
2012 and Beyond: "The Rapture and the Wrath"

namaste123 2013. 8. 2. 17:00

2012 and Beyond: 

"The Rapture and the Wrath"

Frank Stainetti

The great shift we are hearing about is the end of an age and the beginning of a new one. Ready or not, the energy of human consciousness and the earth is evolving. The consciousness of humanity is awakening, resulting in a shift in vibrational awareness. In other words, humanity is passing through a morphogenesis from one state of being into another. How and why is this occurring? 

The ancient Mayans left us a powerful message regarding the new age of Earth and humanity. The significance of the Mayan calendar is that Earth has arrived at a rare celestial lineup with all known suns in the center of our galaxy.

This procession of the equinoxes has taken 26,000 years and will be completed on December 21, 2012. This completion marks the end of one age and the beginning of a new one. So the Mayan interpretation goes. The ushering in of a new age, however, will not occur on a single date. The great shift of the new age began its momentum several years before December 21, 2012, and it will continue for several years thereafter.

The Rapture and the Discovery of Humanity’s Soul Light

Not only is Earth undergoing a dramatic pole shift, but the consciousness of humans (physical bodies, minds, and emotions) are being affected as well.

The big question is, to what degree will the face of Earth change, and how is human consciousness going to evolve? It is the change in human consciousness that will affect the severity of Earth’s changes during the planetary shift.

What few people know is that humanity has now discovered the light of its soul. Human consciousness has begun to enter what the Bible refers to as the rapture. It is the literal infusion of the soul light with the physical body. This infusion is also known as soulmerging.

Very few people really understand what the rapture is. The rapture, or the anointing, is the physical experience of your heart opening into profound vibrational levels of love that permanently alter your state of being. At this time thousands have had this experience. However, many are shackled to a Judeo-Christian teaching that tells them to wait for the return of Christ and the judgment of God.

This is not going to happen. Everything needed to evolve and experience heaven is within you, but you must go within to receive it. For those who are waiting, there will come a moment in time soon after December 21, 2012 when the inner choice to evolve will be upon you.

Three Toxic Forces Affecting Earth and Human Consciousness

There are three great forces influencing the energetic shift or the evolution of our human consciousness and planet Earth:

I. Planetary Forces

Earth is shedding the toxicities resulting from man’s inhumanity to man and the adulteration of nature.

        1. Earth’s pole shift and the changes to its magnetic fields have been occurring gradually up to this time, but both will soon accelerate.
        2. The quality of food and the toxicities in the environment have become intolerable, producing a host of new physical ailments and abnormalities on every level — emotionally, mentally, and physically.
        3. There are dramatic changes in weather patterns and a profound increase in natural disasters. Global warming, the melting of polar icecaps, tsunamis, earthquakes, flooding, volcanic eruptions, and the ozone layer depletion are but a few examples of the effects the dark energies have on Mother Earth. 

        4. War, hatred, genocide, starvation, abuse of all forms, judgment, poverty, greed, tyranny, and imperialism are seen in the daily news as if they are to be expected.

II. Cosmic Forces

Cosmic forces are profoundly altering our vibrational reality. Humanity and planet Earth have been living within third-dimensional frequencies. Due to the rare celestial lineup of Earth and the known suns, we are shifting from third-dimensional vibrational existence into fourth-dimensional vibrational existence. 

 The accelerated magnetic influence by this planetary alignment is influencing Earth’s pole shift and every level of human consciousness.

III. The Human Energy Force 

The energy of man is out of balance or harmony with the energy of nature. This is due to man’s inhumanity to man. Specifically hatred, greed, tyranny, genocide, fear, terror, disease mongering, and decades of corporate and media mind control all contribute to the vibrational imbalance of Earth and its people. 

There is an increase in fear-based anxiety and a pandemic overuse of medication prescribed to suppress what is naturally rising to the surface of human consciousness or awareness. You cannot feel and go within when you are numb from prescriptions. Life on Earth has become an inescapable existence of fear and terror. This distortion has reached its conclusion and must now be shaken off.

Humans create and direct dynamic energy forces that affect themselves, others, and everything around them. When groups of humans engage in hatred, war, or genocide, the vibrational atrocity remains energetically upon the location where the event took place. After two millennia this has become very toxic to Earth. All forms of toxic waste have disrupted the balance of nature, and these imbalances are being corrected by Earth herself at this time.

What is Consciousness? and The Human Auric Energy Field

Most people are confused as to what consciousness is. It is not just the current thoughts, hopes, wishes, dreams, desires, and preferences in our minds. Our consciousness is the sum total of our past, present, and future. Consciousness is best described through the language of energy. Consciousness creates a human auric energy field that can be measured.

The human auric energy field contains the memories of everything that has happened to you. The reality is that every emotional wound from the past or present is held as contracted energy within our consciousness, and it is this energy that we are purging at this time. Our consciousness is directing powerful energies that radiate from within us continuously via our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, preferences, desires, and memories. In any moment, it is easy to know and feel whether you are projecting thoughts and feelings of love or whether you are projecting fear and judgment.

We have four powerful energy bodies that make up our consciousness — our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Each body is energetically unique, and yet they overlap and are affected by each other, positively or negatively. The sum total of our four bodies makes up the human auric energy field. We are evolving. Our human auric energy field is transitioning from a lower vibrational and less evolved fear-based state into a very high-vibrational state that is luminous and heart centered.

The Battle of Light and Dark for Control of the Human Soul

Our consciousness has been fought over for two millennia. The strategy is to divide and conquer. Separate humanity from itself and it is controllable. Whoever controls the minds and beliefs of humankind controls the world. 

How is this control accomplished? By shaping your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. Constant bombardment from the media, large corporations, religious institutions, and the military complex perpetuates and influences our consciousness twenty-four hours a day. We live in the inescapable focus of a fearful existence. If you try to leave this existence, you are proclaimed a heretic, a rebel, crazy, or a sinner who is damned to hell.

“The rapture is the physical experience of your heart 

opening into profound vibrational levels of love that permanently 

alter your state of being.”

This constant state of fear and terror lowers the energy vibration of the human auric energy field. This prevents humanity’s empowerment and ability to think for itself. It blocks the use of natural creativity, joy, love, and happiness. We become an automated robot, so to speak, serving the agendas of big business and organized religion. Thoughts of fear, self-judgment, and the stress of survival all function to darken the luminous auric field of humanity, resulting in the separation of humankind from itself.

There are three major forces that continuously direct a campaign of mind control or the influencing of fearful and negative thoughts and emotions.

•  Large Corporations: Pharmaceutical, Oil, and Weaponmanufacturing 
•  Religious Dogma: Institutionalized Religion
•  Military Complex and The Business of War

This is the battle of light and dark, or the battle over the human soul. If you keep humanity in energetic darkness, it becomes impossible for it to find the light of its soul. It becomes impossible for humanity to break free of the mind control. It becomes impossible for it to live from a place of love. This is why the discovery of the light of the soul is so significant at this time.

The First Three Waves of Soulmergers

There are three waves of 144,000 people awakening at this time. They are discovering the light of their souls and merging with it. This is called soulmerging, and it exponentially increases the vibrational level and auric field illumination of the people who do it. Those people of the three waves are bringing collective consciousness and the darkness it holds to a tipping point of illumination.

As our collective consciousness evolves during the three waves of soulmerging humans, our civilizations will begin to unite, redirecting life on Earth to where the greatest good for all becomes the natural impulse for all. This creates a sense of oneness and maintains the harmony of all that is natural and harmonious on Earth, breaking through the grip of mind control and allowing humanity to live in the truth of who they really are. This truth comes from within and is not directed through external bombardment.

The first individuals who are entering the soulmerge, or the rapture, have been tremendously challenged in their lives. These people have usually grown up in abusive situations, suffering great loss and despair. They felt very different from others in society, as though they just did not fit in, but they did not know why. Many live in solitude, not feeling comfortable around most other people. They have is a profound inner longing to know love and to understand why they are here. They ask questions such as, “Is this all there is to life?” Deep inside, they have a knowing that there must be more.

Within these people, there lies great force to overcome the major trials and tribulations of life and enter the path of healing. They commonly feel a tremendous inner urge to pursue their inner light and spirituality in the face of everything that would oppose it. Are you one of the 144,000? If so, seek soulmerging. Seek all you can find about soulmerging and the language of energy and light.

The purpose of the three waves of 144,000 is to lift enough of the darkness described above and its influence on collective human consciousness to make it possible for the rest of humanity to choose to enter the light. The job of the first 144,000 is to make it easier for people to see the light of who they are. In essence, the people who make up the three waves of 144,000 are the wayshowers. 
They came to Earth specifically to assist in the evolution of humanity. These beings are here in divine service.

The Transformation of Consciousness

The great shift of human evolution is happening within us! We are currently in the midst of the first wave of people who are soulmerging. once the first wave reaches a count of 144,000, this will create a momentum of light that will ignite the second wave and then ultimately the third wave. The people in these waves are merging their physical bodies with the powerful vibrational energy of the love and light of their souls.

Soulmerging is an extraordinary, lifealtering, vibrational heart opening called the rapture, or the anointing. This is also referred to as entering Christ consciousness. When the first wave of 144,000 humans complete their soulmerging experience, the body of light within them will create a momentum of energy that uplifts or impacts every other person on Earth. This is the greatest force driving the evolution of humanity and the greatest force ushering in the New Age.

What are we evolving from? We are evolving from a fear-based consciousness to a heart-centered way of being. This is our natural state, and it stems from a place of love, peace, joy, harmony, and expanded awareness. This expanded awareness is part of our awakening in which gnosis, or true knowledge, is effortlessly accessed, allowing us an understanding far beyond the limits of what we currently know within third-dimensional life.

The Moment of Choice

The Bible talks about the end of time or the final judgment day. This final judgment day is, in essence, the last possible moment you will be given to make the choice to enter the light of your soul and leave your current lower-vibrational existence. Again, this is the last possible moment to do this; it is not the only moment you can make this choice. People have and will continue to soulmerge up until this point in time.

If you have not already made the decision, the final moment of choice will be placed on you. The final moment os choice will be placed upon humanity on or about May 11, 2015. It is not a single moment in time but rather a state of lucidness that will last a full day. It will occur in the following way:

• The veil of forgetting that exists between your physical existence and the presence of your soul will lift.
• You will be shown how your human beliefs have blocked you from your soul energies of love and light.
• You will be shown who you really are.
• You will be shown where you come from and that heaven on earth has always been available to you while you were alive.
• Your life will flash before you and you will see the truth that you are your own wrath, as is all of humanity.

A condition of limited self-value and self-judgment placed on humanity has perpetuated this separation of you from yourself. You will see that you wear the energies of self-judgment around you in layers like a cloak separating you from the natural love and light illumination within you. You will also experience the rapture of your soul, which is the exquisite beauty, uniqueness, and love and light of you that is immeasurable. In that moment you will realize that your uniqueness is connected to everyone else on Earth. It is in this moment that you will have the opportunity to decide whether to remain in the darkness or enter the light and soulmerge. 

The purpose of the three waves of 144,000 is to lift enough of the darkness described above and its influence on collective human consciousness to make it easier and possible for the rest of humanity to make the choice to enter their light. Their job is to make it easier for them to see the light of who they are. In essence these people who make up the three waves of 144,000 are the way showers. They came to earth specifically to assist in the evolution of humanity. These beings are of divine service. Our purpose is to participate in the divine plan of human evolution. We are the answer! 

Frank Stainetti is an author, master healer, and spiritual teacher. For over twenty years, Dr. Stainetti has facilitated large-scale spiritual healing conferences, bringing profound and divine healing energies to those in attendance. He has experienced his own profound awakenings in the temples and sacred sights of Tibet, Egypt, Peru, Nepal, and the Yucatan.