What is Ascension?

Ascension is the process of a changing in consciousness. Far from being the year in which the world ends, 2012 is thought by many to be the year of great energy shifts, both planetary and on a human consciousness level.
On this page you will learn about what ascension is, how to know if you are ascending, and the concepts involved in the ascension process, such as raising vibration, activating the transpersonal chakras, moving out of fear and ego, and balancing the masculine/feminine, or light/dark, within ourselves.
Ascension is...
Some believe that ascension means being so spiritually pure, that you ascend to Heaven without dying. Others believe that you enter a higher realm of consciousness (known as a 5D reality) and leave Earth to exist on another plane altogether.
Actually, the term ascension is a bit misleading. The true concept of spiritual ascension is more of a descension, because the process of ascension doesn't mean us ascending to Heaven, it is about us bringing Heaven down to Earth, via a change in consciousness that allows Source to enter our reality.
Individually, the ascension process is about changing our own consciousness, from a set of beliefs that creates one reality (our current 3D one) to another (a 5D one). on a planetary level, the ascension process is a collective shift in consciousness across the planet, that creates that new reality.
So in effect, the collective shift in consciousness brought about by individual ascension, creates a new 5th dimensional reality in which we will exist.
The actual process of ascension itself has many facets, but its main concerns are balance, release and love.
What is the Ascension Process?
Ascending to Heaven, or Bringing Heaven to Earth?
Do you think that Ascension means souls leaving Earth without dying, or connecting with Source to bring
more of Heaven to Earth?
Spiritual Awakening during the Ascension Process

The ascension process begins with that spiritual awakening. Even if you have already been on a spiritual path for many years, you will experience an event, situation or realisation that brings your spirituality to a whole new level.
Increased self-awareness, a desire to live in spirit rather than ego, a "dark night of the soul" - all of these are likely experiences when you begin to shift consciousness, raise your vibration and begin the ascension journey.
Soul Ascension
This page explains in summary the key elements of the ascension process. If you want a complete guide to the process, and how to overcome your blockages, fears, ego issues and deal with frustrations when you feel like you are not moving forward, I have a study guide available at the link below.
There is no set blueprint for ascension, and it can be a confusing and even frightening process. This guide provides all you need to know in order to deal with your own personal journey and make real progress. Now is the time - take advantage of the energy of 2012 and start living a more spiritually fulfilling life free from fear!
3D to 5D

Our current 3rd dimensional reality is a state of consciousness where the overall belief is that this is our only life, and that anything we cannot see, touch, taste and so on, does not exist. We see ourselves as separate individual beings.
A 5th dimensional reality is existence in a state of Christ consciousness (also known as Unity consciousness). This is where the belief changes to realising we are all one - we are all connected not only to Source/God, but to each other as well. We move out of a state of Ego and fear, and into one of unconditional self-love and love for all, realising we are not victims or martyrs, but co-creators with the universe; co-manifestors of our own reality.
If you're wondering what happened to 4D, and why we talk about moving straight from 3D to 5D, here is a more physical explanation. According to science, we live in a 3D reality because it has 3 axes - right to left, up and down, front to back. The 4th dimension in this reality is time. So any shift into a dimension outside of the 3D/4D reality (mind/body/emotions/dreams) is referred to as 5D. Living in a 5D reality means being fully aware, fully conscious and fully loving of all, including the self, unconditionally.
The key to moving into 5D revolves around letting go of ego beliefs, fears and desires.
Synchronicity during the Ascension Process

Something that many experience when undergoing a key spiritual journey or the ascension process is synchronicity. This can include:
* Seeing repeated number sequences or digital clock displays, such as 11:11, 22:22, 33:33 and so on. The 1111 phenomenon is the most well-known of these
* Having insights, intuitive thoughts or channelled information confirmed by people, books, events and so on
* Having something new brought to your attention and then seeing/hearing it everywhere
* People or situations coming into your life at the right moment
* Meeting soul mates
Chakra Healing during the Ascension Process

The seven major chakras (base, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow and crown) require balancing and healing in order for us to successfully raise our vibration. The lower chakras (base, sacral and solar plexus) are concerned with security, power, fear and abundance, and these are key issues that we need to overcome during this process.
Once the major chakras have been healed and brought into balance, it is possible to move onto working with the transpersonal chakras, which allow us to open ourselves up to Source, bringing Divine energy down into our bodies and out into the world, re-establishing our temporarily lost connection with the Creator.
Of course, keeping the chakras balanced is an ongoing exercise, but one that becomes easier the further we move into living in a state of Love.
Ego & Self Awareness during the Ascension Process

The hardest part of the entire ascension process is overcoming ego. This is the voice inside us that says...
I am not good enough.
I am better than you.
This isn't real.
You are wasting your time.
Me me me me me.
And so on, and so on.
The concept of self awareness helps us to live in the present moment, Ego keeps us trapped in patterns, where something will trigger our pattern, keeping us from living in love and peace at all times.
When we learn the art of self-awareness, we become aware of these patterns, and can come to observe them, so that we bring ourselves into the present moment, thus breaking the pattern. When we are present, we are not in a pattern. When we are in a state of Love, we are not in a state of Ego.
Learning to live this way takes time, patience, dedication, and a lot of self love. As with chakra work, it is an ongoing process that gets easier with time. The best way to deal with ego is not to try and deny it, but to accept and observe it, rather than being ruled by it. Osho explains this beautifully in the link below.
Links to Further Reading on Ego and Self Awareness
Find the best description of Ego as written by Osho
A wonderful course and book is available on Self Awareness from the Rocamora School. I attended a weekend seminar based on these teachings, and have the workbook Ring Around the Mind - utterly life-changing.
For a complete guide to The Ascension Process, I have a comprehensive and affordable study guide available that covers everything mentioned on this page and more.
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