Ascension/Djwhal Khul Articles

"Smile Therapy"

namaste123 2010. 9. 25. 10:00



"Smile Therapy"

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. Were working with a very interesting set of strenuous configurations, particularly the Full Moon with Eclipse. The energies at Eclipse can be very productive. You might see it as a Portal opening or a new door, new opportunity made clear to you, that you can leap through at that particular time. 

Now, naturally, I think humans resist change even though that is the one constant in all of Creation. So what I would suggest you do is invoke your Higher Self as the agent of change, if you will, or the free flow expert, that is going to help you move effortlessly, easily, through this next time period. 

The vibration is one of sometimes doing a complete 180, turning your life completely around. It can be that instantaneous with the configurations that we have and then, of course, on your part, the surrender to the flow, the way it is rather than struggling against or resisting necessary changes. 

Alright. Were going to use a particular light that I think will help, a blue green 9th Ray Joy. The Joy element is one of those Oh! even if you drop the carton of eggs, you can giggle and say Well you know I guess I am all cracked up right now or This must be a symbol that I was juggling too much. And so you can use humor any time something is happening that might otherwise upset you. 

Now thats very appropriate in this time period especially, make light of things. 

So lets take a deep breath [breathe in] and just feel as though every cell in your being is just absorbing this blue green color, like a sponge. Just literally drawing it in from all directions, blue green color soaking into every cell, maybe the entire auric field as well. 

Good. Smile. You can reprogram your cell receptors by smiling, even if you dont feel like smiling. Smile! As big as you can. Hold it at least 3 seconds, 5 is better. And count! Maybe say 1 million, 2 million, 3 million, 4 million, 5 million. Think of prosperity. Think of extreme or exquisite Joy while you smile. It will help tremendously. 

Alright. Thank you and my love to you, 

Djwhal Khul

Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon

Spirituality Article: Transcribed by Micheline Ralet

About Reverend Terri:

Terri Newlon is a world renowned spiritual teacher and conscious voice channel for Ascended
Master Djwhal Khul. Djwhal Khul has worked through numerous channels, including Madam H.P.
Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey, and is well known to spiritual students. His work through Terri
began in 1980 when she studied under Janet McClure and The Tibetan Foundation, Inc., and has
resulted in an extensive online global support system of practical spiritual teachings.
She is also a gifted Health Empath and has trained thousands of mediums and psychics. one of
her specialties is instructing other natural sensitives how to turn on and off their abilities so they
can live well-balanced lives, without neglecting their own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual

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