Ascension/Ascension Healing Resources

Accepting the Beauty of Life

namaste123 2012. 5. 23. 09:24

Life is beautiful Enjoying the Simplicity of Life
Image By ~Brenda-Starr~

Full-size image

Mary Magdalene:

Accepting the Beauty of Life

All Rights Reserved & Copyright Michelle Manders

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 5 May 2010

I am Mary Magdalene and I greet you and welcome you into the divine presence of light,

truth and love.

Your life journey is unfolding in a magnificently, magical way. You have reached a point in

your personal development where you are ready to access the inner realms of the Divine

Spirit of the beauty of life. This is a turning point for you, for it reveals the power that lies

within accepting life and the beauty which exists within it.

This is a vitally important process within the greater process of healing humanity’s collective

consciousness, as well as extending rays of forgiveness, unconditional love, and healing, to

every individual who forms the collective consciousness. 

Because you face tremendous intensity in the form of challenges within your life, and bearing 

witness to the Earth changes around you, it is necessary to find and accept the beautiful 

aspects of life, the aspects which make your life worth living.

Because the world you live in currently faces the intense challenges of change, you are

called upon in your personal capacity to serve the greater whole by accepting the beauty of

life, by choosing to adopt an attitude of gratitude, and by being grateful for the good things

in your life. 

Many times you have been asked to do this, it has been suggested to you,

however, when in the throes of dark challenges it becomes difficult to focus on the positive

aspects of your life, and even more difficult to accept the beauty which lies within life.

The first and most important step in being able to successfully accept the beauty of life is to

accept the beauty of yourself. You are being urged to accept the beauty of life, therefore,

that of yourself too. 

Too often you are swayed by the negative projections of others, which undermine your true 

strength and beauty and keeps you separate from your authentic self, therefore, in order to 

better manage the current dilemma of most being unable to accept beauty, you need to 

understand what beauty is, and how to embrace it in every area of life.

Beauty is not limited to visual aesthetics. 

Beauty is the inner quality of accepting love, surrendering to it, and allowing it to radiate out 

through you. 

The acceptance of and surrender to love creates beautiful rays extending from the inner core 

of Source inherent within you, and touches everything within its reach.

Most of humanity has become lost and disconnected in the modern world, and are focusing

upon, and emphasising the misguided need to be perfect externally. It is vital that one take

care of one’s physical body and external appearance, however, that is not the final

determining factor which defines beauty.

Beauty is truly an inner quality, an essence which cannot be bought; an essence which

cannot be stolen from another, for it is born within and radiates out from within.

Many away from the words beauty, love, acceptance, surrender, heal, transform, let go and

the list continues. The reason for this is because parts of you are uncomfortable with what

the process of accepting those aspects entails. Perhaps as a child you were taught that

vanity was the definition of beauty, and if you are born with the blueprint of an external

beautiful face and body, that may have been projected onto you in even greater quantities.

Many of you were not supported in your ability to see yourself as the beautiful being you

truly are beyond the physical. Your innocence as a beautiful child became distorted by the

projections placed upon you by the external world, which you innocently accepted as truth,

adopted, and made into an identity. 

Most of your identities are in fact false, based on a perception created by an external force, 

be it an individual, group, or different individuals constantly reaffirming one illusionary fact, 

which you believed to be true because it came from so many sources.

This is an opportunity to die to the old way of seeing yourself, and begin dumping the

outdated modes of perception regarding beauty, step into the realm of innocence and

reclaim the aspects of your true beauty which hide in the shadows of your wounded self.

Take a deep breath in and allow your body to relax, your mind to release the thoughts of

your current time, and for this moment in time, surrender and allow the energies streaming

forth to caress the cells of your body, supporting each cell to release the memories of

trauma, and allow magical healing to take place. Open your heart to receive the divine, 

true essence of beauty and imagine it wrapping its magnificent wings of light around you.

Take another deep breath in, exhaling, surrendering to the essence of beauty, its truth, 

and surrendering to your Authentic Self.

Whilst the energies continue to create a grid of protection around you, your personal guides,

healers, protectors and guardians join you in the spirit world creating a magnificent

octahedron of geometric light around you.

This becomes a three-dimensional form holding your body, cocooned within a sacred place of

safety. The geometric patterns of the octahedron create a vibration, which penetrate the

outer dimensions which lead into the greater worlds of transformation and transmutation. 

It serves you by drawing out the outdated perceptions regarding the truth of your beauty. 

It pulls it into its energy field, transforms it and extends the truth back to you. 

The geometric frequencies of the octahedron also extend to your ancestors, opening a 

pathway for each of them to release their own misconceptions regarding the truth of their 

beauty - inner and outer.

The frequencies of true light enter the DNA of your body and amplify the energies of the

authentic essence of your unique beauty, aligning it with the seven chakras of your physical

body, uniting them with the outer universal energies of transformation and transmutation,

activating a profound opportunity for you to die to the old and be reborn within a new world,

the world of the true essence of your beauty.

Take another deep breath in. As you exhale, surrender on an even deeper level to these

energies, reminding yourself you are safe, protected, and all of those who love you, who

care deeply about your well-being, who work with you from the realms invisible to the

human eye, hold you, watch and support you at this magnificent turning point in the tide of

humanity’s consciousness growth and transformation.

Open your heart chakra and allow the rays of infinite unconditional love to radiate from your

heart, and extend it to your ancestral lineage, regardless of whether you know anyone of

your ancestry or not. Know that you are connected to them; therefore what you extend

touches them in a profound and deeply healing and liberating manner. 

Allow your heart to give thanks to your ancestors for everything they experienced, and 

all the efforts they made to live their life in the best way they knew how. Thank them for 

all the definitions of beauty created by their perceptions passed down your lineage, 

which you have lived out in this incarnation. 

Those perceptions (positive and negative) have helped you to come to where you are now. 

And if your true, inner belief of the definition of love is negative, then give thanks for this, 

for now you have completed the cycle of the negative perception and can step into 

the cycle of surrendering to positive perceptions and attitudes regarding beauty, which will 

come about through your participation within the process of your healing and transforming 

the ugliness of life into the beauty of life.

Imagine the Lords and Ladies of the light gathering around you; each of these magnificent

beings holding an exquisite, large double-terminated quartz crystal. Imagine the powerful

light of the essence of beauty radiating forth from the core of these crystals, extending into

the sacred signature and unique make-up of your chakras, creating a magnificent pattern

within the cells of your body. These patterns fit perfectly into the geometric make-up of the

octahedron currently holding you.

Give your body permission to open up cellularly, and release from the cells of your body and,

therefore, from your DNA imprinting, your negative definitions of inner beauty, your

misleading attitudes and beliefs regarding your beauty, internally and externally. 

Allow the rays of unconditional love to absorb these energies, and imagine the voice extended 

by this octahedron calling to the wounded parts of yourself to rise in love, to come into the 

light of a new day and be reborn, to be christened, Christ-ened, by the true light of your authentic


Imagine the powerful heart rays of every person on the planet open to being and receiving

healing, connecting with the rays of your heart. And as you do this, the Lords and Ladies of

the light open and amplify the energies of the quartz crystals they hold, merging these

energies with the collective heart ray of unconditional love you are all creating. 

This forms a magnificent new crystal grid embodying the Beauty of Life Codes, which support 

the full development of these energies on a planetary level. This new crystal grid is being woven 

into the atomic structure of your collective soul, extending it to the higher aspects of your

advanced self, which in turn bonds you on a deeper level with the true conscious power of

your Authentic Self, and the magnificent beauty inherent within you.

Breathe in deeply, extend your energy to the core of Mother Earth’s body and exhale. As you

imagine these energies running through her body, igniting her true inner beauty and

amplifying the energies of beauty within and upon her, extend this love to every creature

inhabiting her body, and imagine how the kingdoms of life respond to this magnificent

vibration of the new crystal grid embodying these almighty, magnificent Codes of the Beauty

of Life. 

Imagine every person on the planet able to see at least one beautiful aspect of themselves, 

and in turn being able to truly recognise a beautiful aspect of their life, and of life as a whole.

Feel the energies of these crystals increasing yet again, amplifying the projection of their

inner light and extending it to your DNA, activating the Crystal Codes of the Beauty of Life

within your genetic structure. This extends a Release Pulse to your ancestors and begins to

untie the knotted, enmeshed aspects of consciousness regarding inner beauty and the

beauty of life, which have been misconstrued, releasing them into the ethers where they are

absorbed by the realms of unconditional love, transmuted, and returned to them in the form

of empowering concepts of the Beauty of Life. Concepts based upon the truth created by

Source and extended to them, and you, from Source.

As your ancestors release these energies, it automatically filters through the Crystalline

Codes, back into your DNA, creating a magnificent symbol of infinity, an infinite continuation

of this powerful energy, releasing you and your ancestors, and those who shall come after

you, of debilitating attachments to the false identities regarding society’s perceptions of what

is beautiful and what is not.

Over and above this, these energies now sweep through the Collective Consciousness Astral

Body and begin to unravel and dismantle the ingrained, enmeshed false energies, concepts,

ideas, attitudes, and beliefs regarding beauty. 

As you breathe in draw in the energy of Golden Consciousness, and as you exhale, release 

this Golden Consciousness breath into the collective body of life, and imagine how the tides 

turn and humanity’s eyes learn to see through the eyes of Mother/Father God, and are able 

to recognise that true beauty lies in the purity of an individual’s heart; the purity being the 

sincerity of their intentions, the light of inner peace, of joy, surrender, acceptance, and 

the wisdom that comes as one grows within love and through the process of redefining oneself, 

re-identifying with the Authentic Self and becoming truly empowered.

Breathe in deeply, exhaling fully, releasing your grip on those concepts of beauty and what

you think is beautiful, and what is not. And ask that a clear, crystal page from the Cosmic

Akashic Records be placed within your heart. This new page will hold the true concepts, true

identities, attitudes and beliefs regarding authentic understanding and integration of true

inner beauty and the beauty of life. 

Continue relaxing your body, surrendering, and allowing the crystalline energies to be absorbed 

on another level as the Ladies and Lords of the light now anchor this new crystal grid into the 

core of Mother Earth’s body. Feel these energies wrap around you, relieving you of the stress 

of constantly trying to be what you are not, the stress of sometimes unconsciously projecting 

the identities of a false belief system and attitude you adopted as a child, which robbed you of 

your innocence as a beautiful one. With all your childhood experiences, and those later on in 

your life, you have been separated from the ability to recognise the truth regarding beauty in life, 

and it has separated you from your ability to see the beauty of life.

Therefore, take a moment now and extend your gratitude to Father/Mother God for all the

beautiful aspects of your life you are currently experiencing, no matter how great or small.

Just give thanks. Extend this gratitude to Mother Earth. Give thanks to Mother Earth for the

beauty she embodies and how that beauty nurtures your soul, revives your spirit and brings

health, peace and balance to your physical body and your mind. Extend this energy to every

fellow human on your planet and give thanks to them for the beauty they embody, and for

the beauty in life they are able to recognise and be grateful for.

Extend your gratitude to yourself and give thanks for your ability to recognise the beautiful

aspects of your life.

Whilst this grid continues to be anchored, recognise and accept three aspects of yourself

which are aspects of true inner beauty. Verbalise these words -“I (and state your name)

accept these three aspects of true inner beauty, which are…. (and state what they are)”.

Now acknowledge three aspects of physical beauty regarding yourself you can comfortably

accept. Focus and say “I (and state your name) accept these three physical attributes of

beauty which I possess (and state what they are)".

The six aspects you have acknowledged and stated are being absorbed into the crystals, and

combine their energies with the crystals’ energy, and are being anchored into the new crystal

grid which contains the Beauty of Life codes. Take a moment now and extend the energies

of all the aspects of your life you accept, recognise and acknowledge as being beautiful into

the crystals. These too are being anchored in the crystal grid. Take another deep breath in,

exhaling fully as the Lords and Ladies of the light secure this crystal grid within the DNA of

your body. These Codes continuously feed energy to your ancestors, keeping them aligned

with the true essence of their beauty, releasing them, and relieving them of their past

response-ability to the falsehoods of beauty, in other words, the man-made definitions of

what is beautiful, acceptable and unacceptable.

We the masters, teachers and guardians of light and love offer you the sacred wisdom which

comes through the process of transformation, which comes about as a result of making the

conscious choice to embrace yourself, and allow yourself to release that which no longer

serves you, to understand that there are parts of you which are misinformed and no longer

aligned with the grids of life you are choosing to become a part of within the new world of

new consciousness. 

So now simply set the intention that your body, mind, heart and spirit are being released 

and relieved, of the burdens of those weighty misconceptions, and in your active surrender 

you are blessed with the inner peace and clarity which comes with surrendering to the 

beautiful process of life, by allowing the beauty of life to support you within your process 

of healing and transformation. 

Know this energy is extended to everyone on your planet who is open to it, and willing, 

in whichever way they choose, to accept these energies and make them one with their 

inner consciousness, and part of their inner motivation and drive to become self-empowered, 

and in doing so, leading by example, showing others how to achieve the same levels of 

healing and liberation.

The energies which have been created at this moment in time will continue to build their

field of power for the next fifty-five days, during which time your energy will remain

contained within this three-dimensional octahedron. 

The energy of the octahedron, and the light coming from the crystals will strengthen 

your inner reserves of energy and expand your inner reservoir and ability to contain 

the beauty of life, absorb the truth regarding your inner beauty, and sincerely extend 

that signature to the world by living your beauty, by acknowledging and being grateful 

for the beautiful aspects of life and growing within them, prospering within that 


Take a deep breath, in exhaling fully once more, gently drawing your consciousness back

into your physical body. Give thanks to all who have been present for bearing witness to this

great shift in energy which is taking place, and give thanks to yourself for choosing this

moment in time and being a part of this energy, and to continue rising in love, for the fall in

love has completed its cycle and no longer plays a role in your process of reforming and

transforming your life. 

Take another deep breath in, exhaling fully, drawing your consciousness deeper into your body, 

making sure you are grounded within your physical body, conscious and connected to your 

physical world, yet still connected to the energies we have created with you this day, 

the energies which you will continue to feed through your attitude of gratitude, and your willingness 

to accept the beauty of life, and your inner beauty.

During this fifty-five day process we encourage you to take a moment every day and reaffirm

the six qualities you have acknowledged, and, if possible, add to your list of

qualities recognised, acknowledged, accepted and lived by.

The more you do this, the more consciously aware you become of the inner qualities of

beauty inside of you, and you will automatically appear more beautiful, simply because the

essence of beauty is radiating through you, from inside of you, and in such cases, the

external form is not what catches the eye of the beholder, it is the inner essence, the light,

the power and exquisite transformative healing qualities which extend from that inner


By practicing this, you are repeating a truth to your subconscious. This will allow for a 

powerful shift to take place within your consciousness. once that is “set in stone,” you

will notice how your ability to view life changes, and instead of harping on negatives, you

automatically become consciously more alert and more aware of the beauty of life.

This energy will help the Collective Consciousness have a more positive attitude toward life

and themselves, which is the essence of our intention and motivation behind the message

we deliver. Take this energy into your being, your heart, your mind, your body and allow it to

radiate through you. Allow yourself to be the beacon of beauty by the light of inner beauty,

extending from you and enhancing the beautiful qualities of your life.

It is through beauty, true beauty, that more beauty is born. Therefore, our blessing to you is

the ability to fully and consciously accept and own the essence of beauty inside of you and in

life, which is always present, no matter how dire a circumstance or how challenging a

situation; it is all a matter of attitude and perception.

It has been an honour for us to deliver our love and light to you. I am Mary Magdalene, and

those who stand with me; we wrap our arms around you, placing the kiss of new life upon

your brow and encouraging you to take the next powerful step in your life, which shall

guarantee the changes you require. Be aware that what you wish for will come, and you will

need to address that which has prevented you from making your wish a reality in the past.

Thus, where you have sought happiness and peace, you will need to address that which

makes you unhappy and causes turmoil. Yet know it shall be short-lived, you will rise above

it, for you have chosen the pathway as an Authentic one, the opportunity to continue rising

in love. This is the essence of ascension.

May you find the peace you seek, the harmony you deserve, and the opportunity to master

living human life, motivated by love and wisdom, rising above the aspects of the fall and

being complete, whole and authentic in human form.

I am Mary Magdalene and my love is with you, au revoir.


· Write down the 3 aspects of yourself which are true aspects of your inner beauty. “I

……………………………………….….(your name) accept these three aspects of true inner

beauty (state what they are) …………………………………”.

· Write down 3 aspects of physical beauty regarding yourself that you can comfortably

acknowledge and accept. “I ……………………………………………(your name) accept

these three physical attributes of beauty which I possess (state what they are)


· Write down a list of at least 14 things that you are grateful for. I am grateful for …..

· Write down additional qualities that you recognise, acknowledge, accept and live by:-

“I …………………………. recognise, acknowledge, accept and live by ……..”

55 Day Process:

Make a commitment to yourself today to engage in a 55 day process.

Each day state Affirmations 1 and 2 out loud.

Each day state out loud what you are grateful for.

Each day state the additional qualities you have recognised, acknowledged, accepted and

live by.

Also place your gratitude list in a prominent place so that you can build an “attitude of

gratitude”. The more you do this, the more consciously aware you become of the inner

qualities of beauty inside of you. The beauty within you shines out. 

By practicing this, you are repeating a truth to your subconscious. This will allow for 

a powerful shift to take place within your consciousness and once that is set in stone, 

you will notice how your ability to view life changes, and instead of harping on the negative, 

you are automatically consciously more alert and aware of the Beauty of Life. 

To Be the Change requires courage, commitment and perseverance. Choose to adopt 

an Attitude of Gratitude.

Be grateful for the Good Things in your Life. Willingly accept the Beauty of Life. Willingly

acknowledge and accept your inner Beauty. Allow yourself to be the Beacon of Beauty. 

Grow the Light of your inner beauty to enhance the beautiful qualities of your life.

It is through beauty, true beauty, that more beauty is born. It is all a matter of attitude and

perception. Michelle Manders © 

All Rights Reserved
