Ascension/Spiritual Psychology

Steps to Spiritualize and Heal the Emotions (2)

namaste123 2011. 10. 16. 05:55

Six Steps to and Heal the Emotions (2)

Subconscious Mind Letter

This can be another helpful tool for dealing with your mind and emotions. The idea is to write a letter to your subconscious mind with the understanding that you are the master and captain of the personality. In a firm but loving, or tough love manner, tell the subconscious how things are going to be. In letter form be the computer programmer. The letter is a way of programming that is more fluid than using specifically designed affirmations. I use this method myself, and I find it to be extremely beneficial.

If you want, you can dialogue with your subconscious mind and see what it has to say in response to your firm and loving commands and programming. This can be done in your journal. The subconscious mind will be a great servant, as long as you are in command and you treat the subconscious with love.

The idea is to form a team with you serving the superconscious and the subconscious serving you. All for one and one for all. This, again, is the proper integration of the three minds.


Another helpful tool for resolving emotional conflicts is dialoguing. This is similar to the last method except that you do it with whatever relationship you are having problems. Write a letter to this person, and then in your journal let him respond back to you. Continue this process until your unfinished business is complete. This tool can be extremely helpful.

As previously mentioned, this dialogue method can also be done intra psychically with the inner child, critical and permissive parent, firm and loving parent, Higher Self, physical body, subconscious mind, God, ego, spiritual attitude, and so on. You, the conscious mind, talk in letter form to any one of these parts and then let the sub personality part respond back. Create a dialogue and see what it has to say. Just remember that you are the commander in chief of the personality. I cannot recommend this dialoguing process more highly.

It is also possible to dialogue with any sub personality or thought form within the subconscious mind. Every thought, feeling, impulse, desire, emotion, has life of its own. It is possible to isolate any particular sub personality or complex with which to dialogue.

For example, you can dialogue with the part that wants to stop smoking or the part that wants to travel to Europe. The lists of possible parts are literally infinite. The important thing to realize is that whatever part you work on always has an opposite. The part that wants to smoke cigarettes has a part that doesn't want to smoke cigarettes. The part that wants to go to Europe has a part that doesn't want to go to Europe.

When dialoguing with any specific thought or feeling or sub personality be sure to talk to both sides, so you can get a fully balanced perspective on any given issue you are exploring.

Negative Emotions Log

Another very helpful tool for refining, purifying and spiritualizing your emotional self is to keep a negative emotions log. This is a small pad of paper and pen that you keep with you in your purse or pocket. Any time you have a negative emotion or feeling, just make a little brief note of the feeling and incident. Then later, when you have free time you can go back to your journal and work the six step process to figure out what the faulty belief was that caused you to feel the way you did.

If you don't keep a negative emotions log, you are very likely to forget about a great many of the lessons that occurred during the day. If you really want to learn to refine, purify and spiritualize your emotional body this is the best way to do it.

Carrying this a step further, you can go back through your day and relive each of these experiences the way you would have liked them to happen. Since the brain cannot tell the difference between that which happens in imagination or actuality, this is a way of programming the subconscious with a positive to replace the negative.

Logging In General

The purpose of a log is to bring more consciousness, awareness and discipline into the areas of your life that need it. There are many kinds of logs that you can keep. You can keep an exercise log, where every day you write down the date, how much you exercised, and how you felt about your effort that day.

Another type of log is a meditation log, where you write the date, how long you meditated, and any feelings or insights you gained. Doing this is important because it is easy to forget what you received in this altered state of consciousness, which can be similar to dreaming. You know how easy it is to forget what you dreamed last night.

Another example would be a food log where you write down everything you eat during the day. Having to write it down makes you more aware, which is the reason you are keeping the log. Knowing you are going to have to write it down is good motivation to eat appropriately.

A log can be created for any area of your life in which you are trying to achieve greater mastery and self control. Diagrams "1," "2," "3," "4," and "5" are examples of psychological logs I often give to my clients and have used myself.

On the left hand side of these diagrams is the list of days one to twenty one. on the top heading for each column is a particular psychological attribute that you are trying to log. Below that are the designations "Morning and Evening" or on the last three logs the designation "M/A/N" (Morning, Afternoon, Night).

You score yourself on a percentage basis in terms of how you are doing in manifesting that particular attitude or quality. You can score yourself twice a day or three times a day. I have listed twenty one days because this is how long it takes to cement a new habit into the subconscious mind.

These types of logs keep you very focused and motivated. When trying to do it only in your mind it is too easy to lose concentration, motivation and discipline. To grow spiritually can be compared with keeping track of one's finances. If you tried to keep all your finances, tax records, and banking business in your mind it would be impossible to keep it organized.

The same holds true for our spiritual life. Trying to keep it together without some form of spiritual bookkeeping is impossible and overwhelming. Having a spiritual bookkeeping system for your life is imperative, and logging is one fantastic tool for mastering any given area of your life that needs attention.

Keeping A Journal

I cannot recommend more highly the importance of keeping two journals. The first is a journal for writing in when you get unclear or when you just feel like it. The purpose for writing in your journal is multifaceted. one reason is to empower yourself. Another is to do attitudinal healing in the process of writing.

Since our thoughts create our reality, as we change the way we look at things our feelings change. Attitudinal healing is the process of moving from egotistical thinking to spiritual thinking. Journal writing is also for reprogramming the conscious and subconscious minds. It is for gaining attunement to your Higher Self, for gaining insight and understanding, as well as catharsis.

What you don't want to do is write in your journal and just reinforce the same patterns on paper without movement or change. You must go into your journal writing with the proper attitude of wanting to move toward self mastery, personal power and perfect spiritual attitude and attunement.

The second journal is used to store in one large notebook the various tools, logs, and psychological practices on which you are working. The purpose of this journal is to keep all this material together in an organized fashion. Following are some other very valuable sections you might keep in your journal:

Major Lessons Of The Day

The "Major Lesson of the Day" section of your journal is for use before bed each night or in the morning when you get up. Review your day and write down the main golden nuggets of wisdom you have learned that day. The golden nugget of wisdom might be something you did well or a lesson you Iearned from a negative experience.

Getting into the regular practice of doing this in your journal or in your mind is very important. It will be much more effective, though, if you do it in your journal. The act of writing things down has a much greater impact on the conscious and subconscious minds.

So many people live their lives without learning from their mistakes, so spiritual progress is slowed and the school of hard knocks is perpetuated. You should learn continually from what you have done well and what you did poorly, and then build upon this each day.

No matter how good yesterday was, you want to make the next day better. Enjoy your victories but never be satisfied until your ultimate divine goal is met.

Goals And Priorities

This is an essential section to have in your journal. You are never going to get anywhere on any level if you don't know where you are going. For this section make a list of all your goals on an earthly physical level, a psychological level, and a spiritual level.

List all the things you want to accomplish in this lifetime. List all the psychological qualities you want to develop; list the abilities you want to develop; list your ultimate purpose and goal; list what earthly experiences or things you want to attain.

A helpful mini meditation you might do to help in this process is to imagine that seventy five years have passed and your soul has passed on to the spirit world. Imagine that you are looking back on this lifetime. From this perspective what do you want to see? How do you want to see yourself as living? What do you want to see yourself as achieving? What do you want to have written on your tombstone?

This experience is actually going to happen in your future. You have the opportunity now to create that about which you will feel good in your future. It is very easy to waste and misuse one's time and energy on frivolous things. Are you being about the Father's business? Are you using your time and energy to achieve your God given potentials? If not, you need more focus as to what specifically you want to achieve.

Life Plan And Design

The second step, after getting clear on your goals and priorities, is to set up a life plan and design. This is a tentative map for the next fifty years or however long you think you will be living on this earthly plane. This life plan or life map begins with your ultimate goal of self actualization. From there you break down your goals into a timetable, loosely designating what years you are going to focus on what. Part of this process is prioritizing. What do you want to focus on in the next year? Then in the next five years? Ten years? Fifteen years?

For example, you might write down when you want to get married, have a child, go to Europe, study meditation or healing, get a college degree, go to India, read certain books, take certain classes, perform certain services or contributions. This life design and map is very tentative so you can constantly change it as you see fit. This begins to give your life a grid or focus to keep you on the right path.

It is so easy to be taken off one's path. There are so many temptations and so many different energies pulling on you from many directions that without a psychological and spiritual map, you are very likely to be pulled off course.

to be continued...