Ascension/Spiritual Psychology

Rhea Powers, Interwiew for "Tu Mismo"

namaste123 2010. 1. 11. 13:42

I was recently interviewed for an article in the magazine, "Tu Mismo" 

in Spain. Although the books referred to in the interview are published 

in Spanish and only one of them is currently available in English, I thought 

I would make this interview available to those who might be interested.


Rhea Powers


Here are the questions I was asked and my responses:

1) In your books, you speak about our spiritual dimension and our purpose in this planet. Could you explain this view?

We are manifestations of the one. There is much more to who we are than our history in this lifetime. We have an ego or personality, and we have our True Nature. Our ego or personality consists of structures we created in the past in order to survive. Most of us identify with these structures instead of resting in our true identity as Divine energy manifesting in form. You could say we identify with our ego rather than our soul.

Our soul is immortal -- meaning that it is beyond time. Each time our soul incarnates, it does so for a specific purpose. That purpose is usually twofold -- we come to contribute, to give, and we come to learn, to receive. In our past incarnations we developed capacities that allow us each to contribute to the collective consciousness in our own unique way.

The ultimate purpose of all of our incarnations is to discover "the truth of who we are".

2) In your therapeutic work you use the “clearing” method with your patients. Could you explain this method and others you use?

The clearing technique that I and my students use is explained fully in my book: Into the Light. Briefly, it is a process of releasing energies that have attached themselves to someone, for various reasons. These energies can be called lost souls. They once inhabited their own physical bodies and when those bodies died they attached themselves to some else instead of proceeding into the light and continuing their soul's evolution. These attached energies cause difficulty for the host. By releasing these energies and allowing them to move back to the source of all energy both the client and the one that is released are served.

In our goups and trainings we also use past-life regression, meditation, movement, energy work and various types of other processes. Although we teach various techniques, it is never about the technique. Everything we do in our trainings is aimed at shifting the experience of who we are from the ego-self to recognizing ourselves as Being manifested in form.

3) Which is the main issue you see in your daily practice with your patients?

As indicated above, the main issue facing each of us is our identification with our history -- be that in this lifetime or in previous lifetimes. We have forgotten who we are. We think that we are our story, our bodies, our education, our thoughts, our opinions, our attitudes, our gender, our nationality, our race. Although all of these influence our experience of reality they are a small part of our totality.

When there has been truama in our past and/or we have suppressed our emotions, the identification with our story is even stonger. In that case, the history needs to be dealt with in order to free up the energy which holds the identification with the story in place. This is the type of work that generally is done on an individual basis rather than in our groups.

4) Is there any special obstacle as humans you think we are facing?

The most pervasive obstacle that each our us faces is our own Inner Critic or what psychologists call our "Super Ego". This is the voice inside our head that tells us (all day long) what we should and should not think, do, feel, or say.

The purpose of the Super Ego is to maintain the structures of the ego. 

Unfortunately, it is quite effective. Everytime we step outside those structures that keep us limited, the Inner Critic comes in and tries to keep us in the box of our personality. This makes living our True Nature very difficult because it maintains our identification with our history (the personality is 100% based on the past) and keeps us from being in the present which is where we can experience our Being.

My book, Unfolding the Soul, a 90 day program to free yourself from the Inner Critic is available on my webpage: It is a workbook designed to help people recognize the voice of the, Super Ego or Inner Critic and to free themselves from its limiting influence. This allows one to step out of the structures of the ego self and move closer to the experience of our True Nature as spirit manifested in form.

5) You wrote “Earth Changes” many years ago. You talked about earthquakes, flooding … If you would write this book now what you would say?

The changes discussed in Earth Changes are happening now on the planet. Many people are feeling a sense of urgency to "get on with it" (siga adelante), but they do not know how to do that or what it exactly means. Many of those people who orginially came to this planet to bring their light and their wisdom to the shift in consciousness that must happen in order for this planet to survive, are feeling frustrated and overwhelmed at the enormity of the task.

However, each time that any one of us opens to our True Nature, any time we disengage from the structures of our ego/personality, any time that we release our identification with our history and open to our Being, we impact the collective consciousness. When that happens we all wake-up a little bit. The more we wake up to the truth, the more difference we can make. When we discover our capacity to help others wake-up we can have an even greater impact on the shift that is needed in the collective consciousness associated with the Earth.

Each of us can do our part. That is the only thing for which we are responsible. We might start by asking ourselves: 

"How can I live my True Nature in this moment?"

6) How can we recognize that we are connecting with the real self, our True Nature? Some feeling, perception, thinking..? How can we keep that connection?

Making the shift from identifying with our personality to identifying with our True Nature is an on-going spiritual practise. However, we have all had moments when we touch that which is deepest and most true in ourselves. We have had moments when we feel held by the Universe, when we recognize the perfection of reality, when we are content with ourselves and with life. These are moments when we are in touch with our True Nature.

Maintaining the experience of that connection does take practise. That is why various traditions have developed spiritual disciplines such as meditation and mindfulness. The first step to beginning to connect with our True Nature however, is opening to the truth that we are not who we think we are -- that there is much more to us than who we usually take ourselves to be. Then the journey of discovery can begin.

7) How can we reconcile everyday life in cities with the work that you propose and urgency of carrying it out.

It is my experience that this lifetime is about bringing our realization into the world. Most of us who are on a spiritual path of any kind have had previous lifetimes where we lived isolation, whether in a temple, monastery, or in a cave in the Himalayas. In those lifetimes we devoted ourselves exclusively to deepening our relationship with the Divine. This time it is about bringing our awareness into the world in every day life. It is about living our realization. It is about bringing heaven to Earth.

Our challenge is to maintain our awareness in the face of the many distractions of modern life. Daily meditation is a great way to do that. Additionally, each of us can find those activities that return us to our sense of ourselves. For some that might be listening to music, for others a quiet walk, still others might find that a hot bath relaxes them enough to allow them to rest in a level of awareness that expands their sense of who they are.

You can find what works for you by asking yourself: "When am I most in touch with my depth?" Then it is up to you to schedule time when that experience is available to you and to keep that commitment to yourself regardless of the demands of daily life.

8) What is your interpretation on the law of Karma.

Karma is 'self created'. 

After many years as a past-life therapist it is clear to me that we create our own karma out of our innate integrity. Our soul develops through our experiences in form. That is part of why we choose to incarnate on Earth. We have chosen to experience every lifetime we have ever had. However, while we are in the story of the lifetime, we forget that we choose the experience. We make decisions while we are in a body from the level of the personality and our attachment to the stories that we experience. Those decisions create our karma.

This is a long discussion but let me see if I can give you a quick example. Let's say my soul wanted to experience what it would be like to have others be totally loyal to me no matter what. I then incarnate and become a Roman general in the fifth century. In the story of the lifetime, I make a decision that results in the death of my army. The grief (suppressed because Roman generals were not emotional) is so great that I decide that I do not deserve to be a leader, that I should be punished by never being happy, or powerful, or wealthy again. This all happens within the story from the level of the personality. However, the energy of those decisions impacts the soul. In this case, the impact is intensified by the suppressed emotional energy of the general. In future incarnations the impact of those decisions is dramatized by keeping the promise not to lead, to be happy, powerful etc. That is how karma is created. We do it. There is no avenging God, or Universal balancing scale keeping tract of our actions. 

We create our own karma.

9) Do you want to add anything?

We need to be gentle with ourselves. Regardless of where we are in the journey of awakening, there is always more. There is always more to understand, to integrate, and to actualize in our daily life. It is a natural process. Our soul naturally wants to develop and expand. In a way, there is nothing for us to do. And, paradoxically, we need to be willing to be new in each moment, to let go of who we thought we were, what we thought we know and allow our souls to unfold. No matter where we are, we are all always going home.


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