Ascension/Spiritual Psychology

How the Negative Ego Sabotages Your Ability

namaste123 2011. 6. 30. 00:00

How the Negative Ego Sabotages Your Ability to Manifest

Dr Joshua David Stone

"Awareness without personal power is total victim consciousness."

This, my Beloved Readers, is another very interesting study of how the negative ego/fear-based/separative thought system can sabotage your ability to manifest success in every aspect of your life, both inwardly and outwardly! I will go through this process step by step, trying to focus on the most important principles first! You have become quite sophisticated in understanding the intricacies of how the negative ego/fear-based thought system operates, so I am not going to take a lot of time to go into great depth on each point since this has been done previously. The reading of this book and my book Soul Psychology will give you all the insight, training, and tools you will ever need to under-stand, undo and reprogram any thought or emotional pattern covered in this chapter or any other chapter. This is why I have written these two books, to give lightworkers the Spiritual and psychological training they should have received in school. Eventually these things will be taught in school from a very early age! Spiritual psychology, Spirituality, physical/earthly mastery will be as equally important in the future as reading, writing and arithmetic! 

Earthly school, as practiced in our world, has become an outer endeavor and focus that is devoid of any Spiritual, psychological or physical/earthly training to become God Realized. It is a training of the personality, not of the Soul or Spirit! These two books have been written to give you, in the comfort of your own home, that training course you missed! It is all quite simple once you understand it. However, it is essential to at least take the course once! I am not the only person teaching this course, however, this version of the course is, I humbly suggest, one of the most comprehensive, easy to understand, most practical and cutting-edge! What is nice about this particular course is that you don't have to go to school or an outer classroom. This is designed as a home self-study course in Spiritual psychology! on this note we will begin your next phase of training on how to avoid the pitfalls and traps of the negative ego in relationship to the laws of manifestation!

The first way the negative ego/fear-based/separative thought system sabotages your ability to manifest is that it has you not own your 100% personal power! My Beloved Readers, be clear about this. You will never be able to manifest anything in your life inwardly or outwardly if you do not own your full personal power! Your personal power puts the force behind everything you do! Awareness without personal power is total victim consciousness. This is why some people lacking in personal power say, "Ignorance is bliss." No one who has personal power would ever say this! Your personal power is what allows you to be assertive in life but not aggressive! Personal power is what allows you to maintain self mastery over your thoughts, feelings, emotions, subconscious mind, negative ego, inner child, desire body, physical body and Earth life! All manifestation begins with the need to own your personal power!

The second way the negative ego thought system sabotages your ability to manifest is it will have you not unconditionally love yourself and not unconditionally love others! Law number two is you will never be able to manifest unless you do both. Power must be tied to love to manifest. If you are not loving, you will be fearful and attacking. That will only create negative karma. Negative karma is not good for manifesting anything but negative things. If you do not love yourself, you will feel undeserving and or unworthy and this will sabotage your ability to manifest!

The third way the negative ego thought system sabotages your ability to manifest is by making you passive, indolent, and procrastinating. As Carl Jung the famous Swiss psychologist said, "Man's greatest sin is his indolence"! Don't put off later what you can do now. He who hesitates is lost! Part of manifestation is owning your power and taking physical action! This is called "Active Intelligence"! It is not enough to just own your personal power and love your-self and others to manifest. You also must take physical action. Many get the opportunities they seek, however they don't take action when the opportunity arises!

The fourth way the negative ego sabotages this process is it has you act without wisdom. It does this often among lightworkers. They are too impulsive, too scattered, and too emotional. They make a phone call but have not thought out what they wanted to say or got their thoughts organized in their mind. They make a process that should take one step into one that takes five steps! They allow the subconscious mind to make them psychologically and mentally not prepared and clear!

The fifth way the negative ego sabotages the manifestation process is it keeps you disorganized. If you are disorganized you are never going to be able to manifest effectively. The hermetic law states, "As within, so without. As above, so below"! If you are disorganized then what you will manifest in your life is disorganization and chaos! Part of wisdom is having the smarts to start your day by getting organized first. Many people run around like chickens with their heads cut off! They are like a mouse on a wheel, putting out a lot of energy but not going anyplace. Get organized first! A clear mind and heart will help to create a clear manifestation.

The sixth way the negative ego mind sabotages manifestation is to cause you to worry! This, my Beloved Readers, is negative affirmation and negative meditation! Your thoughts create your reality. If you think fearful thoughts long enough you might create that which you are thinking! The Universal Mind through Edgar Cayce said, "Why worry when you can pray?" The negative ego sabotages you by making you forget to pray. My Beloved Readers, why make your life hard for yourself, you have the Power of GOD, Christ, the Holy Spirit, your Mighty I Am Presence, your Higher Self, the inner plane Ascended Masters, the Archangels and Angels, the Elohim Councils, and the Christed Extraterrestrials all there to help you with your every need! There is only one problem! They are not allowed to help unless you ask! Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door shall be opened! Life is a co-creation, not a one man or one woman show!

The next way the negative ego sabotages the manifestation process is that it "carries its cross itself, instead of letting GOD and the inner plane Masters help! This is called surrender! After you pray, give your cross to GOD and the Masters. Yes, you will do your part, however, let GOD and the Masters do their part. Let them carry your responsibilities with you! It is a team effort!

The next way the negative ego sabotages the manifestation process is that it makes you attached to what you want instead of making what you want a "prayer preference"! A basic law of the universe is, that which you are attached to you repel! Have only super strong preferences, not attachments, and you will remain happy all the time whether you get what you want or not. Happiness becomes a state of mind, not something outside of self!

The next way the negative ego blocks manifestation is that it makes you forget to use the power of your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the real attracting and magnetizing aspect of your being! It is the real powerhouse of your energy! It is the seat of your feelings and emotions! It is the storehouse of your energies and all your programming! This is why it is essential to do affirmations and visualizations, and give your subconscious mind self-suggestions to program it to manifest what you what! It will attract to you that which you affirm and visualize into it. It will amaze you with its abilities. The negative ego sabotages you by having you to forget to do your affirmations and visualizations. Use the ones I have outlined in this book. Use the ones in my book Soul Psychology. 

Make up your own! Remember that an idle mind is the devil's workshop! Keep your mind affirming and visualizing what you want. Use all five senses! Make it incredibly real! If you keep it up the subconscious mind will amaze you with its ability to manifest. You must just remember one thing, however. The subconscious mind has no reasoning, and is always manifesting every moment of your life. So if you are not affirming positive thoughts and images into it then negative ones are getting in. That is why some negative things are being attracted and magnetized into your life. Do not let the negative ego make you forget to continuing practicing your affirmations, visualization and continual positive self-suggestion!

The next absolutely critical key to manifestation which the negative ego thought system tries to sabotage is the necessity of maintaining your Spiritual/Christ/Buddha thinking and feeling at all times and to never ever think or feel with your negative ego/fear-based/separative mind. This is also called maintaining a positive mental attitude and feeling at all times. This is absolutely crucial, for remember your thoughts create your reality! 

As within so without, as above so below! If you only think and feel with your God/Christ/Buddha mind and feelings then that is the only thing you will manifest. You will manifest things only of GOD! If you think with your negative ego/fear-based/separative mind, then that is what you will manifest! My Beloved Readers, it is essential to remember that every thought and feeling you allow into your mind is an affirmation and visualization! Please realize the profundity of this last statement. Every thought and feeling you allow yourself to think or feel is not only an affirmation and visualization, but once accepted into the conscious mind it imprints itself on the subconscious mind like a tape recorder or computer! It will then attract and magnetize that! As I said, the subconscious is always attracting and magnetizing. It is just a matter of what you allow it to magnetize and attract. So the moment-by-moment thoughts and feelings you allow in your mind and heart are actually the process of doing affirmations and visualizations every moment! You need to own your 100% personal power at all times so you can use it to keep negative thoughts and feelings out of your mind and only allow in and affirm Spiritual/God/Christ/Buddha thoughts and feelings! Deny any thought or feeling not of GOD to enter your mind!

I have given many key ideas here so far in this chapter. However, the four keys to manifestation lie in this statement. GOD and the Masters, my personal power, the power of my subconscious mind and my physical body are an unbeatable team! There is much profundity in this affirmation and you should say it often! It is one of my favorite affirmations I ever created! This is how the Integrated Ascended Master manifests. He or she works the laws on all four levels. They use personal power and Spiritual/Christ/Buddha thinking and feeling on the conscious level, prayer on the Spiritual level, affirmations, visualizations and self-suggestion on the subconscious level, and right physical action on the physical level. The negative ego will try to make you forget one of these levels. If you do, it will sabotage the process. All four levels must be maintained and continued in a structured, self-disciplined and continual manner and if you do this, success will be assured!

The next way the negative ego sabotages manifestation is by having you work your program for a little while and then get distracted by side roads, temptations, Spiritual weariness, lack of self-discipline, lack of Spiritual structure, or giving up. Beloved Readers the only way to manifest is to work your program! This is not a hundred-yard dash and then it is over and you are back to your regular life. This is a lifelong program! Being a Spiritual Master and a master manifestor with the "Midas Touch" is a full time job! 

Life is a marathon, not a sprint! You need to set up a Spiritual regime and structure. It is just like going to the gym three times a week and working out. You don't exercise for three weeks and then stop. You must stay in shape! Well, my Beloved Readers, as the Rocky movie stated, it is time to get back "the eye of the tiger"! It is time to get back to the "old gym"! It is time to get back to the Spiritual gym, the mental gym, the emotional gym and the physical/earthly gym! It is time to pay your rent to GOD on all levels! It is time to get physically fit, mentally fit, emotionally fit and Spiritually fit! You will never become a master manifestor with the "Midas Touch" without having this attitude and demonstration! The negative ego will try and sabotage this. It will say, "I can't, I am too busy with the romantic relationship I am involved in. I am too tired! I have other things to do that are more important. I will do it tomorrow! I will give in this one time! I give up!" Do not listen to the feeble negative ego excuses. You must ask yourself, do you want God Realization and God manifestation in every aspect of your life? If the answer is yes, then work your Spiritual program and do not stop your Spiritual practices! Do them with your partner!

The next way the negative ego sabotages is that it creates doubt, fear, and impatience. I say to you, my Beloved Brothers and Sisters, that one of the keys to manifestion is faith, trust, and patience! You must have faith in GOD, the Masters, and GOD's Laws that I am sharing with you! How could you own your full personal power and positive thinking and feeling, with GOD's and the Master's full love, wisdom and power, with the power of your subconscious mind, and with right action and applying all the insights and suggestions given in this chapter not be successful? We are not dealing here with a whimsical thing. We are dealing with Cosmic and Universal laws. If you apply them they work every time! For this reason have faith, trust and patience in GOD and GOD's Laws! Things work a little slower on this plane than they do on the higher planes when you are not in a physical body!

Another way the negative ego sabotages your manifestation is that it makes you go on automatic pilot, and fall asleep while living your life. The negative ego makes you go unconscious and fall back into self-hypnosis. You must be conscious and aware at all times if you want to be a Spiritual master and master manifestor! The key lesson here is do not lose your "Joyous Spiritual Vigilance" against the negative ego and all its negative thoughts, images, feelings and wrong actions it would try to have you make!

Another way the negative ego blocks manifestation is that it doesn't have you engage the emotional body in the process. Remember what I said about the subconscious mind being the powerhouse of attraction within your relationship to self. This is because it stores all the feelings and emotions. So to engage the subconscious mind you must manifest and do your Spiritual practices with Spiritual passion, enthusiasm, love, joy, happiness, and Spirit! If you are going to take the negative ego's view that this is drudgery and just go through the motions, it is not going to work. As A Course In Miracles says, "True pleasure is serving GOD"! What else are you going to do with your time, indulge your lower-self? The negative ego has this backwards as it has everything backwards. This is not drudgery, this is living life in Praise of GOD! It is making your life a Song of GOD! It is making your life a creation like Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel! I humbly submit to you that I work 100 times harder than the average person, and get about 100 times more done than the average person, however I never ever consider myself working. 

I can't wait to get up in the morning! I can't wait to get out of bed! The more I do my Spiritual practices and work the more energy I have! If GOD gave me a billion dollars I would be doing the exact same thing! Serving GOD is pleasure! Serving the negative ego is work! That is what is draining beyond belief! I love doing GOD's Spiritual practices and work! I look at it, experience it and feel it as bliss, for what was once self-discipline when the negative ego, subconscious mind and emotional body were in control becomes total joy, bliss and "my cup runneth over" once one develops a habit of living as a Spiritual master and master manifestor! 

Practicing being a Spiritual master and master manifestor on all levels will not take away energy, it will give you infinite amounts of love, energy, joy and bliss! It will give you a "peace that passeth understanding"! It will bring you success beyond your wildest dreams and expectations in every aspect of your life! So engage your feelings and emotions in this process, for by engaging the feeling and emotional body this engages the subconscious mind and Spiritually electrifies your whole being, which makes the manifestation infinitely stronger and faster! Look how you feel reading this chapter and entire book. This book does not put you to sleep, for it is integrated and engages Spiritual passion and enthusiasm. There is nothing worse than going to hear a speaker with no Spiritual passion! There is nothing worse than reading a dry boring booking except if you want to use it as a sleeping pill before bed! You also do not want to be a boring person. 

Master your feelings and emotions in service of GOD. Do not let negative ego feelings and emotions manifest within you! However, fully integrate your feeling and emotions and unconditional love, Spiritual passion, and enthusiasm, for this is a key ingredient to God Realization and a key ingredient to being a master Spiritual magnetizer and attractor!

Another way the negative ego sabotages manifestation is by not having you take care of earthly business. To manifest effectively you must get your Spiritual house in order, your psychological house in order, and your earthly house in order. This means taking care of errands, taxes, phone calls, correspondence, e-mail, faxes, and other earthly things that need doing! If you have to hire someone to help you, so be it. However, stay on top of this thing. The pursuit of excellence must be maintained on all three levels: Spiritual, psychological and earthly at all times at a 100% level to the best of your ability. Do not settle for anything less in everything you do!

The next way the negative ego sabotages this process is by not being in integrity and honesty! Remember, everything in the infinite universe is a part of GOD! So if you are not in integrity, or are dishonest or negatively selfish in your business, you are stealing from God, which is yourself! Even if you have no money, maintain your integrity, honesty, egolessness, and selflessness. "What does it profit a man that he gains the whole world but loses his own Soul"!

Another way the negative ego sabotages the manifestation process is that it tells you that you are working for self instead of GOD! This of course is the great illusion of the negative ego, as if a separate self actually existed from GOD! How can this be when all that exists was created by GOD! We all live and move and have our being within GOD; and we all are Gods! So the concept of the word "work" is an illusion. This is a word that was created by the personality and negative ego thought system. 

I never go to work; I go to "Service"! It does not matter what you do. You could clean toilets, or collect garbage! This is a most holy and sanctified service of GOD! The "Material Universe" is a Face of GOD as well! All cleanliness and purification on every level is a Spiritual practice! It does not matter what type of work you do, it is the attitude and perspective you take towards it! See each customer as God, which is who and what they are, and treat them as such! See yourself as God! See the process as Son and Daughter of GOD serving Son and Daughter of GOD in service of GOD! once we become Spiritual masters the main reason for being here is to serve! Taking this attitude makes work not work, but makes work a Spiritual practice which is the joy of serving GOD and the joy of serving your Brothers and Sisters in GOD!

Another way the negative ego sabotages the manifestation process is that it makes you forget to chant the names of GOD inwardly or outwardly in your life! If your mind is always filled with GOD, then your feelings will always be filled with GOD! Then your subconscious mind will only be filled with GOD! Then your actions will only be filled with GOD! Then you will manifest only things of GOD! Let life be a joyous song of love and praise to GOD! In your free time, or if a negative thought, image or feeling tries to get in, push it out, and immediately start chanting the names of GOD! 

You will find these listed in my books The Golden Book of Melchizedek: How To Become An Integrated Christ/Buddha in this lifetime, and in my book The Complete Ascension Manual. There is a larger list in the first book I mentioned! This is a most wonderful practice that many Westerners don't think about. The names of GOD can also be put to music in the forms of devotional songs or bhajans! one of the total keys to manifestation I am sharing here is the importance of keeping the mind and attention steady in the Light! What manifests in life is where you put your attention! Keep your attention only on GOD, only on Love, only on the Light! When temptation or negativity arise, one of the many tools I am presenting here is to inwardly or outwardly chant one of the many names or mantras of GOD, which will keep the mind where it needs to be! For as I said before, an idle mind is the devil's workshop! This bears repeating! Chanting the names of GOD can be an invaluable and joyous Spiritual tool!

The next way the negative ego sabotages the manifestation process is by having you forget who you really are and who your Brothers and Sisters really are. In the business of third dimensional life the negative ego has you slip back into third dimensional or personality level seeing instead of Soul seeing and Spiritual seeing. Spiritual consciousness has you see yourself and others as incarnations of God, Christs, and Buddhas who are one with you, in truth. The negative ego has you see self and others as just physical bodies and personalities who are separate from you! The negative ego viewpoint and perspective is, of course illusion! 

One of the keys to manifestation is to own the fact that you are God and you are serving God, and that you are one with that which you are trying to manifest! Being an incarnation of God, in truth you are and have everything already! You are God! All Creation is, in truth, contained within you! one of the blocks to manifestation is when the negative ego and personality try to manifest and they do so from the consciousness of being separate from Creation instead of being a part of creation! You are one with that which you are manifesting! Your manifestation will be infinitely more powerful if you remember that you are God, your Brothers and Sisters are God, you are one with all Creation, and your Brothers and Sisters who you are serving are one with all Creation! So God is manifesting an aspect of self, to serve God, and GOD!

Another way the negative ego sabotages the manifestation process is, it has many false gods or idols that it puts before GOD! It puts money, material things, success, power, fame, sex, food, sleep, comfort, and relationships before GOD. There is nothing wrong with money, success and material things. However, you must ask yourself what comes first, GOD or these things. What are your true motivations, not just consciously but also subconsciously? Are you really being honest with self? Is GOD really the most important thing in your life? Do you seek GOD above all else! Do you have these things in proper perspective or do you want those things more than GOD! Does not the Bible say, "Seek ye the Kingdom of GOD and all things shall be added unto thee"! one of the keys to manifestation, my Beloved Readers, is to seek only GOD and GOD will be the only thing that manifests back! This is not to say you can't own your personal power, pray, affirm, or visualize to try to make money and increase your business. 

However, the key question you always must ask yourself is, does GOD come first? Have you passed the "Abrahamic Initiation"? Abraham had to place his son on the altar and be willing to kill him upon the Archangel's request! This was because Abraham put his son before GOD! once he was willing to kill his son and put GOD first, the Archangel said you don't have to do that! It is not that GOD will kill that which you put before Him, you will! Your own negative ego attachment and thinking will repel that which you want! So I ask you, my Beloved Readers, have you placed everything and I mean everything on the "Altar of GOD" and do you truly put GOD first? Have you passed your own "Abrahamic Initiation"? 

If you wish to achieve God Realization and become a master manifestor, I humbly suggest you do so! It is just a matter of adjusting, your attitudes and perspectives. Do a Spiritual inventory in your mind's eye or talking to GOD or both, and place everything on "GOD's Altar" and put GOD first! Then you shall "Love the Lord thy GOD with all your heart and soul and mind and might and you shall love your neigh-bor as you love your self!" You shall then also "Seek ye the Kingdom of GOD and all things shall be added unto thee"!

The last way the negative ego sabotages the manifestation process is that it has you read all these things that I have written about in this chapter and book and have gotten excited about, but does not have you "Demonstrate the Presence of God in your moment by moment daily life"! The final ingredient is to not just Spiritually attune, think, feel, and act; but also to fully Demonstrate God and "Integrated Ascension" in your daily moment-by-moment life! This final ingredient completes the puzzle so to speak! This final ingredient now gives you, my Beloved Readers, a "Full Spectrum Prism Consciousness and Understanding" of GOD's Laws of Manifestation and how to prevent the negative ego from sabotaging this process! 

My Beloved Readers, put into practice and demonstration these Spiritual understandings and tools that have been given forth in this chapter and you will achieve Spiritual and earthly success beyond your wildest dreams and expectations. You will do so effortlessly and easily, for it will be GOD who is guiding the process! You now have all the understanding and tools you need to become the master of the Spiritual and earthly processes! Go in peace, create inward and outward abundance, be of service, thank GOD for your success, and be Spiritually vigilant for GOD and His Kingdom!


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