
"Meditation Healing Chamber" Orin and Daben

namaste123 2010. 3. 14. 12:21

"Meditation Healing Chamber"

Orin and Daben

1. Solar Light

'화살표' 버튼 Click=     "Receiving Solar Light"
Bring Solar light, the light of higher purpose, evolution, and love into your being at every level.   Thaddeus Music:Solar Contact

=>      "Shower of Light"
Take a shower of light to enhance your vitality and aliveness.   Thaddeus Music: Strands of Light

2. Soul Contact

=>      "Soul Contact"

Receive a gift of light and energy from your soul.  Thaddeus Music: Initiation

=>      "Soul Vision"
Work with the Master of Vision to enhance your soul vision and open your third eye. Thaddeus Music: Liberation.

3. Higher Self, Intuition, Mind

=>      "Receiving Guidance and Answers"

Connect with your higher self and soul to receive guidance and answers from within. Thaddeus Music: Silent Majesty

=>      "Clear Creative Mind"
Receive mental illumination and creative ideas from your soul.  Thaddeus Music: Illumination

=>      "Living Your Life Purpose"
Send light to your higher purpose, let it be energized by your soul and the Enlightened ones.  Thaddeus Music: Master of Light

=>      "Clearing Blockages"
Send light to a situation to transform it, release any energy that is not yours, and call back to yourself any energy you have scattered out in the universe.  Thaddeus Music: Temple of Healing Love

4. Emotions, Love

=>      "Radiating Unconditional Love"

Radiate unconditional love to someone and feel the love between you expand.  Thaddeus Music: Sanctuary of Peace  

=>      "Self-Love"
Become your wise, all-knowing Self that can assist you in being more loving to yourself. Thaddeus Music: 
Angels of Healing

=>      "Loving Relationships"
Lift the energy between you and another into your heart center, making a line of light between your heart centers. Thaddeus Music: 
Angels of Love  

=>      "Joy"
Open to receive your soul's note of joy.   Decide to grow through joy rather than through struggle. Thaddeus Music:
River of Love

=>      "Opening to Receive"
Open to receive whatever you want or even better. Thaddeus Music: 
Spiritual Sun Lifting

=>      "Receiving Extra Energy"
Listen to this meditation if you are in a challenging situation and would like extra energy or light to be held around you. Thaddeus Music: 
Guardian Angels

5. Body 

=>      "Relaxation"
Breathe deeply, draw in light, and take a quick relaxation break. Thaddeus Music: Sea of Light

=>      "Feeling Energetic"
Bring a golden light into your solar plexus center to feel more energetic.  Thaddeus Music: 
Solar Light Transmissions

=>      "Cellular Activation"
Connect with your soul and draw Solar light and soul energy into your cells, all the way to your atomic level, to activate more light within you and to accelerate your evolution. Thaddeus Music: 
Cellular Evolution




LuminEssence Productions, P.O. Box 1310, Medford, OR 97501, (541)770-6700, FAX (541)770-6632,

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