Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information


namaste123 2010. 1. 17. 03:22





2010 is going to have a massive effect on our roles as First & Second Waves and Bridges. 

Many of us will move to a new level by emerging as a True one. As we do, 

we will come together in a unified purpose as never before.


The First Wave are those older souls who have been on this planet for a very long time. We came here under the Master Number 11 to Anchor the New. We have lots of Earth experience and have gathered an abundance of wisdom and knowledge.

After the 11:11 Doorway closes at the end of 2011, the ones of the First Wave who are still here will be given the opportunity to choose a new path of destiny. They will have the choice to leave the planet, to remain here to Build the New or to stay here in a more quiet way and serve as wise (wild) Elders.

Until then, some First Waves will choose to leave the planet this year, feeling that their work here is now complete. Others have simply given up and resigned themselves to living out their final years in isolation. They are so tired and beaten down by life that they no longer believe in their Wildest Dreams.

This always makes me a bit sad, for I am one of the First Wave who knows that we are right on the cusp of the fulfillment of our Wildest Dreams. We are the First Waves who are still rowing with our full beings. Even though we have already completed our monumental task of Anchoring the New, we know that this is the time when we are most needed. It is during the Time of Transition when we have many sceptres of wisdom, knowledge, experience and responsibility to pass on. We also know that we aren't meant to leave this planet weary and embittered. When we do leave, we shall make our departure singing a joyous song of love and victory.

During 2010, many First Waves will feel a true sense of relief for the first time. This deep relief comes about due to the unprecedented activation and stepping forward of the Bridges and Second Wave. (THANK YOU!!) The First Wave will finally be able to start dismantling their lifetimes of rigorous training to hold on and keep on, no matter what. They will no longer need to put their own personal lives aside so they can continually serve. Now is the time for their Wildest Dreams to blossom.


There are some who are neither First nor Second Wave. They contain a combination of both Waves and are here to serve as Bridges so that the First and Second Waves can converge. Bridges belong to the Master Number 33 which will be activated this year with one Being in Action.

The Bridges have an important part to play in the changeover to a New Paradigm. Since they understand the experiences of both First and Second Wave, they can serve as intermediaries between them. The First Wave have many important sceptres to pass on. They need to give them to a Bridge person so the Bridge can choose the perfect Second Waves to give them to.

There have been some misunderstandings about this important task. Some Bridges have felt that if they accepted a sceptre of responsibility from a First Wave, that they would have to carry it all by themself. This made them hesitant to step forward, as they knew that the responsibility would crush them. Or they thought that by accepting a sceptre they would be obliged to do things in the old ways. But this is not how it is meant to be.

The Bridges simply take the sceptre from the First Wave, then look for the right Second Waves to carry it with them. None of the sceptres being passed on are meant to be carried by a single person. only the First Waves were equipped and trained to do this. When several people carry a sceptre together, it is easy, fun and full of creativity. This new creativity that springs from our true being is extremely fulfilling. This is the new way and the right way to do this.

Before the Bridges can fully step in, there are a few adjustments that they need to make. These have to do with guilt, adversity and fear. Many of the Bridges carry guilt. Their guilt was picked up by watching the long travails of the First Wave as they struggled to Anchor the New during the darkest of times, without being able to do anything to help them. When the Bridges finally came to this planet, many of them mistakenly felt that they needed to experience the same hardships as the First Wave, so they threw themselves into numerous dense situations where they damaged themselves. Or they felt that they had to catch up with the First Waves by cramming themselves full of outdated spiritual knowledge and practices. Unfortunately, none of this was necessary. All they needed to do was to arrive here fresh, full of LOVE and ready to leap in.

Another element that Bridges need to transform has to do with adversity. They tend to take any criticism too personally and too seriously, rather than discern the unclear or ego-driven motives of the person attacking them. If they are in a room full of one hundred people and ninety-nine people are in full support of them, but one person attacks them, they will allow themselves to be broken down, then run out of the room, vowing never to return. Bridges really need to focus on the love and support that is constantly given to them, rather than allowing criticism to completely disable them. once they do this, they will be able to step forward into their true magnificence.

Often Bridges are riddled with fears and insecurities. They fear failure; they fear that they are not capable enough; and they fear that if they take on any responsibility that it will break them. Even though they are extremely creative, they feel that they need a safety net in place before they can start something new. What they don't yet realize is that there actually is a huge safety net in place for them when they make the leap into becoming True ones, but they just can't see it from their present perspective.

Some Bridges think that they will be able to avoid their fears if they stay hidden on the sidelines, but they cannot. They are needed too much right now to be ignored. Their fears and reluctance to take on responsibility will immediately dissolve as soon as they become True ones. And this is going to happen in 2010....


The Second Wave are newer souls who have had far less lifetimes on the Earth. They came here under the Master Number 22 to Build the New. They have an abundance of fresh energy and new ideas and are ready to create the New World.

Exciting news for the Second Wave.... Your time has come!!!!

During 2010, the Second Wave will experience a massive activation. Your Sealed Orders will be popping open all year long. Your destiny is calling. And there is much for you to do.

You no longer need to be masters of distraction to keep yourselves from being bored. The time of waiting is over. As many sceptres as you can handle are being handed to you. We are all going to work together this year as one Being in Action and it's going to be fun and exciting. We are going to successfully surf the waves of a massive creative surge into the New and True, on the biggest surfboards imaginable, while the world of duality continues to collapse all around us.


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