
Michael Sharp: The Book of Light

namaste123 2008. 10. 31. 11:59

The Book of Light:

The Nature of God, the Structure of Consciousness, and the Universe Within You




VirtualLight- Michael Sharp # 2 June 2008

26 min - 4 Jun 2008

This month Janelle is on vacation and Juanita is interviewing Michael SharpMichael is a sociologist, mystic, and world teacher. He has ... - Related videos

Dr. Michael Sharp

1 min 24 sec - 21 Aug 2007

The Book of Life: Ascension and the Divine World Order trailer, narrated and introduced by Dr. Michael Sharp - Related videos


Free eBook ahead of Schedule!

As I say on my main website, it is my intention to eventually make most, if not all, of my books available for free as eBooks. I have already made The Great Awakening and The Book of Light freely available.  It was my plan this year to release The Book of Life: Ascension and the Divine World Order on Dec. 25, 2008. 

Now, with the collapse of The System in its early days, the time seems ripe to release  
The Book of Life: Ascension and the Divine World Order. Written in 2003 , this books accurately predicted the manifestation of current world events of today and beyond 2012. The information in this book is important now and in the future as it provides a higher level spiritual perspective on current global events that is missing (or distorted) in much current discourse. The official date of the release of this book to the world will still be Dec 25, 2008. However as a list member you may now download the book, and share it with your friends and family. Put in on your website, print copies on your printer, email it around, just do not charge a fee for access. 

Michael Sharp,