Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information

"When We Ascend Do We Still Stay On...

namaste123 2013. 11. 25. 00:00

"When We Ascend Do We Still Stay on The Earth 

With Those Who Have Not Ascended?"

Sabrina Reber

Q. I read on a post about Ascension that when people ascend they will continue to live here  with the people that are still stuck in 3-D. That would mean the ascended will still be living in violence etc....  Is this true?  It seems this is not completely correct.  If a person has moved above the old ways of thinking and into a higher form of consciousness, then it will be very hard for them to relate to those stuck in 3-D.  I would think it would be like living in "hell" to those who have ascended.

A. There are a lot of different beliefs about what ascension is. And to be honest, I can not tell you for sure that my belief is the highest and most accurate, as truth is relative to our state of consciousness and level of vibration....however, I can share with you my own personal ascension and what I have come to understand what ascension is from my own higher self and the spiritual teams that I work with. From what I understand, there is "personal ascension" and "planetary ascension".

We will talk about personal ascension first......and to be honest with you, personal ascension is an ongoing event. The soul is constantly ascending. At this time on our planet many of our soul's are moving into “completion,” meaning that we will be transcending and healing 51% of our karma or distorted energetic imprints that are held within our chakra system.

Right now we are experiencing a lot of chaos on the planet because a large portion of us are being purified and our distortions (negative feelings, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, karma etc..) are coming to the surface to be released. Oftentimes, this will surface as irritation, anger, extreme emotional instability, confusion, bodily aches and pains etc....not to mention that our spiritual teams are drawing situations to us to help us balance our karma or unbalanced energy from all of our previous lifetimes...we are having to prove that we are learning and transcending the need to re-create additional karma.

We are being purified and our vibrations raised high enough for our spiritual self to be able to safely merge with our physical being breaking the seven seals over our chakra system that have kept us limited, veiled and stuck in the reincarnation wheel of duality. When the spiritual self merges with the physical being it is a huge energetic blissful, powerful event ~ many people will call this enlightenment, satori or unity consciousness where we will have the experience of our unity with all beings.... including the Creator Of All That Is ~ this is what I call the FIRST major aspect of ascension where we begin to rise above duality because we will no longer be solely working from the this point our soul will be activated, soul memories returned and our spiritual self, as well as, our ascended spiritual teams will begin working with us to help us assist humanity with their ascension as well. So technically yes, those who have attained personal ascension will remain with those who have not ascended because part of our ascension role is to be of SERVICE to those who have soul contracts to ascend with the planet.

After we go through our personal ascension, we go through a very intense process of grounding the high vibrational energy of our spiritual self into our physical body......after the merging has occurred it will usually take 2-3 years before we are ready to actually step into service assisting humanity. This 2-3 year time period can be intense because the old us is falling away ~ we will continue to ascend in consciousness very quickly, we will be downloaded with information and our entire being will be greatly expanded.

This does not mean that once we merge with our spiritual being, we are done with ascension ~ actually the real journey begins. Lots more work will need to be done as we will still have 49% more karma to balance, transcend and integrate within our being. Our SERVICE work is part of this balancing of energy, as well as, us learning how to continue to refine our lower self and its negative behavioral patterns.....we are learning how to be an ascended master. So yes, we ascend in vibration and level of consciousness, we merge with our spiritual self, we begin to work in unison with our spiritual self and spiritual teams, we continue to go through blissful gateways of ascension and activations all while we remain in 3D with those who have not ascended their consciousness.

We do this in service to assist others in preparation for MASS PLANETARY ASCENSION. Usually, people who ascend first have ascended on other planets  and they have a soul contract to come to this planet to assist those who have soul contracts to ascend with the masses on the planet. The largest amount of people will ascend in consciousness when the Earth makes her ascension......everyone is being prepared for this NOW.....and some people still may not even be aware of what is going on with them. Their lives may be falling apart and they have no idea why, that is why it is so important for this kind of information to be released so people don’t think they are going crazy when they are really ascending in consciousness with the Earth.

Planetary Ascension is when the Earth moves up from her current dimensional level into a higher dimensional level. Currently, we are moving from 3D into 5D. The Earth is a highly evolved spiritual being that continues to ascend just like we do. Every 26,000 years the Earth and all beings have the opportunity to make this spiritual leap into a higher vibration. The ascension of the Earth is divinely directed, and we are actually a part of her ascension as much as she is a part of our ascension.

The more people who choose to raise their vibration, the faster the Earth is able to raise her vibration. The more people who ascend and merge with their spiritual self, the more LIGHT is anchored onto the Earth because we become a bridge ~ a bridge person is someone who is able to bring in LIGHT from our connection to our spiritual self through our body out into the grid systems of the Earth.....we are one with our spiritual self and one with the Earth....we are no longer in duality blocked from our divine connection to Source. For me, this is the true meaning of a who has activated the LIGHT within them, and are therefore able to feed higher vibrational energies into the Earth Grid assisting the Earth and ALL beings rise in vibration as well. Our energy fields actually become planetary activators and we activate others by grounding our LIGHT into the Earth.

From what I understand the Earth and the Creator have decided to wait as long as possible to give humanity ample time to raise their vibrations high enough so our energetic systems will be able to withstand the high vibrational energies that will be dispersed on this planet that will catapult the Earth  into the higher dimensions. There is a divine timeline and the divine timing has been set within a specific range. Just like human beings....the Earth has a spiritual self and a chakra system and she too is experiencing her kundalini rising at this time preparing and purifying her system to merge with her spiritual self, which will raise the entire Earth into the vibrations of the 5th dimension.

When the kundalini rises in a human being, and we merge with our spiritual self it is an ecstatic, powerful, blissful, loving, light filled event. The feeling is beyond words. I can only imagine the enormity of this event for those of us who are choosing to remain on the Earth and ascend with her. It is going to be the biggest party and celebration in the fact the Earth's ascension will be the catalyst for many other planets ascension as we are all onE and we directly effect each other.

So right now on our planet we are experiencing individual personal ascensions and planetary ascension......those who have not already purified their energetic system, raised their kundalini and merged with their spiritual self are being prepared NOW to do so. Their enlightenment/ascension may happen before planetary ascension or it could happen at the exact time the Earth ascends.....the majority of humanity will not be ascending off of the planet....we have chosen to remain here to help ascend the planet.

Heaven will be made on Earth....heaven is a state of christ and buddhic consciousness where we ALL realize we are onE, and we express our unity through peaceful and loving interactions. We are extensions of Source, therefore we are god’s and goddesses. When everyone has awakened their energy fields to this kind of unity consciousness, we will realize that what we do to another we do to ourselves and we do to the Creator ~ because we are onE. When we integrate this unity consciousness into our being we will ALL create heaven here on Earth and live in joy, peace, oneness, abundance, health and full consciousness.

“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
Matthew 6:10

"Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and
the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea.”
Revelation 20
