
Your Spiritual Path and Life...

namaste123 2013. 1. 13. 13:00

Your Spiritual Path and Life are an Infinite Number of "Choices" You Have Made, Are Making and Will Make That Will Decide Your Evolutionary Status on Judgment Day!

Dr. Joshua David Stone

My Beloved Readers, in truth if the Spiritual path and life itself on Earth is seen clearly, back to its core, it is a process of making an infinite number of choices! 

It is this infinite number of choices that will determine whether you climb your 22 level of initiation Mt Everest Spiritual mountain, and will determine what you will experience when you leave this world in your personal Bardo and on Judgment Day, which I like to instead call "Spiritual Discernment and Seeing with God's Eyes Day.” 

M a k i n g   C o n s c i o u s   C h o i c e s

Most people in this world do not make choices. They do not choose their thoughts, nor choose what feelings and emotions they are creating! They do not choose their behavior completely. They do not choose how they use their energy and light at all times. They do not choose completely what content of consciousness they allow into their conscious mind and what they allow to remain in their subconscious mind.

To remain in a state of always making "conscious choices" with regards to every nuance of thought, feeling, word, energy and deed, one must first of all learn to own their 100% personal power and self-mastery at all times! They must learn to have involved detachment at all times. For you cannot choose a thing unless you are disidentified from a thing! one must be Spiritually discerning and Spiritually vigilant from within and without 100% of the time. one must not fall back into automatic pilot. one must not lose one's personal power when tired or have a health lesson. one must be a master not a victim, a cause not an effect.

P r a c t i c e   D e n i a l   A n d   A f f i r m a t i o n

One must practice what is called "Denial and affirmation!” A lot of Lightworkers practice affirmation but they do not practice healthy Spiritual denial. Most people think denial is bad. There is healthy denial and negative ego denial. Unhealthy denial is to deny the true God nature of things. Healthy denial is to deny any negative thought, image, feeling, emotion, action, impulse, desire, energy, or word to enter your consciousness from within or without!
Most people live in a chronic state of hypnosis in this world. one is in a state of hypnosis if they have victim consciousness or are run by the emotional body, inner child, desire body, negative ego or subconscious mind. Most people are hyper-suggestible! Even though I have a license in hypnosis, most of my work is not hypnotizing people, it is dehypnotizing people! Everyone is in hypnosis and I am trying to get them out of it.

Every thought from your own subconscious mind you need to make a choice about, whether to let it in your consciousness or push it out! Some confused Lightworkers have this strange theory that they should let the negative thoughts or feelings pass through them. This is just a variation of victim consciousness the negative ego has perpetrated on the individual.  

Other disturbed Lightworkers think they need to love the negative ego mind and so they are not allowed to deny it for they would be unloving! This is another total and complete corruption of the negative ego sabotaging that individual and causing a fall from grace.

L a c k   O f   P e r s o n a l   P o w e r    A n d   S e l f - M a s t e r y

Most Lightworkers on Earth with regards to the Three-Fold Flame, have a focus on love, but are completely lacking in personal power, self-mastery, self-discipline, and causality at a 100% level. Whatever degree or percentage they don't do this, is an indication of being a victim and hence not making choices in their lives.

A lot of disturbed Lightworkers just "flow" and they think this is Spiritual! This is flowing with the subconscious mind, which is a nonreasoning mind and by definition the negative ego becomes their direction.

Most Lightworkers on Earth flow with their feelings and emotions and they think that if it feels this way it must be truth. This is more self-delusion and self-deception. What they don't understand is that feelings come from thinking and you can only trust your feelings and emotions if you have learned to completely deny and reject the negative ego / fear based / separative / dualistic / illusionary / selfish / lower-self / materialistic mind, and replace it with the Spiritual / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / God / Goddess Mind in an integrated and balanced way.

F r e e   C h o i c e

Most Lightworkers do not choose their Spiritual Psychology; they follow what has been programmed into them from past lives and this life by parents, family, friends, and whatever workshops or books they have read. Invariably it is an off-kilter psychology for there are very few Integrated Ascended Masters on Earth who have developed this in themselves. Most are Spiritually or psychically developed and the buck stops there.

We are each sparks or Consciousness Split-offs of God. The unique thing about our creation is God gave us free choice! one cannot utilize free choice unless one remains in 100% personal power and self-mastery at all times. one cannot choose everything unless they are a master and not a victim, a cause rather than an effect. The purpose of life is to be an Integrated Ascended  Master.

Sai Baba has said 70% of the Spiritual path is self-inquiry! What does this mean? This means that 70% of the Spiritual path is just being conscious of the content of consciousness or the thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires, impulses, appetites, five senses, intuitions, channelings, telepathy, imagination, sensations, appetites, inner child communications, subconscious communications, Superconscious communications, Multi-Body System communications, negative ego communications, mental, emotional, energetic, physical body, all relationships and outer world communication on all levels, and then "making choices as to what you allow into your consciousness and what you keep out!" 

A true Integrated Ascended Master chooses everything. A true Integrated Ascended Master never does anything unconsciously. Literally everything they do is a conscious choice. Every choice they make is to realize Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness, and to remain one with God, and to unconditionally love and act like God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Mighty I AM Presence!

C o n s i s t e n c y   A n d   A l i g n m e n t

Now a lot of Lightworkers have awareness, or wisdom and even Spiritual discernment, but they do not practice what they preach or walk their talk! This is because they are not consistent on all levels and not in alignment. This is why some people say "ignorance is bliss." only a Lightworker who does not know how to own their personal power, self-mastery and causality would say such a thing! 

This imbalance is because they either identify with the God part, the Christ part or the Holy Spirit. Most on Earth identify with the Holy Spirit part of the Feminine Face of God, but because they are not balanced or integrated, it becomes a blasphemy of its true nature. Or they identify with the Christ, but don't know how to integrate the God Nature or Holy Spirit Nature! This is the same thing as saying they don't know how to balance their Three-Fold Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power. 

T h e   S e v e n   T y p e s   O f   W i s d o m

Many Spiritual leaders and Lightworkers think they have wisdom, but they don't understand there are seven types of wisdom: Spiritual wisdom, psychological wisdom, psychic wisdom, the wisdom of Active Intelligence, concrete knowledge and wisdom, integrative wisdom, and Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness wisdom! Most Spiritual leaders have some Spiritual wisdom, psychic wisdom, and some concrete wisdom and knowledge. However, most Spiritual leaders and Lightworkers are severely and I mean severely lacking in true psychological or consciousness wisdom and a great many others are lacking in the wisdom of Active Intelligence of the Third Ray! This would be the wisdom to be a Master in the Earthly world, not just the Spiritual world. The wisdom for example of how to run a successful Spiritual business and make money doing it! Most Spiritual leaders and Lightworkers are blind to this understanding of the seven types of wisdom and that is why they fall. Any level of lack of wisdom will result in fragmentation and corruption of the other levels. This is such an important understanding I am going to devote a whole chapter and lesson to explaining this. Most Spiritual leaders and Lightworkers are also unbelievably blind to true integrated and Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis Consciousness wisdom. 

E x a m p l e s   O f    C h o i c e s   W e   M u s t   M a k e   E v e r y   M o m e n t    O f   O u r   L i v e s

So every moment of our lives, if we are a healthy Integrated Ascended Master, Christed Master and Mighty I AM Presence Master, we must choose what we think, feel, emote, speak, act, see (for our thoughts control what we see), attract and magnetize, how we create our physical body and appearance, how we create our outer Earthly life, what we channel, embody and demonstrate! 

Most Spiritual leaders and Lightworkers on Earth do not do this. They think they do, but they do not! For they are not in complete control of their mind, of their feelings and emotions, their energy, their light, their words, their physical body, their actions, their subconscious mind, inner child, desire body, Chakras, Multi-body system, negative ego, their impulses, motives, their personal agendas, needs, preferences, attachments, five senses, appetites, habits, addictions, psychological baggage, father/daughter and mother/son roles, sub-personalities, to name just a few! 

T h e    R o l e   O f   T h e   G o l d e n   B u b b l e   O f   P r o t e c t i o n

On top of this we must keep our Golden Bubble of Protection up against outside energies, and be detached and disidentified, centered and calm, a cause, empowered, in Spiritual discernment, self-mastery, Spiritually vigilant for God and His/Her Kingdom, so we can make choices as to what we allow into our consciousness from other people and the outside world!  

How we progressively process, as Metatron likes to say, our inner and outer energies is 70% of the Spiritual path! Do you think most Spiritual leaders and Lightworkers understand this? Another way of saying this is 70% of the Spiritual path is developing and refining your consciousness and Spiritual psychology. In total humbleness and humility I have been successful and achieved the level of Spiritual leadership I have, because I have understood this! I have built my Spiritual house on a firm foundation and on fertile soil. I have also built my Spiritual house in the proper order. This is another great blind spot of the New Age Movement and world. 

Most build their Spiritual house in the wrong order and this leads to the collapse of most Spiritual leaders' Spiritual house and why the New Age Movement is such a vast wasteland of fallen and self-deceived and corrupted Spiritual leaders! This is such an important understanding, about the order of your foundation to build your 22 floor Spiritual temple and house, that I have dedicated a chapter and lesson to explain this! 

If one does not put protection up and ask for protection as well one will not be able to make choices. For without detachment one cannot have self-mastery. Most people on Earth live in hypnosis and are constantly being hypnotized by other people through the power of suggestion.

Then there are a lot of women on the Spiritual path who mean well but who are like chameleons, taking on the energy of whomever they are around for they are so run by the emotional body, subconscious mind and inner child. 

D o n ’ t   L e t   O t h e r   P e o p l e   A n d   L i f e  P r o g r a m   Y o u
If one reacts instead of responds to what people say, they are victims. If one allows oneself to get defensive, hurt, rejected, or any of the underdog or inferior type of emotions, they are a victim and not making choices. The ideal is to be the computer programmer of your consciousness and reality and not let your inner energies or other people and life program you. I have humbly made it to the 23rd/24th level of initiation because I allowed nothing and I mean nothing from what I call the "Content of my Consciousness" into my conscious mind unless it was of God/dess! 

If it was not I did what Sananda/Jesus did in the Bible; I said, "Get thee behind me Satan!" I immediately then replaced it with the truth. I also did the same thing with everything other people said, or in terms of what life presented to me! I completely denied and rejected it unless it was of God/dess! This is what it means to remain in choice at all times. When one is in choice at all times, one is a cause of their reality at all times. one should at all times choose what they think and choose how they feel. Feelings are a choice. They do not just happen to us. This applies to every level of our being.

We cannot always control what comes into our life but we do have free choice as to the attitude and perspective we take towards it.

When temptation arises, this is a choice. Say to yourself, do I want God or my negative ego? Do I want my Higher Self or lower self? Do I want love or fear? Do I want God realization or hedonism? Do I want the seven vials of wrath or Seven Golden Candlesticks for Chakras? Do I want Adam or the Christ? Do I want Eve or Sister Mary? Do I want oneness or separation? Do I want a Crown of Life or crown of thorns? Do I want the resurrection or the fall?

I t   I s   A l l   J u s t   C h o i c e

My Beloved Readers, it is all just choice! If you make a mistake and choose wrongly, learn the lesson, forgive self and make a new choice! When you learn to choose God, Christ and the Holy Spirit at all times to your highest potential then you will graduate and you will have learned the lessons of free choice you needed to learn. If you want to choose the lower self, self-indulgence, extremism, bad habits, addictions, gluttony, appetites, carnal sexuality, victim consciousness, negative ego, that is fine, for this is your free choice! You will just have to reincarnate for the rest of eternity until you choose rightly as God would have you choose.

Life is very much like that Bill Murray movie, Groundhog Day. He kept repeating the same day over and over and over again, until he finally chose to be in harmony with God. Then he was freed. Each day and each lifetime is our Groundhog Day, and we repeat the same lessons over and over again for eternity until we get it right.

M a k i n g   A   Co n s c i o u s   C h o i c e   A b o u t   O n e ’ s   D i e t   O n    A l l   L e v e l s

Most people do not realize that we each have a Spiritual, mental, emotional, energetic, verbal, behavioral, physical body, Earthly, social and environmental diet. Most people on Earth focus on their physical diet somewhat, but they don't focus on all the other levels of diet! They try to stay physically fit, but they don't practice fitness on all the other levels.  They don't make conscious choices about their diet on other levels. They don't watch their mental diet enough. They don't watch their emotional diet enough. They don't watch their verbal diet and energy diet enough. They don't watch their social diet and action diet enough. They don't watch their Earthly and environmental diet enough. For example, the type of movies and television they watch, the music they listen to, the magazines and books they read! They take in mass consciousness and this has an effect. That is why only a handful out of every life wave of 10 billion Souls makes it out of mass consciousness! This is what the inner and outer Earthly plane I AM University has come to change with the Group Avatar Incarnation of all the Integrated Ascended Masters into the I AM University.

On a Spiritual level Lightworkers have a terrible diet as well but they don't realize it. They read books and go to workshops of corrupted, negative ego run, fragmented, disintegrated, limited lens, teachers, channels and Spiritual scientists who are not Integrated Ascended Masters, but claim they are or think they are! Sananda/Jesus warned us of the false teachers, false prophets, wolves in sheep's clothing, cult leaders, fragmented ones, twilight masters, and modern day Pharisees and Sadducees!

T h e   N u r s e r y   S c h o o l   P l a n e t   E a r t h

Yet, Lightworkers have extremely poor Spiritual discernment and cannot see the corruption, self-deception, and self-delusion that stand before them! A great many of them are even fallen beings, who are claiming to be Masters, but the Lightworkers do not have the eyes to see or ears to hear! The entire world is to a great extent deaf and blind and no one even realizes it except Spirit and the Ascended Masters on the inner plane, who realize our world is run by children who have not evolved beyond the Second or Third Chakra! 

We live on a nursery school Planet that has been quarantined! It is the least evolved Planet in our solar system and in the lower 20% of all planets in our galaxy! Lightworkers live in a fantasy world that this is an evolved Planet! We see the corruption in traditional religion. Most of the Spiritual leaders in the New Age Movement, with no judgment intended, are fallen beings! one cannot see in others what one cannot see in oneself. 

If you are not totally conscious of your own negative ego, subconscious mind, inner child, emotional body, desire body, motives, personal agendas, Spiritual psychology, making choices every second of your life, then you will not be able to see this in others, either. So the blind follow the blind. The deaf follow the deaf, Spiritually speaking. This is because their Third Eyes are not open even though some of them are clairvoyant! 

Clairvoyance has nothing to do with the opening of your Third Eye! What opens your Third Eye is the development and refinement of your consciousness and Spiritual psychology. This is the great blind spot in the New Age Movement and the world. This is why Spiritual leaders in the New Age Movement are falling right and left. This is why their students follow them blindly and take on the blind spots of their blinded teacher. 

They don't have a good Spiritual diet. It is like a regular diet. Most people think they are eating a good physical diet. However, if you discussed this with the body Elemental or checked the food with a pendulum you would be shocked! The same is true Spiritually and psychologically.

I f   Y o u   F i n d    G o l d ,   S t o p   D i g g i n g

My Beloved Readers, when you find Spiritual gold, stop digging! The I AM University in total humbleness and humility by the grace of Spirit and the Ascended Masters are offering you the most advanced Spiritual teachings on this Planet. These are not my words, these are the words of Spirit and the Ascended Masters! That is why they have made the inner plane I AM University a required gate for all six billion Souls on Earth in the sense that all incarnated Souls need to go through the training of becoming Integrated Ascended Masters, regardless of what Spiritual path, religion or ray department they may choose to specialize in or favor above others! If you really want to make progress you will go through the outer Earthly I AM University as well. Otherwise you will do it unconsciously only in your Soul and in your Consciousness Split-offs or bilocated Soul body. The way to really make progress is to do both! 

I want to get back to this point, when you find gold, stop digging! Another way Lightworkers have a terrible diet is even though they are given the highest teachings on the Planet, they then go back to studying the books and workshops of fragmented, disintegrated, limited lens teachers who have no experience or understanding of what it means to be an Integrated Christ, a Mighty I AM Presence, a 22nd degree Master, or Integrated Ascended Master! 

What happens is they get confused because they fill their consciousness with this glut of fragmented, disintegrated teachings and pretty soon they don't know what is true and what is not. My Beloved Friends, when you find gold, stop digging! Stick with that teaching and master it! Why would you study the fragmented, disintegrated, limited lens teachings of a sixth, or seventh degree initiate, when you can humbly study the teachings of the Group Ascended Master Avatar Incarnation that has incarnated in the I AM University through a humble channel and messenger, who has achieved the 23rd and 24th level of initiation!  

My Beloved Readers, there is a lot of "Fool's Gold" out there. If you really want Melchizedek the Universal Logos Gold, Metatronic Gold, Mahatma Gold, Christ Gold, Holy Spirit Gold, Mighty I AM Presence Gold, Superconscious mind God, and Group Avatar Incarnation Gold, then "stop digging!” God/dess has guided you to the mother lode of gold on this Planet. 

This is why the Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy has chosen the I AM University to be its main service vehicle to bring in the new Aquarian Age on Earth.  Don't fill your consciousness with a Spiritual diet of fragmented, disintegrated, limited lens and false teachings from so-called Spiritual leaders who are running personal agendas and motives that are not truly of the Christ, the Mighty I AM Presence and the true Ascended Masters, and who are developed in one or two areas but are totally blind on all other levels. 

You must be more Spiritually discerning if you want to truly become a 22nd level degree Integrated Ascended Master and initiate. So you see my friends, even watching your choices around your Spiritual diet is incredibly important.

I n f i n i t e   N u m b e r   O f   C h o i c e s

My Beloved Readers, every moment of our lives we are making infinite numbers of choices from within and from without. Every choice is a brick that is building either Sodom and Gomorrah / The Tower of Babel / Las Vegas / Babylon, or is building the Temple of the Most High God, the New Jerusalem, the Church and Cathedral of God! Every choice you make every single moment and every adjustment and correction you make will determine what is being built in your Chakras, Aura, body energy fields, your karma, what is written in your Book of Life, what is stored in your causal body, your future life or lack thereof, your resurrection and ascension or lack thereof, your liberation from the Wheel of Rebirth or lack thereof!

I very humbly was the first to make it on earth to the 22nd level of Planetary Christ Realization, or Planetary Mighty I AM Presence Realization or Planetary Integrated Ascended Master Realization, because I humbly have tried to remain conscious in my life and have always tried to the best of my abilities to choose God. one of my mantras has been like Joshua of Old, "As for me and my house, I serve the Lord!” I have wanted God like a drowning man wants air and I have kept this fire for God going for 30 years and one day I was at the top of the Spiritual mountain and I am now climbing my solar Spiritual mountain. 

It is all about choices! I have made millions of mistakes, but I would learn from them and gain the golden nugget of wisdom and I would choose once again. For any choice you make can always be corrected for God/dess holds no grudges. S/He always provides another opportunity to make another choice. The more you choose God/dess every moment of your life, the more this gets programmed into your conscious and subconscious mind and the easier it becomes for you to start developing a habit to want God/dess like a drowning man wants air! Pretty soon nothing else satisfies you. Everything else seems absolutely meaningless but this.

N e v e r   G i v e   U p 

Do not get overwhelmed by the 22nd level Spiritual mountain that is before you to climb. Just take one moment at a time and one day at a time. If you live each holy instant properly and you make good choices each day and make Spiritual progress, without needing to be perfect or hold a false ideal that you are not allowed to make any mistakes, you will in time find yourself with the Crown Of Life, standing at the top of your personal Mt Everest! This is God's and Christ's and the Holy Spirit's promise! Never forget, a saint is a sinner that never gave up! 

M a k e   O n l y   C o n s c i o u s   C h o i c e s

Choose who ye shall serve! As for me and my house, I serve the Lord! I know you do the same! Make everything you do in life a "conscious choice," don't do anything unconsciously! Protect your consciousness and what you allow in it, like it is the Temple of God itself, which is in truth what it is! If you choose every moment of your life for God, for Christ, for the Holy Spirit, for your Mighty I AM Presence, for being an Integrated Ascended Master, then when you leave this world God will say to you, "This is my Son or Daughter with whom I am well pleased!" 

Christ's Promise, is "Be Faithful unto death and I will give thee a Crown of Life!” The Holy Spirit's promise is the baptism and remembering the immortal words of Sananda/Jesus regarding the Holy Spirit, where he told his apostles (and all of you are the Cosmic and Spiritual Hierarchy's apostles): "I will send you the Comforter and He will bring you wisdom and knowledge from the foundations of the world!” 

My Beloved Readers, is it not worth it to give this lifetime and incarnation to making choices only for God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, to receive these blessings! Can anything else in this world hold a candle to this? These words are for those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear! This is the training the inner and outer Earthly plane I AM University has to offer you. It will show you how to make choices only for God your entire life with total consciousness, so you may cross the River Jordan and reach the Promised Land of Milk and Honey.

Make a "choice now in this existential moment" to enroll in the inner and outer Earthly I AM University and to dedicate this life to a higher purpose! "Choose right now to make this the incarnation of all incarnations!" This choice is before you this day! Choose to not listen to the voice of the negative ego, but choose in this moment to listen to the Still, Small Voice Within and listen to its inner guidance. The Integrated Holy Grail and new higher Octave Aquarian Age Wine are being offered to you. Drink of this cup and you will have life and live more abundantly! 

So Let It Be Written! 

So Let It Be Done!

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