Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information

The 2012 Enigma (Full Length) by David Wilcock

namaste123 2012. 4. 24. 14:04

Uploaded by  on Jun 24, 2011

"2012 Enigma" was shot and edited in real time at the Conscious Life Expo, and then underwent extensive post-production by David, with help from Larry Seyer and the excellent cartoonist G.T. Bradford, who provided us with a humorous caricature of David for the title sequence.

This 95-minute video features brand new material about the pineal gland, time-space, 2012 and Montauk that we've never presented anywhere else before. We deliberately focused in on the material your letters said you liked the most!

Giving this material such a big splash for a public debut, in a video with this level of production value, insures our protection -- and that's a major reason why we're giving it away for free!