
"Unified Field Meditation" (Galactic Version)

namaste123 2012. 11. 24. 03:33

"Unified Field Meditation" (Galactic Version)

Breathe Light, to the center core of your being,

Feel that Light expand in all directions,

In one, Unified Field of Light, within, through, and 

Around the central core of your being.


Breathe Light, to the center core of your being,

Feel your core expand —

To encompass the throat chakra, and the solar plexus chakra,

Allowing your physical body to fully relax.

In one, Unified Field of Light, within, through, and 

Around the central core of your being.



Breathe Light, to the center core of your being,

Feel that Light expand —

To encompass the brow chakra and the navel chakra,

Allowing your physical body to fully relax.

In one, Unified Field of Light, within, through, and 

Around the central core of your being.



Breathe Light, to the center core of your being,

Feel that Light expand —

To encompass the crown chakra and the base chakra,

Allowing your physical body to vibrate faster.

In one Unified Field of Light,

Allowing your Spirit to come up through your subatomics,

Increasing the vibratory rate and infusing your core with Ecstasy.



Breathe Light, to the center core of your being,

Feel that Light expand —

To encompass the Alpha Chakra and the Omega Chakra,

Allowing the Waves of Metatron to balance your electromagnetic field,

Pulsing at its optimal rate.

A Unity of Light.



Breathe Light, to the center core of your being,

Feel that Light expand —

To encompass the 8th Chakra, and deeper 

Into the center spiral of your Being.

Allowing the emotional body to merge completely 

With the field of your body —

A Unity of Light, that knows its own wholeness.



Breathe Light, to the center core of your being,

Feel that Light expand —

To encompass the 9th Chakra, and down deeper 

Into the center spiral of your Being.

Allowing the mental field to merge completely 

with the field of your body —

A Unity of Light, resonating with the Central Sun.



Breathe Light, to the center core of your being,

Feel that Light expand —

To encompass the 10th Chakra, and down deeper into 

The center spiral of your Being.

Allowing the Spiritual aspect of your wholeness 

To merge completely with the field of your body —

Creating the Unified Field.

A Unity of Light, centered in Spirit.



Breathe Light, to the center core of your being,

Feel that Light expand —

To encompass the 11th Chakra, and down deeper into 

The center spiral of your Being,

Allowing the Oversoul to merge completely into your center

A Unity of Light, the movement of Light that knows its own Divinity.



Breathe Light, to the center core of your being,

Allow yourself to expand —

To encompass the 12th Chakra, and down deeper into 

The center spiral of your Being,

Allowing the Unity Band Frequency, the Christ Oversoul, 

To merge your fields completely with Spirit,

Allowing the Threefold Flame in the center of your being 

To kindle, calling you to Presence — here, in the Infinite Now.

A Unity of Light.



Breathe Light, to the center core of your being,

Allow yourself to expand —

To encompass the I AM Presence, and down deep 

Into the center spiral of your Being,

Allowing the I AM Presence to bring your wholeness 

Into ecstatic communion with Spirit.

A Unity of Light.



Breathe Light, to the center core of your being,

Allowing yourself to be Source, radiating throughout 

The prism of your being.





This is a guided meditation for unifying the chakra fields of energy, or subtle bodies, as given 

by the Council of one through Susannah Redelfs. The words can be found at 
Voice-over and music soundtrack by Purple Hazel Green.