Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings

Cutting Energetic Cords: How to cut chords

namaste123 2015. 9. 5. 13:00

How to cut chords

Cutting Energetic Cords is important because they can keep us connected to people who drain us. Etheric cords are streams of energy that connect us to others. Energy is exchanged through these cords and if a negative cord is connected to someone negative or needy, your vitality and joy will be siphoned off. 

These people, whom we may love very much, don't mean to drain us but do so unconsciously because they are very lonely, sick, needy, taxing or demanding. Interacting with certain people, especially ones that always seem to have dramas or constant complaints can leave us feeling tired and drained afterwards.

Cutting cords is easy! I recommend doing this everyday. First be aware that you do have the ability to cut your energetic cords. The art of visualization must be learned in order to be a powerful co-creator with God. We must witness the process in order to bring the healing into this reality. Imagination is the power you have to to access your subconscious mind to produce the results you want. Imagination ignites creation! You are powerful! We also need to use the power of commanding our energy into action.

- Cord Cutting Exercise:

1. Move your consciousness above your head and connect with the Creator.

2. Make the command: 

"Creator of All That Is, 

It is commanded for all cords that are negative and draining my energy 

be cut from my being and taken to your light to be transmuted into love. 

Thank you. 

It is done. 

It is done. 

It is done." 


3. Observe yourself above your head looking down at your entire being. Look for the gray cords. They may be located anywhere on your body...concentrate on all chakra areas~ especially the heart, solar plexus and sacral chakra.

4. Visualize Gods hand coming into your energy field with a pair of scissors to cut the cords or you could ask the Creator to send to you Archangel Michael and his sword of light to cut the cords.

5. Visualize the cords being cut. Whatever you visualize is perfect for you. Some people even see God pushing a lawn mower over their doesn't matter. Whatever you see is perfect for you and is bringing your intention and co-creative powers forward to create what you want in this reality.

6. once all the cords are cut watch them rise up out of your energy field or be taken by the Creators hand up above your head through the column of light that connects you to Creator of All That Is in a higher dimension. Watch them fall into the Creators dimension of pure platinum, white sparkly light.

7. Command for the Creators Love and Light to fill your entire being especially where the cords were cut. Observe yourself as the Creators light fills your being.

8. Give thanks and know that is done.

excerpts from 'How to Raise Your Vibration'