What To Do With The Negativity We Encounter
During The Course Of A Day
Dr Joshua David Stone and Gloria Excelsias
If we are not careful, then other people’s negativity can easily affect us.
We don’t have to go to a licensed hypnotist to get hypnotized because it happens every day
in our everyday lives. The subconscious mind has no reasoning ability. However, most people
on Earth are run by their non-reasoning subconscious mind.
As a result, not discerning whatsoever which thoughts and suggestions to allow into their minds,
they allow other people or their own negative thinking to hypnotize them into negativity and
victim consciousness.
So the question now is; What should we do with all the negativity we encounter during
the course of any given day?
The answer is to claim our personal power and to consciously respond instead of subconsciously
react to the negativity and fear-based suggestions around us. So the ideal is to "consciously"
respond rather than automatically react. To respond is to come from the conscious mind.
To react is to come from the subconscious mind and lower self.
If you find yourself in a very challenging environment, look at your situation as a wonderful
opportunity to practice holding the light amidst the negativity. Look at it as an opportunity
to consciously respond with personal power, unconditional love and wisdom, instead of reacting
on automatic pilot.
Use your personal power to keep other people’s negativity away from you.
Say to yourself:
“Other people’s negativity slides off me like water off a duck’s back.”
Another thing you can do is see yourself surrounded by a semi permeable bubble of golden
white light that allows in only that which is good and of God and keeps out all negativity
and lower energies.
The Integrated Enlightened Master is immune to the negativity of the world!
He/She always responds in life and never reacts!
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