Compassionate Healing: "Metaphysical Diagnosis" (5)
In the West we tend to think of illness as being only in the body.
Even so-called mental illnesses we treat by drugging the body. Looked at Wholistically, when an illness manifests itself in the physical body, we are actually seeing the last stage of a dysfunction that began in the Spirit. A poverty of Spirit will work its way down through the energetic bodies of Mind and Emotions to finally take up residence in the body. At first, at the Mental Level we have a vague awareness that something is wrong. As this happens mostly in childhood, not knowing really what to do with it, we ignore these signs and get on with the business of being a kid. After all, who has the time to sit and meditate on a vague awareness.
As a matter of fact, those who engage in Esoteric practices to link up with aspects of Spirit are most often recruited around the ages of 3-5 and spend a lifetime learning the practical processes for connecting with spirit.
The next level down is the Emotions.
As we grow and especially in adolescence, the emotions take over. The emotions are mainly the language of the Ego. Serious spiritual practitioners spend a lot of time learning how to control their emotions. If we do not learn to express our emotions in a healthy manner, they do begin to become toxic. It is, of course, difficult to learn to express our emotions in a healthy manner if we are already dysfunctional at the levels of Mind and Spirit.
By the time we are well along to adulthood, the emotions of Anger, Fear, Worry and Grief begin to overwhelm us. Given the state of health of young people today, one does not have to wait very long for these toxic emotions to begin manifesting in the physical body. The unhealthy diet that is standard fare for millions of teenagers today, reflects the toxicity that exists at the emotional and mental levels of their beings.
With this in mind, the following is a partial list of diseases, and conditions and their general Metaphysical meanings. Again, my sources are Louise Hay, my Reiki teacher, Denise Crundall, Traditional Chinese Medical theory, and my own experiences in the area. To be kept in mind, as you look up your specific dysfunction is that the purpose diagnosing a dysfunction is to design a treatment.
In a Wholistic practice, specific conditions and body parts are subordinate to the healing of the whole. While western medical designations, generally speaking have minimal value in an wholistic approach, they do provide more information to help it along. If you have a symptom or disease that doesn't appear on this list, or if you have any questions, do not hesitate to e-mail or call.
Diseases and Conditions
Heart Disease; The physical approach to heart disease suggests that it is caused by a diet loaded up with processed food, complex carbohydrates, so-called 'bad' fatty acids and 'bad' cholesterol. Your basic North American diet, in other words which causes plaque to build up in the arteries restricting and even cutting off blood flow to the heart. This is commonly called 'Hardening of the Arteries.'
At the metaphysical level we may paraphrase and call it 'Hardening of the Attitudes.'
Knowing the self requires that we speak through the Heart. Self mastery is the first step in any healing journey. Ancient wisdom suggests that the Truth resides in the heart. The natural tendency of the Truth is to come out. The more we resist the truth about ourselves, the more effort is required to keep the truth from showing itself.
Eventually, the effort required is so great the blockage manifests on the physical plane.
In short, heart disease suggests a conscious separation from the authentic self, and certainly from one's own Joy, which is the emotion of the heart. What is the joy in life that you are missing. Heart by-pass surgery is a way of by passing the love that is right there for you.
Alzheimer's; Alzheimer's is rooted in fear.
Fear of what is here and fear of what is next. Alzheimer's is a way of dying without actually going through the process. the brain shuts down over a long period of time. People who do Alzheimer's are doing a rather intense drama not only for themselves but for those around them. It is a way of being the centre of attention in doing the drama of death.
In a manner of speaking, Alzheimer's is a way of staying on the planet long after the DNA programming says we should leave. Alzheimer's may be seen as one of the down sides of modern medicine. It is one response to lengthening the life span by man-made means. Not the only response of course, and not necessarily a response we need to judge badly. Living on borrowed time, as it were, gives us second chances to learn the lessons we have come here to learn.
Life makes less and less sense. Brain diseases represent that which does not compute in our lives. So, life does not compute, and one retreats further and further from it until there is nowhere left to go but onto the next step. Alzheimer's is another one of those diseases of the 20th century that appeared only rarely on the planet before. As more and more people choose this particularly dramatic way of exiting this life, I believe, we have more and more opportunity to grasp the role of spirit and the implications of overcoming DNA programming.
In other cultures in other times, such people were looked on with reverence. They were seen to be in direct contact with the spirit world. They were sacred and holy in a way, even if it made them crazy in this world.
Arthritis; represents 'oozing resentments'.
You are so angry your joints become inflamed. Who or what is it that you resent so much? Louise Hay suggests this comes from feeling unloved.
Anemia; is a belief in sacrifice, especially self-sacrifice.
The idea behind sacrifice is to give back to the Gods or Nature some of what you have received. It is an act of gratitude and in many cases celebration. In Christian tradition, we seem to have associated sacrifice with suffering. We do the 'Jesus thing' and hang ourselves up on a metaphysical cross, not realizing that Jesus did it so we wouldn't have to. Without the connection to Spirit, sacrifice is nothing more than unnecessary suffering. When sacrifice comes from the Ego, it is an attempt to create a debt. You may have noticed that others tend not to notice your sacrifice. When done from Spirit, sacrifice creates gratitude.
Accidents; Automobile accidents are a clumsy attempt to connect with your world and those in it.
Other kinds of accidents are attempts to draw attention, either of anger of sympathy, or they represent rebellion in a passive aggressive style. These all come from feeling disconnected, which in turn comes from self-absorption. You are refusing to take responsibility for your self and/or your actions.
Cancer; According to one researcher we all have cancer or potential cancer cells in our body.
Cancer is another one of the diseases that was pretty much unknown a hundred years ago. on a rudimentary level, cancer cells are mistakes. Our body generates new cells according to our own unique DNA template every few days or weeks. Much like an assembly line, every so often mistakes are made. Our immune system normally takes care of these mistakes much like Quality Control removes mistakes from an assembly line.
A well nourished Immune System tends to be quite ruthless, not only in removing mistakes as they occur but also in flushing them out of the body. However, if an immune system is compromised quality control is compromised and the mistakes start to pile up. Eventually a tumour is formed around the site where these mistakes are stored, further compromising the immune system and as often as not poisoning the system.
Cancer is not actually a foreign body that invades the system. It is a part of the system itself and one may argue that it has as much right to be in the body as anything else. This fact is probably why conventional treatments are only marginally effective and tend to be as harsh on the patient as the cancer itself.
Metaphysically, Cancer represents Father issues. This refers not only one's earthly parent, but also to one's Heavenly Father. Since Cancer is likely to show up in almost any part of the body, diagnosing metaphysically consists of looking at Father issues related to whatever part of the body in which the cancer occurs. For example, Lung Cancer would be unresolved grief as it relates to the father on earth and/or unresolved grief over the separation from the Father in Heaven.
One's relationship with the Father in Heaven is ultimately all pervasive and mirrors the progress of the Cancer in the body. Eventually, regardless where the cancer began it involves the entire organism.
Diabetes; is a dysfunction of the Pancreas Gland or more precisely the Islets of Langerhans located on the Pancreas that secrete Insulin which the body needs to process sugar. The secretion of Insulin is regulated by Cortisone secreted from the Adrenal Glands. The Adrenal glands regulate both sugar and salt in the body.
Metaphysically then diabetes represents a difficulty in processing the sweetness of life. one may be bitter at the world. Things are not the way they should be.
Diabetes manifests in two types. Type I, which is also referred to as Juvenile Diabetes because it strikes mostly children, is the complete shutdown of the Insulin producing cells. This means these children have already come through with sufficient karmic bitterness to be blinded to the sweetness of this life.
Type II, which is also referred to as Adult onset Diabetes means that one has accumulated bitterness over the course of this lifetime. Noted also is that obesity is almost always an accompanying symptom. Excess weight, metaphysically, is a way of putting distance between ourselves and others; a way of emphasizing our separation and isolation from others.
Enlarged Heart; is a belief in not enough Love to go around. A tendency to hoard Love and block the flow. There is no way the physical heart will get big enough to encompass the Love of Spirit. The Metaphysical Heart, on the other hand is adequate to handle the Love of the Universe.
Hiatus Hernia; is a belief in freeloading. In Chinese Medicine, Hernias are known as a Shan disorder. According to the theory it is the Spleen's job to keep things in their proper place. The emotion of the Spleen is Worry. While one has belief in 'freeloading' at another level the truth is nothing is free.
Impotence; Gonads represent the power to create the future. Impotence reflects an inability or unwillingness to sow the seeds of the future. The Gonads are connected to the Kidneys in Chinese Medicine. The Kidneys house Yuan Qi or one's physical essence. Impotence suggests an unwillingness to create a legacy, or a fear that one's essence would be wasted.
Insomnia; Insomnia is a fear of death.
There seems to be general agreement on this one. In many cultures, sleep is thought of as the 'little death.' Each day we die to the day before and awaken reborn. In Chinese Theory the constantly changing Universe means that each day we awake to a brand new Universe. Some believe that our Ethereal Soul awakens in sleep and travels the Metaphysical world unfettered in our dreams. In the Hebrew tradition, sleep and dream prophecies are intricately linked. God may speak to us in our dreams. Fear of Death may also represent Fear of God, Fear of Karma, or Fear of Accountability.
Multiple Sclerosis; Multiple Sclerosis indicates a lack of awareness that one has the freedom to choose one's Life.
There is a lack of control over the essentials for operating in the physical world.
Nausea; Nausea represents undigested ideas, especially new ones.
Osteoporosis; is the eating away of our firm foundation. Bones are the hardest substance in the body.
They support and give strength to the body. They are also the most brittle of substances that make up the body. If we see ourselves as having little or no support in the world of a physical or of a metaphysical nature our own foundation is weakened and the structure collapses in upon itself.
Prostate; The Prostate is the organ that projects the Semen out of the body.
Cancer of the Prostate indicates denial of the Father or fatherhood or at least one's ability to project into the world. Enlargement indicates the desire to retain one's seed, or an unwillingness to share it with the world. on a purely physical level, enlarged prostate is simply due to lack of use for its intended purpose. That Western medical authorities are predicting that as many as 60% to 80% of all men will experience prostate problems in later life is really something to think about. There is also indicated an underlying fear of creativity especially in its association with sexuality. Probably more like a fear of getting caught.
Repetitive Strain Injury; RSI is the result of resistance.
Any kind of pain is the result of disassociation from one's Authentic self. RSI is most likely to afflict those who do not love what they are doing. It comes from holding back and not giving it your all. Perhaps you are in a job or relationship that does not serve your highest good. The question is what are you resisting or resenting?
Stroke; Having a stroke represents a giving up on Life.
Life is too much of a struggle and one would rather die or become an invalid than carry on. Perhaps one sees service as a burden and decides it is now time to be served. The key to life is giving and receiving. Both are equally important. If you have difficulty being served you may experience a stroke to help you learn the art of receiving.
Viral Infections; Viruses need a host and can end up killing the host. Infections represent a willingness to host other life forms harmful to us. Who have you invited into your Life that drains your energy or contaminates your space? Becoming a host to a virus may be carrying the idea of service just a little too far.
Breast Cancer; Breast Cancer represents a preference for the symbols of Love, rather than the Love itself. Cancer, generally represents Father issues, or more specifically that one is not the centre of the father's world. This may mean a rejection of one's femininity by the Father or at least the perception of that. Or, since Breasts project out into the world, and therefore have that Yang aspect, a rejection of projecting one's Feminine Principal. Breasts represent the Feminine Principal and any kind of deformity suggests difficulty in accepting that in one's self.
Brain Tumour; A part of the brain is cut off.
This represents an inability to compute; a dysfunction of logic and intuition. In Chinese Medicine, while the Heart houses the Mind, the Brain is seen as an Extraordinary Fu organ. In other words an empty sack, like the Stomach and Intestines for receiving raw materials from the outside world. The Brain is incapable of transforming raw data into anything useable without the connection and participation of the Heart. The data then just builds up and stagnates eventually resulting in a tumour. A lack of intimate connection between head and heart is indicated.
Palpitations; Palpitations represent the Fear that Love is fleeting. There is a lack of confidence, provoking Fear about one's ability to love. Fear that one's Love will be rebuffed.
Table of Symptoms of Fibromyalgia /Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Symptom | Emotion | Message |
Fatigue | Worry | Resistance to your current existence |
Insomnia | Joy (deficiency) | Fear of Death |
Muscle spasm/pain | Worry/Overthinking | Fear of moving forward |
Numbness/tingling in extremities | Worry | Difficulty connecting with your world |
Stiffness of muscles | Worry | Resistance to carrying current responsibilities/ not being nourished |
Chest pain/ not related to cardiac or Lung problem | Grief/Anger | Lots of stuff to get off your chest. |
Mental Fogginess | Joy (lack of) | Life does not compute (not logical)/Cutting the self off. |
Poor Memory | Joy (lack of) | Judging Life badly |
Phobias | Fear | Distrust of the World/Helplessness. |
Food sensitivities/allergies | Worry | Rejection of new ideas/nourishment |
Depression | Joy (lack of) | Withdrawal from Life |
Shortness of breath/Asthma | Grief | Grief not resolved |
Abdominal cramps/bloating | Worry/Fear | Retained Adolescence |
Sensitive eyes/blurriness | Anger | Blinded by Anger |
Dry Mouth | Worry/Fear | Denying water/the elixir of life |
Feeling hot | Anger | Residual anger/still angry about? |
Feeling cold | Grief | Who or what are you freezing out? |
Diarrhea | Worry | Lack of discrimination/esp.what nourishes. |
Constipation | Worry | Unwilling to let go/of what? |
Diarrhea/Constipation (alternating) | Worry | Indecisiveness/what to hold onto, what to let go |
Frequent illness/poor immune response | Grief | Inability to protect the self. |
Loss of strength/endurance | Worry | In the process of surrendering. |
Compassionate Dragon Healing: Metaphysics 5
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