When Personality 'Merges with Soul'
Copyright 1995 Carol E. Parrish
The mystical marriage is a magical moment in the lives of both personality
and soul-when the two become one. Designated within the context of the
path of initiation as the third initiation-transfiguration-at this conjunction
the personality that has been prepared is so changed, it has adapted to the
energy of the soul and welcomes the union of soul to itself. It is most often
thought of as the soul (feminine) flowing down and into the life of
personality (masculine) and the physical life.
Transformation, transmutation, and transfiguration are stages of
change necessary for the mystical marriage-the pledging of our refined
personality to the soul-to occur. Each represents a cycle of experiences
and integration that changes one from a focus on: first, the physical plans, its
rules and regulations; second, the struggle to merge the astral and mental
body into one; and third, the level of evolution needed for the lower vehicles
of body, heart, and mind to withstand the intensity of the soul.
During this process, the ego must choose to live a more highly conscious life.
This may be simply to respond to the morality of the culture in which it finds
itself in a manner that encourages self-discipline, rather than allowing the desire
nature to run rampant. As self-discipline and goal fittedness are directed toward
refinement and spiritual values, a process of inner transmutation begins. This is
clearly reflected in counseling, therapy, self-observation, and new awareness.
During this stage, a great deal of change occurs in the personality, for the
consciousness that guides this life is making a number of breakthroughs.
In the biblical reference to transfiguration, Luke 9.28-34, Jesus the
Christ brings his disciples to the mountaintop with him as he prays. Leaving
most of the disciples to rest, he chooses a few to come closer and to watch
with him. He tests them to see how much they will bear; but they go to
sleep rather than remain vigilant. Thus, in the everyday life of humanity, the
Christ takes some of us with him a certain distance, then allows us to rest.
He takes others a bit further to see if they will watch with him. When he is
not commanding their attention, they often fall asleep. We might consider
that we are being “tested”-or sometimes we return to a less aware state, not
even realizing a situation was a test.
At length Jesus the Christ enters a state of illumination and reveals
himself in his light body. To those observing, he shows his Christed essence
in its natural state of illumination. Here the Master Jesus, representing
humanity wholly illumined, and the Lord Christ, teacher of angels and of
humanity, stand as one, bridging the separation that had existed between the
highest of the lower kingdoms and the King of the heavenly kingdom.
The Solar Angel of Earth, as I like to call the Christ, shows his light.
This moment forms the foundation for the expression “fully human-
fully divine”; the goal for humanity is revealed. We are each to bring
together that part of our nature which has evolved through the human life,
the personality with its many aspects and adventures, and the soul that
dwells in the inner world putting down aspects through which it many
become increasingly aware. As we observe the third initiation in the life of
Jesus the Christ, we look to this event for reassurance-a marker that we too
can achieve this stature.
This experience is so significant because it is the stage of evolution
for which humanity yearns. We are attempting to reach a certain level of
consciousness during this Earth period, and this is our goal as we become
aware of the mystical Christ within our human nature. During preparation,
we sensitize ourselves to the impression of our solar angel, and under its
tutelage, we merge into oneness as the marriage occurs.
The term given to the subtler teachings that facilitate this process is
“Esoteric Christianity.” Exoteric concepts tend to focus more on the
physical aspects and practices of life; traditional denominations often
emphasize customs and style, a dogma or a doctrine. Inner practices (prayer,
meditation, contemplation, adoration, and others) facilitate the blending of
the human-ness and the soul in its power of expression, truly living as one
incarnation-wholly divine.
I have chosen to call the practices of changing our nature from ego-focus
to soul-focus “the yoga of the Christ.” Yoga comes from the Sanskrit
word yug and means “union”; yoke comes from the same origin. Thus we
put on the yoke, or yoga, of the Christ. With these efforts one truly does
strive to “take the yoke” of the Christ and burden, which is “light” (Matt.
11.29-30), praying, “May the mind that is in Christ Jesus be also within me.”
Only by so doing can any of us fulfill the great goal given to us: “Ye are the
light of the world.”
Teachings tell us that when the mystical marriage occurs, the light of
aura is increased greatly. Eastern writings relate that Lord Buddha’s aura
was three miles in diameter; I have not seen a reference to the aura of Jesus
the Christ except in references to the glory body at transfiguration. How
wondrous it must have been to witness the light!
We are also privileged to see in Luke’s story of the transfiguration the
clearest reference in the New Testament to Jesus having a seance. “As
Peter, James, and John gazed in awe upon the sublime spectacle of the
transfigured Christ, they saw standing beside him Moses and Elijah, two of
the highest initiates of the Old Testament days who had worked to prepare
their followers for the Lord Christ’s coming. “1 In this moment of the
meeting of the worlds, he met with Moses and Elijah, and they
acknowledged each other. This story reminds us that those holy ones who
have gone before us do watch and care and that, as we lift our consciousness
into higher vibrating frequencies, we can communicate with them even
while we are in the physical.
Methods to bring about transformation, transmutation, and
transfiguration are provided through the esoteric teachings for those
interested today. It has been my pleasure over the past six years to be
involved in writing a meditation and spiritual technology process for
publication-a subject dear to my heart.
I must say, meditation is the most important work happening today-and,
I believe, the only way we of the Christian path can truly understand terms
like “discipleship,” “initiation,” “building the light body,” and “ascension”-
all quite popular currently.
Our challenge is to remember: yes, we live in a time when many
mysteries are being revealed; but also, we know it becomes harder to
complete a jigsaw when the pieces of ten puzzles are all mixed together on
the table. Ecumenical people love and respect each other’s approaches to
the Great God; but they must 'discern', for all pieces do not work together.
For the mystical marriage to occur, each of us must move from digging fifty
holes one foot deep to the great commitment: digging one hole fifty feet deep.
Heline, Corinne, The Mystery of the Christos (Santa Monica, CA: New Age Bible & Philosophy Center, 1961)
Copyright 1995 Carol E. Parrish
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