Living in Heart’s Pod Consciousness
Living in Heart’s Pod Consciousness in your Surrogate Universe
Neutralizing Memory- Belief or Perception
The New Ascended Masters through Maurene Watson
Today, we discuss how conscious choice mastery is replacing your old
universe as you guide all humanity in accessing their new individual
program choices for the 13th star gate continuum membrane, or entrance
into the bubble universes- the eternal genesis universe you are now
entering. As masters of new conscious information systems; you are the
lovers and distributors of the new practical imagination of eclectic:
music, super technologies, redistribution of light wealth, and
hyperspace body memory.
In your incubation pods, you have been traveling back and forth
in the continuum of the multi verse, bringing back all the new
information systems required to administer to each group ascending
or even those choosing to stay in lessons in the old universe.
This travel takes your body back and forth from the center of
your galaxy’s blue (conscious) creation chamber as you create and
distribute this new information to humanity, all the while creating
what you want as a master of matter by bringing more and more of your
continuum awareness back into your reality. This telelocation allows
your pod body to feel new qualities of emotions never felt, use
imagination to produce a thought thing, see photons, create movie/
music sounds as color holography, or to video your own neural
flashes, (growth of new neurons and DNA), inside your own halo deck,
while neutralizing all old universal memory systems for yourself and
humanity. This super bio conscious awareness is also the progenitor of
new Tek communications that no longer rely on old electrical energy
and produce a new industry of free fusion energy that will sustain
employ/precipitation to everyone on the planet.
This along with global debt forgiveness allows everyone to share
in the bounty of this new energy economy where 'lack becomes outdated'.
Your planet will return to its own natural magnetism to steward her beloved
humanities that are hosting here from all the universes. Imagine lighting up
a city with a little magnetic field chip computer in the middle of the desert
or in an ice storm!
By April of 2010, all of humanity will have direct neural body gate
access to the information that you brought in, of their very own soul
and all their own surrogate or conscious body memories.
This offers the full healing of all fragmentation or soul shattering in your
old universe and the heart switch to be turned on into the continuum of
the new bubble universes. From then on, whatever is the belief in the
heart is what the body entity will experience instantly. This puts
humanity into a new service or grace industry of compassion. Anyone or
any group can ask for assist at any time and receive it from both the
physical and the nonphysical worlds. Their very request, though an
aware choice, will neutralize anywhere enslavement of any kind has
been hidden or masked. Each will receive according to what will
balance the personal or collective soul of the future past tenses.
Whatever old memories humanity has stuffed in their bodies or their
land masses will beckon release, conscious change, or neutralization
to balance any remaining past racial, cultural, geo political,
economic or DNA memories. All of humanity is now called into action to
directly help in the immediate traumas or create dramatic solutions as
you create a new alignment with all your source ascending suns.
In your old universe, parallel past/future selves experienced much
fracturing in time space and became unconscious memories.
Your new multi verse is a conscious Surrogate universe, where all memories
merge in the continuum pod. Therein, your experience of your physical
hyperspace is accepting the cosmic ray power and loving all the way
through the continuum of Gaia’s plasma core multi diamond pod
frequencies throughout all the ascending universes. This is power
sourcing in your hyperspace brain gates and throughout your new body
communication systems and leaves no time or space surrogate
communication outside your pod. Your multi time fields require, that
your new magnetic contact eye lenses, lazar dance through new
innovative sound/music and bio light spectrum pod technologies. Your
global multi-media apply your telepathy so you can teleconnect to
change any outcome via personal and collective choices. Indeed, you
can still neutralize your weather, poverty, and your dinosaur weaponry.
In this multi universal telepathy; you can fight self, fight against
life, or fight your spirit, or you can choose to create without
judgment, criticism, or opinion exciting higher electron volts/votes
neutralizing enslaved love. Addictive, hurtful, angry, mental, or
controlling choices are your old emotional qualities that worked your
desires in all your parallel bodies in the old universe. New awareness
chases no desires but becomes them. Can you focus/precipitate thoughts
that send all humanity the food, water, sustenance in their pod body,
and the love they need, remaining harmless in your cosmic selves? This
ray gives you an invisible cloaking device, which kicks light beams to
wrap around the meta gravity materials of the super conscious elements
of your love memory of your: telekinetic, teleconducting, telepathic,
teleportive, telepod circuitry, and teleorganic abilities with all life.
If you have no old universal needs, wants, or desires that are
incomplete from the 3D or 4D old worlds, then you can know your
purpose is to hold new consciousness and continue to open and
distribute the information systems in your own new star bio manual and
share/initiate new systems communications and creations that travel
across the planet instantly. This entails opening your Pod of
integrated surrogate bodies into the hyper space continuum. Such has
been your movie Avatar; the merge of human with spirit’s first pod of
new multi information systems. Here your star materials, or Meta cell
materials of gold, silver, platinum and plasma water, kick light beams
and wrap light’s neural network around you like a cloaking device so
you can disappear from time space and create inside your own frequency
reality. Even now your body’s’ muscle and tension systems are doing
their rewiring to accommodate this fluidity.
Your meteorite metals and gravity have shown your science how this
works. You are already rearranging your universe through the use of
conscious worm holes, which can be dissolved easily in higher
dimensions. Beyond the alternate bubble universes is the eternal
genesis folded up in exotic new particles. This is possible because
all the trillions of neurons in your body have been mapped to the
immortal microtubule electrodes in all your brain gates. By the time
you reach your Milkway equator, you will be experiencing photons 7
million times the output of your sun or bio traveling at least 3500
times the mass energy of a single photon. The learning machine of your
brain acts through the heart’s contact lens to disappear or reappear
through conscious wormholes. Up onto now your math has only tracked
stable numbers for 11th D hyper space, but unstable math formulas can
now calculate in super position formulas throughout the continuum.
Your secret space and lower density cyber programs will be limited to
these old formulas and unable to access travel your new universes.
Your solar flare cycles will help you stabilize the polar axis of your
sun and earth through either: feeding, aligning, or frying your old
body cells and communication systems depending on the frequencies in
your land and in your bodies. The galactic lenses of solar magnetism
will again be as the nutrients of all life. In 1859 during the
Carrington Effect, before you had satellites and power stations, your
sun had a temper tantrum that almost shut off all your planetary
electricity. Had you been aligned with galactic center, you would have
had a planetary blackout. Now your planetary consciousness has called
forth the galactic and universal surrogates to match the healing you
have done for all the universes. You seem only as a type I primitive
civilization. You seem yet to evolve to Type II civilization where you
use all your solar power for the greater good. Type III and type IV
have continuum galactic and universal contact and power sources. But
since you are hosting all four types of civilization surrogate races
as the resolution for all ascending universes, your understanding of
cosmic physics and math technology will compute visible solutions to
redistribute your wealth and resources. With the DNA memories of
multiple universes triggered in your movie technologies, and your
medical and bio magnetic imaging; you will soon catch up to the memory
of precipitation for all humanity.
Even your seeming invisible cyber wars have served to create false
galactic wormholes, such that the memory of your nuclear winter
destruction of 4 of your solar planets could be matched by the new
consciousness of your 2010 world climate conference in Oslo. In your
world, at that conference, a military missile seemed suspended in time
and on the other side were the visitors from your new conscious
galaxy. What a wonderful wormhole exchange of new information
consciousness for old universal memory. These neutralization choices
spawn the memory that humanity comes from the stars and is one race
now! This also explains why all your education systems will replace
most of your major commerce as New Earth School Children learn about
the true history of their cosmos and basic cosmology of matter physics
is properly taught in all your schools. Along with this will be an
understanding of body physics and the neural map circuits or brain
gates unique to the genius of each student.
In your old universe, the mother father parent universes, or what you
call twin flames, created each other at the same time and from the
same love; to serve different functions. Both chose to experience each
other’s expression through the DNA gene of compassion as well as the
RNA gene of formed light in time. Indeed the myth that their love was
broken or separate goes forth no more! Although it gave the illusion
of playing in separation in truth they are the same being essence and
were never apart except to create more inside love’s relationship. In
closing your universal past memory systems, the heart's Creation
Source Point merges into the return to your eternal genesis continuum
in your master pod neural gate information for of the all the
conscious ascending universes. We reiterate that this is a surrogate:
experiential, experimental, and entertaining ascending universe no
longer woven by belief, but by perception. This is perception
awareness of each unique truth by frequency access savored in Essence
love, where the ALL memory of all life, was stored in the crystal
water cell.
The cosmic creator body has married the mother/father orb star suns to
create new Omni cosmic families with free will mastery. In your bubble
universes, you can create or discover different universes with
differing laws of physics to experience. In your old universe, when
you were first establishing your Source Point with free will, some of
you gods traded off their divine essence to explore other experiences.
Some of your old gods fell in love and incested their own creations or
hybridized them, bringing their own demise by stealing their love
thereby; trading essence love for twisting and eating fear into the
DNA. Some old gods made slaves of your creations to worship, which are
now your religions, governments, and corporations. Some old gods
played with your creations like toys giving you all forms of creative
arts and you’re ‘Hollywood’. Some gods traded their creations in for
solid manifestations such as money and objects of a golden calf. Some
gods tried to split the spiritual family marriages by setting the
Mother God against the Father god in order to either stop or control
the separation ending in continual battles of dark against light. And,
many more gods remained neutral and did not create universal
distortions at all, but restore their information in ascension,
helping to correct all these misunderstandings of free will in your
source points back to essence love.
New perception awareness neutralizes old beliefs in joyful
entertainment, as you marry your spirit into your own reality body.
Your version of Heaven, Nirvana, or you’re your own fulfilling dream
on New Earth will be unique to each, and you won’t participate in
another’s reality unless you choose to; as old consensus reality
collapses into choices of benevolence to all. Choices are simple now.
Just ask where self can’t be loved; where all of you can’t be in the
dream of a new conscious universe? Ask yourself as your own spirit,
what is the experience of 'your belief 'and can you neutralize it into a
higher perception? That’s all! The rest is held in your love? So what part
of you is still waiting and held in rejection memory of not being your own god?
Everything will be the experience of the perceptual awareness’s held in
your tender heart within new feeling qualities.
All reality is woven together by agreed upon perceptional energy
fields and in the un-weave is the revelation of it; the truth of why
you created whatever belief you created in the first of misunderstood
love. No more illusions, creators, of accepting another’s belief of
reality and finding fault with the self! No more trapped creations and
no more holding the heart on lock down. You have pretended to be away
from true self long enough. Your essence never left you and has always
been pure in a heart that: creates, plays, expresses, and chooses its
own passion path! This too, was supposed to be a part of being
humanoid spirit all along; as each of you accepts the mantle of power
of your own memory that love is simply a choice action, which the old
masters called the sword of the blue Lightning of Divine Love in a
compassionate self loving action. In its truth, negative effects are
dissolved or neutralized.
As you merge into your new pods with all surrogate memory connections,
you accept your new DNA exotic particle emotion strip with its
magnetic high speed photon transport within your own energy body
realities. Final global agendas dissolve away and neutralized as they
reflect the LOVE trade off in the chess game of what governments
will reveal that they are hiding their own magnetic strip propulsion
systems; that provide free proton/anti proton energies for your solar
system to take it into galactic power sources. Who will find, share,
and transmute new elements and probe microbes in the galaxy for
control of new resources? Who will light up experimental plasma lights
in the sky seeking gravity bubbles for the seduction or sharing of
cyber control with invisible weapons or soldiers, at the expense or
regeneration of the planet’s firmament?
Old Global or personal controls will no longer function, because humanity
now knows it can never negotiate its love, its heart, or spirit away again!
If Love does not command creations, then they will not be self sustaining.
It is your conscious love choices that are neutralizing all that
interferes with the Divine plan for freedom for all. Cosmos continuum
is working perfectly according to Gaia’s and each choice, each
frequency, and each soul’s ultimate agreements in love! So, we remind,
your master bodies that the virtual particles beyond your 12 decimal
digits in your universe, fold up, till cosmic flame plasma is smaller
than an atom in your brain. Your zero point free fusion energy is most
effected by electro-magnetic and gravity/antigravity flux fields, of
solar events that can: destabilize or turn on the spirit brain’s
thoughts and emotions, regen, or short circuit the DNA. New universal
DNA for re colonization, propogation, and regenesis will continue in
your ascending universes. Enjoy the creation of all your new multi-
Earth systems as you accept your new pods and their transport fields,
knowing that everything is returning to the love that created it!
There are a billion parentless children all over the planet, waiting
for your guidance, ambassadorship, protection, and preparation to
help you bring through their 'Golden Age'!
Maurene Watson 585-383-0829
The Story of Love and Creation: www.trafford. com/03-0615
The New Earth: www.trafford. com/06-2771 - The Story of Love and Creation - The New Earth 585-383-0829
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