity through July, August and September and from September, October, and November to release these chains.  Think back, deep into your past as to the origin of your pain and you will also find the keys to unlock the shackles that bind you.  Heal this event from the past and you will be released in the present.  This may sound “easy” but remember, old paradigms are no longer relevant and healing one’s self of long standing pain is now within your grasp.  

If you truly want to heal yourself, the means to do so will be presented and it will be easier than your ego tells you.  If you are born under an astrological Earth or Air sign, after the Autumnal equinox you will come into greater power and have the highest chance for success.  If you are a fire or water sign, this summer will offer your greatest opportunity to heal.  

Joe asks:

What are some of the most effective ways we can raise our own vibration as well as the vibration of the planet?

Ahhh… I will explain how you are already participating in this process.  All beings on Earth are already interconnected whether they have an awareness of this or not.  Each time one raises their frequency ( I am purposely refraining from using the term vibration) during a healing event either through intention, energy healing, sound healing, meditation or through a change of mind, just to name a few, their frequency is increased.  

This increase automatically resounds throughout the entire Earth like the ripples that form when a pebble is dropped in water.  A more reciprocal and tangible healing occurs to those whom you have forged bonds; those beings either in your physical family or karmic family.  If you are involved in any way with healing, either for yourself, in service to others, or both, this relationship is a result of past lives, karmic bonds, or “soul contacts”.  

As you heal one another, the effects of that healing are much more pronounced as your connections are much stronger and more perceptible.  In addition you are connected to all whom your karmic family and physical family are connected with.  That is an incredible enumeration.  Now imagine the myriad of energy workers and healers that exist on this planet and add all of their work as well as their bonds adding as well all of those who frequently work on their own healing.  Do you see now how you are raising the frequency of this Planet?  And this is but one example.  In summation, as you heal yourselves, you heal us all.   Thanks to you Joe!!!!! Ahh no say teee maah!

Jolie asks:

Blue Whale – do you think “disclosure” will happen soon? Will we really get to see and meet up with our space brothers and sisters?

Well, My Dear, disclosure has already begun has it not?  Jack has already declared that he and the Watchers are other worldly beings. I have confessed that I and many of my ocean brethren are from the stars.  In addition, there are many humans who have also declared to have interaction with other worldly beings and that many factions of alien species are embedded within your governments and military. 

Humanity, as a collective, cannot adjust to an immediate release from the veil of illusion; it has to be presented in increments.  This is to allow time for integration and adjustment to the disclosures; otherwise many humans would simply stand in a catatonic state, overwhelmed and unable to process the immediate release of the TRUTH.  

Marina asks:

How can we educate and awaken other humans with the awareness that animals can communicate?

Hello Marina!  What a lovely name as I am partial to the color Marina Blue.

Awakening other humans can be a frustrating mission however simply by sharing our information and healing will help others to awaken to our gifts.  But, refrain from forcing information unto those who are unwilling at this time to accept this as their Truth.  Even those humans who understand and accept that animals are sentient beings will frequently forget and revert to seeing us through their 3 dimensional eyes.  This dualistic view is something that we accept as we understand that all cannot be seen or understood by everyone at all time. 

Continue to knock at the doors of those whom you think will answer and then pass on the information, when they are ready, they will receive it with open hearts, open minds and open eyes. 

Sheryn Asks:

 Is it possible to let us know the situation of all whales in the ocean now? TQ

Ahh, so no te doo mone see ta.  Canna tee a la so ney vah.  Ahhh- looo monnay calova sa? (That is for you and you alone Sheryn.  I have no idea what it means but hopefully you will! )

Overall, My Dear, our numbers are growing as there are humans who are advocating on our behalf with not only their money and energy but their lives.  We, the whales, have found a safe harbor and it is due to humans who have energized themselves to act on our behalf. Thankfully, this is now occurring for the Rhinoceros and some other species that are close to the edge.  Now is a crucial time for humanity.  They have not only a voice but the ability to enact change throughout their home world.  

It is time to do something.  Offer your energy to a worthy cause.  Lend your words, your currency, your time, or your positive thoughts to a “cause” that is in service of the Greater Good. 

Kinnar asks:

if it had not been for Jack, how would we have known the ‘secrets’ that Jack revealed? Question is: are there people (probably indigenous people) currently living on Earth who has also got similar knowledge that Jack and other watchers have and do these people also know about Blue Whale and sharks?

Jack was meant to come to Light when he did and little would have stood in the way of this occurring.  And there are many who have knowledge of the sacredness contained within the animae.  To answer your question, the Dogon Tribe in Africa is well acquainted with their origin in the Sirius constellation-Sirius B, the Water Planet to be exact. They are well aware of their Ocean family as well as their human history.   

Much information is available as to the knowledge of the Dogon so I will not dive too deeply.   The Sirius constellation is where most animals originate from, as well as many of you which is why many resonate more with animals than with humans.  The Dogon hold much sacred knowledge connected to not only animals but the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant as well.  Cats, although they are brethren, they mostly originate from Sirius A which is why they despise water.  Although some felines do come from Sirius B and love water!  It is also important to mention that there is also a Sirius C- “D”, and “E”. 

Information about the ocean dwellers is pervasive however each device (by device, she means humans who are “channeling”) is equipped with their own knowledge, remembrance, and lineage.  Although some of the information they would reveal would be similar, the details would be determined by the sum of the whole of their experience. 

JoAnne asks:

Is our crazy weather from all that is changing now? What can we expect in the future especially with the four seasons.

My Dearest JoAnne,

The weather is a very complex subject and changes moment to moment and to delve deeply into this subject would take many hours.With that being said, the best thing I can share about the subject of weather is that all weather is “created”.  The Earth and the Nature create the weather with the assistance of many elementals and beings.   Suffice it to say that the dark ones have the ability to create destructive weather energy as the benevolent forces, the Nature and the Earth work to balance it.  

However, the Earth and the Nature can also cause “destructive” weather if and when she deems it necessary.  She, The Earth, is attempting to return to a perfect state and that will take some time, but it will be one of a more temperate environment for all.  She is also trying to show humanity through “destructive” weather events where it is not safe to live.  Instead of retreating, humans resort to their resilience and rebuild where they should not be dwelling.  This is a foreseen state of Utopia for the Earth and the following is how it shall be deemed:

The poles and upper latitudes will remain frozen and cold.  The most prevalent changes will occur in the middle latitudes as the seasons will become less pronounced and delineated, although the higher elevations will still receive snow-(good news for skiers and snowboarders).  Closer to the equator will change little but it is wanting to receive more water in the form of rain.  Water is a topic for another time but for now know that global warming exists BUT there is much going on behind the scenes to contest it.  HOWEVER, our support cannot go on forever and humanity must step in with perceptible changes in behavior that will lead you into a clean energy future. 

Stephanie Bridgeman asks:

I am wondering which gifts are more valuable to Blue Whale –singing, dancing or making people happy (maybe by blowing bubbles)…? Maybe this is a silly question, but you said to “have fun”! lol Also, what is the best thing that we “humans” might do right now –to make things “better”? Thanks

I have already answered the second part of your question so I will answer the first part.  I sing purposely to communicate directively to my pod.  I also sing from the heart out of pure of Joy. Singing also balances my being and clears me of unwanted energy much like sound healing affords benefits for you.  I want to share also that we have bubble blowing races and singing competitions. Which one of us can sing the highest, the longest, etc.  And who can create the biggest bubbles, the most bubbles, etc.   These skills we need when we gorge at mealtime, so although it is “play” it is purposeful. 

 I do not “worry” as I live in a constant state of now, a realization to which humanity is beginning to awaken.  My life, although sometimes involves work, is relatively easy and involves play as well as purposeful and loving interaction.  I am eternally grateful to all of you who are interested in my raison d’etre, as Jack would say.  Until we meet again, nah moo see-tah may no soo net acomb mesa nah tahhhh.  Many Blessings to you ALL!!!

The Blue Whale
