Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information

Journey into the Divinity of Your Sacred Signature

namaste123 2013. 8. 20. 00:13


Journey into the Divinity of your Sacred Signature


 All Rights Reserved & Copyright Michelle Manders

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 14 January 2008

Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you, as the information in timeless. You will

energetically be linked with the Channelling Being and a similar process facilitated with you, which is just as

powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given in the live channelling, if any. You will be

taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing & Purpose. Revised and updated by

Michelle Manders under the auspices of Kuthumi-Agrippa on 19 September 2012.

This transcript has been published free of charge by Intellectual Property owner Michelle Manders and Palace of

Peace in support of people seeking clarity, healing and peace. Therefore, we appreciate the Law of Integrity being

honoured and ask that no person, group, organisation, or any body of any sort under any circumstance alter any

part of this document or publish it in part or in full for personal financial gain. You are welcome to publish an

excerpt with the link to the downloadable full transcript on our website.

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet you at this time and

to bring blessings of wisdom, enlightenment, freedom and truth. Greetings beloved ones. And it is

with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with you upon this day as we hold

you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved ones the journey into the Templates of your Sacred Signature is one that enables you to

understand the vast immensity of what exists within you. The journey as an initiate into this

universe within self will reveal to you vital aspects that not only enhance your concept of self, but

also enhance the quality of your personal journey.

Truth is something that often leads to individuals arguing and to a variety of sorts of conflict,

consciously and subconsciously, within the individual and amongst individuals. The reason for this

is because individuals are not secure within their own truth, and the negative lower fearful ego

reacts to anything that threatens what it understands as being it’s truth, or rather closer to the

truth of it’s comfort zone. An important lesson for every initiate at this time is the lesson of

mastering peace within the self, by this I mean being confident within yourself regarding your

truth. This means you are having to totally embrace everything that you are, as well as everything

that you are not, and be at peace in the moment with what is, even if it is the “ugly” truth.

Your Sacred Signature holds a unique vibration, which has the ability to permeate many levels of

awareness, and has the ability to dissolve even the densest frequency of energy. As it moves

through the walls of denial inside of you, you begin to recognise what your truth is made up of.

Thus, the time has arrived where the flow of energy increases it's projection toward you so as to

motivate you to becoming completely at peace and in harmony with your Sacred Signature.

Your Signature is unique, just like the signature you use in your physical reality. Very few people

have a signature that is similar, and even someone who tries to fraudulently copy your signature

cannot do it exactly the same as you do, and exactly the same applies to the Sacred Signature of

your soul. In order for you to become at peace with this sacred vibration, your heart chakra needs

to open to the dimensions of authenticity that embody all the pieces of truth within you.

You are made up of a variety of truths, each of them relating to specific areas of self, as well as the

areas of your life, and what shall come about as a result of this cleansing you have chosen today,

which is a liberating journey of going into self and stepping into the macrocosm of self . This

journey is showing you how powerful the macrocosm is and that what exists inside of you is far

more superior to the programmes and identities that exist within the microcosm of your external

physical reality, and I am referring only to that which is seen, that which is the tangible physical

world you call life. Everything that is unseen is a part of the macrocosm it is a part of the world

that you are not consciously aware of and consciously working with, but that is about to become a

great part of your new reality.

The teachings we are taking you through are what will catapult you into the new world which

becomes life post 2012. All the new earth grids that were laid in preparation for this time are now

securely in place inside of your being. Your Sacred Signature has absorbed it’s frequency and you

are ready for the next phase of the journey. I must at this stage tell you that this phase of the

journey results in a process of accelerated surrender, the desire to let go, and a deep burning

desire for simplicity. Simplicity is food for the soul. Remember, I have always said - the ego

complicates and the soul simplifies. There will be no running away from the part of you that seeks

simplicity, for that is where balance resides, that is where you find the soul-utions to your life.

When the negative ego is wrapped up in the drama of physical life it is inundated with distractions,

it is full of the toxic garbage of the collective consciousness. Group consciousness keeps you

trapped within what you have been led to believe is reality, what you have been led to believe is

normal, acceptable and the journey of life. There are very few human beings currently alive on

your planet, relatively speaking, who are living an authentic life; who are truly experiencing the

bliss of life. This journey is one of stepping away from struggling and into the Way of Bliss.

With this journey comes the tearing down of all the identities that do not embody the authenticity

of your Sacred sSgnature. This is to a degree, the time referred to in the major arcana of the Tarot -

the time of The Tower. This you may understand if you look at the story of the Tower of Babel, in

the Bible. As everything falls away, the glamour, everything that the lower ego attaches itself to in

order to keep it’s comfort zone alive is going to fall like The Tower, but this is yet another

opportunity for some of the greatest experiences of liberation. 

The reason why I say this is because not only will you experience the freedom that comes with 

not being caught up in negative group consciousness anymore, but you will be able to see - 

consciously see and acknowledge, just how debilitating the collective consciousness is. 

You will experience a rapid process of detachment and distancing yourself from negative group 

consciousness. This means the process, for some, of physically distancing yourself from people, 

from places and experiences in your physical reality. Do not stop that process, if you stop the process 

of being separated from a person, place or an experience because that person involved happens 

to perhaps be a family member or a spouse, or it happens to be the career that pays all of your bills 

but strangling your soul to death, you are doing the same to yourself. You are saying “my misery 

and suffering is more important than my freedom and I choose to suffer, I choose not to trust 

in the Sacred Signature of my authentic pathway that will lead me to everything that will fulfil 

every single one of my needs peacefully and harmoniously.” 

Some might become angry and resist these words because it appears there is no “way out.” 

There is always a “way out” when you set the intentions and implement the steps and

actions which lead to the change you desire. It might not happen overnight, it might takes 

months, or more or less. The timing is irrelevant, what matters most is that you are 

WILLING A NEW WAY by dropping your fears and excuses, and through your commitment 

to do what needs to be done to bring about the change! Persistance, patience and 

perseverance ALWAYS pay off!

Can I tell you why so many people stop the process before any results are seen? Because the

pathway to freedom often asks of you to let go of things/people/experiences/false

identities/crutches/comfort zones that you do not want to sacrifice. The journey to true freedom is

perceived as very hard because your authentic self - not God, not the Ascended Masters, not any

Goddess or Angel or any other Being is asking you to do anything or give up anything – it is your

soul that is asking you to give up that which is not in accordance with your purist and highest

divine plan. When something happens in a person’s life, something drastic; an illness, an accident,

a death or a sudden end to a part of one’s life, this is not God punishing you for anything, all it is is

your soul setting a boundary and doing everything in it’s power to catch your attention.

Again, beloved ones, this reaffirms what I have said before - everything begins and ends with you.

Everything that is created in your life, everything you experience on a daily basis - as much as 85%

of your daily experience, is created by what goes on in your conscious and subconscious mind - you

have created all of it, because you continuously feed the magnetic fields of energy around you with

what you obsess about, which become the magnetic signature of what you attract and are

attracted to. The remaining 15% is what is pre-ordained - fate or destiny.

Souls have incarnated on the earth plane to remember how to break free, to master earthly living,

to gain mastery over the physical life, and to become a Master Alchemist. No soul will ever leave

the cycle of earthly incarnations until they ascend as a Master Alchemist. What I mean by this is

that you are on a pathway; a journey, whatever you want to call it, that has been created by you to

reveal to you what exists within the inner macrocosm and how that can change your external

microcosmic viewpoint and perception of life. In the lower vibrations of third dimension the game

is one of suffering, poverty, lack, insecurity; all the profanities and conditional love that you have

experienced. Yet, you are not bound to that reality; no soul is bound to that reality, ever, it is

simply a stage of learning through which one passes, into a different reality, once having mastered

what one was to learn.

For the duration of the next twelve months beloved ones, those of you here today and those who

will read these words in the future, you have chosen an accelerated teaching, lesson and life

journey into getting to know your authentic self better than ever before and better than anyone

else. This means looking at every aspect of self. This enables you to look at your circumstances in

life not from the perspective of the victim, not from the perspective of the individual who is

considered to be a spiritual Lightworker or a highly intellectual genius, or whatever else the lower

ego finds pleasure in labelling itself, you begin to look at life from the aspect of the True Self,

where your Sacred Signature permeates everything around you, and what you are seeing is your

light reflected back at you, and the potential of your light within others looking back at you.

Therefore, you may come across someone or something considered negative, yet you will

recognise the light that you reflect for them within them, resulting in your ability to address the

person or situation unconditionally; without judgement, without punishment, or ridicule. Do you

know what that does? That frees YOU completely, because YOU will not be influenced by their

drama, their negativity and their density will not be able to infiltrate your field because your

Sacred Signature will be vibrating at such a powerful frequency that none of that can penetrate.

Now would you not like to live like that? This is within your grasp, you are already working

towards this. If you were not you would not be receiving this message.

You have been through some of your most intensive challenges as an initiate, now you are ready to

truly understand the next level of what authenticity is all about. Thus beloved ones, in order to

activate this energy fully inside of you I am going to take you through an accelerated and very deep

heart chakra cleansing, which opens the dimensional portals to your Authentic Self, allowing that

Authentic Self to come forward to touch your life in a new way. It is very important that your bear

in mind that your Authentic Self will challenge your comfort zone.

Your Authentic Self is the part of you who knows your truth, the part of you who is motivated by

the sacredness of your Sacred Signature. it is the part of you who knows who you are in essence

and beyond the dynamics of the lower ego. Your Authentic Self is going to reveal to you exactly

what lurks within the depths of self that you have shied away from, the parts of you that you have

closed your eyes to, that you have not wanted to look at, because those parts of you are a part of

your Authentic Self's wounds which you have hidden from.

Some months ago I said to a number of you that your shadow carries some of your greatest

treasures. Every time you were rejected, or an aspect of you was rejected, that aspect of you was

handed over to the shadow self for it was considered dark, unacceptable, wrong, shameful,

whatever you want to call it, however, just about every single one of those aspects shoved into the

arms of the shadow are your greatest strengths; your Authentic Qualities, and in order for you to

become one with your Authentic Self, precious ones, you need to get inside and reclaim those

parts of yourself. 

You need to make friends with yourself again. You need to embrace the feistiness of the four year-old 

who was perhaps told by parent he/she is cheeky and ugly and unlovable, and allow that feisty 

part of you to re-ignite the flame inside of you, which is your passion for life, which will inspire you 

to be and do what you have always been afraid of doing, which is using your fiesty character 

in a positive way to stand-up and stand in your power and WILL THAT NEW WAY I was speaking 

of earlier. Do not back down if the same people tell you are unlovable, that you are ugly and that 

your behaviour is unacceptable. Perhaps it may be different people telling you this, but the “authority” 

these people represent reflect that of your past. If you are coming from a point of truth and power – 

authenticity - and not arrogantly going about doing what you are doing out of revenge then PERSEVERE! 

All the parts of you that were rejected are your greatest strengths, your greatest gifts and in order 

to be completely free you must, absolutely must, befriend them again. There is no other way to pass 

through this particular part of your initiation.

Think of the times you have compromised your truth and backed down in a situation where your

inner child needed you to protect it and stand up for it. Think of the times you did not come

through for yourself. The reason why this happened is because you were afraid of your own power,

the power that your shadow embodies, the power that you were mistakenly led to believe was

unacceptable, bad, ugly, unlovable and did not fit into societies rules and regulations; the parts of

you who rattled the cage of lower “organized” group consciousness. So, now, you are on the

pathway to “rattling cages,” and disrupting every illusion in your wake!

This does not mean you will vindictively, aggressively and with deliberate intention hurt anyone. All

it means is that no longer will you shut your Authentic Self up, or down. No longer will you

“swallow a truth” in order to keep the peace. You will speak your truth, “chaos” will erupt, and

then you will step back and watch everybody else’s Authentic Selves challenge one another to step

out of the comfort zone of their illusionary world of denial. Thus you are giving everybody the

opportunity to step out of negative “organized” group consciousness - to step out of the “flock” so

to speak, and join the Pride of Lions and Lionesses - those who fearlessly Roar their Truth. It is only

the lower ego that attaches itself to fear, the Authentic Self is fearless because it has full

confidence in it’s power and therefore knows exactly what to do, when to do it and how to do it in

whatever situation it finds itself in. Do you get the picture? A delicious one isn’t it?

Let us now begin the heart chakra clearing beloved ones. Take a deep breath in through your nose

exhaling through your mouth relaxing your body and relaxing your mind. With every breath you

inhale feel your body becoming soft, and as you exhale, release all of group consciousness' fears,

all the expectations, all the directives, demands and it’s unrealistic responsibilities. Imagine

yourself in the midst of a liquid gold energy which filters into the pores of your skin, into the cells

of your body, into your DNA, and into the molecules and atoms of everything that you are.

Entertain the image of the “inner you” being the macrocosm of all the exists within authenticity

and the expanded worlds of your truth, moving around inside of you, creating a new frequency

which opens your being to fully accept your Authentic Sacred Signature.

Many people’s heart chakra has shut down to love and bliss and all it feels is pain and suffering

most of the time. This is your reminder that you journey through life can be one of bliss, not only

of suffering or struggling. The journey that lies ahead of you will include a certain amount of

perceived pain, a certain amount of perceived struggle, but all you will be experiencing is the

“pain” and “struggle” of breaking through the membrane of lower “organized” group

consciousness into the world of your Authentic Cognisance, the part of you that is and knows all

truth. Beloved ones, this “pain,” and “suffering” is in fact a mental process, and is not a true

reflection of what exists within the macrocosm of your deepest true self.

Mentally you are undergoing one of the greatest shifts of your incarnation to date. This is the time

where you are changing all the constructs of your mind and transmuting them into new templates

of your truth and integrating the blueprint of your divinity so that this becomes the blueprint of

your reality; the life that you are designed to live as a fully authentic being of light. This is your

journey into the world where you see through the eyes of the God and Goddess - you observe the

game but no longer are you drawn into it’s destructive dynamic. 

The lower ego and your mental programming is going to try and hold onto lower group consciousness 

for dear life because it is what it is accustomed to, so now, I want you to imagine this liquid gold 

filtering into your brain cells. Imagine this liquid gold creating new neural pathways between 

your right and left brain hemispheres, and as these new neural pathways are created so a new language; 

a new communication is created - the communication between your Authentic Self and the conscious

you who is fully ready to let go of lower group consciousness. This is where the empowered,

independent initiate, who stands as an individual within a world, is able to connect with a new

sense of oneness, becoming one with the God-force that exists within you and not one with the

lower group consciousness that exists outside of you.

Now visualise a tube filled with liquid gold energy extending from your base chakra up to your

heart chakra. This golden energy becomes toxic and stagnates when the energy of your God-force

is not moving through you. This infects your chakras, and your ability to experience and feel bliss

disappears and your life becomes a primary experience of pain and suffering.

Place the palm of your right-hand over the area of your base chakra, and the palm of your lefthand

over your heart chakra, and as you take a deep breath in, draw the golden liquid up from

your base into your heart chakra, and as you exhale, push the golden liquid from your heart back

down to your base chakra. Breathe in to the count of four pulling the gold energy up, hold it to the

count of six as the golden energy permeates your heart, and exhale to the count of four as the

golden energy goes back down to your base. Hold to the count of four as the golden energy moves

through your base chakra, and inhale to the count of four pulling it up to your heart. Repeat this 4

more times.

The golden energy flowing between your base and your heart is what activates the profound heart

chakra clearing. You are creating a deeper connection between heaven and earth, between your

physical earth self and your higher self. Some of you may begin to feel pressure in your heart

chakra area as well as in your back, all that this is is the dimensions and layers of your heart chakra

beginning to crack open to receive the golden liquid. Continue to breathe. You may feel your arms

becoming warm and the area of your torso between your base and your heart might also begin to

start feeling warm. Some of you may feel a tingling sensation, others of you a pressure in your

chakras. All of this is a response to the energy.

For those of you who are sexually active, our suggestion to you is to use the same process during

your act of lovemaking with your partner. Advise him or her, if they are open to it, of the same

breathing technique so that both tubes of golden light are active. We suggest that the breathing

technique is done prior to you actually physically merging. The next part of this would be to draw

the golden liquid up from your base chakra to your heart just before you orgasm, and stop the

orgasm before it happens, only on the third peak do you give into the orgasm, at that point

consciously draw the golden liquid up to your heart chakra and visualise this golden liquid

exploding and extending into the heart chakra of your partner and vice versa. This energy will

automatically swirl into your upper chakras and you will feel the depths of a whole new and very

powerful bond taking place between the two of you, one that takes you into the Spiritual Alchemy

of Sacred Sexual Energy. This is just one key to experiencing a different level of co-creation with

another being.

This however, does not have to be practised with a partner. This can be done alone, with yourself

as well, and creates a bond just as powerful with your authentic higher self, which creates a

connection to the Universe that leads you into the Spiritual Realms of Sacred Sexuality, revealing to

you deeper levels of your power as an alchemist. This energy is extremely powerful and may under

no circumstances ever be used to manipulate another person against their will to become a part of

your life. This is a very powerful, very sacred energy.

Continue breathing as the tunnel to the core of the heart chakra begins to open like a sleeping eye.

The liquid gold seeps into the core of that eye, the I of the authentic self, the I in the almighty I AM

presence, and the I that exists within the core of the one.

Continue breathing in a slow comfortable rhythm, one that maintains harmony and peace inside of

you and feel your body relaxing and melting as the warmth of this liquid gold energy filters through

you, energising all the authentic levels of self. The power of this liquid gold begins to melt all the

aspects of self that do not vibrate in unison with your Sacred Signature, and so your journey into

the next level of alchemy has begun.

Feel your connection to self, draw your attention into yourself, into the part of you where the voice

of your Sacred Signature exists; the voice of your authentic self, the voice of the untainted, pure

and innocent golden child, and imagine the echoes of their voices filling you up from the inside.

Imagine the frequencies of their voices penetrating your subconscious, and so it is that the echoes

of their voices will begin to replace the voices of your programming, the voices of negative

“organized” group consciousness, the tortured screams, and tortured bantering of that which is

meaningless to you. This is the time where the “stuck record” of all the old complaining, negativity,

insecurity, suppression and denial is shown an exit door, and the voice of your power returns.

Please acknowledge that this will take some time, however, remind yourself daily that this is a vital

part of your journey to true freedom, something that must be done. This is the time where you

face your wounded self, your rejected self, the shameful guilt-ridden part of you and you embrace

every single one of them and take your gem of power and set that part of yourself free.

Take another deep breathe in. Now, turning the palms of your hands up to face the heavens, allow

yourself to give and receive of whatever energy is now required as your body settles into the

stillness and serenity of it’s authentic light.

A magnificent golden flower now appears over your heart chakra. This flower will remain active

and full of vibrancy for the duration of this heart healing, taking you through all that you are ready

to experience, and it is at this point that this activation comes to it’s completion revealing to you

that you are the authentic seed, the liberator, the catalyst, the doorkeeper and the gate opener of

your life, and nothing shall ever inhibit you from moving forward again.

Take some time to draw your energy and consciousness back into your physical body and know

that as your energy is prepared for the initiations to come, you will automatically initiate

everything that is required to reveal to you the Authentic Journey; the way of the Authentic Self - a

unique journey, unique unto you.

May the light of this golden frequency keep your heart chakra open. May it guide you into the

realms of freedom where you can courageously and fearlessly embrace the rejected parts of

yourself, befriending your shadow and reintegrating the lost aspects of self. I, Kuthumi, will be with

you every step of the way guiding and loving you, may peace always be one with you.

I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom and I greet and bless you in love.


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like to translate this material into your language. This information remains the sole intellectual property of

Michelle Manders at all times. 

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