We have come to the time when we must loosen our connection to the Material 3-d world. We are entering the initiation of the Great Renunciation.
We have come to the realization that Source, moving through our group Soul is directing US to come into the Vortex of conscious awareness of our dependency on the material reality and is preparing us to renounce what is no longer for our highest good.
This requires us to Raise our Vibrational Frequency. It is a prerequisite to cleanse and purify the physical vessel to prepare for moving into a light body of minimal density in order to withstand the coming frequencies. It is a necessity to become lighter in all aspects of our beings. Begin now to prepare our body to receive nourishment from Source, and more and more make the transition as we withdraw from the old matrix.
Letting go, cleansing, purifying all that is holding us hostage in matter. We are all moving into higher dimensions and it will require much inner housekeeping, mental, emotional, and physical. Please be willing to endure this very profound time of purification. Knowing that we are being Divinely guided and supported lovingly through this with Grace.
Although at first it seems difficult to cleanse, move with it, just keep going and know that this too will shift. We are in a fast moving spiraling current. It’s centrifugal force is spinning out everything that is heavy…. not needed. We highly recommend doing an internal colon cleanse, at this time, and major housekeeping on all levels, lightening up on what we are consuming, especially what we are putting into our bodies.
As multi-dimensional beings, supported via the crystalline grid we have limitless access to a source of internal nourishment that is always available to us by just asking and focusing on the matrix of life, this inner grid. The crystalline pranic stream acts as a type of glue to bind our creations and help with our manifestations to bring more Grace into our lives, providing the life force fuel for our existence. Click here for creating Manna from Heaven:
If we ignore the need for this cleansing and purification of density this spinning force still pulses away silently within us, yet the dense matter has a difficult time processing the lighter frequencies coming in so the outer world continues to absorb and challenge us.
Ignoring this inner pulse keeps our brain wave pattern in the Beta energy pulse and our lives go through the normal ups and downs of existence until eventually it will be too intense to deal with for many and the physical system will break down. Again to emphasis the importance, We MUST start now!
Meditation allows us to go deep within the inner silence to discover and experience this pranic stream, nourishment from Source in all its forms and as we focus upon it we become immersed within it and so find ourselves transformed. Increasing our personal internal & external energy flow.
Pioneering these ancient pathways, we must withdraw from the Material world and all it represents. Many are now exploring the option of being individually sustained and nourished by the Light of their own Divine nature. Formerly a ‘state of being’ reserved for, or attributed to, the Holy men, Saints or Sages of the East; the process of internal nourishment offers a practical and spiritual alternative for those wishing to begin to embrace the Ascension process fully.
WE are renouncing the past old world to support a Mass awakening, it begins with putting the conscious awareness on all of our parts, and this doesn’t just have to do with food. It is about setting up the vibration within of the higher frequencies so everything we touch becomes one with that frequency, at this point whatever you eat, touch, drink all radiates of that vibration. If it doesn’t you will no longer attract it.
We are recommending to begin the preparation for renunciation with applying these principles:
- Breathe deeply, invoking prana, and positive microvita~ lifeforce is in the air around us, be mindful of drawing nourishment from Source through living light from within and without. Be present in the NOW. Accept what is…Enjoy what is, and if you can be enthusiastic about it find a way. This keeps us in alignment with the Divine plan being as it is.
- Surrender to your heart and let go of excessive mentalizing and waste thoughts, controlling, ego based thoughts, suffering and petty conflicts. Put a guardian at the gateway of the mind, think only uplifting, healthy, positive thoughts, Bless everything, especially everything that goes into our bodies (this is the Practice!)
- Stay in the present moment, Conscious, Present Awareness. Practice being conscious of everything you do. Breathing, eating, walking, touching something. Stay present as much as possible.
- Tap into your intuition and Meditate find a spiritual practice that suits you and pray, meditate or connect to Source daily.
- Detox yourself -purify the physical body. Eat only healthy, organic whole and living foods, do yoga, enjoy exercise, Dance and have fun!
- Practice the ‘Manna from Heaven’ technique daily, energizing the body cells with living light nourishment from within.
- Drink often of pure water, spring water, deep well water, filtered water. Solarized water that has been in the sun for a few hours is preferred.
- Practice the Virtues and let go of the Vices. Release all addictive behavior patterns
- Be in Service to the Whole, Find work that brings you heart and meaning. Stay focused on your True Self. The Higher Self connected fully to Source. Commit to living a sutainable Organic wholistic Lifestyle.
- Take time out to take care of yourself so you can heal from the past you.
- Disconnect and renounce everything that is no longer needed in your life. Clean the closets, the garage, the cupboards, sell, giveaway everything that is not a reflection of your highest Self. WE are ascending and we do not need to be hooked into the materialism any longer. This is no longer the dress rehearsal – WE are now being called into Service for REAL! Think globally -WE are healing the Whole.
Raise our Vibrational Frequency with food
A wonderful way to support and encourage greater balance and peace in your life is to be more aware of the subtle, yet profound ways that food is affecting us every day, on a physical, mental and emotional level.
For example, eating heavy, dense food can leave us feeling heavy and dense, lowers the vibrational field. Whereas eating more light and vibrant foods encourage us to feel more light and more vibrant!
We make life much easier for ourselves on all levels when we give our body optimum foods that require minimum of effort to digest whilst giving maximum possible nutrition and life-force
- All fresh, ripe fruit and vegetables (raw and local is ideal)
- Sprouted seeds, grains and beans (e.g. sunflower seeds, quinoa, mung beans)
- Sea Vegetables (e.g. spirulina, dulse, wakame, nori)
- Superfoods (e.g. hemp seeds, goji berries, wheatgrass, vita-Mineral greens)
- Cultured Foods (e.g. sauerkraut, tempeh, kefir, miso)
- Removing meat from your diet is essential
- Lower your own environmental impact: it’s green to go vegetarian
- Try replacing caffeinated drinks with herb teas (there are hundreds) or simple, pure water. Water is essential for our bodies, and carries toxins out of the blood stream, so drink as much water as you can enjoy throughout the day. It balances out the dryness from cooked meals. Also watery fruits help to hydrate the body.
- Try replacing cows milk dairy products with sheep or goat milk products instead. It is more easily digested by your stomach.
- Hemp seed milk is my favorite, or Soya or rice milk is another tasty alternative.
- Wheat can be especially hard work for the stomach, so try gluten free breads made with millet or even rice flour. Tasty alternatives are there if you look for them! Rice cakes and oat cakes are good with spreads. If you must have wheat, choose whole grain.
- Try replacing refined sugar with raw agave syrup, raw honey, maple syrup or barley malt. Foods with sugar tend to overstress the body. Sweet ripe fruit often beats any sugar cravings.
- Listen to your stomach – it speaks wisdom! If you eat when you really feel hunger, it improves digestion and energy levels. Eating just enough food to feel satisfied also greatly helps in this respect.
- Always take your time with food. Try to eat when you feel relaxed and take your time to taste, chew and appreciate every mouthful. You will enjoy it more, and need less of it!
- Smoothies (blended foods) are a great way to eat more in less time, and are very helpful for the stomach, as most of its work is already done. Try anything blended with water, fruit juice or soy milk. Avocados and bananas make very good smoothies. Experiment.
After many years of unhealthy eating – with respect to the foods eaten and our emotional state when eating – our bodies carry physical and emotional toxins that can hinder the expression of our full life-force, and subsequently, our happiness.
There are many simple and enjoyable ways that we can begin to let go of these limiting toxins from our bodies, and regain the vitality and enthusiasm for life that is our natural state.
- First thing in the morning, drink a glass or 2 of warm water with squeezed lemon juice, and honey if needed. This flushes out toxins released during the night and balances the body.
- one day a week, give your stomach a much needed rest. Have a day drinking just blended smoothies, or just fresh fruit juice, or ideally drinking just water (lots).
- Eating raw food is detoxifying in itself – especially watery, juicy fruits. Buy a book on raw food preparation (you will be surprised by the possibilities!), and try a few days eating uncooked meals. A week is ideal.
- Milk thistle extract is a wonderful liver cleanser. A few drops in water every day will help your liver greatly. It is available from health food shops and pharmacists.
- Saunas, steam rooms and jacuzzis encourage a greater rate of detoxification. Be gentle, don’t push yourself too far beyond what is comfortable.
- Finally, relaxing as much as possible really helps your body detoxify. Take baths, go for walks, simply breathe, or do whatever puts you in a peaceful state. Relaxation of the mind and body is the key to greater health and happiness. Aim to be in a relaxed state from morning until night, and then observe what thoughts take you away from that state of relaxation. Detoxify your mind as well as your body.
When you are ready to go to the next level with Pranic Living – see here:http://innerworldawakening.wordpress.com/the-awakened-collective/raise-our-vibrational-frequency/pranic-living/
We have the opportunity in this changing face of time to hold a spiritual consciousness through turbulent times even if we are not able to get into Pranic Living or a raw foods lifestyle to minimize the density we are experiencing. We can still do a consciousness cleanse.
As we move forward in this timeline and witness this coming shift, a cosmic event, the manifestation of the New Earth, we have a choice. We have everything we need to move gracefully through this period of transition. We have the power, no one outside of us can have that power over us unless we allow that to happen. We are eternal, limitless, spiritual beings.
Let US as partake in a Consciousness Cleanse. Let’s Free our Mind together as onE. WE can began the process of this right now by stoking the flame of our GROUP CONSCIOUSNESS and setting two goals—one for our inner world and one for our outer world.
By taking the time each day to do our meditations and cleansing rituals, you are unhooking from the past and gently altering the fabric of our life.
This Shift we are in is cause for celebration, and the sacred process of self-acknowledgment is the act of consciously and deliberately celebrating the best in Life and envisioning the New Earth. By embracing this new consciousness —today’s potent agent of change—WE together will take the next step in clearing out and opening up our consciousness for the powerhouse of this next New Moon cycle ahead and beyond into this next few months as we wind down to the October 28th day of the end of this cycle of the Mayan Calender.
This releasing and cleansing of the Fear Matrix within boosts our emotional and spiritual immunity, giving our Group Soul the strength WE need as onE, and individually to release the past and rise above fear, doubt or resignation, that some have said goes back to the days of the downfall of Atlantis.
By affirming our own gifts and accomplishments, and tuning into this energy that radiates the higher vision of the Immaculate Concept at all times -as Children of the Sun together, manifesting a frequency based on LOVE, WE build on this Truth and increase our ability to bring in a brighter future as the New Earth Reality.
In the presence of our own loving attention, WE together create the inner conditions that are necessary to step into the next greatest evolution that our Human Condition has ever known. Right now, there is a stronger, more vibrant, more inspired version of our Group I AM AVATAR Matrix that is wanting and waiting to emerge.
Beckoned by our emerging Self today, let us together, pour our self wholeheartedly into this new Love based Reality of the emerging MATRIX by deliberately turning our attention to all that you have done well in the past, to the qualities that you appreciate about yourself, to the courageous actions you’ve taken and to the contributions you’ve made to the people around you. Holding this highest vision of yourself, contributes all these attributes to the WHOLE. This inner SELF LOVE is so important now.
We together can focus 100 percent on what we value and envision this life to be for ALL of HUMANITY.
As another expression of self- love, this inner Practice of Group Soul /Self Love acknowledgment is truly a holy practice.
A practice for NOW, the end of on old era and the beginning of the New Ssytem, cleaning of the Soul. For letting go of fear through Self Love and opening our hearts to love on every level. Inner Joy, Love of life, love of nature, love of God, what ever opens our hearts to this feeling- For realizing the truth: that we are Love and WE are free!
The more we let down our guard, feel our feelings, forgive the past, and embrace the moment, the more beauty and meaning we perceive. Like flowers, nature, animals our consciousness and aliveness blossom forth.
From now until the end of the Mayan Calender Cycle on December 21, 2012 consider practicing the following consciousness detox.
- Whenever you remember, rest your attention on your breath as it goes in and out. When you notice your mind wandering or if challenging situations arise, just gently begin to come back to the breath.
- If grief or other negative emotions come up, feel them fully and then let them go.
- If you find that you’re thinking negative thoughts about yourself, choose to refuse. Decide to love yourself dearly, exactly as you are. If it doesn’t feel authentic, fake it till you make it.
- If you find that you’re going into fear-based thinking, choose to refuse. Channel the would-be fear-generated energy into visualization and expectation of a harmonious outcome. If necessary, bring your mind back to positivity over and over again in order to start the habit (which is the hardest part – eventually a momentum will build).
- Write in your journal and assess places where you’re still holding onto guilt or blame. During this time, it should be easier than normal to let go and let the past be in the past.
- Choose to live in the present. (Over and over again if necessary.)
- Drink lots (and lots!) of water.
- Light a white candle and take a sea salt bath for at least 40 minutes.
- Sing loudly or chant for 5-10 minutes to clear your throat chakra and send healing vibrations throughout your body.
Cleansing Ritual
Realize that our resistance to moving into the oneness is based in fear. Tune in to the voice that collective fear. Listen to the judgments WE hold on these emotions, and then write out everything you hear.
Then release it in the sacred fire, let it go.
Our Outer Goal: Uplifted by the energy of celebration, Hold the Vision of New Earth- unconditional love, our ability to transcend old outdated patterning and victim consciousness while adopting unity consciousness that sees divinity in all things. From this standpoint, it might be said humans are evolving into a “biologically conscious” species capable of holding and sharing the full light of unconditional love that you could take into the outer world today that will support the fulfillment of our Mission as onE Group SOUL- Do it with gusto.
Our Inner Goal: We profoundly feels that we, as a collective Group Soul, are successfully accomplishing our mission by creating a new consciousness timeline within. It exists and it is here and now. Many of us are living it and are starting the crossing over process very gracefully. Our task now is to ensure that the entire collective makes this quantum leap. It is an inside Job!
We are the bridge. We are assisting others on to and across this bridge into a new version of Earth’s ascension, without any need for apocalyptic outcomes. As the path cutters, we are assisting others through the chaos of their own design by us, ourselves, crossing over into the new reality matrix. This creates a pathway right in the middle of the unleashing chaos while helping to transmute the illusions and the grid that is holding this game in place.
What could you personally do to hold this space and activate the feeling inside – on an inner level to permeate this new thought into the Collective Consciousness? Raise your arms to it and DO IT!!
The choices we make are very important. We have a rare opportunity right now to dawn a new age. Our true consciousness does not exist in our brain or our bodies. There is a common spiritual bond between everything and everyone in this universe. Consciousness is what shapes our reality. The only way to prepare for what’s to come is truth. Not the truth about external things. The truth within ourselves. Intention and Inner Focus is a conscious action. It begins within.
If we review our day as we wake up and create it in our minds before we begin our day, we set that vibration in motion. As we remember to do this each morning, we embrace our power and embrace our role as conscious co-creators of our experience. There is a direct connection between intentions, thoughts and feelings and our manifestations. When we do centering work, open the energetic channels within us and remain balanced while refusing to be snowed by fear, we can be much more effective as conscious creators.
LET’S DO IT! Together Team~ Cleansing our Collective field of fear based consciousness and hold only the LOVE we all want to have as an outcome for this planet and her people.
With Love to all-
Rhajarani Jewel