Ascension/Spiritual Psychology

Reflections on 'Physical Immortality'

namaste123 2011. 4. 30. 04:44

Reflections on 'Physical Immortality'

by Mystic Life

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"Life is not a prison and 

spirituality need not be an attempt to escape from life."


1. Why I Wrote This
2. Eternal Being
3. Initial Challenges
4. Limitless Reality
5. Immortality Helps Our Quality of Life
6. Benefits of Immortality
7. Gratitude Brings Inner Peace
8. Alignment of Spirit, Mind, and Body
9. An Alternative to Death
10. Living in the Now
11. Resistance to Immortality
12. Intimate Relationships
13. Infinite Sexuality
14. Conscious Self-Programming
15. The Secret to Physical Immortality
16. The Death Penalty
17. Being one and Separate
18. Be Yourself
19. Timeless Children
20. Not Leaving
21. A Sense of Impending Doom
22. A Trusting Relationship with God
23. Forgive to Enhance Life
24. Accept Your Life

1. Why I Wrote This

I wrote  this book. Many books have been channeled from other sources. Many
of these books contradict each other. So how do you know what information is
real? The  only way is to quiet your mind and listen  to the wisdom of your
body. This  is a  challenge as you  will have to  undo many  years of media,
judgments and  illusions. But it can  be done. It must be  done if we are to
experience life with clarity.

I have  often asked myself, "What  is the purpose behind  writing?" Is it to
make money?  Be famous? Help me feel less insecure  about my ideas? There is
an element of truth  behind all of these, though fame is less appealing than
when I was in  my twenties because I appreciate the freedom of my anonymity.

It occurs to me  that one purpose behind writing is to exchange energy. That
which you  write may be a strong representation of who you are at that time
if it is honest.

A common human tendency is to search for someone else’s writing with which
we resonate fully. This seems to stem from  a lingering sense of inadequacy
left over from being a dependent child, a period of life during which we tend
to be drilled with  the message that our parents know us better than we know
ourselves. It  seems that many people wait for their  parents to die to feel
like a  self-determining adult, or perhaps never feel like an adult because
they are not comfortable with that kind of power. If we are not comfortable
with  such power  it is  extremely easy  to give  that power away.  A common
self-devaluing behavior  is to turn our  self-concept over to another person
so that  love feels conditional and we  remain feeling like guilty children.

Much of Reflections on Physical Immortality is inspired by my interpretation
of  A Course in Miracles which I  find to be very  powerful, inspiring, and
challenging. one  of the  most empowering aspects  of ACIM  is its assertion
that  we are  not our  bodies and that  death is  an illusion. As a seeming
paradox,  without  believing our  body  is  our identity,  we can create  a
situation  in  which  our  body can  serve  our  spirit  in  the process  of
communication. There is much  left for us to learn. Thus, there is much that
needs to  be communicated. The goal  of our learning, I  believe, is to find
greater joy in our existence, release our fears, and discover our essence
which is love. 

For more information  on A Course in Miracles you may visit

Our core  identity is more limitless than our  body. However, our bodies are
important during  this manifestation since they enable  us to relate to each
other and mutually evolve towards the goal of healing. If we are mindful and
aware, we need not  unconsciously destroy our bodies. Eventually what we now
call  death  can  simply  be experienced  as  a  form  of gentle,  desirable
transformation that is no longer associated with sadness because our time in
this form  will be  satiated. But before  then, we have much  to learn about
being  alive. We  desire the  complete satiation  of our experience  in this
form, wanting  to know unconditional  love and master the  full abilities of
our being. We have a great deal of positive living, healing, and evolving to
do, and  need not be fixated upon death. Seeing beyond the illusion of fear
and living fully in love is our birthright.

Though none  of the ideas in  this book may be  completely new, they see

m to work together to form a perspective which I would like to share with others.
Therefore  I’ve  decided  to  write  Reflections  on  Physical Immortalit y.

2. Eternal Being

Human beings  can live as long  as they would like  to live. This was always
the  case, but  it  is now  easier than  ever  due to  our higher  levels of
awareness and  potential environmental  support. We are born  with the vague
recollection of this truth and know that settling for a perspective in which
death is  a necessity is not  enough. Nevertheless, the ego  resists, and we
live as if this life was a process of decay.

We resist the idea that we can live forever. The core of this resistance is
guilt.  We believe we should die.  On some  level we  may feel  guilty for
driving a car, or not rinsing out a can that could be recycled. We know on a
mass scale  how the Earth works...what  helps and what hurts  it. Because we
have  this knowledge,  not doing  what we  think we  "should" do  may create
conscious or  semiconscious guilt. We know we could  live without a car, yet
enjoy long  road trips. We may feel we should  recycle but sometimes throw a
can away while in public instead of carrying it around and taking it home to
a recycling bin.

There is  no need  for us to  be guilty. Guilt is self-destructive and does
nothing to help the planet, another, or ourselves. Air quality  in major
cities  is  poor, but  our  bodies are  strong  enough to  endure until  new
automobiles become more widely  utilized. Our landfills can handle the waste
that they  are accumulating. Not everything is perfect but it is okay. 

Our only challenge is to accept that we are safe.

Feeling  safe is  a difficult accomplishment  for many  of us who  have been
raised  by the  mass media.  A constant  barrage of  images of  violence and
despair  has literally  brainwashed the  masses into  seeing the world  as a
terrifying place.  This drama  becomes a form  of addiction so  that a quiet
Sunday  afternoon without  distraction becomes  difficult to enjoy  for many
people. We walk around  with an underlying feeling of impending disaster and
utilize distractions  to escape the overwhelming  horror of impending death.

The human ego has  never fully accepted death yet this generation has a much
more difficult time with  contemplating mortality because we are entering an
era in which death need not exist. For the first time, humans are capable of
creating an  environment in which life  is perpetuated indefinitely. This is
difficult to accept because  death has been so fully accepted as a necessary
outcome of  life. 

Nevertheless, our souls  have experienced enough death and are ready  

for a beautiful manifestation of a  life filled with love. Again, we  sense that  

this  is possible  which makes  what we  see around  us more painful than  

ever to  accept. As we  remember more fully  our potential (by tapping into 

our subconscious  pre-birth memory of limitless manifesting) we will be able 

to behaviorally reflect that which we know. Our behaviors will change easily 

when  we  recognize that  eternal life  is  ours if  we allow ourselves to believe 

it is real. First, let  me mention a possible outcome.

The "Celestine Prophecy" describes  what will eventually  happen... 

the end of the cycle of birth and death. 

We will continue to gain more control over our ability  to  manifest  

as  we choose,  and  become  unbound  by the  current limitations  of the 

physical body in time and space.  We will be able to transport ourselves  

with our  minds, and travel  between dimensions without the  restrictions of  

the current  system of  dying and  being reborn.  As a collective,  our souls 

have  received  enough  lessons in the insanity of violence, death, and 


We will continue to vibrate at higher and higher frequencies until we are able 

to attain the freedom of light. It is important  to visualize the outcome of 

becoming immortal so that we have some idea as to where we are headed.

A question some may have is "What is so great about living?". This comes from
the current malaise that is associated with the current "Great Undoing". 

Our levels of vibration are increasing and we are shaking off behaviors that 

no longer workWe have less tolerance for incompatible jobs and relationships.

We have the desire  to be our true selves and recognize that this particular
cycle is qualitatively different  than any others we  have experienced. Our
evolution is exponentially increasing as we turn from organized religion and
embrace 'individual paths'. This takes an incredible amount of responsibility
that has been avoided in previous generations. 

Our  history has been one of blaming others, resulting in interpersonal chaos, 

wars, and attempted genocide.

We are  now beginning to recognize  that we are all  one, and that we create
our own reality with the power of our thoughts and attention. Though war
continues we are more  sensitive to violence and less tolerant of brutality.

We are tired of hurting each other, and ready to heal on an individual and
global  level.  As we  behaviorally  follow  through on  that  which we  are
remembering we will see around us a world of miracles, allow ourselves to be
guided by synchronicity, and find  that a spiritual path  requires living a
life of  joy.  We will no  longer  let  fear and restriction guide our relationships, 

or work at jobs that are not a full expression of who we are.

We will not allow ourselves to settle, resulting in a world that we will not

want to leave via death. We will want to continue  to explore as we always
have, but it will be through physical and spiritual exploration of the cosmos.  

The Universe is  boundless without, boundless within. We may feel
bored sometimes but that is only because we are not  taking on or taking in
new lessons. The lessons are boundless though infinity confounds the ego.
Yet before the  ego can begin to minimize its role in  one’s path it must be
confused. It  is good to be  confused because this leads  to questioning the
mainstream lessons we have absorbed.

There are many forms  of spiritual expression that glorify death. Our spirit
after death is unbounded  and free; we experience no pain; we are supposedly
more  connected with  God in this  form. Nevertheless,  we are free  here on
Earth, and  pain is only a result of the undoing  of past lessons. Of course
we wanted  these lessons in pain so a future  of freedom could be contrasted
with that which it  is not. In other words, we do not appreciate day without
night, or  warmth without cold. Some  people use this same  logic to justify
the  necessity  of  death.  They  state  that  without death  we  would  not
appreciate  life. Nevertheless,  our  soul knows  death so  well that  we no
longer need  to experience  it to appreciate  or understand life.  There are
greater lessons  ahead. We are tired of continued  lessons in love over fear
and understanding  over ignorance. We are ready to  create a world that will
be founded in love.  It need not feel like tedious work. Simple awareness of
these   concepts  will   lead  to   a  natural   behavioral  implementation.

We will begin to experience love without conditions. To experience this most
healing,  powerful experience  we  will practice  giving it  to  each other.
Jealousy will  be replaced by compersion.  Compersion is finding pleasure in
our  loved ones  loving others. We will stop seeing sexual ownership as a
natural expression  of love,  and in doing so feel less of  a compulsion to
have "affairs."  Affairs are a natural outcome of  the concept that what you
resist, persists. Anything  that we are told is inherently wrong becomes
appealing to the inquisitive souls of this manifestation because  we know
that there  is no objective right  or wrong. Our tendency
 is towards truth.

Our socialization has taught us to misrepresent our sexual feelings and
therefore our love partners do not know who we truly are. We have been more
likely to experience unconditional love with friends than with lovers.
Friends  have been  better able to  accept all  aspects of each other while
lovers have been limited by the fear associated with ownership. Jealousy is
often viewed as an outcome of loving. Yet love and fear are not compatible.

If we are  spending energy on the fear of losing love  we are missing out on
the love  that is  present in the  moment. Unconditional love  is actually a
redundant phrase. There is  no "conditional love" because a condition arises
from fear. Unconditional love  enables physical immortality because the soul
craves limitless  expression of its true  essence. on a core  level we would
rather die  than have to compromise  who we are in  order to receive what is
described as  love. Nevertheless, we have hung on  because of our ability to
sense the  potential of unconditional love.  By giving it to  others we will
experience it.

The ability  to visualize a life without limits  is necessary to manifest it
in one’s  reality. Overcoming  guilt that says we don’t deserve to live is
necessary.  We are  all here to  manifest love.  It  is a  challenging time
because we are cleaning up all of our unfinished business to make way 

for a more beautiful  future. 

We are already vibrating at a higher frequency and find it more  difficult to 

settle for less than love, less than personal congruence. We are becoming 

more aware of 'synchronicity' as a guide. We are becoming  more  aware of  

our innate psychic abilities as a source of understanding others and ourselves. 

We are somewhat like babies with complex tools  they  have  yet  to  understand. 

Nevertheless, the information is available. The great  influx  of spiritual 

 literature contains  threads of wisdom. When you sort  through the hyperbole, 

listen to your body. What fits for  you? You’ll  begin  to see  threads of  

wisdom that  all stem  from the following simple wisdom:

Love is  the answer.  At one point  in our past  our ego chose  fear. We can
choose love again. When we understand this underlying truth, all else begins 

to make sense. Life is ultimately limitless, and although the ego can create 

limitations, we sense that we want nothing less than to be as powerful as God. 

Again, wemay convince ourselves that this is wrong, that this is disrespectful 

to God, but remember this: a true master always wants his or her student to
surpass him or her. This enables evolution. God wants to give us the freedom
to expand the concept of God. If God were to create us to be inherently
incapable of creative abilities, God's experience would be limited. 

God would simply be splitting God’s essence into familiar components. 

The Universe is limitless, as is God. There is no limitation to how powerful 

we may become.

3. Initial Challenges

What  I've found  is that  beginning to  embrace the philosophy of physical
immortality brought  up a lot of  initial challenges. You  may have a
completely  different experience  than  I did.  I'll summarize  some  of my
experiences here.

A  realization that  came up  for me  is that  life is  often somewhat  of a
challenge  whereas  death  is  relatively  easy.  It's almost  as  if  we're
socialized  to spend  all of  our time work-work-working  towards something,
keeping ourselves distracted and exhausted to the point where we can't think
about not being alive.  When contemplating physical immortality it's natural
to also contemplate mortality.  And because there is so much ugliness in the
world it's normal to  question whether or not it's worth sticking around. 

My deeper truth is that we are improving, and that each generation is doing 

better job of  eliminating the hatred of the past

Nevertheless  the contemplation of being around forever seems to bring up 

wondering whether or not we  really want to live here. I've also found that 

it's normal to feel very isolated. Not many people question death. I've  been 

blessed with open-minded friends who hear my ideas without judgment. 

Many people are not so lucky. It's my  hope that this book can be a resource 

for people who feel alone in their  belief that  we can stay  as  long as we'd  like.

Additionally, I’ve discovered that the thought of physical immortality
brings up a lot of relationship issues. It used to be so simple to think of
relationship as something you do with one person for about 40-50 years then
die (hopefully dying together to make things easier emotionally). Now I find
that the  way we handle intimacy is limitless and it opens up all kinds of
possibilities while at the same time nothing structured or predictable. 

believe that we are our own "soulmate," and that how we handle intimacy 

with others is largely a function of our socialization and focus  of energy.

Another phenomenon that has occurred as a result  of  realizing physical
immortality is that my relationship with time is changing. When I’m living
from a place of belief, I don't feel pressured to get all of my life's
accomplishment's out of the way. 

Nevertheless I have had a hard time breaking the habit of 'being busy'  

(which seems to arise  from my socialized belief that my work justifies my existence).

4. Limitless Reality

I have considered that we have the power to do whatever we would like 

to do and  create  a limitless reality.  

Out of this reflection has evolved  a fascination with the idea that physical 

immortality is possible for anyone who is currently alive to achieve.

As far as I  can tell, billions of people have died and none have lived past
123 years. I’ve heard reports of people living hundreds of years, but have
yet to see any substantiating proof. Therefore if I were to use science and
logic (ignoring my intuition and faith) I would have every reason to believe
that I will probably die by approximately that same age. However, I believe
that my body will be with me as long as I choose for it to be, as long as it
serves my purpose.

I have  questioned my sanity. I  have questioned whether or  not I am simply
afraid of  death and  trying to escape  from the overwhelming  ego-threat of
nonphysical  existence. However, it seems as though a series of external
synchronicities and internal realizations  have guided  me towards  the
following belief system:

We are rapidly evolving as a spiritual species. The year 2000 has nothing to
do with this change but the interconnectedness of our species through
technology has a great deal to do with our rapid evolution. We no longer see
people in other parts of the world as strangers we can bomb but as humans
like us from whom we can learn. We can no longer  embrace the idea that our
local church holds all the answers yet be aware of  the existence  of
thousands of other beliefs which  people embrace as strongly as we embrace
our own.  Therefore we must learn about diversity, acceptance, and integration.

We as individuals are like atoms, but when we work together we can form
molecules. Molecules are capable of more complex tasks than single atoms,
and the great challenge of working together is to be who you are while
accepting others as they are.  

This is  challenging because our primitive instinct  is to conquer and consume, 

to manipulate and change others... leftover tendency from our years of fighting 

for physical survival. Yet once these  lingering instincts are  transcended we  

will be able to spiritually evolve not  just as  sage recluses in  hidden caves, 

but as an orchestrated dynamic matrix of spiritual energy.

We all  have both  a challenge and a  gift awaiting us. The challenge is to
transcend ou  tendencies towards aggression and the gift is that of
transcending the limitations of disease and death.

Much attention  has been given to science’s  gifts to longevity, but science
is simply a fractal of our collective belief system. As we learn to think in
terms of possibilities instead  of limitations, science will naturally match
our vision. When we  decided to go to the moon technology was able to follow
the vision. If we decide to overcome the limitations of aging our technology
and  our  biology will follow. Our  cells  divide  and  are  said to  have
limitations  in  terms of  how  many  times they  can  divide before  dying.
However, our  belief system  is so powerful  that we can affect  the way our
bodies  work.  There  are  many  examples of  people  transcending  terminal
illness. It’s simply a matter of belief.

one of the greatest  challenges that comes from changing the way we view our
life span  (from conceptualizing 80  years or so to  trying to conceptualize
eternity) is  to notice how we  have constructed our lives  as a preparation
for  death.  Relationships  and  careers  have  been  structured  from  this
traditional paradigm, and many people are finding great dissatisfaction with
both  of  these realms.  Relationships  that  are seen  as  based in  mutual
ownership carry with them  implicit limitations that are unacceptable to the
immortal soul. If we continue to try to hold on instead  of let go we will
slowly destroy each other  in an attempt for security. Careers that are seen
as an attempt for financial security and preparation for retirement are also
unappealing to the immortal soul. There is a schism created between what the
soul knows  and what  the mind has  been socialized to  believe. This schism
results   in   an  underlying   state   of   anxiety  and   dissatisfaction.

Romantic relationships  need to be reconceptualized.  Until now we have been
taught to see ourselves as incomplete halves of a dyad, and when we find the
other half  we will feel complete. We must learn  to see ourselves as whole,
and not see relationships  as successful or unsuccessful based upon how long
they last but whether  or not they are honest. Without honesty we are giving
each other  and ourselves  false lessons that create  only greater confusion
and insecurity.

Conceptualizing careers  needs to be  changed from the current  idea that we
find  a job  and stay there.  Instead we  may visualize an  endless, flowing
river  that is dynamic  and allows  flexibility. Retirement can  be replaced
with a  system in which we  may take periodic breaks.  Our desire is to stay
productive indefinitely  because of the satisfaction  congruent work brings.
The way  we handle money  will be different in  the future. For now  it is a
struggle for many. Even  though certain philosophies state that we should do
what we love and then the money will follow, many who have taken such a path
find  that there  are  many barriers  to making  money while  following your bliss. 

With  patience and  perseverance people will  be able to  evolve from
simply working  to manifesting their vocational  passions. To create work 

we love we must cut  out distractions, listen within, and clear away all of 

the messages of what we  are supposed to want. In this silent space the truth 

of our paths  will become clear. I  believe that we are  not simply born with 

vision.  There is  security in  this perspective  because then  life becomes
simply a  matter of  finding this treasure  and reaping the  benefits. If we
view existence  as an endless process  of creation then we  have the freedom
and responsibility  of reinventing and refining  our self-concept. Our lives
become a perpetual work in progress.

The one  central value that will help transform  businesses in the future is
that of integrity. Many  people have come to accept that there are dozens of
businesses that claim to be "the best in their  field." In the future these
claims founded in hyperbole will become meaningless and ineffective since
they require that people are incapable of thinking for themselves. This is a
situation that is rapidly changing as we further develop critical thinking skills. 

Many business people have come to accept that subtle lying, misrepresentation, 

and manipulation is simply part of the "game." We will continually better  

grasp the notion that  we are all part  of one organism, and that  by damaging 

another part  for our own supposed  gain is ultimately self-destructive.

Our souls have embarked on quite an adventure in this lifetime. We chose 

to be manifested at the dawn of an incredible transformation. There is evidence
for both beauty and chaos, but it is important to minimize the negative and
maximize the positive. 

We are creating all of this with our 'collective' thoughts.

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