Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information


namaste123 2009. 12. 1. 07:21


Namaste, Inc., P. O. Box 22174, Oklahoma City, OK, 73123 – 405-773-5210



Everything I write is my opinion and should be tested

 through your own discernment.


49 Rays Cards


Shelagh has now completed the beautiful decks of the 49 Ray cards.  The card decks are available from Namaste 

for $44 a deck plus $6.00 mailing.  They will make excellent and inspirational Christmas presents.


Claiming and Transmuting Energy


         As Emissaries of Light, we ALL have the authority and responsibility to claim the energy generated 

by any gathering, such as a football game, basketball game, hockey game, wrestling match, boxing match, 

concert, church program, any gathering of people, whether we are physically present or watching the event 

on television.  Our responsibility is to claim the energy generated at the gathering and to mentally (with intention) 

take the energy off the planet, then to call forth the Violet Flame of Transmutation to transmute the energy 

into pure consciousness of peace and divine inspiration and then, with intention, we rain the energy back 

down onto Humanity to increase spiritual awakening and to cause positive progress in the evolution of Earth

 and all life on the Earth.




            In recent months, Spirit has suggested that it is advantageous for us to pay more attention to the phases 

of the Moon.  For years, I’ve been aware that many people feel particularly vulnerable and emotional during 

the full Moons.  I’ve heard from law enforcement that crime rates escalate around the full Moon.  The Moon 

does affect our emotional bodies.  Other times that the Spirit is suggesting that need to be noted and celebrated 

by us, through group meditations, are the Solstices and the Equinoxes.  I will list the dates and times for the 

remainder of 2009 and for 2010 in Central Time Zone and you can figure it from there in your time zone.  

If you wish to check this out on the web, Judi located this information at


            The next solstice to be celebrated is the upcoming Winter Solstice, December 21, 2009 at 11:47 a.m.  

It has been suggested by Spirit that we encourage the focus of as many people as we can contact between now 

and then to meditate on that day at whatever time is convenient.  It need not be at 11:47 a.m. to be effective.  

I ask that you email or reproduce this information and give it to as many people as you can between now and 

December 21st who you think would be interested in joining us to meditate for World Peace and acceptance 

of diversity.  The following meditation is just a suggestion for those who do not have their own format.




Spirit is suggesting the following meditation format.  It is best to have someone lead by reading aloud the meditation:


            “I seal this area on the north, south, east and west.  I seal the ceiling and the floor against any negative 

influence or entities.  I invite the participation of the members of the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Intergalactic 

Federation and the Angelic realm.   I give permission for their divine intervention to influence World Peace immediately.  

Taking a deep breath and, as you exhale, intention sending beams of energy from the soles of your feet to connect 

yourself to the energy of the Great Central Sun at the core of the Earth.  Taking another deep breath, and, as you 

exhale, open your heart in love and gratitude to the Earth, to the Elementals of Earth, Fire, Water and Air and to 

the Devas who create the plants, animals and minerals for our food.   Mentally offer gratitude for your own physical body, 

which is made from the elements of Earth.  Deliberately send a beam of energy from your heart, though your high heart, 

through the point of the mid brain and on into the highest level of your Oversoul, through the energy of the Cosmic 

Christ Consciousness, that is comfortable to your physical body.  Take a few normal breaths. Now, move your etheric

 body, through intention, above the structure in which you are meditating.  Feel and be aware, through intention, of 

joining the Oversouls of all the other people with whom you are meditating to create a ring of power.  Do not be 

concerned if you do not see or become aware of the ring of power; proceed as if you are participating.”


            “We now, through our intention, move the ring of power over Afghanistan.  We invoke the power of the 

49 Rays of God to be exponentialized, through our ring of power, to bless all the people in Afghanistan with the energies 

of life as sacred, compassion, peace, clarity, truth, and acceptance of diversity.  Hold this focus for about two minutes.  

We now, through our intention, move the ring of power over Iraq.  We invoke the power of the 49 Rays of God to move

 through our ring of power to bless all the people in Iraq with the energies of life as sacred, compassion, clarity, truth, 

peace and acceptance of diversity.  Hold this focus for about two minutes.  We now, through our intention, move the 

ring of power over Iran and invoke the 49 Rays of God to be exponentialized through our ring of power to bless the 

people of Iran with the energies of life as sacred, compassion, clarity, truth, peace and acceptance of diversity.  

Hold this focus for two minutes.   We now, through our intention, move our ring of power over Syria.  We invoke 

the power of the 49 Rays of God to move through our ring of power to bless all the people in Syria with the energies 

of life as sacred, compassion, clarity, truth, peace and acceptance of diversity.  Hold this focus for about two minutes.”


            “We now, through our intention, move our ring of power over Saudi Arabia.  We invoke the power of the 49 Rays 

of God to move through our ring of power to bless all the people in Saudi Arabia with the energies of life as sacred, 

compassion, clarity, truth, peace and acceptance of diversity.  Hold this focus for about two minutes.  We now, through 

our intention, move our ring of power over Pakistan.  We invoke the power of the 49 Rays of God to move through our 

ring of power to bless all the people in Pakistan with the energies of life as sacred, compassion, clarity, truth, peace and 

acceptance of diversity.  Hold this focus for about two minutes.  We now, through our intention, move our ring of power 

over Israel.  We invoke the power of the 49 Rays of God to move through our ring of power to bless all the people in Israel 

with the energies of all life and the Earth as sacred, compassion, clarity, truth, peace and acceptance of diversity.  Hold this 

focus for about two minutes.  We see and intend that all faiths are now welcome and participating in Jerusalem safely, and 

all faiths are now accepting the diversity of Christians, Jews, Muslims and Buddhists.  We see an end to all conflict relating 

to land ownership and use.  We ask for the divine intervention of the Master Mohammed to give dreams and visions to all 

members of the Muslim faith, bringing them into a state of truth, compassion, awareness of all Humans as one species, 

all life as sacred and acceptance of diversity.  We ask his intervention to end all suicide bombings, bombing of public 

buildings and the creation of biological and nuclear weapons.”


            “We now, through our intention, move our ring of power over Korea.  We invoke the power of the 49 Rays of God 

to be exponentialized through our ring of power to bless all the people in Korea with the energies of the Earth and all life 

as sacred, compassion, clarity, truth, peace and acceptance of diversity.  We see the countries once again joined as one country, 

with democracy, freedom and abundance.  We ask for divine intervention to end the creation of, and testing of, nuclear 

weapons.  Hold this focus for about two minutes.  We now, through our intention, move our ring of power over China.  

We invoke the power of the 49 Rays of God to be exponentialized through our ring of power to bless all the people in China 

with the energies of all life as sacred, compassion, clarity, truth, peace and acceptance of diversity.  We ask for divine 

intervention from the Master Lanto, Lady Master Quan Yin and all the Ascended Masters to end the creation of, and 

testing of, nuclear weapons.  We see the border between China and Tibet now open and we see the Tibetan people physically, 

economically, emotionally, spiritually and politically free.  Hold this focus for about two minutes.  We now, through 

our intention, move our ring of power over India and Kashmir.  We invoke the power of the 49 Rays of God to be 

exponentialized through our ring of power to bless all the people in India and Kashmir with the energies of all life is sacred, 

compassion, clarity, truth, peace and acceptance of diversity.  We ask for divine intervention to end the creation of, and 

testing of, nuclear weapons.  Hold this focus for about two minutes.” 


            “We now, through our intention, move our ring of power over Ireland.  We invoke the power of the 49 Rays of 

God to be exponentialized through our ring of power to bless all the people in Ireland with the energies of all life as sacred, 

compassion, clarity, truth, peace and acceptance of diversity.  We ask for divine intervention of St. Patrick and the 

Archangel Michael to end the creation of, and testing of, nuclear weapons and to end the conflict between the Protestants 

and Catholics and an end to all bombings.  Hold this focus for about two minutes.” 


            “We now, through our intention, move our ring of power over the United Nations.  We invoke the power of the 

49 Rays of God to be exponentialized through our ring of power to bless all the people who belong to the United Nations 

with the energies of compassion, clarity, truth, peace and acceptance of diversity.  We ask for divine intervention to end 

the creation of, and testing of, nuclear weapons.  Hold this focus for about two minutes.”


            “We now, through our intention, move our ring of power over Africa.  We invoke the power of the 49 Rays of God 

to be exponentialized through our ring of power to bless all the people in Africa with the energies of all life as sacred, 

compassion, clarity, truth, peace and acceptance of diversity.  We ask for divine intervention to end the conflict between the 

countries and tribes of Africa and the exploitation of the people of Africa by Africans and other nations.  Hold this focus for 

about two minutes.” 

            “We now, through our intention, move our ring of power over Washington, DC.  We invoke the power of the 

49 Rays of God to be exponentialized through our ring of power to bless all the people in Washington, DC with compassion, 

clarity, truth, peace, awareness of the Earth as a sentient being, peace as economically viable, and acceptance of diversity.  

We ask for divine intervention to end the creation of, and testing of, nuclear weapons.  We send the energy of protection to 

the President, Vice-President, the Senators and Congresspersons, and ask that they be given dreams and visions of the 

Divine Plan for Earth, America and Humanity.  Hold this focus for about two minutes.”


            “We now, through our intention, move our ring of power over the meeting places of the Illuminati.  We invoke 

the power of the 49 Rays of God to be exponentialized through our ring of power to bless all the people in the Illuminati 

with the energies of all life as sacred, compassion, clarity, truth, peace and acceptance of diversity.  We ask for divine 

intervention to end the creation of, and testing of, nuclear weapons.  We ask that they be given dreams and visions to see 

Earth as a sentient being and peace as economically viable.  We ask that their souls give them dreams and visions to awaken 

them to their own divinity.  Hold this focus for about two minutes.”


            “We ask that all the political, financial, economic, spiritual, military and religious leaders of the World be given 

dreams and visions to bring them into an agreement of World peace, acceptance of diversity, awareness of the Earth as 

a sentient being and awareness of themselves as divine beings.  We ask that their souls give them the Divine Plan for Earth 

and Humanity.”


            “We now ask our souls to shut our chakras back down to their normal size and as we leave this place we will be 

in a state of divine protection and guidance and aware of our bodies and all that is happening in 360 degrees around 

our bodies.”  

Thank you 





Vernal Equinox                  March 20, 2010 @ 12:32 p.m.

Summer Solstice                  June 21, 2010 @ 6:28 a.m.

Autumnal Equinox      September 22, 2010 @ 10:09 p.m.

Winter Solstice                December 21, 2010 @ 5:38 p.m.





January 30, February 28, March 30, April 28, May 27, June 26, July 26,                                                                                       August 24, September 23, October 23, November 21 and December 21.


We appreciate your support of prayers, energy and monetary contributions.  If you choose to support the work 

we do through Namaste, Inc. in the coming year, you may send postdated checks which will only be deposited 

on the date you indicate, or you may contribute through PayPal now through our web site, 


Judi and I send you blessings of a joyful, peaceful Holiday season and an abundant and prosperous New Year!  

Namaste, bj

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