Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information

The Arcturians: 'SOUL PROCESSING'

namaste123 2010. 6. 19. 02:46

Connecting with the Arcturians


David K. Miller


Imagine that there is a processing place for your soul that puts you back

into the incarnational process on Earth. You know that you have many

different lifetimes in the Earth system. After each lifetime, you must meet

your teachers, and process different aspects of your incarnation before you

are directed to a new incarnation. The Arcturian Stargate serves a similar

function by processing you into different galactic planetary systems. 

The Arcturian Stargate is a sacred responsibility. Any work involving the

soul, such as soul travel or soul processing, is recognized as sacred work.

You may consider the Stargate as soul processing center. When you are

working on this level, you realize the sanctity and holiness of this work.

We want to make you aware of the holiness of the Stargate. Many beings of

the "Elohim" classification are there, among them being Archangel  Metatron.

Because we are dealing with decisions about soul travel and soul processing,

many high beings are always present. 

The Arcturian Stargate has the function of being able to manifest

heaven-like situations, such as meeting Metatron or other high angelic

presences. The star gate will provide education, processing, and development

for personal transformation, as well as the ability to proceed to the

appropriate frequency for your next incarnation. 

The  tremendous amount of  energy generated from the stargate is  needed to

process souls. Thousands, even millions of souls are always in process. We

view this as one of the most important functions of our work. The Stargate

also has the function of introducing newly created souls into their first

planetary systems. You can understand what a wonderful place this is, the

center for processing incoming and outgoing souls for this sector of the


Sananda is controlling or overseeing the group of human beings who will 

come from Earth through the stargate, or shall we say, who are approaching

the stargate from Earth. Other beings, other Arcturians, other Pleiadians,

others from different stars systems that you do not know  are also assisting

in introducing and directing those to the necessary corridors that lead to

the higher realms. It is very important to understand the multitude of

choices that you have before you come to the stargate. There is a major

return chute to the Earth. Sananda is also overseeing that. Human beings

will come up from the Earth, and return to the Earth as fifth dimensional

masters using this chute. Other ascended masters besides Sananda are working

with us and assisting us as well . 

This magnificent stargate is a huge operation, quite capable of

simultaneously processing millions of souls. We have been working closely

with Sananda in preparation for the huge influx of beings that will enter

the Arcturian Stargate during the ascension. We call on the energy of all of

your teachers and guides to be with you and help you come into alignment

with your higher purpose by focusing on your spiritual assignment, and your

evolution to the next level. 


From “Connecting with the Arcturians” by David K. Miller (Page 172 and 175)