Ascension/Ascension Symptoms·S. Awakenings

More Ascension Symptoms

namaste123 2012. 4. 16. 07:14

More Ascension Symptoms

11 Ascension Experiences

  • 1Experiencing Synchronicity and Manifesting People and Situations who are Teachers and Lessons
    During your journey, one thing you will definitely experience is the manifestation of situations that occur to teach you life lessons or help you overcome major blockages or karma. You will also attract people into your life who are meant to also help you on your path. Some of these relationships and experiences will be enjoyable, and some not so. Polarity thinking makes us see these as positive or negative, but all have their reason and purpose to help you on your ascension journey. Each challenge is an opportunity for growth and healing - do not run away from them, but face them, move into them, experience them, heal them, and move on from them, knowing you have overcome them.
    You may also manifest teachers in other forms, such as finding books, movies or events that confirm things you have been thinking or experiencing, for example. You may also find yourself in the right place at the right time, or have a profound experience in nature.
  • 2Extreme Emotions
    You may experience sudden fluctuations in emotion, such as:
    * Crying without knowing why
    * Temporary and sudden waves of sadness, anger, or even depression, again often without knowing why
    If you experience these feelings, allow them to happen. Allow anything that needs to surface, surface. Open your heart chakra and move into a state of Love.

  • 3Disordered Mind and Left-Brain Confusion
    The structured left-brain often dominates the more creative right-brain. Although the creative mind is important, we are not seeking to make it more dominant - a balance is needed between the two, as the left-brain helps us to process and achieve our creative right-brain imaginings.
    The ascension process may cause left-brain disorder, including issues with logic, problem solving, maths, structure, organisation, analysis, focus, concentration and so on.You may experience an inability to concentrate, or to focus on something such as reading for long periods. Lapses in memory may occur, and you may find yourself placing words, letters or numbers out of sequence when writing or speaking.Balance is key. Allow the right-brain to guide from the heart, but also allow the left-brain to function, in order to support the right-brain's vision.
  • 4Increased Creativity
    Many of us are here to create, and our individual unique gift and creativity that comes from the heart helps us to fulfill our life purpose or mission here on Earth.
    During the ascension process you will experience increased creative bursts, and may receive ideas, images, music, words and other similar information at a high frequency rate. Try to record them all as best you can, as they are messages from Source that will help with your life purpose and the overall planetary rise in consciousness.
  • 5Surges of Power
    If you already work as a healer or energy worker, you will be familiar with heat and the feeling of energy running through you. During the ascension process, power surges may increase dramatically. They can include:
    * Immense increase in the heat that runs through the hands during energy work
    * Sudden inexplicable bouts of feeling cold
    * Sudden, brief bursts of feeling hot all over

  • 6Increased Intuition and Psychic Ability
    If you already have psychic ability, it will most likely increase, or if you have not experienced psychic power before, you may suddenly find yourself tuning in, in some form.
    It could be as simple as thinking or knowing things before they happen, like someone calling as soon as you think of them, or hearing a song on the radio just as you think of it.Or it could be more developed and intense, such as actual clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing), clairsentience (feeling) or claircognizance (knowing), as well as out of body experiences or angelic/spirit communication
  • 7Electrical and Mechanical Malfunctions
    Disturbances in the planet's shifting vibration or your own change in frequency can play havoc with electrical equipment, Sometimes things can also happen to items in order to allow us to experience something, such as a lesson or a message to wait.
    Computers may freeze, items break down, static appear on the radio, or light bulbs flicker or blow.
    If you experience a lot of problems, ask the angels (especially Archangel Michael) to help fix issues or protect your items from interference.

  • 8Vivid and Lucid Dreaming
    You may experience more intense dreams that carry messages for you. They may seem so real that you wake up confused or believing they happened, and they may be spiritual or extremely meaningful. Keep a pen and notebook by the bed so you can write them down for interpretation in the morning, before you forget what they were.
    You may also experience dreams that are real experiences. I often awake from a daytime nap knowing that a significant conversation just took place, but cannot remember the details or who it was with. This means that you have received some spiritual insight or download that will help you on an unconscious level.If you experience vivid dreams that are unpleasant, stay out of fear. Write down what you remember and go back to them when you are in a calm state, to interpret the possible meaning.
  • 9Invisible Forces, Spirit Presences and Entities
    As our vibration rises, we often attract spiritual entities to our increasing light. Usually these entities are of the light, such as guides, angels and benevolent spirit presences, but sometimes they can be more unpleasant entities that feed on fear and have failed to go into the light. You may experience:
    * The sensation of being touched or talked to, or being surrounded by beings at night
    * The sensation of your body or bed vibrating - do not fear this, it is caused by energetic changes that take place after emotional cleansing
    Bless your sleeping area and home to protect it and ask the angels, particularly the archangels Michael and Uriel, to protect you.IMPORTANT! If you ever feel like a spirit presence is unpleasant, or makes you uncomfortable in some way, stay out of fear, as this attracts lower entities all the more. I was not sure I believed in such entities until I experienced one in my home, I actually felt it on the back of my neck and spine and it caused the most horrible creepy sensation. It was quite frightening, but the good news is that such entities are easy to get rid of - simply ask aloud for Archangel Michael to come and take the entity away immediately, into the Light. I had been troubled by this entity for some time and not done anything because I was not sure what I was experiencing was real. However, when it started unsettling my daughter and then finally made that physical contact, I knew it was real, and asking Michael to remove it worked immediately - it has never come back.
  • 10Experiencing Altered States of Consciousness and Time Shifts
    You may experience:
    * Unexplained shifts in time, where time seems to speed up or slow down.
    * Flashes of light, vibrations in the air, deja vu or even seeing the "veil" between worlds physically.
    * Altered states of consciousness during moments of meditation, relaxation or being out in nature, where you feel spiritually blissful and see lights, colours, geometric shapes or the cosmos.

  • 11Deep Sense of Inner Peace
    As you become more self-aware and focused in the present moment, living from a state of Love rather than ego, you will become more peaceful within, finding that you remain calm and loving in stressful situations more easily.
