Ascension/Ascension Healing Resources

How to relieve a stuffed up nose and heal yourself in general with energy, crystals, light and love

namaste123 2015. 7. 13. 10:26

How to relieve a stuffed up nose and heal yourself in general with energy, crystals, light and love

How to heal yourself with energy, light and crystals (sinus, stuffed up nose example – simplified short version

Before I begin I wish to touch on the idea of healing with energy. For many people who are not familiar with such an idea, this may seem like something out of a fantasy book. But it is not so. For in truth, every single living being on earth has the capacity and knowledge - how to heal themselves with light, energy, colors, sounds, crystals, and most importantly PURE THOUGHT, INTENTION and BELIEF. 

We've all heard a saying that PRAYER is a very powerful tool, but rarely if ever do we stop to think WHY that is. 

When you pray, lets say for another person, what actually happens is you send out healing energy, loving energy, caring energy to that other person. 

So it is the same analogy (and I like to use it a lot, so forgive me if you've heard it before) as a cell phone. When you’re talking on the phone with someone what your phone is sending out is encoded energy, it is then being transmuted into sound, which then is transmitted through the wireless network to the person on the other line as your voice. 

The same thing happens with prayer. When you pray you send out information “Dear God/angels/deities/whatever you believe in, please help so and so”, what you’re actually doing is this… “Dear “deity, source, all that is, myself and others in the universal network”, please encode the following message that I am sending out into a healing energy and send it into the person that I’m requesting this energy for”. 

When you send out this request, the universe begins to respond. The more people send out the same request, the more healing energy is then transferred to the person you’re “praying” for But all along, it was YOUR ENERGY + UNIVERSAL ENERGY = Combined healing power. 

The same thing happens when you are healing yourself, only this time the energy is directed at you. This is a very simple process really, it’s almost the same as meditation, only instead of NOT focusing your mind on something, you INTENTIONALLY begin to focus on a particular point on your body. 

There are many variations of healing with energy out there. I am just going to talk about one type of technique that I like to use.  It’s very very simple, and doesn't require anything at all. But if you have crystals it would be THAT much more helpful. 

The first thing you need to do before you begin any type of healing weather it is for you or for someone else, is to first open up your merkaba if you know how to do that. If not don’t worry, you can simply ask for protection from the source. 

The easiest way to do that is to imagine a platinum white light, like a beam of light that all of a sudden appears from above you, coming from the sky and completely covering you all the way down to your toes and further down into the earth.  

Once you have done that, you are ready to move onto the next step.  Sit in a comfortable position so that you can fully relax but at the same time stay alert to what you are about to do. The best I've found that works for me is a lotus position (meditation position). 

Sit with your back straight up and start to breathe in deeply and breathe out completely, as if you are beginning to meditate begin to focus on your breathing, simply allow your stomach to expand to its full capacity, imagine that there is a string that is tied to your belly button and is being pulled outwards and away from you. As your stomach expands more air can flow in through your lungs and into the rest of the cells in your body. Do this for 3 – 5 breath and proceed to breathe normally. 

Then focus on the place on your body where you are feeling the issue. For example, let us assume that you are having issues breathing through your nose. I have had this happen to me so many times, that I feel that I am an expert in the nose condition field ;). 

The first thing to realize is that this issue is coming from emotions. I know that you have heard this a billion times before, but I’m going to reiterate it again. Yes, emotions. So before you begin to focus the energy on your nose, you need to think for a moment, what emotion caused the manifestation of your nose closing up, shutting down, and betraying you ;). 

Most of the time if not always, you will begin to feel that it was an emotion of loneliness, desire to go “home”, sadness, anger, guilt, etc., All the emotions that would usually make us feel that we do not wish to stay within our vehicles anymore. And what is the easiest and the fastest way to get outta here? What is it that you cannot possibly (yet) not do to keep your physical vehicle (body) running? You got it! BREATHE. 

And obviously since you’re reading this article, you’ve decided to stay, but your body did not get a clear signal from you, and hence is acting on the emotion and your desire to leave. So, all you have to really do now, is bring your body back into alignment energetically. Now that you've figured out the cause, it’s time to ask your body, your soul and the universe for help. 

So there you are sitting in a lotus position protected by the platinum light around you ready to heal yourself. Now what you need to do is to imagine a healing indigo light flowing from the source from above your head and into your crown chakra and going all the way down through you to your feet, at the same time you would also direct this energy to flow through to your nose and out. 

Imagine that this light energy is cleansing your nose and removing all the blocks that were there. At the same time, ask your body for forgiveness and ask your body to assist you. 

At the same time, ask your “guardian angels/source/god/deity” to remove all the negativity, and all the emotions (if you still aren't aware of what they were just say all the emotions, if you know the cause ask for that specific emotion) to be removed from your body and sent into the light for  healing and transmutation. 

Feel yourself being able to breathe. If your nose is completely stuffed up, breathe through your mouth but keep sending and imagining that you are doing so through your nose. 

As you can see on this picture the practitioner is
pointing a crystal at the patients face, you
would do the same thing to yourself. Take
the crystal into your hand as shown above

IF you have a crystal (with a pointed top) take it into your hand and hold it with your 3 fingers, index, middle and thumb. 

Now, direct the tip of the crystal onto your nose (or any other part of the body) and send the energy that is flowing through your crown chakra into your hand and into the crystal. 

You will begin to feel that the energy is being amplified and by the end of the session the crystal may become hot and a bit cloudy. 

There really is no set number of minutes that you are to continue doing this procedure for, because it really does depend on what your body needs, and you will feel it yourself when you need to stop. If the problem is chronic you will need to keep repeating this over and over throughout the days, until the problem goes away. 

I would also suggest to speed things along, to use Eucalyptus oil. This oil removes negativity, and assists the nose by sending vibrations to clean out the residual energy (of an emotional experience that caused this to happen in the physical) and expel it. There are of course many other oils that can do the job. 

Once you get this or any other oil, you can then use a netti pot and create a solution of water + special salt that comes with netti pot + 1 or 2 drops of Eucalyptus oil (do not use more than 2 drops, essential oils are very strong). 

You would then proceed to use the netti pot as you usually do. Please note that if you are taking any homeopathic remedies ANY essential oil may knock out the homeopathic remedy in your body. Also make sure you’re not allergic to this oil. If you are then use another oil instead. (at some point I’ll talk about how to remove allergies with energy as well). 

Another way to unblock a stuffed up nose, is through the use of hand mudras. A very wonderful hand mudra that works wonders is shoonya mudra.

Method: this mudra is formed by first placing the tip of the middle finger on base of the thumb and tehn bringing gentle pressure of the thumb upon this finger. The amounts to suppression of element space(residing in the middle finger) by element fire(residing in the thumb).

These methods DO WORK. I have tested it out not only on myself but my clients, parents, friends, etc., So please give it a try. 

Stay light, happy and joyous, these emotions will uplift you and you and keep you healthy! Love & Light to you! ~ Anna Merkaba
