This past week we had four planets move into new signs, a moment of sea change in the collective. It will become evident as the month unfolds what area of life we are feeling the impact, especially from Saturn moving into Scorpio for more than two years. one of the benefits of Saturn in Scorpio is a stabilizing force in emotional depths, so that we can rise up and master the reactionary explosions with more maturity, and balance. It is our negative reactions that reveal any remaining ego program still running in our lives. We are currently being triggered to unwind the 3D program out of our body/mind, to remove any remnants of Duality out of our psyche. It may help to use the analogy of a computer. We need to remove the operating software of 3D Duality out of our system. It is an artificial software program running in our minds, which manifests as the ego personality and is not our true self. The ego software runs as a 'service to self' mentality.
We need to remember that our Heart Center is where we connect to our Soul is where we sense and know our authentic truth. If we have trouble trusting the Soul, this comes from the ego dominating the lower human mind. We also experience body tension stemming from ego resistance to living our Soul Purpose. Our Soul rules the Heart, our ego shadow rules the lower mind. The distrust is coming from the ego mind.
We need to shift into analyzing everything with our Heart Brain, not
the ego brain. This is a key element in shifting from 3D to 5D - we need to keep going within, deep into our Heart, and tune into the wisdom communicating from the Soul in our Heart. The presence of Saturn in Scorpio with help us master our negative thoughts and emotions from the ego program. The surge of photon light can also overwhelm our physical bodies, so we need to ground the electrical current or we will experience painful symptoms.
I need to exercise daily and walk in nature to ground all the Light I'm running in my body from doing all the energy work. If I don't, it starts to back up inside me and cause anxiety, sleeplessness, scattered focus, lethargy and fatigue, etc.
We need to make time for self-care during the next two months leading up to the quantum shift... There is a very accelerated photon light surge happening right now! Also remember to drink lemon water and coconut water to support the electrolytes in your body. We are receiving light current into the bio-circuits and need to assist the physical body's transmutation with self-care and grounding.
love and blessings, Meg Benedicte