Ascension/Ascension Healing Resources


namaste123 2011. 8. 11. 01:00

Maitreya is an Ascended Master - a highly evolved spiritual being - who is in charge of the Office of Christ.  

The Office of Christ consists of many thousands of Ascended Masters (including Jesus, Mohammed, Gautama the Buddha, and Mother Mary).  These Ascended Masters are also known as the White Brotherhood or Brotherhood of Light.

Maitreya was in charge of the Office of Christ when the Christ Energy was channeled through Jesus some 2000 years ago.  

Maitreya now speaks to the human race - via spiritual channels around the world - to convey his message for the coming of the new age.  This site lists the teachings of Maitreya - World Teacher.

These teachings, to the left of this page, will help guide you in your spiritual development, will help you to raise your spiritual vibration, and will help you to ascend with the Earth plane into the new age. 

The following teachings of Maitreya have been channeled by Margaret McElroy.




Around the world much is happening that is causing great concern to many people.  The Photon Belt is responsible for a lot of what is happening.  In fact 90% of what is happening is caused by this phenomenon.  Why is it happening?  It is happening because the world had to change.  Had it not done so, humanity would have destroyed itself with anger, hatred and fear!  

The Photon Belt energy is bringing to the surface all that has been hidden with many things.
  It's energy is creating the problems concerned with big business, and the large companies who have recently fallen and had trouble in the world.  It is changing the face of business, and will continue to do so.  Where there has been greed and avarice, this will be no more, and you will see more companies having problems before the Photon Belt has done its work.  

Along with Chiron the Asteroid-Planet (some call it an Asteroid, some call it a Planet, astronomers call it a comet) the Photon Belt is creating the need to heal themselves in many souls.  It is also creating the need to find themselves and clear away the blocks of the past.  

It is forcing people to really look at themselves.  It is bringing to the surface all the negativity and fear that for years have been buried inside!  It has much more work to do.  In order to do this, it is compacting time.  What is this you may ask?  It is where there are not enough hours in the day to do what you want to do.  It is creating a great deal of stress in people's lives which in the long term is creating healing.  This energy is not destined to leave the Earth plane until 2012. 

When it does, much will be changed on the Earth plane.  Much corruption will have come to light and been removed.  Change will take place in the business community.  More and more people will be self-employed, as companies become exposed and lay off staff.  

What a negative newsletter I can hear you say!  Yes, in a way it is, but as with all things, the bad has to come away before the good can do its work.  

That is what the Photon Belt is doing, clearing away slowly the bad and negative.
  You cannot see it, but like a virus, unfelt, invisible, it is slowly doing its work around the world.  Many people are being exposed and suffering physical symptoms, do not worry about this, it is meant to be to bring long buried emotions and symptoms to the surface.  

When it is done, the Earth plane will be a different place.
  It will still not be perfect.  Perfection takes time, but humanity will no longer be so trusting of the big corporations, and will be more their own Masters, and Masters of their own destiny.  

I was recently asked to comment on the Photon Belt and its effect as it crosses over the Earth plane.  It has certainly done the work it came to do.  For its energy is certainly changing things on the Earth plane.  

For those who are wondering why there are not enough hours in the Earth day, it is because of the compacting of time this energy is creating.  The energy is also changing many things, especially the way things have been done in the past.  New ideas are emerging, new ways of doing things, the old establishment is breaking down and change is taking place.  

There is another Earth years still to go before this energy leaves the Earth plane (in 2012) and moves slowly away.  It will be another thirty Earth years before it is no longer having an effect on humanity (2032). 

All that once was, will be no more, a new energy is emerging, changing life, changing the Earth plane.  Do not be afraid of this energy, embrace it for it is designed to make the changes that are necessary for a more peaceful existence.  

You may not be able to see it yet, but it will eventuate over the years as it continues to do its work.  Accept change as it comes into your life, do not fight, fighting this energy will only make the journey harder.  If you can accept change, accept the shift in consciousness, then you will be a better soul.  

Since I wrote the channeled article on the Photon Belt a few years of Earth time ago, much has happened in the world.  Humanity is finally starting to look at itself and is seeing the wrong it has done the planet.  More and more souls are searching for the spirit within, for some it is as if they are running out of time.  

The energy of the Photon Belt has started working around the Earth plane.  Souls are leaving in huge numbers, and the Earth plane is changing and cleansing itself.  

There has been much doom and gloom and negative predictions about the future of the Earth plane.  I want you to know that all is as it should be.  The spiritual work is progressing.  Do not have any fear about the future of the Earth plane, she has a wonderful future, and hopefully, if you have no fear, you will be a part of it.

The estimated time of arrival of the full energy blast is the date that Nostradamus prophesied as being a special day in the history of the Earth.  
This is the reason why there are so many people working in the new age of healing.

Past life therapy and spiritual counseling can help all those searching to clear their blocks.  It also prepares them to receive this new energy, which will re-energize and help raise their vibration. The genuine light workers in this area have mostly been unaware of who and what they are working with and the reason for it.  

For those who are negative, who will not look toward the light and who want nothing to do with the spiritual within them, then the Photon Belt will create more problems in their lives.  Like attracts like and the Photon Belt is designed to bring the light to the Earth plane, to bring in the new age.  All those attached to the old in any way, all those who do not want to look at the light and change will find themselves becoming more and more negative.  

More and more they will create dis-ease for themselves and bring about their own demise from this Earth plane.  It will be the cleansing of the planet that has been foretold for so long.  Forget being taken away by the space brotherhood and the Earth being cleansed; the space brotherhood IS the Photon Belt and they mean business!  

This special message is not meant to be a prophecy of doom, neither is it a warning. Catastrophes and unexpected happenings have already started around the world, people ARE changing, and so is life.  Blame it on the Photon Belt.  One thing is for sure and that is when it passes over the Earth in the year 2003, the Earth plane will never be the same again.  All of the old fashioned dogma will be gone.  Mankind will be more understanding, loving and creative.  The Earth plane will be renewed and the new age will be upon us; what a wonderful time that will be! Meanwhile, don't complain that there are not enough hours in the day.  

Go and do that workshop on healing that you always wanted to do.  Prepare yourself for change and when it comes go with it.  Most of all learn to be who you really are, because one of the things that the Photon Belt will do will be to create individual people, not sheep.  

Welcome the angel of change into your life, and use the energy to transform your life in every way.  That is the purpose of it being here.  

