
Awakening the Sacred Dragon

namaste123 2009. 12. 4. 11:48

Awakening the Sacred Dragon

Cosmic Trigger Part 2

Metatron via J Tyberonn

" The fully conscious divine beings of which we now refer abide both in the inner earth, particularly in volcanic regions and others are drawn to magno-crystalline mountains in high elevations. These benevolent beings are not of the elemental electromagnetic kingdom, although they are closely aligned to the earth's electromagnetic and crystalline energies. They are complimentary to, but not of the Angelic Realm. They are Masters of that force termed 'Kundalini' in terms of its application in the planet, and are involved in the resturcturing of the energy lines of the planet, that of the leyline and apltly named dragon line. Earth kundalin! " AAMetatron-Except from Channel

Greetings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light!

And so we speak again of the transformational energies on the Earth. The recent initial stage of the Cosmic Trigger brought the highest level, the greatest release of coded magnetic energies experienced on the Earth since the breakup of the Firmament. This initial surge peaked between March 20th and April 10th.


