Opening to oneness for Starseeds and Walk-Ins The following comes from my friends at ENJOY!!! Awakening To oneness The question I am always asked is. “What I am going to experience when I awaken to oneness whilst wearing the pendant?” Everyone's experience is totally different, as everyone is unique in their own way. Some people have big issues and some don't, depending where they are in their lives when purchasing the pendant will depend on their experience. The list below are experiences you may go through and are there to assist you. Ps. Do not focus on the list as "this is what you will go through". REMEMBER YOUR BELIEFS CREATE YOUR REALITY, allow 'your own' experience to unfold and go with it. . . . 1. A sudden feeling of peace - A state of calmness and peace, a feeling of joy and connection to everything. 2. Animal attraction - Animals come to you all the time and cuddle up to you, they are unusually over friendly and feel safe with you. Especially cats as they will become aware and see something around you, they will look above your head and try to communicate with you by crying out. 3. A sudden urge to go into nature – Out of the blue you want to go on holiday to the coast or out into nature. 4. Feeling Energized - You get so energized you need to do something physical, like sport, party, dancing, run and any other physical activity. 5. Cleaning out the house - This is the number one occurrence. People have the uncontrollable urge to clean, fix, renovate and throw out all the junk in their house; they feel they need to do it over and over again. This is a physical manifestation of a transforming energetic state. 6. Vivid dreams - Depending on the dream. If you have nightmares, you are normally processing out old conditioning, programming, un-serving beliefs or sorting out old issues. Throwing up or vomiting is also a great symbolism of releasing the old and opening up to the new. If you have consecutive dreams which are positive like happy, exciting, fun, loving and people you care for. You are transforming and will soon manifest self serving situations. To dream in a spiritual nature, like angels, other dimensions, guides, places of warmth or spiritual symbols, then you are normally connecting to the one and receiving beneficial information. 7. Physically unsettled and ungrounded - When this happens you can have, eye flicker, bun-head, ringing in the ear, feeling disorientated, headaches, tingling, and feeling out of balance. When this happens you are powerfully connected to oneness and receiving a lot of energy into your body, dramatic changes are happening in your energetic field. You can remove the pendant for a short while until you feel better or proceed with the technique as described below. Another great technique is to find a quiet place and gather your thoughts with deep breathing. 8. Strange sleeping routine - You would probably wake up between 2am and 4am in the early hours of the morning, this is what they call “Buddha” time, use this time to sit back and meditate, visualize or manifest if you don’t feel sleepy, as this is really the best time to do for any of the above. Observe and write down your thoughts as you are processing a lot of information that can be useful in the future. 9. Feeling different and disconnected with family and friends - As your energetic body changes so will your mirror and the perception of the world change. Old friends might move out of your space, some might come back, it doesn’t matter as the right people will come into your space. Family will start seeing you in a different light, be patient with them as you chose to be with them- "time will sort this out". 10. Unexpected changes in professions, jobs or careers. This is very common, Changes and opportunities seems to come in all different ways, do not be alarmed as you will be guided to the right career or job opportunity, that will suit the new enlightened you. Doors will also start opening to new experiences and directions. 11. Aches and pains all over the body - As the oneness energy expands through the DNA, Chakras and Meridians of the body, it releases blockages, which can be quite uncomfortable. This feels similar to a very deep tissue massage. Symptoms can be pains or aches throughout the body, mainly in the neck, back and shoulder region, headaches can also occur. 12. Emotions of sadness or grieving for no reason - This is just a part of releasing and letting go of the old stuck, negative, stagnant emotions, memories, old condition, patterns, programming and getting used to the new surroundings of your emotions and feelings. 13. Crying without any reason - Crying is a great sign that you have come to terms that you can finally let go of long held negative emotions. If you feel like crying it’s best to let the emotion of crying happen, do not block this, as this is releasing the old energy, in order for the new energy to start emerging from you. 14. More than usual inner self talk - we have always done this; it just seems to become more intense and increased. You are not going out of your mind, it is you having a conversation with your more aware-self over-self. This is the real you. The more you become awakened, the more intense and sometimes outrageous and unbelievable conversations will take place. You will first say that’s not true, how can it be, but trust me it will be confirmed to you within a short period of time either through a book, conversation, internet or a weird experience etc. keep an open mind, observe things around you, listen and apply! 15. Lacking passion and enthusiasm - maybe it's just a moment for time-out, to sit back and absolutely do nothing. It is fine to do this as it is part of the progress. This happens because it actually helps you to get used to the idea that sometimes it is necessary to do nothing, and being able to make peace with it. It is normal that you need to rest and recharge. Just go with it! 16. Feeling secluded - When in a crowd you feel lonely- you don’t want to talk to anyone. You find that the conversations and your view point of the world does not resonate with the people and surroundings any more, you feel disconnected. I call this entering the void (in between transformation). When we enter the void, our beliefs have changed so much that, who we are now is no longer who we were. As we transform so does our outer reality transform. At this point old friends, places and situations fade and new one appear in the future. You can also be just going through a different experience with your friends or family. Explain to them how you feel and monitor yourself. Acknowledge this sense of seclusion and flow with it. 17. Yearning to be home - You are now connected to the one and you don't want to be here anymore, you would rather return home. This is part of a deep Awakening and now that you have found out the truth you want to run to a better place. When you feel like this you know the truth, but are still entrapped in the illusion. When we fully connected to the one and truly want to break out of the illusion. We are not to go home to the oneness; it is to bring oneness home to here! 18. Psychic and intuition abilities open up - Even though most people want this experience, it can be quite scary. You might feel other people’s emotions and their pain around you, even seeing into the different dimensions that you don’t understand. The down side to this is that new information is coming in, which you might find hard to process and can for example create cravings for food like a pregnant woman and then picking up weight in the process, whilst not understanding what’s happening. If this happens, I suggest not wearing the pendant all the time and taking it slowly. If you want to go through this process, observe the situations and feelings without getting pulled into others situations or getting emotionally attached to it. Do not get involved with other people’s baggage or problems, as it is their issues and they need to work with it. "Not you!". 19. Electrical and water equipment going hay wire - This is a typical occurrence as our energy is transforming. Think about it, if negative and positive energy starts to merge or pass one another, you are going to get a discharge. "Maybe lighting rings a bell". Also emotion is represented with water so you can get problems in the water works section of your outer creations. This will soon settle down. The worst thing is to get attached emotional to this problem, as this can make it worse. If you are not qualified to fix the problem get a professional in to sort it out and get on with life. 20. Old debts creeping up - If you have been ignoring old debts, such as credit cards, speeding fines, taxes, etc. these will be brought forward for you to clear up. The positive side to this is that when you take responsibility for these old debts, the money will come in from many angles to help you pay them off. Do not panic as this is a very positive part of the process. Trust me you’ve made the debt and you have the responsibility to have to pay it back sometime. By ignoring it "IS THE BIGESST CREATOR OF LACK OF WEALTH THERE IS, you might think that it is not harming your money, but it is cutting off the flow. If you can not pay all the debt off, phone your creditors and see if you can make arrangement. Stop spending money on things you do not really need and use it to pay off old debt. The changes in your finances will be remarkable.
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